
Ancient Egypt

06/07/2013 15:01


Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology)[ Levono Ideapad G560 Keyboard


1] with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh.[2] The history of ancient Egypt occurred in a series of stable Kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods: Levono Ideapad Z570 Keyboard

the Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age.

Egypt reached the pinnacle of its power during the New Kingdom, in the Ramesside period where it rivalled the Hittite Empire,


Levono Ideapad Y570D Keyboard Assyrian Empire and Mitanni Empire, after which it entered a period of slow decline. Egypt was invaded or conquered by a succession of foreign powers (such as the Canaanites/Hyksos, Libyans,


Levono Ideapad Z575 Keyboard Nubians, Assyria, Babylonia, Persian rule and Macedonian Greece) in the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt and Late Period. In the aftermath of Alexander the Great's death, one of his generals, Ptolemy Soter, Levono Ideapad Z560 Keyboard

established himself as the new ruler of Egypt. This Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under Cleopatra, it fell to the Roman Empire and became a Roman province.[3]

The success of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River Valley. The predictable flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which fueled social development and culture. Levono Ideapad Y560P Keyboard

With resources to spare, the administration sponsored mineral exploitation of the valley and surrounding desert regions, the early development of an independent writing system, the organization of collective construction and agricultural projects, trade with surrounding regions, and a military intended to defeat foreign enemies and assert Egyptian dominance. Motivating and organizing these activities was a bureaucracy of elite scribes, Levono Ideapad Y560 Keyboard

religious leaders, and administrators under the control of a Pharaoh who ensured the cooperation and unity of the Egyptian people in the context of an elaborate system of religious beliefs.[4][5]


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The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include the quarrying, surveying and construction techniques that facilitated the building of monumental pyramids, temples, and obelisks; a system of mathematics,


Levono Ideapad Y570 Keyboarda practical and effective system of medicine, irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, the first known ships,[6] Egyptian faience and glass technology, new forms of literature, and the earliest known peace treaty with Hittites.


Levono Ideapad V570A Keyboard [7] Egypt left a lasting legacy. Its art and architecture were widely copied, and its antiquities carried off to far corners of the world. Its monumental ruins have inspired the imaginations of travellers and writers for centuries. Levono Ideapad V570A Keyboard

A new-found respect for antiquities and excavations in the early modern period led to the scientific investigation of Egyptian civilization and a greater appreciation of its cultural legacy.[8]

Map of ancient Egypt, showing major cities and sites of the Dynastic period (c. 3150 BC to 30 BC) Levono Ideapad V570 Keyboard


Main articles: History of ancient Egypt, History of Egypt, and Population history of Egypt

The Nile has been the lifeline of its region for much of human history.[9] The fertile floodplain of the Nile gave humans the opportunity to develop a settled agricultural economy and a more sophisticated,


Levono Ideapad G575 Keyboard centralized society that became a cornerstone in the history of human civilization.[10] Nomadic modern human hunter-gatherers began living in the Nile valley through the end of the Middle Pleistocene some 120 thousand years ago. Levono Ideapad V570C Keyboard

By the late Paleolithic period, the arid climate of Northern Africa became increasingly hot and dry, forcing the populations of the area to concentrate along the region.

Predynastic period

Main article: Predynastic Egypt


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A typical Naqada II jar decorated with gazelles. (Predynastic Period)

In Predynastic and Early Dynastic times, the Egyptian climate was much less arid than it is today. Large regions of Egypt were covered in treed savanna and traversed by herds of grazing ungulates. Foliage and fauna were far more prolific in all environs and the Nile region supported large populations of waterfowl.


Levono Ideapad B570A KeyboardHunting would have been common for Egyptians, and this is also the period when many animals were first domesticated.[11]

By about 5500 BC, small tribes living in the Nile valley had developed into a series of cultures demonstrating firm control of agriculture and animal husbandry, and identifiable by their pottery and personal items, such as combs, Levono Ideapad B570 Keyboard

Levono Ideapad B575 Keyboard bracelets, and beads. The largest of these early cultures in upper (Southern) Egypt, the Badari which probably originated in the Western Desert, was known for its high quality ceramics, stone tools, and its use of copper.[12] HP compaq 6820s Keyboard


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The Badari was followed by the Amratian (Naqada I) and Gerzeh (Naqada II) cultures,[13] which brought a number of technological improvements. As early as the Naqada I Period, predynastic Egyptians imported obsidian from Ethiopia, used to shape blades and other objects from flakes.[14HP compaq 6530p Keyboard

] In Naqada II times, early evidence exists of contact with the Near East, particularly Canaan and the Byblos coast.[15] Over a period of about 1,000 years, the Naqada culture developed from a few small farming communities into a powerful civilization whose leaders were in complete control of the people and resources of the Nile valley.[1HP compaq 6730p Keyboard


HP Probook 4410T Keyboard6] Establishing a power center at Hierakonpolis, and later at Abydos, Naqada III leaders expanded their control of Egypt northwards along the Nile.[17] They also traded with Nubia to the south, HP compaq 6735p Keyboard


HP Probook 4410S Keyboardthe oases of the western desert to the west, and the cultures of the eastern Mediterranean and Near East to the east.[17] Royal Nubian burials at Qustul produced artifacts bearing the oldest known examples of Egyptian dynastic symbols, such as the white crown of Egypt and falcon.[18][19] HP compaq 6535p Keyboard


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The Naqada culture manufactured a diverse selection of material goods, reflective of the increasing power and wealth of the elite, as well as societal personal-use items, which included combs, small statuary, painted pottery, HP Compaq business 6710B Keyboard

high quality decorative stone vases, cosmetic palettes, and jewelry made of gold, lapis, and ivory. They also developed a ceramic glaze known as faience, which was used well into the Roman Period to decorate cups, amulets, and figurines. HP 443922-031 Keyboard

HP Compaq business 6715B Keyboard

[20] During the last predynastic phase, the Naqada culture began using written symbols that eventually evolved into a full system of hieroglyphs for writing the ancient Egyptian language.[21]

Early Dynastic Period (c. 3050 –2686 BC) HP Compaq business 6515B Keyboard


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Main article: Early Dynastic Period of Egypt

The Early Dynastic Period was approximately contemporary to the early Sumerian-Akkadian civilisation of Mesopotamia and of ancient Elam. The 3rd-century BC Egyptian priest Manetho grouped the long line of pharaohs from Menes to his own time into 30 dynasties, a system still used today.[22]


HP Probook 4326S KeyboardHe chose to begin his official history with the king named "Meni" (or Menes in Greek) who was then believed to have united the two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt (around 3100 BC).[23] HP Compaq business 6510B Keyboard


The transition to a unified state actually happened more gradually than ancient Egyptian writers would have us believe, and there is no contemporary record of Menes. Some scholars now believe, however, that the mythical Menes may have actually been the pharaoh Narmer, who is depicted wearing royal regalia on the ceremonial Narmer Palette in a symbolic act of unification.[2


HP Probook 4325S Keyboard4] In the Early Dynastic Period about 3150 BC, the first of the Dynastic pharaohs solidified their control over lower Egypt by establishing a capital at Memphis,


HP Probook 4321S Keyboard from which they could control the labour force and agriculture of the fertile delta region as well as the lucrative and critical trade routes to the Levant. The increasing power and wealth of the pharaohs during the early dynasticHP mini 2140 Series Keyboard


HP Probook 4320S Keyboard period was reflected in their elaborate mastaba tombs and mortuary cult structures at Abydos, which were used to celebrate the deified pharaoh after his death.[25] The strong institution of kingship developed by the pharaohs served to legitimize state control over the land, labour, and resources that were essential to the survival and growth of ancient Egyptian civilization.[26]


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The Narmer Palette depicts the unification of the Two Lands.[27]

Old Kingdom (2686–2181 BC)

Main article: Old Kingdom



The Giza Pyramids

Major advances in architecture, art, and technology were made during the Old Kingdom, fueled by the increased agricultural productivity made possible by a well-developed central administration.[2


HP Compaq Business 6535S Keyboard8] Some of ancient Egypt's crowning achievements, the Giza pyramids and Great Sphinx, were constructed during the Old Kingdom. Under the direction of the vizier, state officials collected taxes, coordinated irrigation projects to improve crop yield, drafted peasants to work on construction projects, and established a justice system to maintain peace and order.[29]


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Khafre Enthroned

Along with the rising importance of a central administration arose a new class of educated scribes and officials who were granted estates by the pharaoh in payment for their services. Pharaohs also made land grants to their mortuary cults and local temples to ensure that these institutions had the resources to worship the pharaoh after his death.

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HP Compaq Business 6530S Keyboard It is believed that five centuries of these practices slowly eroded the economic power of the pharaoh, and that the economy could no longer afford to support a large centralized administration.[3HP Probook 4413S Keyboard


HP Probook 5330M Keyboard0] As the power of the pharaoh diminished, regional governors called nomarchs began to challenge the supremacy of the pharaoh. This, coupled with severe droughts between 2200 and 2150 BC,[31HP Probook 4414S Keyboard


HP Probook 5320M Keyboard] is assumed to have caused the country to enter the 140-year period of famine and strife known as the First Intermediate Period.[32]

First Intermediate Period (2181–1991 BC)

Main article: First Intermediate Period of Egypt HP Probook 4416S Keyboard


HP Probook 5310M Keyboard

After Egypt's central government collapsed at the end of the Old Kingdom, the administration could no longer support or stabilize the country's economy. Regional governors could not rely on the king for help in times of crisis, and the ensuing food shortages and political disputes escalated into famines and small-scale civil wars. HP Probook 4510S Keyboard


HP Probook 4730S KeyboardYet despite difficult problems, local leaders, owing no tribute to the pharaoh, used their newfound independence to establish a thriving culture in the provinces. Once in control of their own resources, HP Probook 4525S Keyboard

the provinces became economically richer—a fact demonstrated by larger and better burials among all social classes.[33


HP Probook 4725S Keyboard] In bursts of creativity, provincial artisans adopted and adapted cultural motifs formerly restricted to the royalty of the Old Kingdom, and scribes developed literary styles that expressed the optimism and originality of the period.[34] HP Probook 4530S Keyboard


Free from their loyalties to the pharaoh, local rulers began competing with each other for territorial control and political power. By 2160 BC, rulers in Herakleopolis controlled Lower Egypt in the north, while a rival clan based in Thebes, HP Probook 4535S Keyboard

the Intef family, took control of Upper Egypt in the south. As the Intefs grew in power and expanded their control northward, HP Probook 4715S Keyboard

HP Probook 4720S Keyboarda clash between the two rival dynasties became inevitable. Around 2055 BC the northern Theban forces under Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II finally defeated the Herakleopolitan rulers, reuniting the Two Lands and inaugurating a period of economic and cultural renaissance known as the Middle Kingdom.[35] Sony VGN-FW21E Keyboard


Middle Kingdom (2134–1690 BC)

Main article: Middle Kingdom of Egypt



Amenemhat III, the last great ruler of the Middle Kingdom

The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom restored the country's prosperity and stability, thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature, and monumental building projects.[36] Mentuhotep II and his 11th Dynasty successors ruled from Thebes, Sony VGN-FW21L Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW21Z Keyboard
but the vizier Amenemhat I, upon assuming kingship at the beginning of the 12th Dynasty around 1985 BC, shifted the nation's capital to the city of Itjtawy located in Faiyum.[37] From Itjtawy, the pharaohs of the 12th Dynasty undertook a far-sighted land reclamation and irrigation scheme to increase agricultural output in the region. Moreover, Sony VGN-FW21M Keyboard
the military reconquered territory in Nubia rich in quarries and gold mines, while laborers built a defensive structure in the Eastern Delta, called the "Walls-of-the-Ruler", to defend against foreign attack.[38] Sony VGN-FW31M Keyboard

Having secured military and political security and vast agricultural and mineral wealth, the nation's population, arts, and religion flourished. In contrast to elitist Old Kingdom attitudes towards the gods,
Sony VGN-FW51MF/H Keyboard the Middle Kingdom experienced an increase in expressions of personal piety and what could be called a democratization of the afterlife, in which all people possessed a soul and could be welcomed into the company of the gods after death.[39] Middle Kingdom literature featured sophisticated themes and characters written in a confident, eloquent style,[34]
Sony VGN-FW51ZF/H Keyboardand the relief and portrait sculpture of the period captured subtle, individual details that reached new heights of technical perfection.[40] Sony VGN-FW11J Keyboard

The last great ruler of the Middle Kingdom, Amenemhat III, allowed Semitic speaking Canaanite settlers from the Near East into the delta region to provide a sufficient labour force for his especially active mining and building campaigns. These ambitious building and mining activities, however, combined with severe Nile floods later in his reign, Sony VGN-FW11Z Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW51 Keyboardstrained the economy and precipitated the slow decline into the Second Intermediate Period during the later 13th and 14th dynasties. During this decline, the Canaanite settlers began to seize control of the delta region, eventually coming to power in Egypt as the Hyksos.[41]
Sony VGN-FW51ZF/H Keyboard

Second Intermediate Period (1674–1549 BC) and the Hyksos

Main article: Second Intermediate Period of Egypt

Around 1785 BC, as the power of the Middle Kingdom pharaohs weakened, a Semitic Canaanite people called the Hyksos had already settled in the Eastern Delta town of Avaris, seized control of Egypt, and forced the central government to retreat to Thebes, where the pharaoh was treated as a vassal and expected to pay tribute.[42] Sony VGN-FW11ZRU Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW51 KeyboardThe Hyksos ("foreign rulers") retained Egyptian models of government and portrayed themselves as pharaohs, thus integrating Egyptian elements into their culture. They and other Semitic invaders introduced new tools of warfare into Egypt, most notably the composite bow and the horse-drawn chariot.[43] Sony VGN-FW11ZU Keyboard

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After their retreat, the native Theban kings found themselves trapped between the Canaanite Hyksos ruling the north and the Hyksos' Nubian allies, the Kushites, to the south of Egypt. After years of vassalage,
Sony VGN-FW46M Keyboard Thebes gathered enough strength to challenge the Hyksos in a conflict that lasted more than 30 years, until 1555 BC [42Sony VGN-FW21J Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW41ZJ/H Keyboard] The pharaohs Seqenenre Tao II and Kamose were ultimately able to defeat the Nubians to the south of Egypt, but failed to defeat the Hyksos. That task fell to Kamose's successor, Ahmose I, who successfully waged a series of campaigns that permanently eradicated the Hyksos' presence in Egypt. Sony VGN-FW21ZR Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW41M/H Keyboard He established a new dynasty. In the New Kingdom that followed, the military became a central priority for the pharaohs seeking to expand Egypt's borders and attempting to gain mastery of the Near East.[44] Sony VGN-FW3ZJ Keyboard



The maximum territorial extent of ancient Egypt (15th century BC)

New Kingdom (1549–1069 BC)

Main article: New Kingdom

The New Kingdom pharaohs established a period of unprecedented prosperity by securing their borders and strengthening diplomatic ties with their neighbours, including the Mitanni Empire, Assyria, and Canaan. Sony VGN-FW41E/H Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW41J/H Keyboard Military campaigns waged under Tuthmosis I and his grandson Tuthmosis III extended the influence of the pharaohs to the largest empire Egypt had ever seen. Between their reigns, Hatshepsut generally promoted peace and extended trade routes back to those lost during the Hyksos occupation, Sony VGN-FW56M Keyboard
as well as venturing to new regions. When Tuthmosis III died in 1425 BC, Egypt had an empire extending from Niya in north west Syria to the fourth waterfall of the Nile in Nubia, cementing loyalties and opening access to critical imports such as bronze and wood.[45]

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Djeser-Djeseru is the main building of Hatshepsut's mortuary temple complex at Deir el-Bahri, the building is an example of perfect symmetry that predates the Parthenon by a thousand years

The New Kingdom pharaohs began a large-scale building campaign to promote the god Amun, whose growing cult was based in Karnak. Sony VGN-FW56E Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW51E/H Keyboard They also constructed monuments to glorify their own achievements, both real and imagined. The pharaoh Hatshepsut used such hyperbole and grandeur during her reign of almost twenty-two years.[4Sony VGN-FW56J Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW48E/H Keyboard6] Her reign was very successful, marked by an extended period of peace and wealth-building, trading expeditions to Punt, restoration of foreign trade networks, great building projects including an elegant mortuary temple that rivaled the Greek architecture of a thousand years later, Sony VGN-FW31E Keyboard
a colossal pair of obelisks, and a chapel at Karnak. Despite her achievements, the heir to Hatshepsut's nephew-stepson Tuthmosis III, Amenhotep II, sought to erase her legacy near the end of his father's reign and throughout his, Sony VGN-FW31J Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW44MR Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW46Z Keyboard touting many of her accomplishments as his.[47] He also attempted to change many established traditions that had developed over the centuries, which some suggest was a futile attempt to prevent other women from becoming pharaoh and to curb their influence in the kingdom.
Sony VGN-FW46S Keyboard

Around 1350 BC, the stability of the New Kingdom seemed threatened further when Amenhotep IV ascended the throne and instituted a series of radical and chaotic reforms. Changing his name to Akhenaten,
Sony VGN-FW21ZR Keyboardhe touted the previously obscure sun deity Aten as the supreme deity, suppressed the worship of most other deities and attacked the power of the temple that had become dominated by the priests of Amun in Thebes, Sony VGN-FW11MR Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW21SR Keyboard whom he saw as corrupt.[48] Moving the capital to the new city of Akhetaten (modern-day Amarna), Akhenaten turned a deaf ear to events in the Near East (where the Hittites, Mitanni, and Assyrians were vying for control) and absorbed himself in his new religion and artistic style. After his death, Sony VGN-FW11S Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW21MR Keyboard the cult of the Aten was quickly abandoned, the priests of Amun soon regained power and returned the capital to Thebes, and under their influence the subsequent pharaohs Tutankhamun, Ay, and Horemheb attempted to erase all mention of Akhenaten's heresy, now known as the Amarna Period.[49] Sony VGN-FW11SR Keyboard



Four colossal statues of Ramesses II flank the entrance of his temple Abu Simbel

Around 1279 BC, Ramesses II, also known as Ramesses the Great, ascended the throne, and went on to build more temples, erect more statues and obelisks, and sire more children than any other pharaoh in history.[5
Sony VGN-FW11ZU Keyboard0] A bold military leader, Ramesses II led his army against the Hittites in the Battle of Kadesh (in modern Syria) and, after fighting to a stalemate, finally agreed to the first recorded peace treaty, around 1258 BC. Sony VGN-FW11Z Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW11ZRU Keyboard [51] With both the Egyptians and Hittite Empire proving unable to gain the upper hand over one another, and both powers also fearful of the expanding Middle Assyrian Empire, Egypt withdraw from much of the Near East. The Hittites were thus left to compete unsuccessfully with the powerful Assyrians and the newly arrived Phrygians. Sony VGN-FW54J Keyboard


Egypt's wealth, however, made it a tempting target for invasion, particularly by the Libyan Berbers to the west, and the Sea Peoples, a powerful confederation of largely Greek, Luwian and Phoenician/Caananite pirates from the Aegean. Sony VGN-FW54S Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW56Z Keyboard Initially, the military was able to repel these invasions, but Egypt eventually lost control of its remaining territories in southern Caanan, much of it falling to the Assyrians. The impact of external threats was exacerbated by internal problems such as corruption, tomb robbery, Sony PCG-41111M Keyboard

and civil unrest. After regaining their power, the high priests at the temple of Amun in Thebes accumulated vast tracts of land and wealth and their expanded power splintered the country during the Third Intermediate Period.[52] Sony PCG-41112M Keyboard

Third Intermediate Period (1069–653 BC)

Main article: Third Intermediate Period of Egypt

Following the death of Ramesses XI in 1078 BC, Smendes assumed authority over the northern part of Egypt, ruling from the city of Tanis. The south was effectively controlled by the High Priests of Amun at Thebes, Sony PCG-81111M Keyboard

 who recognized Smendes in name only.[53] During this time, Berber tribes from what was later to be called Libya had been settling in the western delta and the chieftains of these settlers began increasing their autonomy. Libyan princes took control of the delta under Shoshenq I in 945 BC, founding the so-called Libyan Berber, Sony PCG-81112M Keyboard

or Bubastite, dynasty that ruled for some 200 years. Shoshenq also gained control of southern Egypt by placing his family members in important priestly positions.

In the mid-9th century BC, Egypt made a failed attempt to once more gain a foothold in Western Asia. Osorkon II of Egypt, along with a large alliance of nations and peoples, including; Israel, Hamath, Phoenicia/Caanan, the Arabs, Sony PCG-81212M Keyboard

Sony PCG-51211M Keyboard

Arameans, and neo Hittites among others engaged in the Battle of Karkar against the powerful Assyrian king Shalmaneser III in 853 BC, however this coalition of powers failed, and the Assyrian Empire continued to dominate the region. Sony PCG-81113M Keyboard

Libyan Berber control began to erode as a rival native dynasty in the delta arose in Leontopolis. Also, the Nubians of the Kushites threatened Egypt from the lands to the south.[54]



Around 730 BC Libyans from the west fractured the political unity of the country

Drawing on millennia of interaction (trade, acculturation, occupation, assimilation, and war[55]) with Egypt,[56]

Sony PCG-51112M Keyboard

 the Kushite king Piye left his Nubian capital of Napata and invaded Egypt around 727 BC. Piye easily seized control of Thebes and eventually the Nile Delta.[57] He recorded the episode on his stela of victory. Piye set the stage for subsequent 25th dynasty pharaohs,[58] such as Taharqa, to reunite the

Sony PCG-51111M Keyboard "Two lands" of Northern and Southern Egypt. The Nile valley empire was as large as it had been since the New Kingdom. The 25th dynasty ushered in a renaissance period for ancient Egypt.[59


Sony PCG-51212M Keyboard] Religion, the arts, and architecture were restored to their glorious Old, Middle, and New Kingdom forms. Pharaohs, such as Taharqa, built or restored temples and monuments throughout the Nile valley, Sony PCG-81313M Keyboard

including at Memphis, Karnak, Kawa, Jebel Barkal, etc.[60] It was during the 25th dynasty that the Nile valley saw the first widespread construction of pyramids (many in modern Sudan) since the Middle Kingdom.[61][62][63] Sony PCG-21313M Keyboard


Piye made various unsuccessful attempts to extend Egyptian influence in the Near East, then controlled by Assyria. In 720 BC he sent an army in support a rebellion against Assyria in Philistia and Gaza, however Piye was defeated by Sargon II, and the rebellion failed. Sony PCG-31311M Keyboard

Sony PCG-51512M Keyboard In 711 BC Piye again supported a revolt against the Assyrians by the Israelites of Ashdod, and was once again defeated by the Assyrian king Sargon II, and Piye was forced from the Near East.[64] Sony PCG-5S1M Keyboard

Egypt's international prestige declined considerably towards the end of the Third Intermediate Period. From the 10th century BC onwards, its allies in the Southern Levant had fallen to the Assyrian Empire, and by 700 BC war between the two Empires became inevitable. Taharqa enjoyed some initial minor success in his attempts to regain a foothold in the Near East. Sony PCG-7171M Keyboard
He aided the Judean King Hezekiah when the latter was attacked by Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, who was besieging Jerusalem (2 Kings 19:9;Isaiah 37:9), however disease among the besiegers appears to have been the primary reason for failing to actually take the city, and Senacherib's annals claim Judah was forced into tribute regardless.[65] Sony PCG-5P1M Keyboard
Eventually however, the Assyrian King Sennacherib defeated Taharqa and drove the Egyptians and Nubians from the Near East.

The Assyrians, tiring of Egyptian meddling in its empire, began their invasion of Egypt under king Esarhaddon, successor of Sennacherib, who had been murdered by his own sons for destroying the rebellious city of Babylon. Sony PCG-5N2M Keyboard
Taharqa was easily routed, and driven from power by Esarhaddon who conquered Egypt with surprising speed, thus destroying the Kushite Empire in the process. Defeated, Taharqa fled back to his Nubian homeland. Esarhaddon describes; "installing local kings and governors" and "All Ethiopians (Nubians/Kushites) Sony PCG-3C2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7186M KeyboardI deported from Egypt,leaving not one to do homage to me". However, the native rulers installed by Esarhaddon were unable to retain full control of the whole country for long. Two years later, Taharqa returned from Nubia and seized control of a section of southern Egypt as far north as Memphis. Sony PCG-7195M Keyboard
Esarhaddon prepared to return to Egypt and once more eject Taharqa, however he fell ill and died in his capital Nineveh before he left Assyria. His successor, Ashurbanipal, sent a general with a small but well trained army which defeated and ejected Taharqa from Memphis, and once more drove him from Egypt. Taharqa died in Nubia two years later. Sony PCG-7196M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7181M Keyboard

His successor, Tanutamun, also made a failed attempt to regain Egypt for Nubia. He successfully defeated Necho, the puppet ruler installed by Ashurbanipal, taking Thebes in the process. The Assyrians then sent a large army southwards. Sony PCG-7192M Keyboard
Tantamani (Tanutamun) was heavily routed and fled back to Nubia. The Assyrian army sacked Thebes to such an extent it never truly recovered. A native ruler, Psammetichus I was placed on the throne, as a vassal of Ashurbanipal, and the Nubians were never again to pose a threat.[66]

Sony PCG-7161M Keyboard


25th Dynasty

Late Period (672–332 BC)

Main articles: Late Period of ancient Egypt and History of Achaemenid Egypt

With no permanent plans for conquest, the Assyrians left control of Egypt to a series of vassals who became known as the Saite kings of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty. By 653 BC, the Saite king Psamtik I
Sony PCG-7151M Keyboard (taking advantage of the fact that Assyria was involved in a fierce war conquering Elam and that few Assyrian troops were stationed in Egypt) was able to free Egypt relatively peacefully from Assyrian vassalage with the help of Lydian and Greek mercenaries, the latter of who were recruited to form Egypt's first navy. Sony PCG-7194M Keyboard
Psamtik and his successors however, were careful to maintain peaceful relations with Assyria. Greek influence expanded greatly as the city of Naukratis became the home of Greeks in the delta. In 609 BC Necho II went to war with Babylonia, the Chaldeans, the Medians and the Scythians in an attempt to save Assyria, Sony PCG-7144M Keyboard
which after a brutal internal civil war was being ovverrun by this coalition of powers. However, the attempt to save Egypts former masters failed. Sony PCG-7151M Keyboard
The Egyptians delayed intervening too long, and Nineveh had already fallen and King Sin-shar-ishkun was dead by the time Necho II sent his armies northwards. However Necho easily brushed aside the Israelite army under King Josiah but he and the Assyrians then lost a battle at Harran to the Babylonians, Medes and Scythians. Sony PCG-7153M Keyboard
Necho II and Ashur-uballit II of Assyria were finally defeated at Carchemish in Aramea (modern Syria) in 605 BC. The Egyptians remained in the area for some decades, struggling with the Babylonian kings Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar II for control of portions of the former Assyrian Empire in The Levant. Sony PCG-7154M Keyboard
However, they were eventually driven back into Egypt, and Nebuchadnezzar II even briefly invaded Egypt itself in 567 BC.[65] The Saite kings based in the new capital of Sais witnessed a brief but spirited resurgence in the economy and culture, but in 525 BC, Sony PCG-7162M Keyboard
Sony PCG-7143M Keyboard the powerful Persians, led by Cambyses II, began their conquest of Egypt, eventually capturing the pharaoh Psamtik III at the battle of Pelusium. Cambyses II then assumed the formal title of pharaoh, but ruled Egypt from his home of Susa in Persia (modern Iran),
Sony PCG-3G2M Keyboard
leaving Egypt under the control of a satrapy. A few temporarily successful revolts against the Persians marked the 5th century BC, but Egypt was never able to permanently overthrow the Persians.[67]
Sony PCG-3E1M Keyboard

Following its annexation by Persia, Egypt was joined with Cyprus and Phoenicia (modern Lebanon) in the sixth satrapy of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. This first period of Persian rule over Egypt, also known as the Twenty-Seventh dynasty, ended in 402 BC, and from 380–343 BC the Thirtieth Dynasty ruled as the last native royal house of dynastic Egypt, Sony PCG-3F1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-3C1M Keyboardwhich ended with the kingship of Nectanebo II. A brief restoration of Persian rule, sometimes known as the Thirty-First Dynasty, began in 343 BC, but shortly after, in 332 BC, the Persian ruler Mazaces handed Egypt over to the Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great without a fight.[68] Sony PCG-3H1M Keyboard
Sony PCG-3J1M Keyboard

Ptolemaic dynasty

Main articles: History of Ptolemaic Egypt and Ptolemaic dynasty

In 332 BC, Alexander the Great conquered Egypt with little resistance from the Persians and was welcomed by the Egyptians as a deliverer. The administration established by Alexander's successors, the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty, Sony PCG-61211M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71911M Keyboardwas based on an Egyptian model and based in the new capital city of Alexandria. The city showcased the power and prestige of Hellenistic rule, and became a seat of learning and culture, centered at the famous Library of Alexandria.[6Sony PCG-71211M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71811M Keyboard9] The Lighthouse of Alexandria lit the way for the many ships that kept trade flowing through the city—as the Ptolemies made commerce and revenue-generating enterprises, such as papyrus manufacturing, their top priority.[70] Sony PCG-71213M Keyboard


Sony PCG-61611M Keyboard

Hellenistic culture did not supplant native Egyptian culture, as the Ptolemies supported time-honored traditions in an effort to secure the loyalty of the populace. They built new temples in Egyptian style, supported traditional cults, and portrayed themselves as pharaohs. Some traditions merged,


Sony PCG-61511M Keyboardas Greek and Egyptian gods were syncretized into composite deities, such as Serapis, and classical Greek forms of sculpture influenced traditional Egyptian motifs. Despite their efforts to appease the Egyptians, the Ptolemies were challenged by native rebellion, bitter family rivalries, and the powerful mob of Alexandria that formed after the death of Ptolemy IV.


Sony PCG-71D14M Keyboard [71] In addition, as Rome relied more heavily on imports of grain from Egypt, the Romans took great interest in the political situation in the country. Continued Egyptian revolts, ambitious politicians, and powerful Syriac opponents from the Near East made this situation unstable, leading Rome to send forces to secure the country as a province of its empire.[72]


Sony PCG-71511M Keyboard

Roman Period

Main article: History of Roman Egypt



The Fayum mummy portraits epitomize the meeting of Egyptian and Roman cultures.

Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire in 30 BC, following the defeat of Marc Antony and Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra VII by Octavian (later Emperor Augustus) in the Battle of Actium. The Romans relied heavily on grain shipments from Egypt, Sony PCG-71212M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71411M Keyboard and the Roman army, under the control of a prefect appointed by the Emperor, quelled rebellions, strictly enforced the collection of heavy taxes, and prevented attacks by bandits, which had become a notorious problem during the period.[7Sony PCG-71312M Keyboard

Sony PCG-61212M Keyboard3] Alexandria became an increasingly important center on the trade route with the orient, as exotic luxuries were in high demand in Rome.[74]

Although the Romans had a more hostile attitude than the Greeks towards the Egyptians, some traditions such as mummification and worship of the traditional gods continued.[75Sony PCG-71311M Keyboard

Sony PCG-71313M Keyboard] The art of mummy portraiture flourished, and some of the Roman emperors had themselves depicted as pharaohs, though not to the extent that the Ptolemies had. The former lived outside Egypt and did not perform the ceremonial functions of Egyptian kingship. Local administration became Roman in style and closed to native Egyptians.[75Sony PCG-5P2m Keyboard


From the mid-1st century, Christianity took root in Egypt as it was seen as another cult that could be accepted. However, it was an uncompromising religion that sought to win converts from Egyptian Religion and Greco-Roman religion and threatened the popular religious traditions. This led to persecution of converts to Christianity, Sony PCG-5R1M Keyboard
Sony PCG-5R2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7171M Keyboard culminating in the great purges of Diocletian starting in 303, but eventually Christianity won out.[76] In 391 the Christian Emperor Theodosius introduced legislation that banned pagan rites and closed temples.[7Sony PCG-5T1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7186M Keyboard7] Alexandria became the scene of great anti-pagan riots with public and private religious imagery destroyed.[78] As a consequence, Egypt's native religious culture was continually in decline. While the native population certainly continued to speak their language,
Sony PCG-7185M Keyboardthe ability to read hieroglyphic writing slowly disappeared as the role of the Egyptian temple priests and priestesses diminished. The temples themselves were sometimes converted to churches or abandoned to the desert.[79] Sony PCG-5T2M Keyboard

In the 4th century AD, the Roman Empire split into two, and Egypt became part of the Eastern Empire, known as the Byzantine Empire. The Eastern Empire became increasingly "oriental" and "Eastern" in style, as its links with the old Greco-Roman world faded. The Greek system of local government by citizens had now entirely disappeared. Sony PCG-7181M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7184M Keyboard

The Sassanid Persians who were involved in a long running and draining war with Byzantium for control of the Near East, Asia Minor, North Africa and the east Mediterranean, briefly recaptured Egypt under King Khosrow II in 618 AD, but were ejected by the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius in 628 AD. Sony PCG-7182M Keyboard
Sony PCG-7183M Keyboard

Arab Muslim Period

An army of 4,000 Arabs led by Amr Ibn Al-Aas was sent by the Caliph Umar, successor to Muhammad, to spread Islamic rule to the west. The Arabs crossed into Egypt from Palestine in December 639 AD,


Sony VGN-N38Z Keyboardand advanced rapidly into the Nile Delta. The Imperial garrisons, exhausted by constant war with the Persians, retreated into the walled towns, where they successfully held out for a year or more. Sony PCG-7T1M Keyboard


Sony VGN-N38M Keyboard But the Arabs sent for reinforcements, and in April 641 they captured Alexandria. The Byzantines did assemble a fleet with the aim of recapturing Egypt, and won back Alexandria in 645, but the Muslims retook the city in 646, completing the Arab Muslim conquest of Egypt. Thus ended 975 years of Græco-Roman rule over Egypt. Sony PCG-7T2M Keyboard


Sony VGN-N38L Keyboard

Local resistance by the native Egyptian Copts however began to materialize shortly thereafter and would last until at least the 9th century. The Arabs imposed a special tax, known as Jizya, on the Egyptians, who were by this time Coptic Christians. They acquired the status of dhimmis,


Sony VGN-N38E Keyboard and all native Egyptians were prohibited from joining the army. The Arabs in the 7th century used the term quft to describe the indigenous people of Egypt. Thus, Egyptians became known as Copts, and the non-ChalcedonianSony PCG-7X1M Keyboard


Sony VGN-N31ZR Keyboard Egyptian Church became known as the Coptic Church. The indigenous population of Egypt was gradually and largely Arabized and Islamicized over the following centuries, However, native Egyptian identity and language survived among the Copts, Sony PCG-7X2M Keyboard


Sony VGN-N31Z Keyboardwho spoke the Coptic language, a direct descendant of the Demotic Egyptian (which itself was an evolution of Ancient Egyptian) spoken in the Roman era. Since the 18th century, Coptic has mostly been limited to liturgical use and today Coptic is extinct as a primary language. Copts still to this day espouse an Egyptian rather than Arab ethnic identity.

Government and economy Sony PCG-7Y1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7Y2M Keyboard



Administration and commerce



The pharaoh was usually depicted wearing symbols of royalty and power.

The pharaoh was the absolute monarch of the country and, at least in theory, wielded complete control of the land and its resources. Sony VGN-N11M Keyboard


Sony VGN-N31S KeyboardThe king was the supreme military commander and head of the government, who relied on a bureaucracy of officials to manage his affairs. In charge of the administration was his second in command,

Sony VGN-N31M Keyboardthe vizier, who acted as the king's representative and coordinated land surveys, the treasury, building projects, the legal system, and the archives.[80] At a regional level, the country was divided into as many as 42 administrative regions called nomes each governed by a nomarch,


Sony VGN-N31L Keyboard

 who was accountable to the vizier for his jurisdiction. The temples formed the backbone of the economy. Not only were they houses of worship, but were also responsible for collecting and storing the nation's wealth in a system of granaries and treasuries administered by overseers, who redistributed grain and goods.[81] Sony VGN-N11S Keyboard


Much of the economy was centrally organized and strictly controlled. Although the ancient Egyptians did not use coinage until the Late period, they did use a type of money-barter system,[82] with standard sacks of grain and the deben, a weight of roughly 91 grams (3 oz) of copper or silver, forming a common denominator.[83Sony VGN-N11SR Keyboard


Sony VGN-N29VN Keyboard] Workers were paid in grain; a simple laborer might earn 5½ sacks (200 kg or 400 lb) of grain per month, while a foreman might earn 7½ sacks (250 kg or 550 lb). Prices were fixed across the country and recorded in lists to facilitate trading; for example a shirt cost five copper deben, while a cow cost 140 deben.[8Sony VGN-N21E Keyboard

3] Grain could be traded for other goods, according to the fixed price list.[83] During the 5th century BC coined money was introduced into Egypt from abroad. At first the coins were used as standardized pieces of precious metal rather than true money, but in the following centuries international traders came to rely on coinage.[84] Sony VGN-N21M Keyboard


Social status

Egyptian society was highly stratified, and social status was expressly displayed. Farmers made up the bulk of the population, but agricultural produce was owned directly by the state, temple, or noble family that owned the land.[85Sony VGN-N21S Keyboard

Sony VGN-N21Z Keyboard] Farmers were also subject to a labor tax and were required to work on irrigation or construction projects in a corvée system.[86] Artists and craftsmen were of higher status than farmers, but they were also under state control, working in the shops attached to the temples and paid directly from the state treasury. Sony VGN-NW20EF Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20EF/W keyboard

Scribes and officials formed the upper class in ancient Egypt, the so-called "white kilt class" in reference to the bleached linen garments that served as a mark of their rank.[87] The upper class prominently displayed their social status in art and literature. Below the nobility were the priests,


Sony VGN-NS20EF keyboardphysicians, and engineers with specialized training in their field. Slavery was known in ancient Egypt, but the extent and prevalence of its practice are unclear.[88]



Punishment in ancient Egypt.



Young Egyptian laborers treated by doctors after circumcision, as a part of a rite of passage to citizenship.

The ancient Egyptians viewed men and women, including people from all social classes except slaves, as essentially equal under the law, and even the lowliest peasant was entitled to petition the vizier and his court for redress. Sony VGN-NW20EF/S Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20EF/P keyboard [89] Although, slaves were mostly used as indentured servants. They were able to buy and sell, or work their way to freedom or nobility, and usually were treated by doctors in the workplace.[90] Both men and women had the right to own and sell property, make contracts, marry and divorce, Sony VGN-NW20EF/W Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS30Z keyboardreceive inheritance, and pursue legal disputes in court. Married couples could own property jointly and protect themselves from divorce by agreeing to marriage contracts, which stipulated the financial obligations of the husband to his wife and children should the marriage end. Compared with their counterparts in ancient Greece, Sony VGN-NW11Z/T Keyboard


Sony VPCCB2 Battery

Rome, and even more modern places around the world, ancient Egyptian women had a greater range of personal choices and opportunities for achievement. Women such as Hatshepsut and Cleopatra VI even became pharaohs, Sony VGN-NW11Z/S Keyboard
Sony VGN-NW11S/T Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS30E keyboard while others wielded power as Divine Wives of Amun. Despite these freedoms, ancient Egyptian women did not often take part in official roles in the administration, served only secondary roles in the temples, and were not as likely to be as educated as men.[89


Sony VPCCB Battery]


Sony VGN-NS20M keyboard


Scribes were elite and well educated. They assessed taxes, kept records, and were responsible for administration.

Legal system

The head of the legal system was officially the pharaoh, who was responsible for enacting laws, delivering justice, and maintaining law and order, a concept the ancient Egyptians referred to as Ma'at.[80]


Sony VGN-NS20J keyboardAlthough no legal codes from ancient Egypt survive, court documents show that Egyptian law was based on a common-sense view of right and wrong that emphasized reaching agreements and resolving conflicts rather than strictly adhering to a complicated set of statutes.[


Sony VGN-NS20E keyboard89] Local councils of elders, known as Kenbet in the New Kingdom, were responsible for ruling in court cases involving small claims and minor disputes.[80] More serious cases involving murder, Sony VGN-NW11S/S Keyboard

major land transactions, and tomb robbery were referred to the Great Kenbet, over which the vizier or pharaoh presided. Sony VPCCA2Z0E Battery

Plaintiffs and defendants were expected to represent themselves and were required to swear an oath that they had told the truth. In some cases, the state took on both the role of prosecutor and judge, Sony VGN-NW31EF Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS11J keyboard and it could torture the accused with beatings to obtain a confession and the names of any co-conspirators. Whether the charges were trivial or serious, court scribes documented the complaint, testimony, and verdict of the case for future reference.[91]

Sony VGN-NS10L keyboard

Punishment for minor crimes involved either imposition of fines, beatings, facial mutilation, or exile, depending on the severity of the offense. Serious crimes such as murder and tomb robbery were punished by execution, carried out by decapitation, drowning, or impaling the criminal on a stake. Punishment could also be extended to the criminal's family.[ Sony VGN-NW20ZF Keyboard
80] Beginning in the New Kingdom, Sony VPCCA3 Battery

Sony VPCCA3E1E Battery

Sony VPCCA3S1E Battery oracles played a major role in the legal system, dispensing justice in both civil and criminal cases. The procedure was to ask the god a "yes" or "no" question concerning the right or wrong of an issue. The god, carried by a number of priests, rendered judgment by choosing one or the other, Sony VGN-NW24S Keyboard
Sony VGN-NW26M Keyboard

Sony VGN-NS10E keyboard moving forward or backward, or pointing to one of the answers written on a piece of papyrus or an ostracon.[92]


See also: Ancient Egyptian agriculture, Ancient Egyptian cuisine, and Gardens of ancient Egypt

Sony SVE1713Z1E Keyboard



A tomb relief depicts workers plowing the fields, harvesting the crops, and threshing the grain under the direction of an overseer, painting in the tomb of Nakht.



Measuring and recording the harvest is shown in a wall painting in the tomb of Menna, at Thebes, Egypt (18th dynasty). Sony VGN-NW20EF Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW31ZF/S Keyboard

A combination of favorable geographical features contributed to the success of ancient Egyptian culture, the most important of which was the rich fertile soil resulting from annual inundations of the Nile River. Sony VGN-NW20SF Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW31EF Keyboard The ancient Egyptians were thus able to produce an abundance of food, allowing the population to devote more time and resources to cultural, technological, and artistic pursuits. Land management was crucial in ancient Egypt because taxes were assessed based on the amount of land a person owned.[93] Sony VPCF12K4E Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW24EG Keyboard

Farming in Egypt was dependent on the cycle of the Nile River. The Egyptians recognized three seasons: Akhet (flooding), Peret (planting), and Shemu (harvesting). The flooding season lasted from June to September, depositing on the river's banks a layer of mineral-rich silt ideal for growing crops. After the floodwaters had receded, Sony VGN-NW24JG Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW21MF/P Keyboard the growing season lasted from October to February. Farmers plowed and planted seeds in the fields, which were irrigated with ditches and canals. Egypt received little rainfall, so farmers relied on the Nile to water their crops.[9Sony VGN-NW24MG Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW20SF Keyboard4] From March to May, farmers used sickles to harvest their crops, which were then threshed with a flail to separate the straw from the grain. Sony VPCF13K4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12B4E KeyboardWinnowing removed the chaff from the grain, and the grain was then ground into flour, brewed to make beer, or stored for later use.[95]
Sony VGN-NW26JG Keyboard

The ancient Egyptians cultivated emmer and barley, and several other cereal grains, all of which were used to make the two main food staples of bread and beer.[96] Flax plants, uprooted before they started flowering, were grown for the fibers of their stems. These fibers were split along their length and spun into thread, Sony VGN-NW24MR Keyboard
Sony VGN-NW26EG Keyboard which was used to weave sheets of linen and to make clothing. Papyrus growing on the banks of the Nile River was used to make paper. Vegetables and fruits were grown in garden plots, close to habitations and on higher ground, and had to be watered by hand. Vegetables included leeks, garlic, melons, Sony VGN-FZ39VN Keyboard
Sony VGN-FZ39VN Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ38M Keyboardsquashes, pulses, lettuce, and other crops, in addition to grapes that were made into wine.[97] Sony VPCF13B4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12A4E Keyboard



Sennedjem plows his fields with a pair of oxen, used as beasts of burden and a source of food.


The Egyptians believed that a balanced relationship between people and animals was an essential element of the cosmic order; thus humans, animals and plants were believed to be members of a single whole.[9Sony VGN-FZ31ZR Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ31M Keyboard8] Animals, both domesticated and wild, were therefore a critical source of spirituality, companionship, and sustenance to the ancient Egyptians. Cattle were the most important livestock; the administration collected taxes on livestock in regular censuses, Sony VGN-FZ31SR Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ31J Keyboard and the size of a herd reflected the prestige and importance of the estate or temple that owned them. In addition to cattle, the ancient Egyptians kept sheep, goats, and pigs. Poultry such as ducks, geese, Sony VGN-FZ31ER Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ31E Keyboard and pigeons were captured in nets and bred on farms, where they were force-fed with dough to fatten them.[99] The Nile provided a plentiful source of fish. Bees were also domesticated from at least the Old Kingdom, and they provided both honey and wax.[1Sony VPCF13C4E Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ21J Keyboard0]

The ancient Egyptians used donkeys and oxen as beasts of burden, and they were responsible for plowing the fields and trampling seed into the soil. The slaughter of a fattened ox was also a central part of an offering ritual.[9SONY VGN-FZ31B Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ21Z Keyboard9] Horses were introduced by the Hyksos in the Second Intermediate Period, and the camel, although known from the New Kingdom, was not used as a beast of burden until the Late Period. There is also evidence to suggest that elephants were briefly utilized in the Late Period, but largely abandoned due to lack of grazing land.[9SONY VGN-FZ21S Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ21M Keyboard9] Dogs, cats and monkeys were common family pets, while more exotic pets imported from the heart of Africa, such as lions, were reserved for royalty. Herodotus observed that the Egyptians were the only people to keep their animals with them in their houses.[
Sony VGN-FZ21E Keyboard98] During the Predynastic and Late periods, the worship of the gods in their animal form was extremely popular, such as the cat goddess Bastet and the ibis god Thoth, and these animals were bred in large numbers on farms for the purpose of ritual sacrifice.[1Sony VPCF13C5E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11M4E Keyboard01]
Sony VGN-FZ11Z Keyboard

Natural resources

Further information: Mining industry of Egypt

Egypt is rich in building and decorative stone, copper and lead ores, gold, and semiprecious stones. These natural resources allowed the ancient Egyptians to build monuments, sculpt statues, make tools, and fashion jewelry. SONY VGN-FZ11L Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ11S Keyboard [102] Embalmers used salts from the Wadi Natrun for mummification, which also provided the gypsum needed to make plaster.[103] Ore-bearing rock formations were found in distant, inhospitable wadis in the eastern desert and the Sinai, requiring large, state-controlled expeditions to obtain natural resources found there. Sony VGN-FZ Keyboard

Sony VGN-FZ11E Keyboard There were extensive gold mines in Nubia, and one of the first maps known is of a gold mine in this region. The Wadi Hammamat was a notable source of granite, greywacke, and gold. Flint was the first mineral collected and used to make tools, and flint handaxes are the earliest pieces of evidence of habitation in the Nile valley. Sony VGN-FZ11 Keyboard
Sony VGN-FZ11M Keyboard Nodules of the mineral were carefully flaked to make blades and arrowheads of moderate hardness and durability even after copper was adopted for this purpose.[104]


Sony VPCF11K4E Keyboard Ancient Egyptians were among the first to use minerals such as sulfur as cosmetic substances.[105]
Sony VPCF13E8E Keyboard

The Egyptians worked deposits of the lead ore galena at Gebel Rosas to make net sinkers, plumb bobs, and small figurines. Copper was the most important metal for toolmaking in ancient Egypt and was smelted in furnaces from malachite ore mined in the Sinai.[1Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard

Sony VPCF13E4E Keyboard 06] Workers collected gold by washing the nuggets out of sediment in alluvial deposits, or by the more labor-intensive process of grinding and washing gold-bearing quartzite. Iron deposits found in upper Egypt were utilized in the Late Period.[1Sony VPCF11C5E Keyboard

Sony VPCF12M1E/H Keyboard07] High-quality building stones were abundant in Egypt; the ancient Egyptians quarried limestone all along the Nile valley, granite from Aswan, and basalt and sandstone from the wadis of the eastern desert. Sony VPCF13D4E Keyboard

Deposits of decorative stones such as porphyry,
Sony VPCF12F4E/H Keyboardgreywacke, alabaster, and carnelian dotted the eastern desert and were collected even before the First Dynasty. In the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, miners worked deposits of emeralds in Wadi Sikait and amethyst in Wadi el-Hudi.[108]

Sony VPCF11D4E Keyboard


Hatshepsut's trading expedition to the Land of Punt.


Main article: Ancient Egyptian trade

The ancient Egyptians engaged in trade with their foreign neighbors to obtain rare, exotic goods not found in Egypt. In the Predynastic Period, they established trade with Nubia to obtain gold and incense. Sony VPC-F11M1E/H Keyboard

Sony VPCF12E1E/H KeyboardThey also established trade with Palestine, as evidenced by Palestinian-style oil jugs found in the burials of the First Dynasty pharaohs.[109Sony VPCF13E1E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J4E Keyboard] An Egyptian colony stationed in southern Canaan dates to slightly before the First Dynasty.[110] Narmer had Egyptian pottery produced in Canaan and exported back to Egypt.[111] Sony VPCF11S1E/B Keyboard

Sony VPCF11Z1E/BI Keyboard

By the Second Dynasty at latest, ancient Egyptian trade with Byblos yielded a critical source of quality timber not found in Egypt. By the Fifth Dynasty, trade with Punt provided gold, aromatic resins, ebony, ivory, and wild animals such as monkeys and baboons. Sony VPC-F2 Keyboard
[112] Sony VPCF13F4E Keyboard

Egypt relied on trade with Anatolia for essential quantities of tin as well as supplementary supplies of copper, both metals being necessary for the manufacture of bronze. The ancient Egyptians prized the blue stone lapis lazuli, Sony VPC-F21Z1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard which had to be imported from far-away Afghanistan. Egypt's Mediterranean trade partners also included Greece and Crete, which provided, among other goods, supplies of olive oil.[1Sony VPCF13G4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J1E/B Keyboard13] In exchange for its luxury imports and raw materials, Egypt mainly exported grain, gold, linen, and papyrus, in addition to other finished goods including glass and stone objects.[114]
Sony VPCF11S1E Keyboard



Main article: Egyptian language

Historical development




r n kmt

'Egyptian language'

in hieroglyphs

The Egyptian language is a northern Afro-Asiatic language closely related to the Berber and Semitic languages.[11Sony VPCF13H4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J04E/H Keyboard5] It has the second longest history of any language (after Sumerian), having been written from c. 3200 BC to the Middle Ages and remaining as a spoken language for longer. The phases of ancient Egyptian are Old Egyptian, Middle Egyptian (Classical Egyptian), Late Egyptian, Demotic and Coptic.[ Sony VPCF22J1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF24M1E Keyboard116] Egyptian writings do not show dialect differences before Coptic, but it was probably spoken in regional dialects around Memphis and later Thebes.[11Sony VPCF13J4E Keyboard


Ancient Egyptian was a synthetic language, but it became more analytic later on. Late Egyptian develops prefixal definite and indefinite articles, which replace the older inflectional suffixes. There is a change from the older verb–subject–object word order to subject–verb–object.[118Sony VPCF22L1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF23S1E Keyboard] The Egyptian hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic scripts were eventually replaced by the more phonetic Coptic alphabet. Coptic is still used in the liturgy of the Egyptian Orthodox Church, and traces of it are found in modern Egyptian Arabic.[119] Sony VPCF22M1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF231S1E Keyboard

Sounds and grammar

Ancient Egyptian has 25 consonants similar to those of other Afro-Asiatic languages. These include pharyngeal and emphatic consonants, voiced and voiceless stops, Sony VPCF13J8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13K4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11H4E Keyboard voiceless fricatives and voiced and voiceless affricates. It has three long and three short vowels, which expanded in Later Egyptian to about nine.[12Sony VPCF22S1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF23Q1E Keyboard0] The basic word in Egyptian, similar to Semitic and Berber, is a triliteral or biliteral root of consonants and semiconsonants. Suffixes are added to form words. The verb conjugation corresponds to the person. For example, the triconsonantal skeleton S-Ḏ-M is the semantic core of the word 'hear'; its basic conjugation is sḏm, 'he hears'. If the subject is a noun, suffixes are not added to the verb:[1Sony VPCF22S8E Keyboard
Sony VPCF23M1E Keyboard21] sḏm ḥmt, 'the woman hears'.

Adjectives are derived from nouns through a process that Egyptologists call nisbation because of its similarity with Arabic.[1Sony VPCF13L0E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13S8E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11G4E Keyboard22] The word order is predicate–subject in verbal and adjectival sentences, and subject–predicate in nominal and adverbial sentences.[12Sony VPCF13J0E/H Keyboard

Sony VPCF13M0E/B Keyboard
3] The subject can be moved to the beginning of sentences if it is long and is followed by a resumptive pronoun.[124] Verbs and nouns are negated by the particle n, but nn is used for adverbial and adjectival sentences. Stress falls on the ultimate or penultimate syllable, which can be open (CV) or closed (CVC).[125] Sony VPCF1318E/H Keyboard
Sony VPCF13M1E/B Keyboard


Main articles: Egyptian hieroglyphs and Hieratic



The Rosetta stone (ca 196 BC) enabled linguists to begin the process of hieroglyph decipherment.[126]

Hieroglyphic writing dates from c. 3000 BC, and is composed of hundreds of symbols. A hieroglyph can represent a word, a sound, or a silent determinative; and the same symbol can serve different purposes in different contexts. Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard

Sony VPCF13Z0E/B Keyboard Hieroglyphs were a formal script, used on stone monuments and in tombs, that could be as detailed as individual works of art. In day-to-day writing, scribes used a cursive form of writing, called hieratic, which was quicker and easier. While formal hieroglyphs may be read in rows or columns in either direction (though typically written from right to left),

Sony VPCF13M8E/B Keyboardhieratic was always written from right to left, usually in horizontal rows. A new form of writing, Demotic, became the prevalent writing style, and it is this form of writing—along with formal hieroglyphs—that accompany the Greek text on the Rosetta Stone.[127]
Sony VPCF12M0E/B Keyboard

Around the 1st century AD, the Coptic alphabet started to be used alongside the Demotic script. Coptic is a modified Greek alphabet with the addition of some Demotic signs.[128] Although formal hieroglyphs were used in a ceremonial role until the 4th century, Sony VPCF13Z8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF12S1E/B Keyboardtowards the end only a small handful of priests could still read them. As the traditional religious establishments were disbanded, knowledge of hieroglyphic writing was mostly lost. Attempts to decipher them date to the Byzantine[12Sony VPCF13Z1E/B Keyboard

9] and Islamic periods in Egypt,[130]
Sony VPCF12Z1E Keyboard but only in 1822, after the discovery of the Rosetta stone and years of research by Thomas Young and Jean-François Champollion, were hieroglyphs almost fully deciphered.[131]


Main article: Ancient Egyptian literature

Sony VPCF13Z8E/BI Keyboard


The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus (c. 16th century BC) describes anatomy and medical treatments and is written in hieratic. Sony VPCF22M0E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11F4E Keyboard

Writing first appeared in association with kingship on labels and tags for items found in royal tombs. It was primarily an occupation of the scribes, who worked out of the Per Ankh institution or the House of Life. The latter comprised offices, libraries (called House of Books), laboratories and observatories.[132] Sony VPCF12S1E/B Keyboard
Sony VPCF12Z1E/BI Keyboard
Sony VPCF13S0E/B KeyboardSome of the best-known pieces of ancient Egyptian literature, such as the Pyramid and Coffin Texts, were written in Classical Egyptian, which continued to be the language of writing until about 1300 BC. Sony VPCF22C5E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11E4E KeyboardLater Egyptian was spoken from the New Kingdom onward and is represented in Ramesside administrative documents, love poetry and tales, as well as in Demotic and Coptic texts.
Sony VPCF13S1E/B KeyboardDuring this period, the tradition of writing had evolved into the tomb autobiography, such as those of Harkhuf and Weni. The genre known as Sebayt ("instructions") Sony VPCF12D4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11B4E Keyboardwas developed to communicate teachings and guidance from famous nobles; the Ipuwer papyrus, a poem of lamentations describing natural disasters and social upheaval, is a famous example.
Sony VPCF13M1E/H Keyboard

The Story of Sinuhe, written in Middle Egyptian, might be the classic of Egyptian literature.[133] Also written at this time was the Westcar Papyrus, a set of stories told to Khufu by his sons relating the marvels performed by priests.[1Sony VPCF21Z1E/BI Keyboard

Sony VPCF22M0E Keyboard34] The Instruction of Amenemope is considered a masterpiece of near-eastern literature.[ Sony VPCF12E4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11A4E Keyboard135] Towards the end of the New Kingdom, the vernacular language was more often employed to write popular pieces like the Story of Wenamun and the Instruction of Any. The former tells the story of a noble who is robbed on his way to buy cedar from Lebanon and of his struggle to return to Egypt. From about 700 BC, Sony VPCF24Q1E Keyboard

Sony VPCY21S1E/G Keyboard narrative stories and instructions, such as the popular Instructions of Onchsheshonqy, as well as personal and business documents were written in the demotic script and phase of Egyptian. Many stories written in demotic during the Graeco-Roman period were set in previous historical eras, when Egypt was an independent nation ruled by great pharaohs such as Ramesses II.[136] Sony VPCF23P1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF23N1E Keyboard
Sony VPCY21S1E/L Keyboard



Daily life



Ostraca of hunting a lion with a spear aided with dog.



Statues depicting lower-class ancient Egyptian occupations.



Senet is among the oldest board games in the world. Painting in the royal tomb of Egyptian Queen Nefertari. Sony VPCF12H4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF11J4E Keyboard

Most ancient Egyptians were farmers tied to the land. Their dwellings were restricted to immediate family members, and were constructed of mud-brick designed to remain cool in the heat of the day. Each home had a kitchen with an open roof, which contained a grindstone for milling grain and a small oven for baking the bread.[13Dell Latitude E4310 Keyboard

7] Walls were painted white and could be covered with dyed linen wall hangings. Floors were covered with reed mats, while wooden stools, beds raised from the floor and individual tables comprised the furniture.[138] Dell Latitude E4320 Keyboard


The ancient Egyptians placed a great value on hygiene and appearance. Most bathed in the Nile and used a pasty soap made from animal fat and chalk. Men shaved their entire bodies for cleanliness; perfumes and aromatic ointments covered bad odors and soothed skin.[1Dell Latitude E4200 Keyboard

39] Clothing was made from simple linen sheets that were bleached white, and both men and women of the upper classes wore wigs, jewelry, and cosmetics. Sony VPCSA2Z9E Battery


Sony VPCSE2S1E Battery

Children went without clothing until maturity, at about age 12, and at this age males were circumcised and had their heads shaved. Mothers were responsible for taking care of the children, while the father provided the family's income.[140] Dell Latitude E4300 Keyboard




The ancient Egyptians maintained a rich cultural heritage complete with feasts and festivals accompanied by music and dance.

Music and dance were popular entertainments for those who could afford them. Early instruments included flutes and harps, while instruments similar to trumpets, oboes, and pipes developed later and became popular. In the New Kingdom, the Egyptians played on bells, cymbals, tambourines, drums, and imported lutes and lyres from Asia.[1Dell Latitude E6500 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5400 Keyboard

41] The sistrum was a rattle-like musical instrument that was especially important in religious ceremonies. Sony VPCSA3N9E Battery


Sony VPCSE2M9E Battery

The ancient Egyptians enjoyed a variety of leisure activities, including games and music. Senet, a board game where pieces moved according to random chance, was particularly popular from the earliest times; another similar game was mehen, Dell Latitude E5410 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5500 Keyboard

which had a circular gaming board. Juggling and ball games were popular with children, and wrestling is also documented in a tomb at Beni Hasan.[142] The wealthy members of ancient Egyptian society enjoyed hunting and boating as well. Dell Latitude E5510 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5420 Keyboard


The excavation of the workers' village of Deir el-Madinah has resulted in one of the most thoroughly documented accounts of community life in the ancient world that spans almost four hundred years. There is no comparable site in which the organisation, social interactions, working and living conditions of a community were studied in such detail.[143] Dell Latitude E5520 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Keyboard


Main article: Ancient Egyptian cuisine

Egyptian cuisine remained remarkably stable over time; indeed, the cuisine of modern Egypt retains some striking similarities to the cuisine of the ancients. The staple diet consisted of bread and beer, supplemented with vegetables such as onions and garlic, Dell Latitude E6420 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430S Keyboard and fruit such as dates and figs. Wine and meat were enjoyed by all on feast days while the upper classes indulged on a more regular basis. Fish, meat, and fowl could be salted or dried, and could be cooked in stews or roasted on a grill.[144] Sony VPCSA3S9E Battery

Sony VPCSA3X9E Battery


Sony VPCSE2L9E Battery


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Keyboard

Karnak temple's hypostyle halls are constructed with rows of thick columns supporting the roof beams.


Main article: Ancient Egyptian architecture



The well preserved Temple of Horus at Edfu is an exemplar of Egyptian architecture.

The architecture of ancient Egypt includes some of the most famous structures in the world: the Great Pyramids of Giza and the temples at Thebes. Building projects were organized and funded by the state for religious and commemorative purposes,


Dell Latitude E6430 Keyboard but also to reinforce the power of the pharaoh. The ancient Egyptians were skilled builders; using simple but effective tools and sighting instruments, architects could build large stone structures with accuracy and precision.[145Dell Latitude E6520 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5530 Keyboard


The domestic dwellings of elite and ordinary Egyptians alike were constructed from perishable materials such as mud bricks and wood, Sony VPCSA3Z9E Battery

Sony VPCSA4W9E Battery


Sony VPCSE2J9E Battery and have not survived. Peasants lived in simple homes, while the palaces of the elite were more elaborate structures. A few surviving New Kingdom palaces, such as those in Malkata and Amarna, Dell Latitude E6120 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG Keyboard show richly decorated walls and floors with scenes of people, birds, water pools, deities and geometric designs.[14Dell Latitude E6220 Keyboard

6] Important structures such as temples and tombs that were intended to last forever were constructed of stone instead of bricks. The architectural elements used in the world's first large-scale stone building, Djoser's mortuary complex, include post and lintel supports in the papyrus and lotus motif. Dell Latitude E6230 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6330 Keyboard

The earliest preserved ancient Egyptian temples, such as those at Giza, consist of single, enclosed halls with roof slabs supported by columns. In the New Kingdom, architects added the pylon, the open courtyard, and the enclosed hypostyle hall to the front of the temple's sanctuary, a style that was standard until the Graeco-Roman period.[14Dell Latitude E6520N Keyboard


Dell Precision M4400 Keyboard

7] The earliest and most popular tomb architecture in the Old Kingdom was the mastaba, a flat-roofed rectangular structure of mudbrick or stone built over an underground burial chamber. Sony VPCSB Battery


Sony VPCSE2E1E BatteryThe step pyramid of Djoser is a series of stone mastabas stacked on top of each other. Pyramids were built during the Old and Middle Kingdoms, but most later rulers abandoned them in favor of less conspicuous rock-cut tombs.[14Dell Latitude E6530 Keyboard


Dell Precision M6500 Keyboard 8] The 25th dynasty was a notable exception, as all 25th dynasty pharaohs constructed pyramids.[61][62][63]




The Bust of Nefertiti, by the sculptor Thutmose, is one of the most famous masterpieces of ancient Egyptian art.

Main article: Art of ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians produced art to serve functional purposes. For over 3500 years, artists adhered to artistic forms and iconography that were developed during the Old Kingdom, following a strict set of principles that resisted foreign influence and internal change.[149]


Sony VPCSE1Z9E Battery These artistic standards—simple lines, shapes, Dell Latitude E5220 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5420M Keyboard


Dell Precision M6400 Keyboard  and flat areas of color combined with the characteristic flat projection of figures with no indication of spatial depth—created a sense of order and balance within a composition. Images and text were intimately interwoven on tomb and temple walls, coffins, stelae, and even statues. The Narmer Palette, Dell Latitude E6400 Keyboard


Dell Precision M4500 Keyboard for example, displays figures that can also be read as hieroglyphs.[150] Because of the rigid rules that governed its highly stylized and symbolic appearance, ancient Egyptian art served its political and religious purposes with precision and clarity.[151] Dell Latitude E6500 Keyboard


Dell Precision M6600 Keyboard

Ancient Egyptian artisans used stone to carve statues and fine reliefs, but used wood as a cheap and easily carved substitute. Paints were obtained from minerals such as iron ores (red and yellow ochres), copper ores (blue and green), soot or charcoal (black), Sony VPCSB1A7E Battery

Sony VPCSB1A9E Battery


Sony VPCSE1L1E Battery

Sony VPCSE1V9E Battery and limestone (white). Paints could be mixed with gum arabic as a binder and pressed into cakes, which could be moistened with water when needed.[152] Dell Latitude E6400-ATG Keyboard




Hathor-Menkaure-Bat triad of the fourth dynasty – the deities flank the pharaoh and provide the authority to rule – Cairo Museum

Pharaohs used reliefs to record victories in battle, royal decrees, and religious scenes. Common citizens had access to pieces of funerary art, such as shabti statues and books of the dead, which they believed would protect them in the afterlife.[1Dell Latitude E6400-XFR Keyboard


Dell Precision M4600 Keyboard 53] During the Middle Kingdom, wooden or clay models depicting scenes from everyday life became popular additions to the tomb. In an attempt to duplicate the activities of the living in the afterlife, these models show laborers, houses, boats, Sony VPCSB1B7E Battery


Sony VPCSE1J1E Batteryand even military formations that are scale representations of the ideal ancient Egyptian afterlife.[154


Dell Precision M2400 Keyboard

Despite the homogeneity of ancient Egyptian art, the styles of particular times and places sometimes reflected changing cultural or political attitudes. After the invasion of the Hyksos in the Second Intermediate Period, Minoan-style frescoes were found in Avaris.[155Dell Latitude E6410 Keyboard

] The most striking example of a politically driven change in artistic forms comes from the Amarna period, Sony VPCSB1B9E Battery


Sony VPCSE1E1E Battery where figures were radically altered to conform to Akhenaten's revolutionary religious ideas.[156] This style, known as Amarna art, was quickly and thoroughly erased after Akhenaten's death and replaced by the traditional forms.[157] Dell Latitude E6410-ATG Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5430 Keyboard

Religious beliefs

Main article: Ancient Egyptian religion



The Book of the Dead was a guide to the deceased's journey in the afterlife.

Beliefs in the divine and in the afterlife were ingrained in ancient Egyptian civilization from its inception; pharaonic rule was based on the divine right of kings. The Egyptian pantheon was populated by gods who had supernatural powers and were called on for help or protection. However,


Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Battery the gods were not always viewed as benevolent, and Egyptians believed they had to be appeased with offerings and prayers. Sony VPCSB1C5E Battery


Sony VPCSB3T9E Battery The structure of this pantheon changed continually as new deities were promoted in the hierarchy, but priests made no effort to organize the diverse and sometimes conflicting myths and stories into a coherent system.[158]


Dell Latitude E6430S Battery These various conceptions of divinity were not considered contradictory but rather layers in the multiple facets of reality.[159]



The Ka statue provided a physical place for the Ka to manifest.

Gods were worshiped in cult temples administered by priests acting on the king's behalf. At the center of the temple was the cult statue in a shrine. Temples were not places of public worship or congregation,


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Battery and only on select feast days and celebrations was a shrine carrying the statue of the god brought out for public worship. Normally, the god's domain was sealed off from the outside world and was only accessible to temple officials. Sony VPCSB1C7E Battery


Sony VPCSB3S9E BatteryCommon citizens could worship private statues in their homes, and amulets offered protection against the forces of chaos.[160


Dell Latitude E6430 Battery] After the New Kingdom, the pharaoh's role as a spiritual intermediary was de-emphasized as religious customs shifted to direct worship of the gods. As a result, priests developed a system of oracles to communicate the will of the gods directly to the people.[1


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG Battery61]

The Egyptians believed that every human being was composed of physical and spiritual parts or aspects. In addition to the body, each person had a šwt (shadow), a ba (personality or soul), a ka (life-force), and a name.[1Dell Latitude E4310 Battery

62] The heart, rather than the brain, was considered the seat of thoughts and emotions. After death, the spiritual aspects were released from the body and could move at will, but they required the physical remainsDell Latitude E4320 Battery


Dell Latitude E6330 Battery (or a substitute, such as a statue) as a permanent home. The ultimate goal of the deceased was to rejoin his ka and ba and become one of the "blessed dead", living on as an akh, or "effective one". For this to happen, the deceased had to be judged worthy in a trial, in which the heart was weighed against a "feather of truth". If deemed worthy, the deceased could continue their existence on earth in spiritual form.[163] Dell Latitude E4200 Battery




Pharaohs' tombs were provided with vast quantities of wealth, such as this golden mask from the mummy of Tutankhamun. Sony VPCSB1D7E Battery


Sony VPCSB3N9E Battery

Burial customs

Main article: Ancient Egyptian burial customs

The ancient Egyptians maintained an elaborate set of burial customs that they believed were necessary to ensure immortality after death. These customs involved preserving the body by mummification, performing burial ceremonies, and interring with the body goods the deceased would use in the afterlife.[153Dell Latitude E4300 Battery


Dell Latitude E6230 Battery] Before the Old Kingdom, bodies buried in desert pits were naturally preserved by desiccation. The arid, desert conditions were a boon throughout the history of ancient Egypt for burials of the poor, who could not afford the elaborate burial preparations available to the elite. Dell Latitude E6500 Battery


Dell Latitude E6220 Battery Wealthier Egyptians began to bury their dead in stone tombs and use artificial mummification, which involved removing the internal organs, Sony VPCSB1S1E Battery


Sony VPCSB2M9E Battery wrapping the body in linen, and burying it in a rectangular stone sarcophagus or wooden coffin. Beginning in the Fourth Dynasty, some parts were preserved separately in canopic jars.[164] Dell Latitude E5400 Battery


Dell Latitude E6120 Battery



Anubis was the ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and burial rituals; here, he attends to a mummy.


Sony VPCSB1Z9R Battery

By the New Kingdom, the ancient Egyptians had perfected the art of mummification; the best technique took 70 days and involved removing the internal organs, removing the brain through the nose, and desiccating the body in a mixture of salts called natron. Dell Latitude E5410 Battery


Dell Latitude E5530 BatteryThe body was then wrapped in linen with protective amulets inserted between layers and placed in a decorated anthropoid coffin. Mummies of the Late Period were also placed in painted cartonnage mummy cases. Dell Latitude E5510 Battery


Dell Latitude E6420 BatteryActual preservation practices declined during the Ptolemaic and Roman eras, while greater emphasis was placed on the outer appearance of the mummy, which was decorated.[165] Dell Latitude E5500 Battery


Dell Latitude E6520 Battery

Wealthy Egyptians were buried with larger quantities of luxury items, but all burials, regardless of social status, included goods for the deceased. Beginning in the New Kingdom, books of the dead were included in the grave, along with shabti statues that were believed to perform manual labor for them in the afterlife.[166Dell Latitude E5420 Battery

Dell Latitude E5520 Battery] Rituals in which the deceased was magically re-animated accompanied burials. After burial, living relatives were expected to occasionally bring food to the tomb and recite prayers on behalf of the deceased.[167] Dell Latitude E6520N Battery




Main article: Military of ancient Egypt



An Egyptian chariot.

The ancient Egyptian military was responsible for defending Egypt against foreign invasion, and for maintaining Egypt's domination in the ancient Near East. The military protected mining expeditions to the Sinai during the Old Kingdom and fought civil wars during the First and Second Intermediate Periods. Dell Latitude E6530 Battery


Dell Precision M4400 BatteryThe military was responsible for maintaining fortifications along important trade routes, such as those found at the city of Buhen on the way to Nubia. Forts also were constructed to serve as military bases, such as the fortress at Sile, which was a base of operations for expeditions to the Levant. Dell Latitude E5220 Battery


Dell Precision M6500 BatteryIn the New Kingdom, a series of pharaohs used the standing Egyptian army to attack and conquer Kush and parts of the Levant.[168] Sony VPCSB1V9E Battery


Sony VPCSB1Z9E Battery

Typical military equipment included bows and arrows, spears, and round-topped shields made by stretching animal skin over a wooden frame. In the New Kingdom, the military began using chariots that had earlier been introduced by the Hyksos invaders. Dell Latitude E5420M Battery


Dell Precision M6400 BatteryWeapons and armor continued to improve after the adoption of bronze: shields were now made from solid wood with a bronze buckle, spears were tipped with a bronze point, and the Khopesh was adopted from Asiatic soldiers.[16Dell Latitude E6400 Battery


Dell Precision M4500 Battery9] The pharaoh was usually depicted in art and literature riding at the head of the army, it has been suggested that at least a few pharaohs, such as Seqenenre Tao II and his sons, did do so.[170] although it has also been argued that "kings of this period did not personally act as frontline war leaders, fighting alongside their troops."[17Dell Latitude E6500 Battery


Dell Precision M6600 Battery1] Soldiers were recruited from the general population, but during, and especially after, the New Kingdom, mercenaries from Nubia, Kush, and Libya were hired to fight for Egypt.[172] Sony VPCSB1V9R Battery

Sony VPCSB1X9E Battery


Dell Precision M4600 Battery

Technology, medicine, and mathematics



Main article: Ancient Egyptian technology

In technology, medicine and mathematics, ancient Egypt achieved a relatively high standard of productivity and sophistication. Traditional empiricism, as evidenced by the Edwin Smith and Ebers papyri (c. 1600 BC), is first credited to Egypt. The Egyptians created their own alphabet and decimal system.


Dell Precision M2400 Battery



Glassmaking was a highly developed art.

Faience and glass

Even before the Old Kingdom, the ancient Egyptians had developed a glassy material known as faience, which they treated as a type of artificial semi-precious stone. Faience is a non-clay ceramic made of silica, small amounts of lime and soda, and a colorant, typically copper.[173] The material was used to make beads, tiles, Dell Latitude E6400-ATG Battery

Dell Latitude E6400-XFR Battery

figurines, and small wares. Several methods can be used to create faience, but typically production involved application of the powdered materials in the form of a paste over a clay core, which was then fired. By a related technique, the ancient Egyptians produced a pigment known as Egyptian Blue, also called blue frit, which is produced by fusing (or sintering) silica, Dell Latitude E6410 Battery

copper, lime, and an alkali such as natron. The product can be ground up and used as a pigment.[174]

The ancient Egyptians could fabricate a wide variety of objects from glass with great skill, but it is not clear whether they developed the process independently.[175] It is also unclear whether they made their own raw glass or merely imported pre-made ingots, Dell Latitude E6410-ATG Battery

Dell Latitude E5430 Batterywhich they melted and finished. However, they did have technical expertise in making objects, as well as adding trace elements to control the color of the finished glass. A range of colors could be produced, including yellow, red, green, blue, purple, and white, and the glass could be made either transparent or opaque.[176] Dell XPS 14 Battery


Dell XPS L701X Battery


Main article: Ancient Egyptian medicine



Ancient Egyptian medical instruments depicted in a Ptolemaic period inscription on the temple at Kom Ombo.

The medical problems of the ancient Egyptians stemmed directly from their environment. Living and working close to the Nile brought hazards from malaria and debilitating schistosomiasis parasites, which caused liver and intestinal damage. Dell XPS 14D Battery


Dell XPS L502X Battery  Dangerous wildlife such as crocodiles and hippos were also a common threat. The lifelong labors of farming and building put stress on the spine and joints, and traumatic injuries from construction and warfare all took a significant toll on the body. The grit and sand from stone-ground flour abraded teeth, leaving them susceptible to abscesses (though caries were rare).[177] Dell XPS 14D-L401X Battery


Dell XPS L501X Battery

The diets of the wealthy were rich in sugars, which promoted periodontal disease.[178] Despite the flattering physiques portrayed on tomb walls, the overweight mummies of many of the upper class show the effects of a life of overindulgence.[179] Adult life expectancy was about 35 for men and 30 for women, but reaching adulthood was difficult as about one-third of the population died in infancy.[180] Dell XPS 15 Battery


Dell XPS 17-L702X Battery

Ancient Egyptian physicians were renowned in the ancient Near East for their healing skills, and some, such as Imhotep, remained famous long after their deaths.[181] Herodotus remarked that there was a high degree of specialization among Egyptian physicians, with some treating only the head or the stomach, while others were eye-doctors and dentists.[1Dell XPS 15D Battery


Dell XPS 17-L701X Battery 82] Training of physicians took place at the Per Ankh or "House of Life" institution, most notably those headquartered in Per-Bastet during the New Kingdom and at Abydos and Saïs in the Late period. Medical papyri show empirical knowledge of anatomy, injuries, and practical treatments.[183] Dell XPS 15-L501X Battery


Wounds were treated by bandaging with raw meat, white linen, sutures, nets, pads, and swabs soaked with honey to prevent infection,[ Dell XPS 15-L502X Battery

184] while opium was used to relieve pain. Garlic and onions were used regularly to promote good health and were thought to relieve asthma symptoms. Ancient Egyptian surgeons stitched wounds, set broken bones, and amputated diseased limbs, but they recognized that some injuries were so serious that they could only make the patient comfortable until death occurred.[185]



Dell XPS L702X Battery

Early Egyptians knew how to assemble planks of wood into a ship hull and had mastered advanced forms of shipbuilding as early as 3000 BC. The Archaeological Institute of America reports that some of the oldest ships yet unearthed are known as the Abydos boats. Dell XPS 15Z Battery

Dell XPS 17 Battery  [6] These are a group of 14 discovered ships in Abydos that were constructed of wooden planks "sewn" together. Discovered by Egyptologist David O'Connor of New York University,[186] woven straps were found to have been used to lash the planks together,[6] and reeds or grass stuffed between the planks helped to seal the seams. Dell Inspiron 14V battery


Dell Inspiron 14R battery

 [6] Because the ships are all buried together and near a mortuary belonging to Pharaoh Khasekhemwy, originally they were all thought to have belonged to him, but one of the 14 ships dates to 3000 BC,


Dell Inspiron 13R batteryand the associated pottery jars buried with the vessels also suggest earlier dating. The ship dating to 3000 BC was 75 feet (23 m) long and is now thought to perhaps have belonged to an earlier pharaoh. According to professor O'Connor, the 5,000-year-old ship may have even belonged to Pharaoh Aha.[186] Dell Inspiron N4020 battery


Dell Inspiron N4110 battery

Early Egyptians also knew how to assemble planks of wood with treenails to fasten them together, using pitch for caulking the seams. The "Khufu ship", a 43.6-meter vessel sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza in the Fourth Dynasty around 2500


Dell Inspiron N5010 batteryBC, is a full-size surviving example that may have filled the symbolic function of a solar barque. Early Egyptians also knew how to fasten the planks of this ship together with mortise and tenon joints. Dell Inspiron N4030 battery

Dell Inspiron N7110 battery


Dell Inspiron N5010D battery [6] Despite the ancient Egyptian's ability to construct very large boats to sail along the easily navigable Nile, they were not known as good sailors and did not engage in widespread sailing or shipping in the Mediterranean or Red Seas. Dell Inspiron N7010R battery


Dell Inspiron 15R battery


Main article: Egyptian mathematics

The earliest attested examples of mathematical calculations date to the predynastic Naqada period, and show a fully developed numeral system.[1Dell Inspiron N5110 battery


Dell Inspiron N7010 battery87] The importance of mathematics to an educated Egyptian is suggested by a New Kingdom fictional letter in which the writer proposes a scholarly competition between himself and another scribe regarding everyday calculation tasks such as accounting of land, labor, and grain.[18

Dell Inspiron N7010D battery


Dell Inspiron 17R battery8] Texts such as the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus and the Moscow Mathematical Papyrus show that the ancient Egyptians could perform the four basic mathematical operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—use fractions, compute the volumes of boxes and pyramids, Dell Inspiron N5030 battery


Dell Inspiron N4010R battery and calculate the surface areas of rectangles, triangles, and circles. They understood basic concepts of algebra and geometry, and could solve simple sets of simultaneous equations.[189]



in hieroglyphs

Mathematical notation was decimal, and based on hieroglyphic signs for each power of ten up to one million. Each of these could be written as many times as necessary to add up to the desired number; so to write the number eighty or eight hundred, the symbol for ten or one hundred was written eight times respectively.[190] Dell Inspiron N5010R battery


Dell Inspiron N4010D batteryBecause their methods of calculation could not handle most fractions with a numerator greater than one, they had to write fractions as the sum of several fractions. For example, they resolved the fraction two-fifths into the sum of one-third + one-fifteenth. Standard tables of values facilitated this.[1Dell Inspiron N3010R battery

Dell Inspiron N3010 battery

Dell Inspiron N4010 battery91] Some common fractions, however, were written with a special glyph—the equivalent of the modern two-thirds is shown on the right.[192]

Ancient Egyptian mathematicians had a grasp of the principles underlying the Pythagorean theorem, knowing, for example, that a triangle had a right angle opposite the hypotenuse when its sides were in a 3–4–5 ratio.[193] They were able to estimate the area of a circle by subtracting one-ninth from its diameter and squaring the result: Sony VPCCA Battery


Sony VPCCB4Z1E Battery

Area ≈ [(8⁄9)D]2 = (256⁄81)r 2 ≈ 3.16r 2,

a reasonable approximation of the formula π''r 2.[193][194]

The golden ratio seems to be reflected in many Egyptian constructions, including the pyramids, but its use may have been an unintended consequence of the ancient Egyptian practice of combining the use of knotted ropes with an intuitive sense of proportion and harmony.[195]

LegacySony VPCCA1C5E Battery



See also: Tourism in Egypt



Tourists riding a camel in front of Giza pyramids



Frontispiece of Description de l'Égypte, published in 38 volumes between 1809 and 1829.

The culture and monuments of ancient Egypt have left a lasting legacy on the world. The cult of the goddess Isis, for example, became popular in the Roman Empire, as obelisks and other relics were transported back to Rome.[1Sony VPCCA1S1E Battery


Sony VPCCB4X1E Battery96] The Romans also imported building materials from Egypt to erect Egyptian style structures. Early historians such as Herodotus, Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus studied and wrote about the land, which Romans came to view as a place of mystery.[197] Sony VPCCA2 Battery


During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Egyptian pagan culture was in decline after the rise of Christianity and later Islam, but interest in Egyptian antiquity continued in the writings of medieval scholars such as Dhul-Nun al-Misri and al-Maqrizi.[1Sony VPCCA2C5E Battery


Sony VPCCB3S1E Battery98] In the 17th and 18th centuries, European travelers and tourists brought back antiquities and wrote stories of their journeys, leading to a wave of Egyptomania across Europe. This renewed interest sent collectors to Egypt, who took, purchased, or were given many important antiquities.[199] Sony VPCCA2S0E Battery


Sony VPCCB3PQE Battery

Although the European colonial occupation of Egypt destroyed a significant portion of the country's historical legacy, some foreigners had more positive results. Napoleon, for example, arranged the first studies in Egyptology when he brought some 150 scientists and artists to study and document Egypt's natural history, which was published in the Description de l'Ėgypte.[200]


Sony VPCCB2S1E Battery

Sony VPCCB3 Battery

In the 20th century, the Egyptian Government and archaeologists alike recognized the importance of cultural respect and integrity in excavations. The Supreme Council of Antiquities now approves and oversees all excavations, which are aimed at finding information rather than treasure. The council also supervises museums and monument reconstruction programs designed to preserve the historical legacy of Egypt. Sony VPCCA2S1E Battery


Sony VPCCB2M0E Battery

Read more

The Suez Crisis 2

05/07/2013 13:33


The conflict began on 29 October 1956.[149] At about 3: 00 pm, Israeli Air Force Mustangs launched a series of attacks on Egyptian positions all over the Sinai.[148] Because Israeli intelligence expected Jordan to enter the war on Egypt's side,[150] Israeli soldiers were stationed along the Israeli-Jordanian frontier. Sony VPCSD1S1C battery
Sony SVS15 battery

Sony SVE1511Q1E battery The Israel Border Police militarized the Israel-Jordan border, including the Green Line with the West Bank, during the first few hours of the war. Israeli-Arab villages along the Jordanian border were placed under curfew, and orders were given to shoot curfew violators.
Sony SVE1511P1E batteryThis resulted in the killings of 48 civilians in the Arab village of Kafr Qasim in an event known as the Kafr Qasim massacre. The border policemen involved in the killings were later tried and imprisoned, with an Israeli court finding that the order to shoot civilians was "blatantly illegal". Sony VPCSA2Z9E battery

Sony SVE1511M1E batteryThis event had major effects on Israeli law relating to the ethics in war and more subtle effects on the legal status of Arab citizens of Israel, who at the time were regarded as a fifth column.

Early actions in Southern Sinai



Israeli paratrooper near the Mitla Pass

The Israeli Chief of Staff, Major General Moshe Dayan, first planned to take the vital Mitla Pass. Dayan planned for the Battalion 890 of the Paratroop Brigade, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Rafael Eitan, a veteran of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and future head of the IDF, to drop at Parker's Memorial, near one of the defiles of the pass, Jebel Heitan.[15Sony SVS13AA11M battery

Sony SVE1511L1E battery1] The rest of the brigade, under the command of Colonel Ariel Sharon would then advance to meet with the battalion, and consolidate their holdings.[151]

On 29 October, Operation Kadesh – the invasion of the Sinai, began when an Israeli paratrooper battalion was air-dropped into the Sinai Peninsula, east of the Suez Canal near the Mitla Pass. In conjunction with the para drop, Sony SVS131B12M battery

Sony SVE1511K1E battery four Israeli P-51 Mustangs using their wings and propellers, cut all overhead telephone lines in the Sinai, severely disrupting Egyptian command and control.[152][153] Due to a navigation error, the Israeli DC-3 transports landed Eitan's 400 paratroopers three miles away from Parker's Memorial, their intended target.[154Sony SVS151A11M battery

Sony SVE1511F1E battery] Eitan marched his men towards Jebel Heitan, where they dug in while receiving supplies of weapons dropped by French aircraft.[154]

At the same time, Colonel Sharon's 202nd Paratroop Brigade raced out towards the Mitla Pass.[154] A major problem for Sharon was vehicle break-down.[154] Sony SVS151A12M battery

Sony SVE1511A1EW batteryDayan’s efforts to maintain strategic surprise bore fruit when the Egyptian commander Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer at first treated the reports of an Israeli inclusion into the Sinai as a large raid instead of an invasion, and as such Amer did not order a general alert.[148] By the time that Amer realized his mistake, the Israelis had made significant advances into the Sinai.[148] Sony SVS1311E3EW battery

Early actions along the Gulf of Aqaba, and the central front

As the paratroopers were being dropped into the Sinai, the Israeli 9th Infantry Brigade captured Ras an-Naqb, an important staging ground for that brigade's later attack against Sharm el-Sheikh.[15
Sony PCG-4121GM battery4] Instead of attacking the town by a frontal attack, they enveloped the town in a night attack, and negotiated their way through some of the natural chokepoints into the rear of the town, surprising the Egyptians before they could ready themselves to defend.[154] The Egyptians surrendered, with no Israeli casualties sustained.

The 4th Infantry Brigade, under the command of Colonel Josef Harpaz, captured al-Qusaymah, which would be used as a jumping off point for the assault against Abu Uwayulah.[15
Sony PCG-41214M battery4] Colonel Harpaz out-flanked al-Qusaymah with two pincers from the south-east and north-east in a night attack.[155] In a short battle lasting from 3:00 am to sunrise, the IDF stormed al-Qusaymah.[155]

Battle of Jebel Heitan, Paratroop Brigade under attack

Sony SVS1311P9EB battery


Israeli paratroopers dig in near the Parker Memorial.

The portion of the Paratroopers under Sharon's command continued to advance to meet with the 1st Brigade. En route, Sharon assaulted Themed in a dawn attack, and was able to storm the town with his armor through the Themed Gap.[15Sony SVS1511L3ES battery

Sony PCG-41414M battery6] Sharon routed the Sudanese police company, and captured the settlement.[156] On his way to the Nakla, Sharon's men came under attack from Egyptian MIG-15s.[156] On the 30th, Sharon linked up with Eytan near Nakla.[156] Sony SVS1511M3EW battery
Sony SVS1511N3ES battery

Dayan had no more plans for further advances beyond the passes, but Sharon decided to attack the Egyptian positions at Jebel Heitan.[156] Sharon sent his lightly armed paratroopers against dug-in Egyptians supported by aircraft, tanks and heavy artillery.[156] Sharon's actions were in response to reports of the arrival of the 1st and 2nd Brigades of the 4th Egyptian Armored Division in the area, which Sharon believed would annihilate his forces if he did not seize the high ground.[1Sony SVS1511T9ES battery
56] Sharon sent two infantry companies, a mortar battery and some AMX-13 tanks under the command of Mordechai Gur into the Heitan Defile on the afternoon of 31 October 1956.[156]

The Egyptian forces occupied strong defensive positions and brought down heavy anti-tank, mortar and machine gun fire on the IDF force.[157] Gur's men were forced to retreat into the "Saucer", where they were surrounded and came under heavy fire.[1Sony SVS1511V9EB battery

Sony PCG-41218M battery57] Hearing of this, Sharon sent in another task force while Gur's men used the cover of night to scale the walls of the Heitan Defile.[157] During the ensuing action, the Egyptians were defeated and forced to retreat. A total of 260 Egyptian and 38 Israeli soldiers were killed during the battle.[157] Sony SVS1511V9ES battery

Although the battle was an Israeli victory, the casualties sustained would surround Sharon with controversy.[158] In particular, Sharon was criticized for ordering the attack on Jebel Heitan without authorization, and not realizing that with the Israeli Air Force controlling the skies, his men were in not such danger from the Egyptian tanks as he believed.[158] Sony SVS1511W9EB battery
Dayan himself maintained that Sharon was correct to order the attack without orders, and that under the circumstances, Sharon made the right decision; instead he criticized Sharon for his tactics of attacking the Egyptians head-on, which Dayan claimed led to unnecessary casualties.[158] Sony VPCSA3Q9E battery
Most of the deaths sustained by the Israelis in the entire operation were sustained at Jebel Heitan.

Air operations, first phase



Universal Newsreel from 1 November about the attack on Egypt

From the outset, the Israeli Air Force flew paratroop drops, supply flights and medevac sorties. Israel's new French-made Dassault Mystere IV jet fighters provided air cover for the transport aircraft. In the initial phase of the conflict, the Egyptian Air Force flew attack missions against advancing Israeli ground forces.
Sony PCG-41213M battery The Egyptian tactic was to use their new Soviet-made MiG-15 jets as fighter escorts, while their older British-made De Havilland Vampire and Gloster Meteor jets conducted strikes against Israeli troops and vehicles.[159] Sony VPCSB4S9E battery

In air combat, Israeli aircraft shot down between seven and nine Egyptian jets[159] with the loss of one plane,[160] but Egyptian strikes against the ground forces continued through to 1 November.[1
Sony PCG-41211M battery61] With the attack by the British and French air forces and navies, President Nasser ordered his pilots to disengage and fly their planes to bases in Southern Egypt. The Israeli Air Force was then free to strike Egyptian ground forces at will, as Israeli forces advanced into the Western Sinai.
Sony PCG-4121EM battery

On 3 November, four Israeli warplanes attacked a British warship, the Black Swan class sloop HMS Crane as it was patrolling the approaches to the Gulf of Aqaba. According to the IDF, Crane had been identified as an Egyptian warship, and the Israeli General Staff authorized the attack. Three rockets penetrated the ship's hull and caused significant internal damage, Sony VPCSE2F1E battery
including severed power mains and a ruptured oil tank. The ship also sustained some external damage from shrapnel and cannon fire, and three crewmen were wounded. Crane shot down one Israeli plane and damaged another during the engagement.[162][163][164] Sony VPCSE2V9E battery
Sony PCG-4121DM battery

Naval operations



The Ibrahim el Awal after its capture by the Israeli Navy.

On 30 October, the Egyptian Navy dispatched the Ibrahim el Awal, an ex-British Hunt class destroyer, to Haifa with the aim of shelling that city’s coastal oil installations. On 31 October the Ibrahim el Awal reached Haifa and began bombarding the city with its four 102mm (4-inch) guns. The French destroyer Kersaint, Sony SVE1511W1E battery
Sony SVE1512B1E battery

which was guarding Haifa port as part of Operation Musketeer, returned fire but failed to score any hits. The Ibrahim el Awal disengaged and turned northwest. Israeli destroyers INS Eilat and INS Yaffo then gave chase and caught up with the Egyptian warship. The Israeli destroyers, together with two Israeli Air Force Dassault Ouragans, Sony SVE1512C6E battery
Sony SVE1512J1E battery
succeeded in damaging the destroyer's turbo generator, rudder and antiaircraft guns. Left without power and unable to steer, the Ibrahim el Awal surrendered to the Israeli destroyers. The Egyptian destroyer was subsequently incorporated into the Israeli Navy and renamed INS Haifa (K-38).[159][165][166] Sony SVE1512K1E battery
Sony SVE1512M1E battery

On the night of 31 October in the northern Red Sea, the British light cruiser HMS Newfoundland challenged and engaged the Egyptian frigate Domiat, reducing it to a burning hulk in a brief gun battle. The Egyptian warship was then sunk by escorting destroyer HMS Diana, with 69 surviving Egyptian sailors rescued.[167] Sony SVE1513C4E battery
Sony SVE1513C5E battery

The Hedgehog-Abu Uwayulah operations

The village of Abu Uwayulah in the central Sinai served as the road centre for the entire Sinai, and thus was a key Israeli target.[157] To the east of Abu Uwayulah were several ridges that formed a natural defensive zone known to the Israelis as the "Hedgehog".[15Sony SVE1513D1E battery
Sony SVE1513E9E battery

Sony SVE1511A1E battery7] Holding the "Hedgehog" were 3,000 Egyptians of the 17th and 18th battalions of the 3rd Infantry Division commanded by Colonel Sami Yassa.[157] Yassa's men held a series of well-fortified trenches.[157] The "Hedgehog" could only be assaulted from the east flank of Umm Qataf ridge and the west flank of Ruafa ridge.[157] Sony SVE1513H1E battery
Sony SVE1513Q1E battery

On 30 October, a probing attack by Israeli armour under Major Izhak Ben-Ari turned into an assault on the Umm Qataf ridge that ended in failure.[168] During the fighting at Umm Qataf, Colonel Yassa was badly wounded and replaced by Colonel Saadedden Mutawally.[169] To the south, another unit of the Israeli 7th Armored Brigade discovered the al-Dayyiqa gap in the Jebel Halal ridge of the "Hedgehog".[16Sony SVE1711R1E battery

Sony SVE15 battery] The Israeli forces stormed and took the al-Dayyiqa gap.[168] Colonel Mutawally failed to appreciate the extent of the danger to his forces posed by the IDF breakthrough at al-Dayyiqa.[168]

Led by Colonel Avraham Adan, an IDF force entered the al-Dayyiqa and at dawn on 31 October attacked Abu Uwayulah.[170] After an hour's fighting, Abu Uwayulah fell to the IDF.[171] At the same time, another IDF battalion attacked the Ruafa ridge.[171] Sony PCG-41311M battery

Sony SVE14A3C5E battery


Concurrently, another attack was launched on the eastern edge of the "Hedgehog" by the IDF 10th Infantry Brigade (composed mostly of reservists) that ended in failure.[172] By noon, the Israeli Air Force had carried out a series of punishing airstrikes on the Egyptian positions, sometimes accidentally hitting IDF ground forces.[172] Sony SVE1711F1E battery

Sony SVE14A1S1E batterySuch was the tendency of the IAF to stage "friendly fire" incidents the IAF was arguably as much as danger to the Israeli troops as to the enemy.[172] Sony VGP-BPS13 Battery

Sony VGP-BPS13B/Q battery


Sony VGP-BPS21B battery

After taking Abu Uwayulah, Adan committed all of his forces against the Ruafa ridge of the "Hedgehog".[173] Sony SVE1711X1E battery

Sony SVE14 batteryAdan began a three-pronged attack with one armored force striking northeastern edge of Ruafa, a mixed infantry/armored force attacking the north edge and a feint attack from a neighbouring knoll.[1
Sony SVE1511W1ESI battery73] During the evening attack on 31 October, a chaotic battle raged on Ruafa ridge with much hand-to-hand fighting.[174] Though every IDF tank involved was destroyed, after a night's fighting, Ruafa had fallen to the IDF.[ Sony SVE1712Q1E battery

Sony SVE1511V1EW battery175] Another IDF assault that night, this time by the 10th Infantry Brigade on Umm Qataf was less successful with much of the attacking force getting lost in the darkness, resulting in a series of confused attacks that ended in failure.[17Sony VGP-BPS13/Q battery


Sony VGP-BPS21A battery5] Sony SVE1712Z1E battery

Sony SVE1511R9ESI battery Dayan, who had grown impatient with the failure to storm the "Hedgehog", sacked the 10th Brigade's commander Colonel Shmuel Golinda and replaced him with Colonel Israel Tal.[175]

On the morning of 1 November, Israeli and French aircraft launched frequent napalm attacks on the Egyptian troops at Umm Qataf.[1Sony SVE1713C5E battery

Sony SVE1511Q1EB battery75] Joined by the 37th Armored Brigade, the 10th Brigade again assaulted Umm Qataf, and was again defeated.[175] However, the ferocity of the IDF assault combined with rapidly dwindling stocks of water and ammunition caused Colonel Mutawally to order a general retreat from the "Hedgehog" on the evening of 1 November.[175] Sony SVE1713S1E battery
Sony SVE1511A1EB battery

The Gaza Strip operations



US newsreel on the Sinai and Gaza invasions

The city of Rafah was strategically important to Israel because control of that city would sever the Gaza Strip from the Sinai and provide a way to the main centres of the northern Sinai, al-Arish and al-Qantarah.[1Sony SVE14A1S1EB battery
Sony SVE14A1S1EP battery76] Holding the forts outside of Rafah were a mixture of Egyptian and Palestinian forces in the 5th Infantry Brigade commanded by Brigadier General Jaafar al-Abd.[176] In Rafah itself the 87th Palestinian Infantry Brigade was stationed.[176Sony VGP-BPS13A/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS21 battery] Assigned to capture Rafah were 1st Infantry Brigade led by Colonel Benjamin Givli and 27th Armored Brigade commanded by Colonel Haim Bar-Lev of the IDF.[ Sony SVE1511R9E battery

Sony SVE151C11M battery
176] To the south of Rafah were a series of mine-filled sand dunes and to the north were a series of fortified hills.[176]

Dayan ordered the IDF forces to seize Crossroads 12 in the central Rafah area, and to focus on breaking through rather than reducing every Egyptian strongpoint.[176Sony VGP-BPS13/S battery


Sony VGP-BPL21 battery] The IDF assault began with Israeli sappers and engineers clearing a path at night through the minefields that surrounded Rafah.[17Sony SVE1512X9E battery

Sony SVE171A11M battery6] French warships led by the cruiser Georges Leygues provided fire support, through Dayan had a low opinion of the French gunnery, complaining that the French only struck the Egyptian reserves.[177] Sony SVE1513A4E battery
Sony SVE1513B1E battery

Using the two paths cleared through the southern minefields, IDF tanks entered the Rafah salient.[177] Under Egyptian artillery fire, the IDF force raced ahead and took Crossroads 12 with the loss of 2 killed and 22 wounded.[177Sony VGP-BPS13/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS13B/B battery] In the north, the Israeli troops fought a confused series of night actions, but were successful in storming Hills 25, Sony SVE1513B4E battery

Sony VPCCA3E1E battery25A, 27 and 29 with the loss of six killed.[177] In the morning of 1 November, Israeli AMX-13s encircled and took Hills 34 and 36.[178] At that point, General al-Abd ordered his forces to abandon their posts outside of Rafah and retreat into the city.[179] Sony SVE1513M1E battery

With Rafah more or less cut off and Israeli forces controlling the northern and eastern roads leading into the city, Dayan ordered the AMX-13s of the 27th Armored Brigade to strike west and take al-Arish.[179Sony VGP-BPS13B/S battery


Sony VGP-BPS13B battery

Sony VPCCB4X1E battery] By this point, Nasser had ordered his forces to fall back towards the Suez Canal, so at first the Bar-Lev and his men met little resistance as they advanced across the northern Sinai.[179] Hearing of the order to withdraw, General al-Abd and his men left Rafah on the morning of 1 November through a gap in the Israeli lines, and headed back towards the Canal Zone.[179
VPCCB3P1E battery] Three hours later, the Israelis took Rafah.[17Sony VGP-BPS13A battery


Sony VGP-BPS13AB battery9] It was reported that after taking Rafah, Israeli troops killed 111 people, including 103 refugees, in Rafah's Palestinian refugee camp.[180][181] Not until the Jeradi Pass in the northern Sinai did the IDF run into serious opposition.[179]
Sony VPCCB3 batteryA series of hooking attacks that out-flanked the Egyptian positions combined with airstrikes led to an Egyptian defeat at the Jeradi Pass.[179] On 2 November, Bar-Lev's forces took al-Arish.[182] Sony SVE1513V1E battery

Meanwhile, the IDF attacked the Egyptian defenses outside of Gaza City late on 1 November.[182] After breaking through the Egyptian lines, the Israeli tanks headed into Gaza City.[1


Sony VGP-BPS13A/R battery82] Joined by infantry, the armor attacked the al-Muntar fortress outside of Gaza City, killing or capturing 3,500 Egyptian National Guard troops.[182Sony SVE1713Z1E battery

Sony VPCCB2S1E battery] By noon of 2 November, there was no more Egyptian opposition in the Gaza City area.[182] On 3 November, the IDF attacked Egyptian and Palestinian forces at Khan Yunis.[1


Sony VGP-BPS13A/Q battery82] After a fierce battle, the Israeli 37th Armored Brigade's Sherman tanks broke through the heavily fortified lines outside of Khan Yunis held by the 86th Palestinian Brigade.[183] Sony SVE17 battery

After some street-fighting with Egyptian soldiers and Palestinian fedayeen, Khan Yunis fell to the Israelis.[183] There are claims that after taking Khan Yunis, the IDF committed a massacre. Israel maintained that the Palestinians were killed in street-fighting, Sony VPCCA1C5E battery

Sony VPCCB2M1E batterywhile the Palestinians claimed that Israeli troops started executing unarmed Palestinians after the fall of Khan Yunis.[18Sony VGP-BPS13A/S battery

4] The claims of a massacre were reported to the UN General Assembly on 15 December 1956 by the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, Henry Labouisse,
Sony VPCCB2M0E batterywho reported from "trustworthy sources" that 275 people were killed in the massacre of which 140 were refugees and 135 local residents.[185][186]

In both Gaza City and Khan Yunis, street-fighting led to the deaths of "dozens, Sony VPCCA1S1E battery

Sony VPCCB2 battery perhaps hundreds, of non-combatants".[187] Sony VGP-BPS13AS battery

Sony VGP-BPS13S battery During the Gaza Strip fighting, anarchy reigned in the streets, and the warehouses belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were sacked by Palestinian mobs, leading to a humanitarian crisis as many people in the Gaza were left without food and medicine.[187Sony VPCCA2 battery

Sony VPCCA3 battery] This was compounded by a widespread view in Israel that the responsibility for the care of the Palestinian refugees rested with the UNRWA, not Israel, which led the Israelis to be slow with providing aid.[188] Sony VPCCA2S0E battery
Sony VPCCA2Z0E battery By noon of 3 November, the Israelis had control of almost the entire Gaza Strip save for a few isolated strongpoints, which were soon attacked and taken.[1Sony VGP-BPL8 Battery


Sony VGP-BPL21 Battery83] The UN estimated that in total 447 to 550 Palestinian civilians were killed by Israeli troops during the first weeks of Israeli occupation of the strip.[189] Sony SVE1711T1EB battery

Sony VPCCA3S1E battery

The Sharm el-Sheikh operations

By 3 November, with the IDF having successfully taken the Gaza Strip, Arish, the Hedgehog, and Mitla Pass, Sharm el-Sheikh was the last Israeli objective.[183] The main difficulty faced by Colonel Abraham Yoffe's 9th Infantry Brigade was logistical.[183] Sony SVE1711K1EW battery

Sony VPCCB3M1E batteryThere were no good roads linking Ras an-Naqb to Sharm el-Sheikh.[183] After taking the border town of Ras an-Naqb on 30 October, Daylan ordered Yoffe to wait until air superiority was ensured.[190] Sony SVE1711V1EB battery

Sony VPCCA4S1E battery

To outflank Sharm el-Sheikh, Dayan ordered paratroopers to take the town of Tor in the western Sinai.[190] Sony VGP-BPL9 Battery

Sony VGP-BPL10 Battery


Sony VGP-BPL15/S Battery The Egyptian forces at Sharm el-Sheikh had the advantage of holding one of the most strongly fortified positions in the entire Sinai, but had been subjected to heavy Israeli air attacks from the beginning of the war.[1Sony SVE1711X1EB battery

Sony SVE1511J1EW battery90] Yoffe set out for Sharm el-Sheikh on 2 November, and his major obstacles were the terrain and vehicle break-down.[190] Israeli Navy ships provided support to the 9th Division during its advance.[191] Sony SVE1511G1EW battery

After numerous skirmishes on the outskirts of Sharm el-Sheikh, Yoffe ordered an attack on the port around midnight on 4 November.[192Sony VGP-BPL11 Battery

] After four hours of heavy fighting, Yoffe ordered his men to retreat.[1
Sony SVE1511H1ESI battery92] On the morning of 5 November, Israeli forces launched a massive artillery barrage and napalm strikes against Egyptian forces defending Sharm el-Sheikh.[192] At 9:30 am on 5 November, the Egyptian commander, Colonel Raouf Mahfouz Zaki, surrendered Sharm el-Sheikh.[192]
Sony SVE1511H1EW battery

Anglo-French task force

See also: Operation Musketeer (1956) and Operation Telescope



A battle-damaged de Havilland Sea Venom on HMS Eagle.

To support the invasion, large air forces had been deployed to Cyprus and Malta by Britain and France and many aircraft carriers were deployed. Sony VGP-BPL12 Battery


Sony VGP-BPL15/B BatteryThe two airbases on Cyprus were so congested that a third field which was in dubious condition had to be brought into use for French aircraft. Even RAF Luqa on Malta was extremely crowded with RAF Bomber Command aircraft.
Sony SVE1511B1EW battery

The British deployed the aircraft carriers HMS Eagle, Albion and Bulwark and France had the battleship Jean Bart and aircraft carriers Arromanches and La Fayette on station. In addition, HMS Ocean and Theseus acted as jumping-off points for Britain's helicopter-borne assault (the world's first).
Sony SVE1511S1EB battery

Revise: Phases I and II

In the morning of 30 October Britain and France sent ultimatums to Egypt and Israel. They initiated Operation Musketeer on 31 October, with a bombing campaign.[ Sony VGP-BPL13 Battery


Sony VGP-BPL15 Battery193] Nasser responded by sinking all 40 ships present in the canal closing it to all shipping – shipping would not move again until early 1957.
Sony SVE1511S1ESI battery Despite the risk of an invasion in the Canal Zone, Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer ordered Egyptian troops in the Sinai to stay put, as Amer confidently assured Nasser that the Egyptians could defeat the Israelis in the Sinai and then defeat the Anglo-French forces once they came ashore in the Canal Zone.[194] Sony SVE1511G1ESI battery

Amer also advised Nasser to send more troops into the Sinai to inflict his promised defeat on Israel, even though the risk of their being cut off if the Canal Zone were seized by Anglo-French forces was enormous.[194Sony SVE1511G1EB battery
Sony SVE1511S1EW battery] Not until late on 31 October, did Nasser disregard Amer's rosy assessment and ordered his forces to disengage in the Sinai and to retreat back to the Canal Zone to face the expected Anglo-French invasion.[194] Sony VPCZ11 battery


Sony VGP-BPS20 battery Eden and Mollet ordered Phase I of Operation Revise to begin 13 hours after the Anglo-French ultimatum.[195] Sony VGP-BPL14 Battery


Sony VGP-BPL14/S Battery

British bombers based in Cyprus and Malta took off to Cairo with the aim of destroying Cairo airport, only to be personally ordered back by Eden when he learned that American civilians were being evacuated at Cairo airport.[19Sony VPCZ11X9E battery

5] Fearful of the backlash that might result if American civilians were killed in a British bombing attack, Eden sent the Valiant bombers back to Malta while the Canberra’s were ordered to hit Almaza airbase outside of Cairo.[195Sony VPCZ11X9E/B battery


Sony VPCZ23N9E battery] British night bombing proved ineffective.[195]

Starting on the morning of 1 November, carrier-based de Havilland Sea Venoms, Chance-Vought Corsairs and Hawker Sea Hawks began a series of daytime strikes on Egypt.[195] By the night of 1 November the Egyptian Air Force had lost 200 planes.[19Sony VPCZ11Z9E battery

5] With the destruction of Egypt's air force, Keightley ordered the beginning of Revise Phase II.[196] Sony VGP-BPL14/B Battery

Sony VGP-BPL14B Battery As part of Revise Phase II, a wide-ranging interdiction campaign began.[197] On 3 November F4U-7 Corsairs from the 14.F and 15.F Aéronavale taking off from the French carriers Arromanches and La Fayette, attacked the aerodrome at Cairo. Sony VPCZ11Z9E/B battery

The very aggressive French General Beaufre suggested at once that Anglo-French forces seize the Canal Zone with airborne landings instead of waiting the planned ten days for Revise II to be worked through, Sony VPCZ12C7E/B battery


and that the risk of sending in paratroopers without the prospect of sea-borne landings for several days be taken.[198] By 3 November, Beaufre finally convinced Keightley and Stockwell of the merits of his approach, and gained the approval for Operation Telescope as Beaufre had code-named the airborne assault on the Canal Zone.[19Sony VPCZ12M9E battery


On 2 November 1956 the First Sea Lord Admiral Mountbatten sent a letter to Eden telling him to stop the invasion before troops landed in the Canal Zone as the operation had already proved to be too costly politically.[20Sony VPCZ12M9E/B battery


Sony VPCZ23M9E battery0] The next day, Mountbatten made a desperate phone call to Eden asking for permission to stop the invasion before it began, only to be refused.[201] Mountbatten's views led to clash of personalities with the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, General Gerald Templer who supported the invasion.[2Sony VPCZ12V9E battery


Sony VPCZ21X9R battery02] In response to Mountbatten's call to cancel the invasion, Templer penned a memo, which read: Sony VGP-BPS8 Battery

Sony VGP-BPS9 Battery


"Some people in England today say that what we're done in the Middle East will have terrible effects in the future...The reality is that we have checked a drift. With a bit of luck we're not only stopped a big war in the Middle East, but we're halted the march of Russia through the Middle East and on to the African continent".[2Sony VPCZ12V9E/B battery


Telescope Modified: the Paratroops land



Smoke rises from oil tanks beside the Suez Canal hit during the initial Anglo-French assault on Port Said, 5 November 1956. Sony VGP-BPS10 Battery

Sony VGP-BPS11 Battery

Sony VGP-BPS12 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21A/B Battery

On late 5 November, an advance element of the 3rd Battalion of the British Parachute Regiment dropped on El Gamil Airfield, a narrow strip of land, Sony VPCZ12X9E/B battery


Sony VPCZ21V9E battery led by Brigadier M.A.H. Butler.[204] The "Red Devils" could not return Egyptian fire while landing, but once the paratroopers landed, they used their Sten guns, three-inch mortars and anti-tank weapons with great effect.[20Sony VPCZ12Z9E/B battery

Sony VPCZ12Z9E/X battery5] Having taken the airfield with a dozen casualties, the remainder of the battalion flew in by helicopter. The Battalion then secured the area around the airfield.[205]

During the ensuing street fighting, the Egyptian forces engaged in methodical tactics, fighting on the defense while inflicting maximum casualties and retreating only when overwhelming force was brought to bear.[205Sony SVS13AA11L Battery

Sony SVS131A11L Battery


] In particular, the SU100s proved to be a formidable weapon in urban combat.[205] Sony VGP-BPS12/Q Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21/S BatteryThe British forces moved up towards Port Said with air support before digging in at 13:00 to hold until the beach assault.[206] Sony SVS131B11L Battery

Sony SVS151A11L Battery


Sony PCG-41414L BatteryWith close support from carrier-based Wyverns, the British paratroopers took Port Said's sewage works and the cemetery while becoming engaged in a pitched battle for the Coast Guard barracks.[206]

At the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Pierre Chateau-Jobert landed with a force of the 2e RPC at Raswa.[206] Raswa imposed the problem of a small drop zone surrounded by water, but General Jacques Massu of the 10th Parachute Division assured Beaufre that this was not an insolvable problem for his men.[19Sony SVS151B11L Battery


Sony PCG-41413L Battery9] 500 heavily armed paratroopers of the French 2nd Colonial Parachute Regiment (2ème RPC), hastily redeployed from combat in Algeria, jumped over the al-Raswa bridges from Nord Noratlas 2501 transports of the Escadrille de Transport (ET) 1/61 and ET 3/61, together with some combat engineers of the Guards Independent Parachute Company.[20


Sony PCG-41412L Battery7]

Despite the loss of two soldiers, the western bridge was swiftly secured by the paras, and F4U Corsairs of the Aéronavale 14.F and 15.F flew a series of close-air-support missions, destroying several SU-100 tank destroyers. F-84Fs also hit two large oil storage tanks in Port Said, Sony VGP-BPS13 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21B Batterywhich went up in flames and covered most of the city in a thick cloud of smoke for the next several days.


Sony PCG-41411L BatteryEgyptian resistance varied, with some positions fighting back until destroyed, while others were abandoned with little resistance. The French paratroopers stormed and took Port Said's waterworks that morning, an important objective to control in a city in the desert.[2Sony SVS151G1GL Battery

06] Chateau-Jobert followed up this success by beginning an attack on Port Fuad.[208] Derek Varble, the American military historian, later wrote "Air support and fierce French assaults transformed the fighting at Port Fuad into a rout".[208Sony PCG-4121DL Battery


Sony PCG-41217L Battery] During the fighting in the Canal Zone, the French paratroopers often practiced their "no-prisoners'" code and executed Egyptian POWs.[209]


Sony PCG-41218L Battery

The Egyptian commander at Port Said, General Salahedin Moguy then proposed a truce.[208] His offer was taken up, and in the ensuring meeting with General Butler, Sony VGP-BPS13A Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21A Battery Chateau-Jobert and General Massu, was offered the terms of surrendering the city and marching his men to the Gamil airfield to taken off to POW camps in Cyprus.[21Sony PCG-4121EL Battery


Sony PCG-41216L Battery0] Moguy had no interest in surrendering and only made the truce offer to buy time for his men to dig in;[210] when fighting began again vans with loudspeakers traveled through the city encouraging resistance against the invaders, by announcing that London and Paris had been bombed by the Russians and that World War III had started. As the paratroopers alone were not enough,[1Sony PCG-4121FL Battery


Sony PCG-41215L Battery04]:173 Beaufre and British Admiral Manley Laurence Power urged that the sea-borne landings be accelerated and that Allied forces land the very next day.[210]

Stockwell and Knightley, who wished to stick with the original plan, opposed this.[2Sony VGP-BPS13A/B Battery

11] Stockwell was always in favour of rigidly following already agreed to plans, and was most reluctant to see any changes, whereas Beaufre was all for changing plans to match with changed circumstances.[212Sony PCG-4121GL Battery

] The differences between Stockwell and Beaufre were summarized by the American historian Derek Varble as: "Stockwell favored existing plans; their methodical construction and underlying staff work reduced risks. Beaufre, Sony PCG-41211L Battery


Sony PCG-41214L Battery by contrast an opportunist, saw plans merely a means to an end, without much inherent value. For him, altered circumstances or assumptions provided adequate justification to jettison part or all of the original plan".[21Sony PCG-6Z4M battery


The Royal Marines come ashore at Port Said

At first light on 6 November, commandos of No. 42 and 40 Commando Royal Marines stormed the beaches, using landing craft of World War II vintage (Landing Craft Assault and Landing Vehicle Tracked).[213] Sony PCG-41212L Battery

Sony PCG-41213L Battery The battle group standing offshore opened fire, giving covering fire for the landings and causing considerable damage to the Egyptian batteries and gun emplacements. The town of Port Said sustained great damage and was seen to be alight.[2Sony SVS13AB1GL Battery


Sony PCG-71811L Battery13]

The men of 42 Commando as much as possible chose to by-pass Egyptian positions and focused on trying to break through inland.[213Sony VGP-BPS13B/B Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21 Battery The Royal Marines of 40 Commando had the advantage of being supported by Centurion tanks as they landed on Sierra Red beach.[2Sony SVS131C1DL Battery


Sony PCG-71713L Battery14] Upon entering downtown Port Said, the Marines became engaged in fierce urban combat as the Egyptians used the Casino Palace Hotel and other strongpoints as fortresses.[214]



2ème RPC paratroopers patrol in Port Said, October 1956.

Nasser proclaimed the Suez War to be a "people's war".[Sony VGP-BPS13/B Battery


Sony VGP-BPS15/S Battery215] As such, Egyptian troops were ordered to don civilian clothes while guns were freely handed out to Egyptian civilians.[216] From Nasser's point of view, a "people's war" presented the British and French with an insolvable dilemma.[217] Sony SVS131C24L Battery

Sony SVS131E1DL Battery

If the Allies reacted aggressively to the "people's war", then that would result in the deaths of innocent civilians and thus bring world sympathy to his cause while weakening morale on the home front in Britain and France.[21Sony SVS131G1DL Battery


Sony PCG-71614L Battery7] If the Allies reacted cautiously to the "people's war", than that would result in Allied forces becoming bogged down by sniper attacks, who had the advantage of attacking "...with near impunity by hiding among crowds of apparent non-combatants".[217] Sony PCG-4U2M battery

These tactics worked especially well against the British.[2Sony VGP-BPS13B/S Battery


Sony VGP-BPS15/B Battery17] British leaders, especially Eden and the First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Louis Mountbatten were afraid of being labelled "murderers and baby killers", and sincerely attempted to limit Egyptian civilian deaths.[2Sony SVS151C1GL Battery


Sony PCG-61913L Battery17] Eden frequently interfered with Revise Phrase I and II bombing, striking off various targets that he felt were likely to cause excessive civilian deaths, and restricted the gun sizes that could be used at the Port Said landings, again to minimize civilian deaths.[218] Sony SVS151C2DL Battery


The American historian Derek Varble has commented that the paradox between Eden's concern for Egyptian civilians and the object of Revise Phase II bombing, which was intended to terrorize the Egyptian people, was never resolved.[219] Sony SVS151E1GL Battery


Sony PCG-61911L Battery Despite Eden's best efforts, British bombing still killed hundreds of Egyptian civilians during Revise II, though these deaths were due more to imprecise aiming rather than a deliberate policy of "area bombing" such as that employed against Germany in World War II.[22


Sony VGP-BPS15 Battery0] At Port Said, the heavy fighting in the streets and the resulting fires destroyed much of the city, killing thousands of civilians[22Sony PCG-61A11L Battery


Sony PCG-61813L Battery1][not in citation given]

In the afternoon, 522 additional French paratroopers of the 1er REP (Régiment Étranger Parachutiste, 1st Foreign Parachute Regiment) were dropped near Port Fouad. These were also constantly supported by the Corsairs of the French Aéronavale, which flew very intensive operations: for example, Sony PCG-61A13L Battery


Sony PCG-61714L Batteryalthough the French carrier La Fayette developed catapult problems, no less than 40 combat sorties were completed. The French were aided by AMX-13 light tanks.[


Sony VGP-BPS14/S Battery222] While clearing Port Fuad, the 1er Regiment Etranger Parachutiste killed 100 Egyptians without losing a man in return.[22Sony PCG-61A14L Battery

Sony PCG-71C11L Battery

Sony PCG-71C12L Battery2] In total, 10 French soldiers were killed and 30 injured during the landing and the subsequent battles.



A British link up between the 3rd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment, and the Commandos at the Coast Guard barracks in Port Said. The paratroopers have with them a captured SU-100 tank destroyer, and the Commandos a Buffalo amphibious assault vehicle. Sony PCG-71911L Battery

Sony PCG-71912L Battery



British commandos of No. 45 Commando assaulted by helicopter, meeting stiff resistance, with shore batteries striking several helicopters, while friendly fire from British carrier-borne aircraft caused casualties to 45 Commando and HQ.[223Sony PCG-71913L Battery


Sony PCG-91311L Battery] The helicopter borne assault of 45 Commando was the first time helicopters were used by UK Forces to lift men directly into a combat zone.[224] Lieutenant Colonel N.H. Tailyour, who was leading 45 Commando was landed by mistake in a stadium still under Egyptian control resulting in a very hasty retreat.[225Sony PCG-71914L Battery

Sony PCG-91211L Battery] Street fighting and house clearing, with strong opposition from well-entrenched Egyptian sniper positions, caused further casualties.[226] Sony VGP-BPS13B/Q Battery


Sony VGP-BPS14B Battery

Especially fierce fighting took place at the Port Said's Customs House and Navy House.[225] The Egyptians destroyed Port Said's Inner Harbour, which forced the British to improvise and use the Fishing Harbour to land their forces.[227] Sony SVE141C11L Battery


Sony PCG-71218L Battery

Sony PCG-71217L Battery

The 2nd Bn of the Parachute Regiment landed by ship in the harbour. Centurion tanks of the British 6th Royal Tank Regiment were landed and by 12:00 they had reached the French paratroopers.[227] While the British were landing at Port Said, the men of the 2 RPC at Raswa fought off Egyptian counter-attacks featuring SU100 self-propelled guns.[228Sony SVE141D11L Battery


Sony PCG-71311L Battery]

After establishing themselves in a position in downtown Port Said, 42 Commando headed down the Shari Muhammad Ali, the main north-south road to link up with the French forces at the Raswa bridge and the Inner Basin lock.[22Sony SVE141L11L Battery


Sony PCG-71312L Battery8] While doing so, the Marines also took Port Said's gasworks.[229] Meanwhile, 40 Commando supported by the Royal Tank Regiment remained engaged in clearing the downtown of Egyptian snipers.[229Sony VGP-BPS13/Q Battery


Sony VGP-BPS14/B Battery] Colonel Tailyour arranged for more reinforcements to be brought in via helicopter.[229] Sony SVE151E11L Battery


Sony PCG-91112L Battery

Hearing rumours that Moguy wished to surrender, both Stockwell and Beaufre left their command ship HMS Tyne for Port Said.[222] Upon landing, they learned the rumours were not true.[22


Sony PCG-91111L Battery2] Instead of returning to the Tyne, both Stockwell and Beaufre spent the day in Port Said, and were thus cut off from the news.[2Sony VGP-BSP13/S Battery

Sony VGP-BPS14 Battery22] Only late in the day did Beaufre and Stockwell learn of the acceptance of the United Nations ceasefire.[22Sony SVE151G11L Battery


Sony PCG-61713L Battery2] Rather than focusing on breaking out to take al-Qantarah, the Royal Marines became bogged down in clearing every building in Port Said of snipers.[222] The Centurions of the Royal Tank Regiment supported by the paratroopers of 2 RPC began a slow advance down to al-Qantarah on the night of 6 November.[230] Sony SVE151G13L Battery


Sony SVE171G112 Battery

Egyptian sniper attacks and the need to clear every building led the 3 Para to be slowed in their attempts to link up with the Royal Marines.[231] When Stockwell learned of the ceasefire to come into effect in five hours’ time at 9: 00 pm, Sony SVE151J11L Battery


Sony SVE171E12L Batteryhe ordered Colonel Gibbon and his Centurions to race down and take al-Qantarah with all speed in order to improve the Allied bargaining position.[232] What followed was a confused series of melee actions down the road to al-Qantarah that ended with the British forces at al-Cap, a small village four miles north of al-Qantarah at 2:00 am, when the ceasefire came into effect.[233] Sony SVE171C11L Battery

Sony SVE171E11L Battery



British casualties stood at 16 dead and 96 wounded,[7] while French casualties were 10 dead and 33 wounded. The Israeli losses were 231 dead[6] and 899 wounded. The number of Egyptians killed was "never reliably established".[234] Sony PCG-71217L Battery


Sony PCG-61317L Battery

 Egyptian casualties to the Israeli invasion were estimated at 1,000–3,000 dead and 4,000 wounded, while losses to the Anglo-French operation were estimated at 650 dead and 900 wounded.[10][235] 1,000 Egyptian civilians are estimated to have died.[236] Sony PCG-71313L Battery

Sony PCG-71315L Battery


End of hostilities




Newsreel from 12 November 1956 about the end of the invasion

Anti-war protests in Britain

Protests against the war occurred in Britain after the invasion began. On the popular television talk show Free Speech, an especially bitter debate took place on 31 October with the leftist historian A. J. P. Taylor and the Labour journalist and future party leader Michael Foot calling their colleague on Free Speech, Sony PCG-71316L Battery


Sony PCG-61316L Battery the Conservative M.P. Robert Boothby, a “criminal” for supporting the war.[237] One television critic spoke of Free Speech during the war that “the team seemed to not only on the verge of, but actually losing their tempers...Boothby boomed, Foot fumed and Taylor trephined, with apparent real malice…”.[238] Sony PCG-71317L Battery


Sony PCG-61315L Battery

The angry, passionate, much-watched debates about the Suez war on Free Speech mirrored the divided public response to the war.[238] Eden's major mistake had been not to strike in July 1956 when there was widespread anger at Nasser's nationalisation of the Suez Canal Company, Sony PCG-71318L Battery


Sony PCG-61312L Battery as by the fall of 1956 public anger had subsided, with many people in Britain having come to accept the fait accompli, and saw no reason for war.[239] This was especially the case as Eden's claims that the Egyptians would hopelessly mismanage the Canal had proven groundless,


Sony PCG-61311L Batteryand that by September 1956 it was clear that the change of management had not affected shipping.[240] Even more importantly, Eden's obsession with secrecy and his desire to keep the preparations for war as secret as possible meant that the Eden government did nothing in the months running up to the attack to explain to the British people why it was felt that war was necessary.[2Sony PCG-71211L Battery

41] Many of the reservists who were called up for their National Service in the summer and fall of 1956 recalled feeling bewildered and confused as the Eden government started preparing to attack Egypt while at the same time Eden insisted in public that he wanted a peaceful resolution of the dispute, and was opposed to attacking Egypt.[24Sony PCG-71212L Battery


Sony PCG-61215L Battery2] The British author David Pryce-Jones recalled that as a young officer, that after the ultimatum was submitted to Egypt he had to explain to his troops why war with Egypt was necessary without believing a word that he was saying.[243] Sony PCG-71215L Battery


Gaitskell was much offended that Eden had kept him in the dark about the planning for action against Egypt, and felt personally insulted that Eden had just assumed that he would support the war without consulting him first.[244][ Sony PCG-71216L Battery

Sony PCG-61211L Battery245] On 31 October he cited in Parliament the fact that, despite Eden's claim that the British government had consulted closely with the commonwealth, no other member nation did; in the Security Council, not even Australia had supported the British action. He called the invasion[104]:208–209Sony PCG-61713L Battery
Sony PCG-91111L Battery

an act of disastrous folly whose tragic consequences we shall regret for years. Yes, all of us will regret it, because it will have done irreparable harm to the prestige and reputation of our country ... we shall feel bound by every constitutional means at our disposal to oppose it[104]:208–209Sony PCG-91112L Battery
Sony PCG-71312L Battery

The stormy and violent debates in the House of Commons on 1 November 1956 almost degenerated into fist-fights after several Labour M.P.s compared Eden to Hitler.[246] The British historian A. N. Wilson wrote that "The letters to The Times caught the mood of the country , with great majority opposing military intervention...".[2Sony PCG-71311L Battery

Sony PCG-61317L Battery47] The journalist Malcolm Muggeridge and actor Robert Speaight wrote in a public letter that

The bitter division in public opinion provoked by the British intervention in the Middle East has already had one disastrous consequence. It has deflected popular attention from the far more important struggle in Hungary. Sony PCG-71218L Battery

Sony PCG-61316L Battery A week ago the feelings of the British people were fused in a single flame of admiration for the courage and apparent success of the Hungarian revolt. Now, that success seems threatened by Russian treachery and brute force, and Hungary has appealed to the West...It is the first, and perhaps will prove the only opportunity to reverse the calamitous decisions of Yalta.. Sony PCG-71217L Battery

Sony PCG-61315L Battery.The Prime Minister has told us that 50 million tons of British shipping are at stake in his dispute with President Nasser. What is at stake in Central Europe are rather more than 50 million souls. Sony PCG-71313L Battery

Sony PCG-61312L BatteryIt may be objected that it is not so easy to help the Hungarians; to this excuse they are entitled to reply that it was not so easy to help themselves.[248]

Lady Violet Bonham Carter, an influential Liberal Party member, wrote in a letter to the Times that Sony PCG-71315L Battery

Sony PCG-61311L Battery

I am one of the millions who watching the martyrdom of Hungary and listening yesterday to the transmission of her agonizing appeals of help (immediately followed by our "successful bombings" of Egyptian "targets") Sony PCG-71316L Battery

Sony PCG-61215L Batterywho have felt a humiliation, shame and anger which are beyond expression...We cannot order Soviet Russia to obey the edict of the United Nations which we ourselves have defied, nor to withdraw her tanks and guns from Hungary while we are bombing and invading Egypt.
Sony PCG-61211L Battery Today we are standing in the dock with Russia...Never in my lifetime has our name stood so low in the eyes of the world. Never have we stood so ingloriously alone.[249]

According to public opinion polls at the time, 37% of the British people supported the war while 44% were opposed.[250Sony PCG-71317L Battery

Sony PCG-71216L Battery][251] The Observer newspaper in a leader (editorial) attacked the Eden government for its "folly and crookedness" in attacking Egypt while the Manchester Guardian urged its readers to write letters of protest to their MPs.[ Sony PCG-71318L Battery

Sony PCG-71215L Battery252] The Economist spoke of the "strange union of cynicism and hysteria" in the government and The Spectator stated that Eden would soon have to face "a terrible indictment".[25Sony PCG-71211L Battery
Sony PCG-71212L Battery2] The majority of letters written to M.Ps from their constituents were against the Suez attack.[253] Significantly, many of the letters come from voters who identified as Conservatives.[254Sony SVE141C11L Battery

Sony SVE171G112 Battery
] The historian Keith Feiling wrote "the harm done seems to me terrifying: for my part I have resigned from the party while the present leader is there".[255] The law professor and future Conservative cabinet minister Norman St. John-Stevas wrote at the time: Sony SVE141L11L Battery

Sony SVE171E11L Battery

I had wanted to stand for the party at the next election, but I cannot bring myself to vote for the party at the moment, let alone stand for it. I am thinking of joining the Labour Party and am having lunch with Frank Pakenham next week.[255] Sony SVE141D11L Battery

Sony SVE171E12L Battery

The historian Hugh Trevor-Roper expressed regret that no senior minister resigned and hoped "some kind of national Tory party can be saved from the wreck".[255] A master at Eton College in a letter to his M.P. declared: Sony PCG-41311M battery



I write to you to express my complete abhorrence of the policy which the government is pursuing...I have voted Conservative in the last three elections, but I am quite sure my next vote will be for a Labour candidate"[255] Sony SVE151E11L Battery

The extent of Conservative dissent should not be overstated. The majority of Conservative constituency associations passed resolutions of support to "Sir Anthony".[255]

The Labour Party and the Trade Union Congress organized nation-wide anti-war protests, starting on 1 November under the slogan “Law, not war!”[250Sony SVE151G11L Battery

Sony SVE171C11L Battery] On 4 November, at an anti-war rally in Trafalgar Square attended by 30,000 people (making it easily the biggest rally in London since 1945), the Labour M.P. Aneurin Bevan accused the government of “a policy of bankruptcy and despair”.[256] Bevan stated at the Trafalgar rally: Sony SVE151G13L Battery
Sony SVE151J11L Battery

We are stronger than Egypt but there are other countries stronger than us. Are we prepared to accept for ourselves the logic we are applying to Egypt? If nations more powerful than ourselves accept the absence of principle, the anarchistic attitude of Eden and launch bombs on London, what answer have we got, Sony PCG-61A11L Battery

Sony PCG-91311L Battery
what complaint have we got? If we are going to appeal to force, if force is to be the arbiter to which we appeal, it would at least make common sense to try to make sure beforehand that we have got it, even if you accept that abysmal logic, that decadent point of view.

Sony PCG-91211L Battery

We are in fact in the position today of having appealed to force in the case of a small nation, where if it is appealed to against us it will result in the destruction of Great Britain, not only as a nation, but as an island containing living men and women. Therefore I say to Anthony, I say to the British government, there is no count at all upon which they can be defended. Sony PCG-61A13L Battery


They have besmirched the name of Britain. They have made us ashamed of the things of which formerly we were proud. They have offended against every principle of decency and there is only way in which they can even begin to restore their tarnished reputation and that is to get out! Get out! Get out![256] Sony PCG-61A14L Battery

Sony PCG-71914L Battery

Inspired by Bevan’s speech, the crowd at Trafalgar Square then marched on 10 Downing Street chanting “Eden Must Go!”, and attempted to storm the Prime Minister’s residence.[257] The ensuring clashes between the police and the demonstrators which were captured by television cameras had a huge demoralizing effect on the Eden cabinet,[258] which was meeting there.[2Sony PCG-71C11L Battery

Sony PCG-71913L Battery57] The British historian Anthony Adamthwaite wrote in 1988 that American financial pressure was the key factor that forced Eden to accept a ceasefire, but the public protests, declining poll numbers and signs that many Conservative voters were deserting the government were important secondary factors.[251] Sony PCG-41313M battery


Support for Eden

Some modern historians contend, however, that the majority of public opinion at the time was on Eden's side.[25Sony PCG-71C12L Battery

Sony PCG-71912L Battery9] Gilbert Murray was among Oxford scholars who signed a statement supporting Eden; such an act by the famous advocate of internationalism amazed both sides. He explained that, if not stopped, he believed Nasserism would become a Soviet-led worldwide anti-western movement.[10Sony PCG-61714L Battery

Sony PCG-71911L Battery4]:202–203 The British historian Barry Turner wrote that

The public reaction to press comment highlighted the divisions within the country. But there was no doubt that Eden still commanded strong support from a sizable minority, maybe even a majority, of voters who thought that it was about time that the upset Arabs should be taught a lesson.
Sony PCG-71811L BatteryThe Observer and Guardian lost readers; so too did the News Chronicle, a liberal newspaper that was soon to fold as a result of falling circulation.[252] Sony PCG-61911L Battery

A.N. Wilson wrote that

The bulk of the press, the Labour Party and that equally influential left-learning party, the London dinner party, were all against Suez together with the rent-a-mob of poets, dons, clergy and ankle-socked female graduates who deplored British action, they did not necessarily constitute the majority of unexpressed public opinion[249] Sony PCG-61813L Battery

Sony PCG-71713L Battery

The economist Roy Harrod wrote at the time that the "more level-headed British, whom I believe to be in the majority through not the most vocal" were supporting the "notable act of courage and statesmanship" of the government.[260] Eden himself claimed that his mail went from eight to one against the military action immediately after its start, to four to one in support on the day before the ceasefire.[104]:202Sony PCG-61913L Battery
Sony PCG-71614L Battery

International reaction



Eisenhower press conference about the crisis, 9 August

The operation[217], aimed at taking control of the Suez Canal, Gaza, and parts of Sinai, was highly successful for the invaders from a military point of view, but was a disaster from a political point of view, Sony SVS13AA11L Battery

Sony SVS151E1GL Battery
 resulting in international criticism and diplomatic pressure. Along with the Suez crisis, the United States was also dealing with the near-simultaneous Hungarian revolution. Vice President Richard Nixon later explained: "We couldn't on one hand, complain about the Soviets intervening in Hungary and, on the other hand, approve of the British and the French picking that particular time to intervene against Nasser".[26Sony PCG-41314M battery

Sony PCG-41315M battery


Sony PCG-6124M battery1] Beyond that, it was Eisenhower's belief that if the United States were seen to acquiesce in the attack on Egypt, that the resulting backlash in the Arab world might win the Arabs over to the Soviet Union.[262] Sony SVS131A11L Battery
Sony SVS131B11L Battery

Despite having no commercial or military interest in the area, many countries were concerned with the growing rift between Western allied nations. The Swedish ambassador to the Court of St. James, Gunnar Hägglöf wrote in a letter to the anti-war Conservative M.P. Edward Boyle: Sony SVS151A11L Battery

I don't think there is any part of the world where the sympathies for England are greater than in Scandinavia. But Scandinavian opinion has never been more shocked by a British government's action—not even by the British-German Naval Agreement of 1935—than by the Suez intervention.[255] Sony SVS151B11L Battery
Sony SVS151G1GL Battery

The attack on Egypt greatly offended many in the Islamic world. In Pakistan, 300,000 people showed up in a rally in Lahore to show solidarity with Egypt while in Karachi a mob chanting anti-British slogans burned down the British High Commission.[263Sony PCG-4121DL Battery
Sony PCG-4121EL Battery

Sony SVS151C2DL Battery] In Syria, the military government blew up the Kirkuk–Baniyas pipeline that allowed Iraqi oil to reach tankers in the Mediterranean to punish Iraq for supporting the invasion, and to cut Britain off from one of its main routes for taking delivery of Iraqi oil.[264] King Saud of Saudi Arabia imposed a total oil embargo on Britain and France.[265] Sony PCG-4121FL Battery

Sony SVS151C1GL Battery

When Israel refused to withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip and Sharm el-Sheikh, Eisenhower declared, "We must not allow Europe to go flat on its back for the want of oil." He sought UN-backed efforts to impose economic sanctions on Israel until it fully withdrew from Egyptian territory. Sony PCG-4121GL Battery
Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson and minority leader William Knowland objected to American pressure on Israel. Johnson told the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles that he wanted him to oppose "with all its skill" any attempt to apply sanctions on Israel.[26Sony PCG-41211L Battery
6] Dulles rebuffed Johnson's request, and informed Eisenhower of the objections made by the Senate. Eisenhower was "insistent on applying economic sanctions" to the extent of cutting off private American assistance to Israel which was estimated to be over $100 million a year. Ultimately, Sony PCG-41212L Battery

Sony SVS131G1DL Batterythe Democratic Party-controlled Senate would not cooperate with Eisenhower's position on Israel. Eisenhower finally told Congress he would take the issue to the American people, saying, "America has either one voice or none, and that voice is the voice of the President – whether everybody agrees with him or not."[ Sony PCG-41213L Battery

Sony SVS131E1DL Battery266] The President spoke to the nation by radio and television where he outlined Israel's refusal to withdraw, explaining his belief that the UN had "no choice but to exert pressure upon Israel."[266] Sony PCG-41214L Battery

On 30 October, the Security Council held a meeting, at the request of the United States, when it submitted a draft resolution calling upon Israel immediately to withdraw its armed forces behind the established armistice lines. It was not adopted because of British and French vetoes. A similar draft resolution sponsored by the Soviet Union was also rejected.[26Sony PCG-41215L Battery

Sony SVS131C24L Battery7] On 31 October, also as planned, France and the UK launched an air attack against targets in Egypt, which was followed shortly by a landing of their troops at the northern end of the Canal Zone. Later that day, considering the grave situation created by the actions against Egypt,
Sony SVS131C1DL Battery and with lack of unanimity among the permanent members preventing it from exercising its primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security, the Security Council passed Resolution 119; Sony PCG-41216L Battery

Sony SVS13AB1GL Batteryit decided to call an emergency special session of the General Assembly for the first time, as provided in the 1950 "Uniting for Peace" resolution, in order to make appropriate recommendations to end the fighting.[267]



Universal Newsreel from 4 December about Dag Hammarskjöld's meeting with Nasser. Sony PCG-41217L Battery

The emergency special session was convened 1 November; the same day Nasser requested diplomatic assistance from the U.S., without requesting the same from the Soviet Union; he was at first skeptical of the efficacy of US diplomatic efforts at the UN, but later gave full credit to Eisenhower's role in stopping the war.[268] Sony PCG-4R2M battery


In the early hours of 2 November, the General Assembly adopted the United States' proposal for Resolution 997 (ES-I); the vote was 64 in favor and 5 opposed (Australia, New Zealand, Britain, France, and Israel) with 6 abstentions.[26Sony PCG-41218L Battery

Sony PCG-41414L Battery9] It called for an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of all forces behind the armistice lines, an arms embargo, and the reopening of the Suez Canal, which was now blocked. The Secretary-General was requested to observe and report promptly on compliance to both the Security Council and General Assembly, for further action as deemed appropriate in accordance with the U N Charter.[267] Sony PCG-41411L Battery
[270] Over the next several days, the emergency special session consequently adopted a series of enabling resolutions, which established the first United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF), on 7 November by Resolution 1001.[271] Sony PCG-41412L Battery
Sony PCG-41413L Battery This proposal of the emergency force and the resulting cease-fire was made possible primarily through the efforts of, Lester B. Pearson, the Secretary of External Affairs of Canada, and Dag Hammarskjöld, the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Sony PCG-61412L Battery

The role of Nehru, both as Indian Prime minister and a leader of the Non Aligned Movement was significant; the Indian historian Inder Malhotra wrote that "Now Nehru — who had tried to be even-handed between the two sides —Sony PCG-71111L Battery
denounced Eden and co-sponsors of the aggression vigorously. He had a powerful, if relatively silent, ally in the US president Dwight Eisenhower who went to the extent of using America’s clout in the IMF to make Eden and Mollet behave".[272] Sony PCG-81111L Battery

Sony PCG-81411L Battery

The Indian historian Inder Malhotra wrote about Nehru's role that: "So the Suez War ended in Britain’s humiliation. Eden lost his job. Nehru achieved his objective of protecting Egypt’s sovereignty and Nasser’s honour".[2Sony PCG-81112L Battery
72] Britain and France agreed to withdraw from Egypt within a week; Israel did not. A rare example of support for the Anglo-French actions against Egypt came from West Germany; though the Cabinet was divided, the Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was furious with the United States for its "chumminess with the Russians" as Adenauer called the Sony PCG-81113L Battery
Sony PCG-81114L Battery
U.S. refusal to intervene in Hungary, and the traditionally Francophile Adenauer drew closer to Paris as a result.[273] Adenauer refused to cancel a planned visit to Paris on 5–6 November 1956 and his summit with Mollet was clearly meant to be seen as a gesture of moral support.[273]
Sony PCG-81314L Battery


Sony PCG-6123M battery

On 7 November, David Ben-Gurion addressed the Knesset and declared a great victory, saying that the 1949 armistice agreement with Egypt was dead and buried, and that the armistice lines were no longer valid and could not be restored. Under no circumstances would Israel agree to the stationing of UN forces on its territory or in any area it occupied.[274Sony PCG-81214L Battery

Sony PCG-81313L Battery][275] He also made an oblique reference to his intention to annex the Sinai Peninsula.[274] Isaac Alteras writes that Ben-Gurion 'was carried away by the resounding victory against Egypt' and while 'a statesman well known for his sober realism, [he] took flight in dreams of grandeur.' Sony PCG-81311L Battery
Sony PCG-81312L BatteryThe speech marked the beginning of a four-month-long diplomatic struggle, culminating in withdrawal from all territory, under conditions far less palatable than those envisioned in the speech, but with conditions for sea access to Eilat and a UNEF presence on Egyptian soil.[


Sony PCG-81411L Battery274] The speech immediately drew increased international pressure on Israel to withdraw.[275] That day in New York, the emergency session passed Resolution 1002, again calling for the immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops to behind the armistice lines, and for the immediate withdrawal of British and French troops from Egyptian territory.[ Sony PCG-61412L Battery


Sony PCG-81314L Battery267] After a long Israeli cabinet meeting late on 8 November, Ben-Gurion informed Eisenhower that Israel declared its willingness to accept withdrawal of Israeli forces from Sinai, 'when satisfactory arrangements are made with the international force that is about to enter the canal zone.'[274] Sony PCG-71111L Battery


Soviet threats

Although the Soviet Union's position in the crisis was as helpless as was the United States' regarding Hungary's uprising, Premier Nikolai Bulganin threatened to intervene on the Egyptian side, and to launch rocket attacks on Britain, France and Israel.[274Sony PCG-81111L Battery


Sony PCG-81313L Battery][276] Bulganin accused Ben-Gurion of supporting European colonialism, and Mollet of hypocrisy for leading a socialist government while pursuing a right-wing foreign policy. He did however concede in his letter to Eden that Britain had legitimate interests in Egypt.

The Soviet threat to send troops to Egypt to fight the Allies led Eisenhower to fear that this might be the beginning of World War III.[2Sony PCG-81112L Battery


Sony PCG-81312L Battery77] One of Eisenhower's aides Emmet Hughes recalled that the reaction at the White House to the Bulganin letters was "sombre" as there was fear that this was the beginning to the countdown to World War III, a war that if it occurred would kill hundreds of millions of people.[27Sony PCG-81113L Battery


Sony PCG-81311L Battery8] In private, Eisenhower told Under Secretary of State Herbert Hoover, Jr. of his fears that:

The Soviet Union might be ready for to undertake any wild adventure. They are as scared and furious as Hitler was in his last days. There's nothing more dangerous than a dictatorship in that frame of mind.[277] Sony PCG-81114L Battery

Sony PCG-81214L Battery

If the Soviet Union did go to war with NATO allies Britain and France, then the United States would be unable to remain neutral, because the United States' obligations under NATO would come into effect, requiring them to go to war with the Soviet Union in defense of Britain and France. Likewise, if the Soviet Union attacked Israel, Sony PCG-9Z1L Battery

Sony PCG-8151L Battery
 though there was no formal American commitment to defend Israel, the Eisenhower administration would come under heavy domestic pressure to intervene. From Eisenhower's viewpoint, it was better to end the war against Egypt rather run the risk of this escalating into the Third World War, Sony PCG-9Z2L Battery
Sony PCG-7142L Battery
in case Khrushchev was serious about going to war in defense of Egypt as he insisted in public that he was. Eisenhower's reaction to these threats from the Soviet Union was: "If those fellows start something, we may have to hit 'em – and, if necessary, with everything in the bucket."
Sony PCG-8141L Battery [279] Eisenhower immediately ordered the U-2s into action over Syria and Israel to search for any Soviet air forces on Syrian bases, so the British and French could destroy them. He told Hoover and CIA director Allan Dulles, "If the Soviets attack the French and British directly, we would be in a war and we would be justified in taking military action even if Congress were not in session."[280] Sony PCG-7151L Battery
Sony PCG-7152L Battery

Sony PCG-813L Battery (The Americans excluded Israel from the guarantee against Soviet attack, however, alarming the Israeli government.[274])

Khrushchev often claimed to possess a vast arsenal of nuclear-tipped ICBMs, and while disclaiming any intention of starting a war, maintained that he would be more than happy to turn a conventional war into a nuclear one if war did come.[281] Sony PCG-4R2M battery


Sony PCG-6122M batteryThe U-2 spy flights, which were intended to discover if the Soviet Union really did have the nuclear arsenal that it claimed to have, only started in July 1956, and it was not until February 1959 that it firmly established that Khrushchev had vastly exaggerated his nuclear strength.[282] In fact, the supposedly huge Soviet arsenal of ICBMs, Sony PCG-7153L Battery

Sony PCG-7185L Battery with which Khrushchev would wipe out the cities of Britain, France, Israel, and if necessary the United States consisted only of four Semyorka missiles stationed at a swamp south of Archangel.[28Sony PCG-7154L Battery

Sony PCG-7184L Battery3] From the viewpoint of Eisenhower, in 1956 he had no way of knowing for certain whether Khrushchev's nuclear braggadocio was for real or not. Earlier in 1956, Dulles had warned Eisenhower that Khrushchev was "the most dangerous person to lead the Soviet Union since the October Revolution" as Khrushchev was "not a coldly calculating person, but rather one who reacted emotionally. He was obviously intoxicated much of the time and could be expected to commit irrational acts."[284] Sony PCG-7161L Battery

Sony PCG-7183L Battery Khrushchev later admitted in his memoirs that he was not seriously "thinking of going to war" in November 1956 as he claimed at the time as he lacked the necessary ICBMs to make good his threats, but that "the Soviet Union's latest threats of war had been correct and necessary".[285]
Sony PCG-7182L Battery

Financial pressure

The United States also put financial pressure on the UK to end the invasion. Because the Bank of England had lost $45 million between 30 October and 2 November, and the UK's oil supply had been damaged by the closing of the Suez Canal, the British sought immediate assistance from the IMF, but it was denied by the United States. Sony PCG-7162L Battery

Sony PCG-7181L Battery Eisenhower in fact ordered his Secretary of the Treasury, George M. Humphrey, to prepare to sell part of the US Government's Sterling Bond holdings. The US Government held these bonds in part to aid post war Britain's economy (during the Cold War), and as partial payment of Britain's enormous World War II debt to the US Government,
Sony PCG-7174L BatteryAmerican corporations, and individuals. It was also part of the overall effort of Marshall Plan aid, in the rebuilding of the Western European economies. The UK government considered invading Kuwait and Qatar if oil sanctions were put in place by the US.[286]
Sony PCG-7173L Battery

Britain's then Chancellor of the Exchequer, Harold Macmillan, advised his Prime Minister, Anthony Eden, that the United States was fully prepared to carry out this threat. He also warned his Prime Minister that Britain's foreign exchange reserves simply could not sustain the devaluation of the pound that would come after the United States' actions; Sony PCG-7171L Battery
Sony PCG-7172L Battery and that within weeks of such a move, the country would be unable to import the food and energy supplies needed to sustain the population on the islands. However, there were suspicions in the Cabinet that Macmillan had deliberately overstated the financial situation in order to force Eden out. Sony PCG-9Z1L Battery

Sony PCG-8151L Battery

 What Treasury officials had told Macmillan was far less serious than the version he told to the Cabinet.[287]


Sony PCG-6121M battery

In concert with U.S. actions Saudi Arabia started an oil embargo against Britain and France. The U.S. refused to fill the gap until Britain and France agreed to a rapid withdrawal. The other NATO members refused to sell oil they received from Arab nations to Britain or France.[288]

Cease fire

 Sony PCG-9Z2L Battery




Israelis protesting against the UN order to evacuate Gaza and Sinai, 14 February 1957

The British government faced political and economic pressure. Sir Anthony Eden, the British Prime Minister, announced a cease fire on 6 November, warning neither France nor Israel beforehand. Troops were still in Port Said and on operational manoeuvres when the order came from London. Sony PCG-7142L Battery


Sony PCG-8141L Battery Port Said had been overrun and the military assessment was that the Suez Canal could have been completely taken within 24 hours.[289] Eisenhower initially agreed to meet with Eden and Mollet to resolve their differences, but then cancelled the proposed meeting after Secretary of State Dulles advised him it risked inflaming the Middle Eastern situation further.[290]


Sony PCG-6112M battery

Eisenhower was not in favour of an immediate withdrawal of British, French and Israeli troops until the US ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. pushed for it. Eden's predecessor Sir Winston Churchill commented on 22 November, "I cannot understand why our troops were halted. To go so far and not go on was madness."[2Sony PCG-7151L Battery


Sony PCG-813L Battery91] Churchill further added that while he might not have dared to begin the military operation, nevertheless once having ordered it he would certainly not have dared to stop it before it had achieved its objective. Without further guarantee, the Anglo-French Task Force had to finish withdrawing by 22 December 1956, to be replaced by Danish and Colombian units of the UNEF.[292] Sony PCG-7152L Battery


Sony PCG-7185L Battery

The Israelis refused to host any UN force on Israeli controlled territory and left the Sinai in March 1957. Before the withdrawal the Israeli forces systematically destroyed infrastructure in Sinai peninsula, such as roads, railroads and telephone lines, and all houses in the villages of Abu Ageila and El Quseima.[2Sony PCG-7153L Battery


Sony PCG-7184L Battery93] Before the railway was destroyed, Israel Railways took captured Egyptian National Railways equipment including six locomotives[294] and a 30-ton breakdown crane.[295]

The UNEF was formed by forces from countries that were not part of the major alliances (NATO


Sony PCG-7183L Batteryand the Warsaw Pact – though Canadian troops participated in later years, since Canada had spearheaded the idea of a neutral force). By 24 April 1957 the canal was fully reopened to shipping.[296][297]




This article has been nominated to be checked for its neutrality. Discussion of this nomination can be found on the talk page. (August 2011) Sony PCG-7154L Battery

Sony PCG-7161L Battery




1957 newsreels about the aftermath of the crisis.

Egyptian sovereignty and ownership of the Canal had been confirmed by the United States and the United Nations. In retirement Eden maintained that the military response to the crisis had prevented a much larger war in the Middle East. Israel had been expecting an Egyptian invasion in either March or April 1957, as well as a Soviet invasion of Syria.[2Sony PCG-7162L Battery


Sony PCG-7182L Battery98] The crisis also arguably hastened the process of decolonization, as many of the remaining colonies of both Britain and France gained independence over the next several years. Some argued that the imposed ending to the Crisis led to over-hasty decolonisation in Africa, resulting in civil wars and military dictatorships.[299] Sony PCG-7171L Battery


Sony PCG-7181L Battery

The fight over the canal also laid the groundwork for the Six Day War in 1967 due to the lack of a peace settlement following the 1956 war.[300] The failure of the Anglo-French mission was also seen as a failure for the United States, since the western alliance had been weakened and the military response had ultimately achieved nothing. Sony PCG-7172L Battery

The Soviets got away with their violent suppression of the rebellion in Hungary, and were able to pose at the United Nations as a defender of small powers against imperialism.[301]

As a direct result of the Crisis and in order to prevent further Soviet expansion in the region, Eisenhower asked Congress on 5 January 1957 for authorization to use military force if requested by any Middle Eastern nation to check aggression and, Sony PCG-7173L Battery

Sony PCG-7174L Batterysecond, to set aside $200 million to help Middle Eastern countries that desired aid from the United States. Congress granted both requests and this policy became known as the Eisenhower Doctrine.[300] Dell XPS 14 Battery


Dell Inspiron 14R Battery


The Soviet Union made major gains with regards to influence in the Middle East.[302] The American historian John Lewis Gaddis wrote about the aftermath of the crisis:

When the British-French-Israeli invasion forced them to choose, Eisenhower and Dulles came down, with instant decisiveness, on the side of the Egyptians. They preferred alignment with Arab nationalism, even if it meant alienating pro-Israeli constituencies on the eve of a presidential election in the United States, Dell XPS 14D Battery


Dell Inspiron 13R Batteryeven if it meant throwing the NATO alliance into its most divisive crisis yet, even if it meant risking whatever was left of the Anglo-American 'special relationship', even if it meant voting with the Soviet Union in the United Nations Security Council at a time when the Russians, themselves, Dell XPS 14D-L401X Battery


Dell Inspiron N4110 Battery were invading Hungary and crushing—far more brutally than anything that happened in Egypt—a rebellion against their own authority there. The fact that the Eisenhower administration itself applied crushing economic pressure to the British and French to disengage from Suez, and that it subsequently forced an Israeli pull-back from the Sinai as well—all of this, one might thought, Dell XPS 15 Battery


Dell Inspiron N5010 Battery would won the United States the lasting gratitude of Nasser, the Egyptians and the Arab world. Instead, the Americans lost influence in the Middle East as a result of Suez, while the Russians gained it.[302]



Statue of Ferdinand de Lesseps (a Frenchman who built the Suez Canal) was removed following the nationalisation of the Suez Canal in 1956.

Nikita Khrushchev's much publicized threat expressed through letters written by Nikolai Bulganin to begin rocket attacks on 5 November on Britain, France and Israel if they did not withdraw from Egypt was widely believed at the time to have forced a ceasefire.[302] Dell XPS 15D Battery


Dell Inspiron N5010D BatteryAccordingly, the prestige of the Soviet Union, which was seemingly prepared to launch a nuclear attack on Britain, France and Israel for the sake of Egypt soared to new heights all over Egypt, the Arab world and the Third World in general.[302] Though Nasser in private admitted that it was American economic pressure that had saved him, nonetheless it was Khrushchev, not Eisenhower, whom Nasser publicly thanked as Egypt's savior and special friend.[302] Khrushchev was later to boast in his memoirs: Dell XPS 15-L501X Battery


Dell Inspiron 15R Battery

Our use of international influence to halt England, France and Israel's aggression against Egypt in 1956 was a historic turning point ... Previously they had apparently thought that we were bluffing, when we openly said that the Soviet Union possessed powerful rockets. But then they saw that we really had rockets. And this had its effect.[302] Dell XPS 15-L502X Battery


Dell Inspiron 17R Battery

Khrushchev took the view that the Suez crisis had been a great triumph for Soviet nuclear brinksmanship, arguing in both public and private that his threat to use nuclear weapons was what had saved Egypt.[303] Khrushchev claimed in his memoirs: Dell XPS 15Z Battery

Dell XPS 17 Battery


The governments of England and France knew perfectly well that Eisenhower's speech condemning their aggression was just a gesture for the sake of public appearances. But when we delivered our own stern warning to the three aggressors, they knew we weren't playing games with public opinion. They took us seriously.[303] Dell XPS L702X Battery


Dell Inspiron N7010 Battery

The great conclusion that Khrushchev drew from the Suez crisis, which he saw as his own personal triumph was that the use of nuclear blackmail was a very effective tool for achieving Soviet foreign policy goals.[3Dell XPS 17-L701X Battery

Dell XPS 17-L702X Battery

04] Thus began a long period of crises starting with the Berlin crisis of 1958 and culminating in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, where Khrushchev threatened to start World War III if he did not get his way.[30Dell XPS L501X Battery


Dell Inspiron N4010R Battery5] Equally important in explaining the Soviet diplomatic triumph in the Near East was Nasser's reaction to the Eisenhower Doctrine. Nasser never wanted Egypt to be aligned with one superpower, and instead preferred a situation where he was the object of rival American and Soviet efforts to buy his friendship.[58] Dell XPS L502X Battery

Dell XPS L701X Battery


Dell Inspiron N4010D Battery

After Suez, American Secretary of State John Foster Dulles perceived that there was a power vacuum in the Middle East, and thought the United States should fill it.[306] Dulles's policies, which were to ultimately lead to the proclamation of the Eisenhower Doctrine were based on the assumption that Nasser and other Arab leaders shared the American fear of the Soviet Union.[306


Dell Inspiron N4010 Battery] This was not in fact the case, and Nasser hated Israel far more than whatever reservations he might have about the Soviet Union, and in any case preferred a situation where both super-powers were competing for his favour instead of him becoming aligned with one superpower.[307] Dell Inspiron 14V Battery


The Eisenhower Doctrine was regarded by Nasser as a heavy-handed American attempt to dominate the Middle East (a region that Nasser believed he ought to dominate), and led him to swinging behind the Soviet Union as the best counter-weight.[30Dell Inspiron N4020 Battery


Dell Inspiron N3010 Battery8] It was only with the quiet abandonment of the Eisenhower Doctrine in a National Security Council review in mid-1958 that Nasser started pulling away from the Soviet Union to resume his favored role as the spoiler who tried to play both superpowers against each other.[308]


Dell Inspiron N3010R Battery

The American conservative historian Arthur L. Herman claims that the episode ruined the usefulness of the United Nations to support American ideals:

Suez destroyed the United Nations as well. By handing it over to Dag Hammarskjöld and his feckless ilk, Eisenhower turned the organization from the stout voice of international law and order into at best a meaningless charade; Dell Inspiron N4030 Battery

at worst, a Machiavellian cesspool. Instead of teaching Nasser and his fellow dictators that breaking international law does not pay, Suez taught them that every transgression will be forgotten and forgiven, especially if oil is at stake...Suez destroyed the moral authority of the so-called world community. Fifty years later, we are all still living in the rubble.[309] Dell Inspiron N7110 Battery


Military thought

The great military lesson that was reinforced by the Suez War was the extent that the desert favored highly fluid, mobile operations and the power of aerial interdiction.[234] French aircraft destroyed Egyptian forces threatening paratroopers at Raswa and Israeli air power saved the IDF several days’ worth of time.[


Dell Inspiron N5010R Battery234] To operate in the open desert without air supremacy proved to be suicidal for the Egyptian forces in the Sinai.[234] The Royal Marine helicopter assault at Port Said "showed promise as a technique for transporting troops into small landing zones".[234] Strategic bombing proved ineffective.[310] Dell Inspiron N7010R Battery


Dell Inspiron N5030 Battery

Revise Phase II failed to achieve its aim of breaking Egyptian morale while at the same time, those civilian deaths that did occur helped to turn world opinion against the invasion and especially hurt support for the war in Britain.[310Dell Inspiron N7010D Battery

Dell Inspiron N5110 Battery] Egyptian urban warfare tactics at Port Said proved to be effective at slowing down the Allied advance.[310] Finally, the war showed the importance of diplomacy.[310] Anglo-French operations against Egypt were militarily successful, but proved to be counterproductive as opinion in both in the home front in Britain and France and the world abroad, especially in the United States, was against the operation.[310] Dell Latitude E4200 Battery

Dell Latitude E4300 Battery




In West Germany, the Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was shocked by the Soviet threat of nuclear strikes against Britain and France, and even more by the apparent quiescent American response to the Soviet threat of nuclear annihilation against two of NATO's key members.[2Dell Latitude E4310 Battery


Dell Latitude E6530 Battery73] The Bulganin letters showcased Europe's utter dependence upon the United States for its security against Soviet nuclear threats while at the same time seeming to show that the American nuclear umbrella was not as reliable as billed.[27Dell Latitude E5400 Battery

Dell Latitude E5420 Battery


Dell Latitude E6520N Battery3] As a result, the French became even more determined to acquire their own atomic force rather than rely upon the American nuclear umbrella while both the French and the Germans became more interested in the idea of an European "Third Force" in the Cold War.[311] This helped to lead to the formation of the European Economic Community in 1957, which was intended to be the foundation stone of the European "Third Force".[312] Dell Latitude E5500 Battery



In October 1956, when the Suez Crisis erupted, Nasser brought in a set of sweeping regulations abolishing civil liberties and allowing the state to stage mass arrests without charge and strip away Egyptian citizenship from any group it desired; these measures were mostly directed against the Jews of Egypt.[3Dell Latitude E5520 Battery

Dell Latitude E6120 Battery

13] As part of its new policy, 1,000 Jews were arrested and 500 Jewish businesses were seized by the government.[314] A statement branding the Jews as "Zionists and enemies of the state" was read out in the mosques of Cairo and Alexandria. Jewish bank accounts were confiscated and many Jews lost their jobs.[31Dell Latitude E6220 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430S XFR Battery5] Lawyers, engineers, doctors and teachers were not allowed to work in their professions.[315] Thousands of Jews were ordered to leave the country.[315] They were allowed to take only one suitcase and a small sum of cash, and forced to sign declarations “donating“ their property to the Egyptian government.[316] Dell Latitude E6320 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430 ATG Battery

Some 25,000 Jews, almost half of the Jewish community left, mainly for Israel, Europe, the United States and South America, after being forced to sign declarations that they were leaving voluntarily and agreed with the confiscation of their assets. Similar measures were enacted against British and French nationals in retaliation for the invasion. By 1957 the Jewish population of Egypt had fallen to 15,000.[316] Dell Latitude E6400 Battery


The British historian D. R. Thorpe wrote that the imposed ending to the Crisis gave Nasser " inflated view of his own power".[317] In his mind, he had defeated the combined forces of the United Kingdom, France and Israel, whereas in fact the military operation had been "defeated" by pressure from the United States.[ Dell Latitude E6410 Battery

Dell Latitude E6420 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430 Battery317][318] Despite the Egyptian defeat, Nasser emerged as an enhanced hero in the Arab world.[318] The American historian Derek Varble commented "Although Egyptian forces fought with mediocre skill during the conflict, many Arabs saw Nasser as the conqueror of European colonialism and Zionism, simply because Britain, France and Israel left the Sinai and the northern Canal Zone".Dell Latitude E6420 ATG Battery


Dell Latitude E5530 Battery [318] The Greek-American historian P. J. Vatikiotis wrote that Nasser in his speeches both in 1956 and after provided for "superficial explanations of Egypt's military collapse in Sinai, based on some extraordinary strategy.. Dell Latitude E6500 Battery


Dell Latitude E5430 Battery." and that "Simplistic children's tales about the Egyptian air force's prowess in 1956 were linked in the myth of orderly withdrawal from Sinai. All this was necessary to construct yet another myth, that of Port Said. Inflating and magnifying odd and sporadic resistance into a Stalingrad-like tenacious defense, Port Said became the spirit of Egyptian independence and dignity...".[31Dell Latitude E6510 Battery


Dell Latitude E5420M Battery9] During the Nasser era, the fighting at Port Said become a huge symbol of the victory that Egypt was said to have won, which in turn was linked to as part and parcel of a wider anti-colonial struggle throughout the entire world.[320] Thorpe wrote about Nasser's post Suez hubris that "The Six Day War against Israel in 1967 was when reality kicked in – a war that would never have taken place if the Suez crisis had had a different resolution".[Dell Latitude E6520 Battery

Dell Latitude E6400 ATG Battery

317] Summarizing the arguments of the Egyptian writer Tawfiq al-Hakim about the links between the 1956 and 1967 wars Vatikiotis wrote that:""Were bluffing and histrionics in the nature of Nasser?" It was bluffing that led to the crushing of Egypt in 1967, because of the mass self-deception exercised by leaders and followers alike ever since the non-existent "Stalingrad which was Port Said" in 1956.""[321] Dell Latitude E6400 XFR Battery



The political and psychological impact of the crisis's denouement had a fundamental impact on British politics. Anthony Eden was accused of misleading parliament and resigned from office on 9 January 1957.


Dell Latitude E5520 BatteryEden had barely been prime minister for two years by the time of his resignation, and his unsuccessful handling of the Suez Crisis eclipsed the successes he had achieved in various government and opposition roles over the previous 30 years.[322


Dell Latitude E6330 Battery]

Eden's successor, Harold Macmillan, greatly accelerated decolonisation and sought to recapture the benevolence of the United States.[323] He enjoyed a close friendship with Eisenhower from their first meeting at a highly successful conference in Bermuda in March 1957. Benefiting from his personal popularity and a good economy, Dell Latitude E6410 ATG Battery

Macmillan's government increased its Parliamentary majority in the 1959 general election. The Suez crisis, though a blow to British power in the Near East did not mark its end. Britain intervened successfully in Jordan to put down riots that threatened the rule of King Hussein in 1958 and in 1961 deployed troops to Kuwait to successfully deter an Iraqi invasion; Dell Latitude E6210 Battery

Dell Latitude E6230 Batterythe latter deployment had a response to the threats of the Iraqi dictator General Abd al-Karim Qasim that he would invade and annex Kuwait.[324] However, at the same time, though British influence continued in the Middle East, Suez was a blow to British prestige in the Near East that Britain never recovered from.[325] HP MU06 Battery

HP MU09 Battery


HP HA06 Battery


Increasingly, British foreign policy thinking turned away from acting as a great imperial power. During the 1960s there was much speculation that Prime Minister Harold Wilson's continual refusals to send any British troops to Vietnam, even as a token force, despite President Lyndon B. Johnson's persistent requests, HP RM08 Battery

HP RS06 Battery


HP HA03 Battery was partially due to the Americans failing to support Britain during the Suez Crisis. Edward Heath was dismayed by the US opposition to Britain during the Suez Crisis; as Prime Minister in October 1973 he refused the US permission to use any of the UK's air bases to resupply during the Yom Kippur War,[326] or to allow the Americans to gather intelligence from British bases in Cyprus.[327] HP BS06 Battery


HP MT06 Battery

Despite the lack of US co-operation, and although British domestic politics suffered, the British relationship with the United States did not suffer lasting consequences from the crisis. "The Anglo-American 'special relationship' was revitalised immediately after the Suez Crisis."[328] "The two governments . HP VE06 Battery


HP BX06 Battery.. engaged in almost ritualistic reassurances that their 'special relationship' would be restored quickly."[329] Eisenhower himself later stated privately that he regretted his opposition to the combined British, French and Israeli response to the Crisis.[330] HP VE12 Battery



Franco-American ties never recovered from the Suez crisis.[331] There were various reasons for this. "Prior to the Suez Crisis, there had already been strains in the Franco-American relationship triggered by what Paris considered U.S. betrayal of the French war effort in Indochina at Dien Bien Phu in 1954.[3


HP PT06 Battery31] The incident demonstrated the weakness of the NATO alliance in its lack of planning and co-operation beyond the European stage. Mollet believed Eden should have delayed calling the Cabinet together until 7 November, taking the whole Canal in the meantime, and then veto with the French any UN resolution on sanctions. HP GA08 Battery

From the point of view of General de Gaulle, the Suez events demonstrated to France that it could not rely on its allies; the British had initiated a ceasefire in the midst of the battle without consulting the French, while the Americans had opposed Paris politically. The damage to the ties between Paris and Washington D.C. "culminated in President de Gaulle's 1966 decision to withdraw from the military integration of NATO."[332] HP MO06 Battery


According to the protocol of Sèvres agreements, France secretly transmitted parts of its own atomic technology to Israel, including a detonator.[333]




An Israeli soldier stands next to an Egyptian gun that had blocked the Tiran Straits.


HP MN06 Battery


Israeli Chief of Staff, Moshe Dayan (at left) speaking at Sharm el Sheikh. To his right is Avraham Yoffe, commander of the 9th Brigade whose forces captured the strategic position.

Israel emerged victorious from the war. Its forces executed a military campaign that leading military theorist B.H. Liddell Hart termed “brilliant.”[33HP MO09 Battery


HP GB06 Battery4] The Israel Defense Forces gained confidence from the campaign. The war proved that Israel was capable of executing large scale military maneuvers in addition to small night-time raids and counter insurgency operations. HP EV06 Battery

David Ben-Gurion, reading on 16 November that 90,000 British and French troops had been involved in the Suez affair, wrote in his diary, 'If they had only appointed a commander of ours over this force, Nasser would have been destroyed in two days.'[335] HP EV12 Battery


The war also had tangible benefits for Israel. The Straits of Tiran, closed by Egypt since 1951 was re-opened. Israeli shipping could henceforth move freely through the Straits of Tiran to and from Africa and Asia. The Israelis also secured the presence of U.N. Peacekeepers in Sinai. Operation Kadesh bought Israel an eleven-year lull on its southern border with Egypt.[336] HP CL09 Battery

HP LU06 Battery

Israel escaped the political humiliation that befell Britain and France following their swift, forced withdrawal. In addition, its stubborn refusal to withdraw without guarantees ended all Western efforts, mainly American and British ones, to impose a political settlement in the Middle East without taking Israel's security needs into consideration.[337]

In October 1965 Eisenhower told Jewish fundraiser and Republican party supporter Max M. Fisher that he greatly regretted forcing Israel to withdraw from the Sinai peninsula; Vice-President Nixon recalled that Eisenhower expressed the same view to him on several occasions.[337]

Other parties

Lester B. Pearson, who would later become the Prime Minister of Canada, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957 for his efforts in creating a mandate for a United Nations Peacekeeping Force, and he is considered the father of the modern concept of peacekeeping. The Suez Crisis contributed to the adoption of a new national flag of Canada in 1965, without references to that country's past as a colony of France and Britain. The Egyptian government had objected to Canadian peacekeeping troops on the grounds that their flag at that time included a British ensign. As Prime Minister, Pearson would advocate the simple Maple Leaf that was eventually adopted.

After Suez, Cyprus, Aden and Iraq became the main bases for the British in the region while the French concentrated their forces at Bizerte and Beirut. UNEF was placed in the Sinai (on Egyptian territory only) with the express purpose of maintaining the cease-fire. While effective in preventing the small-scale warfare that prevailed before 1956 and after 1967, budgetary cutbacks and changing needs had seen the force shrink to 3,378 by 1967.

The Soviet Union, after long peering through the keyhole of a closed door on what it considered a Western sphere of influence, now found itself invited over the threshold as a friend of the Arabs. Shortly after it reopened, the canal was traversed by the first Soviet warships since World War I. The Soviets' burgeoning influence in the Middle East, although it was not to last, included acquiring Mediterranean bases, introducing multipurpose projects, supporting the budding Palestinian liberation movement and penetrating the Arab countries.[338]

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The Suez Crisis

05/07/2013 13:29


The Suez Crisis

The Suez Crisis, also referred to as the Tripartite Aggression, Suez War, or Second Arab-Israeli War was a diplomatic and military confrontation in late 1956 between Egypt on one side, and Britain, France and Israel on the other, with the United States, the Soviet Union, Dell XPS 14 battery

Dell Latitude E5520 battery and the United Nations playing major roles in forcing Britain, France and Israel to withdraw.[15]

The attack followed the President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser's decision of 26 July 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal, after the withdrawal of an offer by Britain and the United States to fund the building of the Aswan Dam, Dell XPS 15 battery
which was in response to Egypt's new ties with the Soviet Union and recognizing the People's Republic of China during the height of tensions between China and Taiwan.[16] The aims of the attack were primarily to regain Western control of the canal and to remove Nasser from power,[17] Dell XPS 17 battery

Dell Latitude E5420 battery and the crisis highlighted the danger that Arab nationalism posed to Western access to Middle East oil.[18]

Less than a day after Israel invaded Egypt, Britain and France issued a joint ultimatum to Egypt and Israel, and then began to bomb Cairo. Despite the denials of the Israeli, British, and French governments, allegations began to emerge that the invasion of Egypt had been planned beforehand by the three powers.[1Dell XPS L401X battery

Dell Latitude E5220 battery9] Anglo-French forces withdrew before the end of the year, but Israeli forces remained until March 1957, prolonging the crisis. In April, the canal was fully reopened to shipping, but other repercussions followed. Dell XPS L501X battery

The three allies, especially Israel, were mainly successful in attaining their immediate military objectives, but pressure from the United States and the USSR at the United Nations and elsewhere forced them to withdraw. Dell XPS L502X battery

Dell Latitude E6430s batteryAs a result of the outside pressure Britain and France failed in their political and strategic aims of controlling the canal and removing Nasser from power. Israel fulfilled some of its objectives, Dell XPS L701X battery

Dell Latitude E6430 batterysuch as attaining freedom of navigation through the Straits of Tiran. As a result of the conflict, the UNEF would police the Egyptian–Israeli border to prevent both sides from recommencing hostilities. Dell XPS L702X battery

Dell Latitude E6330 battery

The location of the Suez Canal, which connects the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean via the Red Sea.

The Suez Canal was opened in 1869, after ten years of work financed by the French and Egyptian governments.[20] The canal was operated by the Universal Company of the Suez Maritime Canal, an Egyptian-chartered company; the area surrounding the canal remained sovereign Egyptian territory and the only land-bridge between Africa and Asia. Dell XPS M1210 battery

The canal instantly became strategically important; it provided the shortest ocean link between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. The canal eased commerce for trading nations and particularly helped European colonial powers to gain and govern their colonies. Dell XPS M1330 battery

Dell Latitude E6320 battery

In 1875, as a result of debt and financial crisis, the Egyptian ruler was forced to sell his shares in the canal operating company to the British government of Benjamin Disraeli. They were willing buyers and obtained a 44% share in the canal's operations for less than £4 million; this maintained the majority shareholdings of the mostly French private investors. Dell XPS M140 battery

Dell Latitude E6230 battery With the 1882 invasion and occupation of Egypt, the United Kingdom took de facto control of the country as well as the canal proper, and its finances and operations. The 1888 Convention of Constantinople declared the canal a neutral zone under British protection.[21] In ratifying it,
Dell Latitude E6220 batterythe Ottoman Empire agreed to permit international shipping to pass freely through the canal, in time of war and peace.[22] The Convention came into force in 1904, the same year as the Entente cordiale, between Britain and France. Dell XPS M1530 battery

Dell Latitude E6210 battery

Despite this convention, the strategic importance of the Suez Canal and its control were proven during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905, after Japan and Britain entered into a separate bilateral agreement.
Dell Latitude E6120 batteryFollowing the Japanese surprise attack on the Russian Pacific Fleet based at Port Arthur the Russians sent reinforcements from their fleet in the Baltic Sea. The British denied the Russian fleet use of the canal and forced it to steam around the entire continent of Africa, giving the Japanese forces time to solidify their position in the Far East. Dell XPS M1730 battery

Dell Latitude E6510 battery

The importance of the canal as a strategic intersection was again apparent during the First World War, when Britain and France closed the canal to non-Allied shipping. The attempt by German-Ottoman forces to storm the Canal in February 1915 led the British to commit 100,000 troops to the defense of Egypt for the rest of the First World War.[2Dell XPS M2010 battery

Dell Latitude E6500 battery3] The canal continued to be strategically important after the Second World War as a conduit for the shipment of oil.[24] Petroleum business historian Daniel Yergin wrote of the period: "In 1948, the canal abruptly lost its traditional rationale.... Dell Latitude E4200 battery
[British] control over the canal could no longer be preserved on grounds that it was critical to the defence either of India or of an empire that was being liquidated. And yet, at exactly the same moment, the canal was gaining a new role – as the highway not of empire, but of oil.. Dell Latitude E5400 battery

Dell Latitude E6410 ATG battery.. By 1955, petroleum accounted for half of the canal's traffic, and, in turn, two thirds of Europe's oil passed through it.[25]

At the time, Western Europe imported two million barrels (bbls) per day from the Middle East, 1,200,000 by tanker through the Canal, and another 800,000 via pipeline from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean, where tankers received it. Dell Latitude E5410 battery
The US imported another 300,000 bbls. daily from the Middle East.[26] Though pipelines linked the oil fields of Iraq and the Persian Gulf states to the Mediterranean, these routes were prone to suffer from instability, which led British leaders to prefer to use the sea route through the Suez Canal.[
Dell Latitude E6410 battery24] As it was, the rise of super-tankers for shipping Middle East oil to Europe, which were too big to use the Suez Canal meant that British policy-makers greatly overestimated the importance of the canal.[24Dell Latitude E5510 battery
] By 2000, only 8% of the imported oil in Britain arrived via the Suez canal with the rest coming via the Cape route.[24]

In August 1956 the Royal Institute of International Affairs published a report titled "Britain and the Suez Canal" revealing government perception of the Suez area. It reiterates several times the strategic necessity of the Suez Canal to the United Kingdom, Dell Latitude E5500 battery

Dell Latitude E6400 XFR batteryincluding the need to meet military obligations under the Manila Pact in the Far East and the Baghdad Pact in Iraq, Iran, or Pakistan. The report also points out how the canal was used in past wars and could be used in future wars to transport troops from the Dominions of Australia and New Zealand in the event of war in Europe. Dell Latitude E6400 battery
Dell Latitude E6400 ATG battery
The report also cites the amount of material and oil which passes through the canal to the United Kingdom, and the economic consequences of the canal being put out of commission, concluding:

The possibility of the Canal being closed to troopships makes the question of the control and regime of the Canal as important to Britain today as it ever was.[27] Dell Latitude E6500 battery

Events leading to the Suez Crisis



The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United Kingdom and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. (April 2011) Dell Latitude E4300 battery

Post-war years

In the aftermath of the Second World War, Britain was reassessing its role in the region in light of the severe economic constraints and its colonial history. The economic potential of the Middle East, with its vast oil reserves, Dell Latitude E4310 battery
Dell Latitude E4320 battery as well as the Suez Canal's geo-strategic importance against the background of the Cold War, prompted Britain to consolidate and strengthen its position there. The kingdoms of Egypt and Iraq were seen as vital to maintaining strong British influence in the region.


Sony VGP-BPS20 battery

Britain's military strength was spread throughout the region, including the vast military complex at Suez with a garrison of some 80,000, making it one of the largest military installations in the world. The Suez base was considered an important part of Britain's strategic position in the Middle East; however, Sony VPCZ13 battery

increasingly it became a source of growing tension in Anglo-Egyptian relations.[28] Egypt's post-war domestic politics were experiencing a radical change, prompted in no small part by economic instability, inflation, and unemployment. Unrest began to manifest itself in the growth of radical political groups, Sony VPCZ13M9E/B battery

such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and an increasingly hostile attitude towards Britain and her presence in the country. Added to this anti-British fervour was the role Britain had played in the creation of Israel.[28Sony VPCZ13V9E battery


Sony VPCZ23N9E battery] As a result, the actions of the Egyptian government began to mirror those of its populace and an anti-British policy began to permeate Egypt's relations with Britain.

In October 1951, the Egyptian government unilaterally abrogated the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936, the terms of which granted Britain a lease on the Suez base for 20 more years.[29] Britain refused to withdraw from Suez, Sony VPCZ13Z9E/X battery

relying upon its treaty rights, as well as the sheer presence of the Suez garrison. The price of such a course of action was a steady escalation in increasingly violent hostility towards Britain and British troops in Egypt, which the Egyptian authorities did little to curb. Sony VPCZ21Q9E battery


On 25 January 1952, British attempts to disarm a troublesome auxiliary police force barracks in Ismailia resulted in the deaths of 41 Egyptians.[30] This in turn led to anti-Western riots in Cairo resulting in heavy damage to property and the deaths of several foreigners, including 11 British citizens.[3


Sony VPCZ23M9E battery0] This proved to be a catalyst for the removal of the Egyptian monarchy. On 23 July 1952 a military coup by the 'Free Officers Movement'—led by Muhammad Neguib and future Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser—overthrew King Farouk and established an Egyptian republic.


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Since the establishment of Israel in 1948, cargo shipments to and from Israel had been subject to Egyptian authorization, search and seizure while attempting to pass through the Suez Canal.[31] On 1 September 1951, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 95 called upon Egypt: "..


Sony VPCZ21V9E battery. to terminate the restrictions on the passage of international commercial ships and goods through the Suez Canal, wherever bound, and to cease all interference with such shipping." This interference and confiscation, contrary to the laws of the canal (Article 1 of the 1888 Suez Canal Convention), increased following the coup.[citation needed] Sony VPCZ23K9E battery


Post-revolution period

Britain's desire to mend Anglo-Egyptian relations in the wake of the coup saw her strive for rapprochement throughout 1953 and 1954. Part of this process was the agreement, in 1953, to terminate British rule in Sudan by 1956 in return for Cairo's abandoning of its claim to suzerainty over the Nile Valley region. Sony VGP-BPL20 battery


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/X battery In October 1954, Britain and Egypt concluded an agreement on the phased evacuation of British troops from the Suez base, the terms of which agreed to withdrawal of all troops within 20 months, maintenance of the base to be continued, and for Britain to hold the right to return for seven years.[ Sony VGP-BPS20/B battery


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/B battery32] The Suez Canal Company was not due to revert to the Egyptian government until 16 November 1968 under the terms of the treaty.[33]

In the 1950s the Middle East was dominated by four different but overlapping struggles, each distinct from the other,


Sony VPCZ12X9E/B batterybut linked in various ways. The first was the geopolitical struggle for influence between the United States and the Soviet Union known as the Cold War. The second was the struggle between various Arab nationalists against the two remaining imperial powers, Britain and France.


Sony VPCZ12V9E/B battery The third was the Arab-Israeli dispute, and the fourth was the struggle between different Arab states for the leadership of the Arab world,[34] known as the Arab Cold War.


Sony VPCZ12V9E battery

In regard to the latter, particularly venomous was the feud between Nasser and the Prime Minister of Iraq, Nuri el-Said, for Arab leadership, with the Cairo-based Voice of the Arabs radio station regularly calling for the overthrow of the government in Baghdad.[ Sony VGP-BPS20/S battery

Sony VPCZ11 battery           

34] The most important factors that drove Egyptian foreign policy in this period was on the one hand, a determination to see the entire Middle East as Egypt's rightful sphere of influence, and on the other,


Sony VPCZ12M9E/B batterya tendency on the part of Nasser to fortify his pan-Arabist and nationalist credibility by seeking to oppose any and all Western security initiatives in the Near East.[34]

Despite the establishment of such an agreement with the British, Nasser's position remained tenuous.


Sony VPCZ12M9E batteryThe loss of Egypt's claim to Sudan, coupled with the continued presence of Britain at Suez for a further two years, led to domestic unrest including an assassination attempt against him in October 1954. Sony VPCZ11X9E battery


Sony VPCZ12C7E/B battery The tenuous nature of Nasser's rule caused him to believe that neither his regime, nor Egypt's independence would be safe until Egypt had established itself as head of the Arab world.[35] This would manifest itself in the challenging of British Middle Eastern interests throughout 1955.

Sony VPCZ11Z9E/B battery

In late 1954, Nasser began a policy of sponsoring raids into Israel by the fedayeen, triggering a series of Israeli reprisal operations.[36] The raids were targeted as much at Iraq politically as against Israel militarily.[

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6] It was Nasser's intention to win himself the laurels of the foremost anti-Zionist state as a way of establishing his leadership over the Arab world.[363Sony VPCZ11X9E/B battery] Before 1954, the principal target of Nasser's speeches had been Britain. Only after the Anglo-Egyptian agreement on evacuating the Canal Zone did Israel emerge as one of Nasser's main enemies.[37]

US and Soviet diplomacy Sony VGN-TT1RLN/B battery


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At the same time, the United States was attempting to woo Nasser into an alliance.[38] The central problem for American policy in the Middle East was that this region was perceived as strategically important due to its oil, but the United States, weighed down by defense commitments in Europe and the Far East, lacked sufficient troops to resist a Soviet invasion of the Middle East.[


Sony VGP-BPS14/B battery39] In 1952, General Omar Bradley of Joint Chiefs of Staff declared at a planning session about what to do in the event of a Soviet invasion of the Near East: "Where will the staff come from? It will take a lot of stuff to do a job there".[39] Sony VGN-TT1RVN/X battery

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As a consequence, American diplomats favored the creation of a NATO-type organization in the Near East to provide the necessary military power to deter the Soviets from invading the region.[3Sony VGN-TT11LN/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS14 battery9] The Eisenhower administration, even more than the Truman administration saw the Near East as a huge gap into which Soviet influence could be projected, and accordingly required an American-supported security system.[40] An American diplomat later recalled: Sony VGN-TT11M/N battery


Sony VGP-BPL14/S battery

It's hard to put ourselves back in this period. There was really a definite fear of hostilities, of an active Russian occupation of the Middle East physically, and you practically hear the Russian boots clumping down over the hot desert sands.[41] Sony VGN-TT11RM/N battery


The projected Middle East Defense Organization (MEDO) was to be centered around Egypt.[41] A National Security Council directive of March 1953 called Egypt the "key" to the Near East and advised that Washington "...should develop Egypt as a point of strength".[40] Sony VGN-TT11RM/R battery


A major dilemma for American policy was that the two strongest powers in the Near East, Britain and France, were also the nations whose influence many local nationalists most resented.[39] From 1953 onwards, American diplomacy had attempted unsuccessfully to persuade the powers involved in the Near East, both local and imperial, to set aside their differences and unite against the Soviet Union.[

Sony VGN-TT11VN/X battery


Sony VGP-BPL14/B battery42] The Americans took the view that, just as fear of the Soviet Union had helped to end the historic Franco-German enmity, so too could anti-Communism end the more recent Arab-Israeli dispute. Sony VGN-TT11WN/B battery

Sony VGN-TT11XN/B battery

It was a source of constant puzzlement to American officials in the 1950s that the Arab states and the Israelis had seemed to have more interest in fighting each other rather that uniting against the Soviet Union.


Sony VGP-BPL14 batteryAfter his visit to the Middle East in May 1953 to drum up support for MEDO, the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles found much to his astonishment that the Arab states were "more fearful of Zionism than of the Communists".[43] Sony VGN-TT21JN/B battery

Sony VGN-TT21VN/X battery


The policy of the United States was colored by considerable uncertainty as to whom to befriend in the Near East. American policy was torn between a desire to maintain good relations with NATO allies such as Britain and France who were also major colonial powers, and a desire to align Third World nationalists with the Free World camp.[44] Sony VGN-TT21WN/B battery


Sony VGN-TT battery Though it would be entirely false to describe the coup which deposed King Farouk in July 1952 as a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) coup, Nasser and his Society of Free Officers were nonetheless in close contact with CIA operatives led by Miles Copeland beforehand


Sony VGN-TT46SG/W battery (Nasser maintained links with any and all potential allies from the Egyptian Communist Party on the left to the Muslim Brotherhood on the right).[45]

Nasser's friendship with certain CIA officers in Cairo led Washington to vastly overestimate its influence in Egypt.[4Sony VGN-TT46GG/W battery

Sony VGN-TT46MG/W battery6] That Nasser was close to CIA officers led the Americans for a time to view Nasser as a CIA "asset".[47] In turn, the British who were aware of Nasser's CIA ties deeply resented this relationship, which they viewed as an American attempt to push them out of Egypt.[47


Sony VGN-Z11VN/X battery

] The principal reason for Nasser's courting of the CIA before the July Revolution of 1952 was his hope that the Americans would act as a restraining influence on the British should Whitehall decide on intervention to put an end to the revolution (until Egypt renounced it in 1951,


Sony VGN-Z51XG/B battery the 1936 Anglo-Egyptian treaty allowed Britain the right of intervention against all foreign and domestic threats).[48] Sony VGN-Z11MN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51WG/B battery In turn, many American officials, such as Ambassador Jefferson Caffery, saw the continued British military presence in Egypt as anachronistic, and viewed the Revolutionary Command Council (as Nasser called his government after the coup) in a highly favorable light.[49] Sony VGN-Z11WN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51MG/B batteryCaffery was consistently very positive about Nasser in his reports to Washington right up until his departure from Cairo in 1955. The regime of King Farouk was viewed in Washington as weak, corrupt, unstable, and anti-American, so Free Officers' July coup was welcomed by the United States.[5Sony VGN-Z11XN/X battery


Sony VGN-Z51XTG/B battery0] As it was, Nasser's contacts with the CIA were not necessary to prevent British intervention against the July coup as Anglo-Egyptian relations had deteriorated so badly in 1951–52 that the British viewed any Egyptian government not headed by King Farouk as a huge improvement.[51]


Sony VGN-Z31XN/B battery

In May 1953, during a meeting with the American Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, who asked Egypt to join an anti-Soviet alliance, Sony PCG-6112M battery

 Nasser responded by saying that the Soviet Union has

never occupied our territory..but the British have been here for seventy years. Sony VGN-Z21 battery

How can I go to my people and tell them I am disregarding a killer with a pistol sixty miles from me at the Suez Canal to worry about somebody who is holding a knife a thousand miles away?[38]


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Dulles informed Nasser of his belief that the Soviet Union was seeking world conquest, that the principal danger to the Near East came from the Kremlin, and urged Nasser to set aside his differences with Britain to focus on countering the Soviet Union.[38Sony VGN-Z21MN/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS12/Q battery] In this spirit, Dulles suggested that the Nasser negotiate a deal that would see Egypt assume sovereignty over the Canal Zone base, but then allow the British to have "technical control" in the same way that Ford auto company provided parts and training to its Egyptian dealers.[38] Sony VGN-Z21WN/B battery


Nasser did not share Dulles's fear of the Soviet Union taking over the Middle East, and insisted quite vehemently that he wanted to see the total end of all British influence not only in Egypt, but all the Middle East.[38] Sony VGN-Z21XN battery


Sony VGP-BPS12 battery The CIA offered Nasser a $3 million bribe if he would joined the proposed Middle East Defence Organization; Nasser took the money, but then refused to join.[52] At most, Nasser made it clear to the Americans that he wanted an Egyptian-dominated Arab League to be the principal defense organization in the Near East, which might be informally associated with the United States, and most of all, he wanted the United States to supply arms on a generous scale to Egypt.[5


Sony VGP-BPL12 battery3] Nasser refused to promise that any U.S. arms he might buy would not be used against Israel, and rejected out of hand the American demand for Military Advisory Group to be sent to Egypt as part of the price of arms sales.[54] Sony VGN-Z21ZN/X battery


After he returned to Washington, Dulles advised Eisenhower that the Arab states believed "the United States will back the new state of Israel in aggressive expansion. Our basic political to improve the Moslem states' attitudes towards Western democracies because our prestige in that area had been in constant decline ever since the war".Sony VGN-Z31 battery


Sony VGN-Z battery [43] The immediate consequence was a new policy of "even-handedness" where the United States very publicly sided with the Arab states in several disputes with Israel in 1953–54.[55] Moreover, Dulles did not share any sentimental regard for the Anglo-American "special relationship",


Sony VGN-Z51XG batterywhich led the Americans to lean towards the Egyptian side in the Anglo-Egyptian disputes.[56] During the extremely difficult negotiations over the British evacuation of the Suez Canal base in 1954–55, Sony VGN-Z31VN/X battery


Sony VGN-Z51 batterythe Americans generally supported Egypt, though at the same time trying hard to limit the extent of the damage that this might cause to Anglo-American relations.[57Sony VGN-Z31MN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51WG battery]

While the Americans were attempting to erect an alliance in the form of the still-born Middle East Defence Organization to keep the Soviet Union out of the Near East, the Soviet Union under the new leadership of Nikita Khrushchev was making a major effort to win influence in the so-called "third world".[58] Sony VGN-Z31WN/B battery

Sony VGN-Z31ZN/B batteryAs part of the diplomatic offensive, Khrushchev had abandoned Moscow's traditional line of treating all non-communists as enemies and adopted a new tactic of befriending so-called "non-aligned" nations, which often were led by leaders who were non-Communists, but in varying ways and degrees were hostile towards the West.


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 [58] Khrushchev had realized that by treating non-communists as being the same thing as being anti-communist, Moscow had needlessly alienated many potential friends over the years in the third world.[58]


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Under the banner of anti-imperialism, Khrushchev made it clear that the Soviet Union would provide arms to any left-wing government in the third world as a way of undercutting Western influence.[59] Sony VPCZ13 battery


The Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai who met Nasser at the 1955 Bandung Summit and was impressed by him, recommended that Khrushchev treat Nasser as a potential ally.[58] Zhou described Nasser to Khrushchev as a young nationalist, who though no Communist, could if used correctly do much damage to Western interests in the Middle East. Sony VPCZ13M9E/B battery


Sony VPCZ23N9E batteryMarshal Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia, who also come to know Nasser at Bandung told Khrushchev in a 1955 meeting that "Nasser was a young man without much political experience, Sony VPCZ13V9E battery

but if we give him the benefit of the doubt, we might be able to exert a beneficial influence on him, both for the sake of the Communist movement, and...the Egyptian people".[58] Traditionally, most of the equipment in the Egyptian military had come from Britain, Sony VPCZ13Z9E/X battery


Sony VPCZ23M9E batterybut Nasser's desire to break British influence in Egypt meant that he was desperate to find a new source of weapons to replace Britain.[60] Nasser had first broached the subject of buying weapons from the Soviet Union in 1954.[61] Sony VPCZ21Q9E battery


Nasser exploits the superpower rivalry

Instead of siding with either super-power, Nasser took the role of the spoiler and tried to play off the super-powers in order to have them compete with each other in attempts to buy his friendship.[


Sony VPCZ21X9R battery62] Nasser's first choice for buying weapons was the United States, but his frequent anti-Israeli speeches and his sponsorship for the fedayeen who were making raids into Israel had made it difficult for the Eisenhower administration to get the approval of Congress to sell weapons to Egypt. Sony VPCZ23K9E battery


Sony VPCZ21V9E batteryAmerican public opinion was deeply hostile towards selling arms to Egypt that might be used against Israel, and moreover Eisenhower feared starting a Middle Eastern arms race.[54


Sony PCG-6123M battery] Eisenhower very much valued the Tripartite Declaration as a way of keeping peace in the Near East. In 1950, in order to limit the extent that the Arabs and the Israelis could engage in an arms race, the three nations which dominated the arms trade in the non-Communist world, namely the United States, Sony VGP-BPL20 battery

the United Kingdom and France had signed the Tripartite Declaration, where they had committed themselves to limiting how many arms they could sell in the Near East, and also to ensuring that any arms sales to one side was matched by arms sales of equal quantity and quality to the other.[63]


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/X battery Eisenhower viewed the Tripartite Declaration, which sharply restricted how many arms Egypt could buy in the West, as one of the key elements in keeping the peace between Israel and the Arabs, and believed that settling off an arms race would inevitably lead to a new war.


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/B battery

Nasser had let it be known in 1954–55 that he was considering buying weapons from the Soviet Union as a way of pressuring the Americans into selling him arms he desired.[58] Nasser's hope was that faced with the prospect of Egypt buying Soviet weapons, Sony VGP-BPS20/B battery


Sony VPCZ12X9E/B batteryand thus coming under Soviet influence the Eisenhower administration would be forced to sell Egypt the weapons he wanted.[58] Khrushchev who very much wanted to win the Soviet Union influence in the Middle East, was more than ready to arm Egypt if the Americans proved unwilling.[ Sony VGP-BPS20/S battery


Sony VPCZ12V9E/B battery58] During secret talks with the Soviets in 1955, Nasser's demands for weapons were more than amply satisfied as the Soviet Union had not signed the Tripartite Declaration.[64Sony VPCZ11 battery


Sony VPCZ12V9E battery] The news in September 1955 of the Egyptian purchase of a huge quantity of Soviet arms via Czechoslovakia was greeted with shock and rage in the West, where this was seen as major increase in Soviet influence in the Near East.[65Sony VPCZ11X9E battery


Sony VPCZ12M9E/B battery] In Britain, the increase of Soviet influence in the Near East was seen as an ominous development that threatened to put an end to British influence in the oil-rich region.[66]

In the same report of May 1953 to Eisenhower calling for "even-handedness", Dulles stated that the Egyptians were not interested in joining the proposed MEDO; Sony VPCZ11X9E/B battery


Sony VPCZ12M9E batterythat the Arabs were more interested in their disputes with the British, the French, the Israelis and each other than in standing against the Soviets; and that the "Northern Tier" states of Turkey, Iran and Pakistan were more useful as allies at present than Egypt.[ Sony PCG-41311M battery

40] Accordingly, the best American policy towards Egypt was to work towards Arab-Israeli peace and the settlement of the Anglo-Egyptian dispute over the British Suez Canal base as the best way of securing Egypt's ultimate adhesion to an American sponsored alliance centered around the "Northern Tier" states.[67]

Sony VPCZ12C7E/B battery

The "Northern Tier" alliance was achieved in early 1955 with the creation of the Baghdad Pact comprising Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Iraq and the United Kingdom.[6Sony VPCZ11Z9E battery

Sony VPCZ11Z9E/B battery

8] The presence of the last two states was due to the British desire to continue to maintain influence in the Middle East, and Nuri Said's wish to associate his country with the West as the best way of counter-balancing the increasing aggressive Egyptian claims to regional predominance.[ Sony VGN-TT1RLN/B battery


68] The conclusion of the Baghdad Pact occurred almost simultaneously with a dramatic Israeli raid on the Gaza Strip on 28 February 1955 in retaliation for fedayeen raids into Israel, during which the Israeli Unit 101 commanded by Ariel Sharon gave the Egyptian Army a bloody nose.[68]


Sony VGP-BPS14/S battery

The close occurrence of the two events was mistakenly interpreted by Nasser as part of coordinated Western effort to push him into joining the Baghdad Pact.[69] The signing of the Baghdad Pact and the Gaza raid marked the beginning of the end of Nasser's once good relations with the Americans.[6Sony VGN-TT1RVN/X battery


Sony VGP-BPS14/B battery9] In particular, Nasser saw Iraq's participation in the Baghdad Pact as a Western attempt to promote his archenemy Nuri al-Said as an alternative leader of the Arab world.[70]


Sony VGP-BPS14 battery

Britain's close relationship with the two Hashemite kingdoms of Iraq and Jordan were of particular concern to Nasser. In particular, Iraq's increasingly amicable relations with Britain were a threat to Nasser's desire to see Egypt as head of the Arab world. Sony VGN-TT1RWN/X battery

Sony VGN-TT11LN/B battery


Sony VGP-BPL14/S batteryThe creation of the Baghdad Pact in 1955 seemed to confirm Nasser's fears that Britain was attempting to draw the Eastern Arab World into a bloc centred upon Iraq, and sympathetic to Britain.[71] Nasser's response was a series of challenges to British influence in the region that would culminate in the Suez Crisis. Sony VGN-TT11M/N battery


Sony VGP-BPL14/B battery

The Franco-Israeli alliance emerges

Starting in 1949 owing to shared nuclear research, France and Israel started to move towards an alliance.[72] Following the outbreak of the Algerian War in late 1954, France began to ship more and more arms to Israel.[73Sony VGN-TT11RM/N battery


Sony VGP-BPL14 battery] In November 1954, Shimon Peres visited Paris, where he was received by the French Defense Minister Marie-Pierre Kœnig, who told him that France would sell Israel any weapons it wanted to buy.[ Sony PCG-41313M battery

74] By early 1955, France was shipping large amounts of weapons to Israel.[74] In April 1956, following another visit to Paris by Peres, France agreed to totally disregard the Tripartite Declaration, and supply even more weapons to Israel. Sony VGN-TT11RM/R battery


Sony VGN-TT battery [75] During the same visit, Peres informed the French that Israel had decided upon war with Egypt in 1956.[76] Peres claimed that Nasser was a genocidal manic intent upon not only destroying Israel, but also exterminating its people, and as such, Israel wanted a war before Egypt received even more Soviet weapons, and there was still a possibility of victory for the Jewish state.[76


Sony VGN-TT46SG/W battery] Peres asked for the French, who had emerged as Israel's closest ally by this point, to give Israel all they help they could give in the coming war.

The Travels of Mr. Anderson

In January 1956 in an effort to end the incipient arms race in the Middle East set off by the Soviet Union selling Egypt arms on a scale unlimited by the Tripartite Declaration and with France doing likewise with Israel,


Sony VGN-TT46MG/W batterywhich he saw as opening the Near East to Soviet influence, Eisenhower launched a major effort to make peace between Egypt and Israel. Eisenhower sent out his close friend Robert B. Anderson to serve as a secret envoy who would end the Arab-Israeli dispute once and for all.[77


Sony VGN-TT46GG/W battery] During his meetings with Nasser, Anderson offered bountiful quantities of American aid in exchange for a peace treaty with Israel, only to see his offer rejected as unacceptable to Egypt.[78] Anderson was no more successful in his talks with the Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion.[79] Sony VGN-TT11VN/X battery


Sony VGN-TT21WN/B battery

A second round of secret diplomacy by Anderson in February 1956 was equally fruitless.[80] Nasser sometimes suggested during his talks with Anderson that he was interested in peace with Israel if only the Americans would supply him with unlimited quantities of military and economic aid and ensure that Israel accepted the return of the Palestinians displaced in 1948–49.


Sony VGN-TT21VN/X battery It is not clear if Nasser was sincerely interested in peace, or just merely saying what the Americans wanted to hear in the hope of obtaining American funding for the Aswan high dam and American weapons. The truth will likely never be known as Nasser was an intensely secretive man, who managed to hide his true opinions on most issues from both contemporaries and historians.[8Sony VGN-TT11WN/B battery

1] However, the British historian P.J. Vatikitos noted that Nasser's determination to promote Egypt as the world's foremost anti-Zionist state as a way of reinforcing his claim to Arab leadership did not bode well for the prospects of peace.[82] Sony PCG-41314M battery


Frustration of British aims

Throughout 1955 and 1956 Nasser pursued a number of policies that would frustrate British aims throughout the Middle East, and result in increasing hostility between Britain and Egypt. Sony VGN-TT11XN/B battery

Sony VGN-TT21JN/B battery Nasser saw Iraq's inclusion in the Baghdad Pact as indicating that the United States and Britain had sided with his much hated archenemy Nuri as-Said's efforts to be the leader of the Arab world, and much of the motivation for Nasser's turn to an active anti-Western policy starting in 1955 was due to his displeasure with the Baghdad Pact.[ Sony VGN-Z11MN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z11VN/X battery83] For Nasser, attendance at such events as the Bandung conference in April 1955 served as the both the means of striking a posture as a global leader, and of playing hard to get in his talks with the Americans, especially his demand that the United States sell him vast quantities of arms.[84] Sony VGN-Z11WN/B battery


Nasser "... played on the widespread suspicion that any Western defence pact was merely veiled colonialism and that Arab disunity and weakness—especially in the struggle with Israel—was a consequence of British machinations."[ Sony VGN-Z11XN/X battery


Sony VGN-Z51XG/B battery71] He also began to align Egypt with the kingdom of Saudi Arabia—whose rulers were hereditary enemies of the Hashemites—in an effort to frustrate British efforts to draw Syria, Jordan and Lebanon into the orbit of the Baghdad Pact. Sony VGN-Z21 battery


Sony VGN-Z51WG/B batteryNasser struck a further blow against Britain by negotiating an arms deal with communist Czechoslovakia in September 1955[85] thereby ending Egypt's reliance on Western arms. Later, other members of the Warsaw Pact also sold arms to Egypt and Syria. In practice, Sony VGN-Z21MN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51MG/B batteryall sales from the Eastern Bloc were authorised by the Soviet Union, as an attempt to increase Soviet influence over the Middle East. This caused tensions in the United States because Warsaw Pact nations now had a strong presence in the region. Sony VGN-Z21WN/B battery


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Nasser frustrated British attempts to draw Jordan into the pact by sponsoring demonstrations in Amman, leading King Hussein to dismiss the British commander of the Arab Legion, Sir John Bagot Glubb (known to the Arabs as Glubb Pasha) in March 1956 and throwing Britain's Middle Eastern security policy into chaos.[86] Sony PCG-41315M battery

After one round of bloody rioting in December 1955 and another in March 1956 against Jordan joining the Baghdad Pact, both instigated by Cairo-based Voice of the Arabs radio station, Sony VGN-Z21XN battery


Sony VGN-Z31XN/B battery Hussein believed his throne was in danger.[87] In private, Hussein assured the British that he was still committed to continuing the traditional Hashemite alliance with Britain,


Sony VGN-Z41WD/B batteryand that his sacking of Glubb Pasha and all the other British officers in the Arab Legion were just gestures to appease the rioters. Eden was especially upset at the sacking of the Glubb Pasha, and as one British politician recalled:

For Eden...this was the last straw...This reverse, he insisted was Nasser's doing...Nasser was our Enemy No. 1 in the Middle East and he would not rest until he destroyed all our friends and eliminated the last vestiges of our influence...Nasser must therefore be...destroyed.[88] Sony VGN-Z21ZN/X battery

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After the sacking of Glubb Pasha, which he saw as a grievous blow to British influence, Eden become consumed with an obsessional hatred for Nasser, and from March 1956 onwards, was in private committed to the overthrow of Nasser.[89] Sony VGN-Z31MN/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS12 battery The American historian Donald Neff wrote that Eden's often hysterical and overwrought views towards Nasser almost certainly reflected the influence of the amphetamines to which Eden had become addicted to following a botched operation in 1953 together with the related effects of sustained sleep deprivation (Eden slept on average about 5 hours/per night in early 1956).[90]


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Increasingly Nasser came to be viewed in British circles – and in particular by Prime Minister Anthony Eden – as a dictator, akin to Benito Mussolini. Ironically, in the build up to the crisis, it was the Labour leader Hugh Gaitskell and the left-leaning tabloid newspaperSony VGN-Z31VN/X battery


Sony VGN-Z battery  The Mirror that first made the comparison between Nasser and Mussolini. Anglo-Egyptian relations would continue on their downward spiral.

Over the same period, the French Premier Guy Mollet, was facing an increasingly serious rebellion in Algeria, where the FLN rebels were being supported by Egypt, and he also came to perceive Nasser as a major threat.[9Sony VGN-Z31WN/B battery

1] During a visit to London in March 1956, Mollet told Eden that his country was faced with an Islamic threat to the very soul of France supported by the Soviet Union.[91] Mollet stated that: "All this is in the works of Nasser, Sony VGN-Z31ZN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51XG battery just as Hitler's policy was written down in Mein Kampf. Nasser has the ambition to recreate the conquests of Islam. But his present position is largely due to the policy of the West in building up and flattering him".[91] Sony VGN-Z51 battery

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In a May 1956 gathering of French veterans, Louis Mangin spoke in place of the unavailable Minister of Defence and gave a violently anti-Nasser speech, which compared the Egyptian leader to Hitler. He accused Nasser of plotting to rule the entire Middle East and of seeking to annex Algeria, whose "people live in community with France".[9Dell Latitude E6330 Battery  2] Mangin urged France to stand up to Nasser, and being a strong friend of Israel, urged an alliance with that nation against Egypt.[93]


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Nationalisation of the Suez Canal and the road to crisis



Nasser announces the nationalization of the canal (Universal Newsreel, 30 July 1956).

Britain was eager to tame Nasser and looked towards the United States for support. However, President Eisenhower strongly opposed British-French military action.[94Dell Latitude E6430 Battery ] America's closest Arab ally, Saudi Arabia, was just as fundamentally opposed to the Hashemite-dominated Baghdad Pact as Egypt, and the U.S. was keen to increase its own influence in the region.[95Dell Latitude E6430s Battery  The failure of the Baghdad Pact aided such a goal by reducing Britain's dominance over the region. "Great Britain would have preferred to overthrow Nasser; America, however uncomfortable with the 'Czech arms deal', thought it wiser to propitiate him."[96] Dell Latitude E5220 Battery ]

The events that brought the crisis to a head occurred in the spring and summer of 1956. On 16 May, Nasser officially recognised the People's Republic of China, a move that angered the U.S. and its secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, a keen sponsor of Taiwan.[86] Dell Latitude E5420 Battery  This move, coupled with the impression that the project was beyond Egypt's economic capabilities, caused Eisenhower to withdraw all American financial aid for the Aswan Dam project on 19 July.[86] Dell Latitude E5520 Battery

The Eisenhower administration took the view that if Nasser were able to secure Soviet economic support for the high dam, that would be beyond the capacity of the Soviet Union to support, and in turn would strain Soviet-Egyptian relations.[97Dell Inspiron N3010 Battery] Eisenhower wrote in March 1956 that "If Egypt finds herself thus isolated from the rest of the Arab world, and with no ally in sight except Soviet Russia, she would very quickly get sick of the prospect and would join us in the search for a just and decent peace in the region".[9Sony PCG-41313M battery


Sony PCG-6124M battery7] Dulles told his brother, CIA director Allen Dulles "If they [the Soviets] do make this offer we can make a lot of use of it in propaganda within the satellite bloc. You don't get bread because you are being squeezed to build a dam".[97] Dell Inspiron N3010D Battery

Finally, the Eisenhower administration had become very annoyed at Nasser's efforts to play the United States off against the Soviet Union, and decided to call Nasser's bluff by refusing to finance the Aswan high dam with the intention of teaching Nasser a lesson. Dell Inspiron N3010R Battery

As early as September 1955, when Nasser announced the purchase of the Soviet military equipment via Czechoslovakia, Dulles had written that competing for Nasser's favour was probably going to be "an expensive process", one that Dulles wanted to avoid as much as possible.[98] Dell Inspiron N301Z BatteryNationalisation



Port Said, at the entrance to the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean.

Nasser's response was the nationalization of the Suez Canal. On 26 July, in a speech in Alexandria, Nasser gave a riposte to Dulles. During his speech he deliberately pronounced the name of Ferdinand de Lesseps, the builder of the canal, a code-word for Egyptian forces to seize control of the canal and implement its nationalization.[ Dell Inspiron N301ZD Battery

99] He announced that the Nationalization Law had been published, that all assets of the Suez Canal Company had been frozen, and that stockholders would be paid the price of their shares according to the day's closing price on the Paris Stock Exchange. Dell Inspiron N301ZR BatteryDell Inspiron N7010R BatteryDell Inspiron N7110 Battery

100] That same day, Egypt closed the canal to Israeli shipping.[101] Egypt also closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, and blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba, in contravention of the Constantinople Convention of 1888. Many argued that this was also a violation of the 1949 Armistice Agreements.[102][103] Dell Inspiron N3110 Battery

The nationalisation surprised Britain and its Commonwealth. There had been no discussion of the canal at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference in London in late June and early July.[104]:7–8 Egypt's action, Dell Inspiron N4010 Batteryhowever, threatened British economic and military interests in the region. Prime Minister Anthony Eden was under immense domestic pressure from Conservative MPs who drew direct comparisons between the events of 1956 and those of the Munich Agreement in 1938. Dell Inspiron N4010D Battery Since the US government did not support the British protests, the British government decided in favour of military intervention against Egypt to avoid the complete collapse of British prestige in the region.[105] Dell Inspiron N4010R Battery

Eden was hosting a dinner for King Feisal II of Iraq and his Prime Minister, Nuri es-Said, when he learned the Canal had been nationalised. They both unequivocally advised Eden to "hit Nasser hard, hit him soon, and hit him by yourself" – a stance shared by the vast majority of the British people in subsequent weeks. Sony PCG-41314M battery


Sony PCG-6123M battery"There is a lot of humbug about Suez," Guy Millard, Eden's private secretary, later recorded. "People forget that the policy at the time was extremely popular." Opposition leader Hugh Gaitskell was also at the dinner. Dell Inspiron N4050 Battery He immediately agreed that military action might be inevitable, but warned Eden would have to keep the Americans closely informed.[106] Dell Inspiron N4110 Battery After a session of the House of Commons expressed anger against the Egyptian action on 27 July, Eden justifiably believed that Parliament would support him; Gaitskell spoke for his party when he called the nationalisation a "high-handed and totally unjustifiable step".[104]:8–9Dell Inspiron N5010 Battery

Gaitskell's support became more cautious. On 2 August he said of Nasser's behavior, "It is all very familiar. It is exactly the same that we encountered from Mussolini and Hitler in those years before the war". He cautioned Eden, however, that "[Dell Inspiron N5010D Battery

w]e must not, therefore, allow ourselves to get into a position where we might be denounced in the Security Council as aggressors, or where the majority of the Assembly was against us". He had earlier warned Eden that Labour might not support Britain acting alone against Egypt.[10Dell Inspiron N5010R Battery

4]:8–9 In two letters to Eden sent on 3 and 10 August 1956 Gaitskell condemned Nasser, but again warned that he would not support any action that violated the United Nations charter.[107] In his letter of 10 August, Gaitskell wrote: Dell Inspiron N5110 Battery


Lest there should be any doubt in your mind about my personal attitude, let me say that I could not regard an armed attack on Egypt by ourselves and the French as justified by anything which Nasser has done so far or as consistent with the Charter of the United Nations. Dell Inspiron N7010 Battery

 Nor, in my opinion, would such an attack be justified in order to impose a system of international control over the Canal-desirable though this is. If, Sony PCG-41315M battery

of course, the whole matter were to be taken to the United Nations and if Egypt were to be condemned by them as aggressors, then, of course, the position would be different. And if further action which amounted to obvious aggression by Egypt were taken by Nasser, then again it would be different. Dell Inspiron N7010D BatterySo far what Nasser has done amounts to a threat, a grave threat to us and to others, which certainly cannot be ignored; but it is only a threat, not in my opinion justifying retaliation by war.[108] Sony SVE1511A1EW battery


24 Labour PMs issued a statement on 8 August stating that forcing Nasser to denationalise the canal against Egypt's wishes would violate the UN charter. Other opposition politicians were less conditional in their support.
Sony SVE1513Q1E batteryFormer Labour Foreign Minister Herbert Morrison hinted that he would support unilateral action by the government.[104]:9–10 Jo Grimond, who became Liberal Party leader that November, thought if Nasser went unchallenged the whole Middle East would go his way.[105]
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The French Premier Guy Mollet was outraged by Nasser's move, and was utterly determined that Nasser would not be allowed to get away with it.[109] French public opinion was very supportive of Mollet, and besides for the Communists, Sony SVE1511F1E battery

Sony SVE1513E9E batteryall of the criticism of his government came from the right, who very publicly doubted that a socialist like Mollet had the guts to go to war with Nasser.[109] During an interview with Henry Luce,
Sony SVE1513D1E battery Mollet held up a copy of Nasser's book The Philosophy of the Revolution and said: "This is Nasser's Mein Kampf. If we're too stupid not to read it, understand it and draw the obvious conclusions, then so much the worse for us".[110]

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1956 newsreels about Western reactions to the nationalization

On 29 July 1956, the French Cabinet had decided upon military action against Egypt in alliance with Israel, and Admiral Nomy of the French Naval General Staff was sent to Britain to inform the leaders of that country of what France had decided to, Sony SVE1511L1E battery

Sony SVE1513C5E batteryand to invite them to join if they were interested.[110] At the same time, Mollet was very much offended by what he considered to be the lackadaisical attitude of the Eisenhower administration to the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company.[11


Sony PCG-6122M battery1] This was especially the case because earlier in 1956 the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov had offered the French a deal in exchange for which Moscow ended its support of the FLN in Algeria, Paris would pull out of NATO and became neutral in the Cold War.[111]
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Given the way that the Algeria (which was considered to be integral part of France) had become engulfed in a spiral of increasing savage violence that French leaders longed to put an end to, the Mollet cabinet had been tempted by Molotov's offer, Sony SVE1511M1E battery

Sony SVE1512M1E battery but in the end, Mollet who was a firm Atlanticist had chosen to remain faithful towards NATO.[111] In Mollet's view, his fidelity to NATO had earned him the right to expect firm American support against Egypt, and when that support was not forthcoming, he became even more determined that if the Americans were not willing to do anything about Nasser, then France would.[111] Sony PCG-4R2M battery


Direct military intervention, however, ran the risk of angering Washington and damaging Anglo-Arab relations. As a result, the British government concluded a secret military pact with France and Israel that was aimed at regaining control over the Suez Canal. Sony SVE1511P1E battery

Anglo-Franco-American diplomacy

On 1 August 1956, a tripartite meeting was opened at 10 Downing Street between British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd, U.S. Ambassador Robert D. Murphy and French Foreign Affairs Minister Christian Pineau.[112]
Sony SVE1512K1E battery

An alliance was soon formed between Eden and Guy Mollet, French Prime Minister, with headquarters based in London. General Hugh Stockwell and Admiral Barjot were appointed as Chief of Staff.
Sony SVE1512J1E battery Britain sought co-operation with the United States throughout 1956 to deal with what it maintained was a threat of an Israeli attack against Egypt, but to little effect. Between July and October 1956,
Sony SVE1512C6E battery unsuccessful initiatives encouraged by the United States were made to reduce the tension that would ultimately lead to war. International conferences were organised to secure agreement on Suez Canal operations but all were ultimately fruitless. Sony PCG-4R2M battery


Franco-Israeli planning for war

In July 1956, the Israeli Chief of Staff, General Moshe Dayan informed the Prime Minister David Ben Gurion that Israel should attack Egypt at the first chance, but Ben Gurion stated he preferred to attack Egypt with the aid of France.[11Sony SVE1511Q1E battery

Sony SVE1512B1E battery3] On 7 August 1956 the French Defense Minister Maurice Bourgès-Maunoury asked Peres if Israel would attack Egypt together with France, to which he received a positive reply.[114Sony PCG-4R2M battery

] On 1 September 1956 the French government formally asked that France and Israel begin joint planning for a war against Egypt.[115] By 6 September 1956, General Meir Amit, the chief of operations at the Israeli general staff was meeting with Admiral Pierre Barjot to discuss joint Franco-Israeli operations.[1Sony SVE1511V1E battery
Sony SVE1511W1E battery15] On 25 September 1956 Peres reported to Ben Gurion that France wanted Israel as an ally against Egypt, and that the only problem was Britain, which was opposed to Israel taking action against Nasser.[11Sony SVE1711R1E battery

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6] In late September 1956, the French Premier Guy Mollet had embarked upon a dual policy of attacking Egypt with Britain, and if the British backed out (as Mollet believed that they might), with Israel.[117] On 30 September 1956 secret Franco-Israeli talks on planning a war started in Paris, which were based on the assumption that Britain would not be involved.[ Sony SVE1711F1E battery

Sony SVE14A3C5E battery118] The French very much wanted to use airfields in Cyprus to bomb Egypt, but being not certain about Britain's attitude, wanted to use Israeli airfields if the ones in Cyprus were not free.[11Sony SVE1711X1E battery
9] Only on 5 October 1956 during a visit by General Maurice Challe to Britain where he met with Eden, were the British informed of the secret Franco-Israeli alliance.[120]


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Commonwealth reaction

Among the "White Dominions" of the British Commonwealth, Canada had few ties with the Suez Canal and twice had refused British requests for peacetime military aid in the Middle East. It had little reaction to the seizure before military action. By 1956 Asia was much more important than Suez to Australia and New Zealand; Sony SVE1712Q1E battery

Sony SVE14A1S1E battery the following year two experts would write that it "is not vital to the Australian economy". The memory, however, of the two nations fighting in two world wars to protect a canal which many still called their "lifeline" to Britain or "jugular vein", contributed to Sony SVE1712Z1E battery

Sony SVE14 batteryAustralian Prime Minister Robert Menzies and Sidney Holland of New Zealand's support for Britain in the early weeks after the seizure. On 7 August Holland hinted to his parliament that New Zealand might send troops to assist Britain, and received support from the opposition; on 13 August Menzies, Sony SVE1713C5E battery

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Sony PCG-6121M battery who had traveled to London from the United States after hearing of the nationalisation and became an informal member of the British Cabinet discussing the issue, spoke on the BBC in support of the Eden government's position on the canal. He called the dispute over the canal "a crisis more grave than any since the Second World War ended".[104
Sony SVE1511V1EW battery]:13–16,56–58,84 An elder statesman of the Commonwealth who felt that Nasser's actions threatened trading nations like Australia, he argued publicly that Western powers had built the canal but that Egypt was now seeking to exclude them from a role in its ownership or management.[121][ Sony SVE1713S1E battery

Sony SVE1511R9ESI battery122] South Africa's Johannes Strijdom stated "it is best to keep our heads out of the beehive". His government saw Nasser as an enemy but would benefit economically and geopolitically from a closed canal, and politically from not opposing a nation's right to govern its internal affairs.[104]:16–18Sony SVE1511A1EB battery

Sony SVE1511Q1EB battery

The "non-white Dominions" saw Egypt's seizing of the canal as an admirable act of anti-imperialism, and Nasser's Arab nationalism as similar to Asian nationalism. Jawaharlal Nehru of India was with Nasser when he learned of the Anglo-American withdrawal of aid for the Aswan Dam. As India was a user of the canal, Sony SVE14A1S1EB battery
Sony SVE14A1S1EP batteryhowever, he remained publicly neutral other than warning that any use of force, or threats, could be "disastrous". Suez was also very important to Ceylon's economy, and it was renegotiating defense treaties with Britain, Sony SVE14A1S1EB battery
Sony SVE14A1S1EP battery so its government was not as vocal in supporting Egypt as it would have been otherwise. Pakistan was also cautious about supporting Egypt given their rivalry as leading Islamic nations, but its government did state that Nasser had the right to nationalise.[104]:18–24,79
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The London Conference and the Menzies Committee



Australian Prime Minister Robert Menzies led an international committee in negotiations with Nasser in September 1956, which sought to achieve international management of the Canal. The mission was a failure. Sony SVE1511A1E battery

Almost immediately after the nationalisation, Eisenhower suggested to Eden a conference of maritime nations that used the canal. The British preferred to invite the most important countries, but the Americans believed that inviting as many as possible amid maximum publicity would affect world opinion. Sony SVE1511R9E battery
Sony SVE1512X9E battery
Invitations went to the eight surviving signatories of the Constantinople Convention and the 16 other largest users of the canal: Australia, Ceylon, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, West Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Soviet Union, Sony SVE1513A4E battery

Sony VPCCB4X1E battery Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. All except Egypt—which sent an observer, and used India and the Soviet Union to represent its interests—and Greece accepted the invitation, and the 22 nations' representatives met in London from 16 to 23 August.[123][124][10Sony PCG-4R2M battery


15 of the nations supported the American-British-French position of international operation of the canal; Pakistan chose its western allies over its sympathy for Egypt's anti-western position despite resulting great domestic controversy. Sony SVE1513B1E battery

VPCCB3P1E battery Ceylon, Indonesia, and the Soviet Union supported India's competing proposal—which Nasser had preapproved—of international supervision only. India criticized Egypt's seizure of the canal, but insisted that its ownership and operation now not change.
Sony VPCCB3 battery The majority of 18 chose five nations to negotiate with Nasser in Cairo led by Menzies, while their proposal for international operation of the canal would go to the Security Council.[104]:81–89[121][124] Sony SVE1513B4E battery

Menzies' 7 September official communique to Nasser presented a case for compensation for the Suez Canal Company and the "establishment of principles" for the future use of the Canal that would ensure that it would "continue to be an international waterway operated free of politics or national discrimination, Sony SVE1513M1E battery

Sony VPCCB2S1E batteryand with financial structure so secure and an international confidence so high that an expanding and improving future for the Canal could be guaranteed" and called for a Convention to recognise Egyptian sovereignty of the Canal, Sony SVE1513V1E battery
but for the establishment of an international body to run the canal. Nasser saw such measures as a "derogation from Egyptian sovereignty" and rejected Menzies' proposals.[121] Menzies hinted to Nasser that Britain and France might use force to resolve the crisis, but United States President Eisenhower openly opposed the use of force and Menzies left Egypt without success.[122]

Protocol of Sèvres

Main article: Protocol of Sèvres

Three months after Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal company, a secret meeting took place at Sèvres, outside Paris. Britain and France enlisted Israeli support for an alliance against Egypt. The parties agreed that Israel would invade the Sinai. Sony SVE1713Z1E battery

Sony VPCCB2M1E battery Britain and France would then intervene, purportedly to separate the warring Israeli and Egyptian forces, instructing both to withdraw to a distance of 16 kilometres from either side of the canal.[125] Sony PCG-4U2M battery


The British and French would then argue that Egypt's control of such an important route was too tenuous, and that it needed be placed under Anglo-French management. David Ben-Gurion did not trust the British in view of their treaty with Jordan and he was not initially in favour of the plan,
Sony VPCCB2M0E battery since it would make Israel alone look like the aggressor; however he soon agreed to it since such a good opportunity to strike back at Egypt might never again present itself.[125] Sony SVE17 battery

Motivation of the involved states



Newsreels about disturbances in North Africa and Egypt leading up to the Suez Crisis

The interests of the parties were various. Sony VPCCA1C5E battery
Sony VPCCA1S1E battery
Britain was anxious lest it lose efficient access to the remains of its empire. Both the French and the British felt that Nasser should be removed from power. The French "held the Egyptian president responsible for assisting the anticolonial rebellion in Algeria."[126] Sony PCG-4U2M battery


France was nervous about the growing influence that Nasser exerted on its North African colonies and protectorates. Both Britain and France were eager that the canal should remain open as an important conduit of oil. Israel wanted to reopen the Straits of Tiran leading to the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping, and saw the opportunity to strengthen its southern border and to weaken what it saw as a dangerous and hostile state. Sony VPCCA2 battery
This was particularly felt in the form of attacks injuring approximately 1,300 civilians emanating from the Egyptian-held Gaza Strip.[127] Sony PCG-6Z4M battery

The Israelis were also deeply troubled by Egypt’s procurement of large amounts of Soviet weaponry that included 530 armored vehicles, of which 230 were tanks; 500 guns; 150 MiG 15 jet fighters; 50 Iluyshin-28 bombers; submarines and other naval craft. Sony VPCCA2S0E battery

Sony VPCCB2 battery The influx of this advanced weaponry altered an already shaky balance of power.[128] Additionally, Israel believed Egypt had formed a secret alliance with Jordan and Syria.[129] Sony VPCCA2Z0E battery
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Instead of the 18-nation proposal, the United States proposed an association of canal users that would set rules for its operation. 14 of the other nations agreed, not including Pakistan. Britain, in particular, believed that violation of the association rules would result in military force, but after Eden made a speech in parliament on 12 September stating this the United States stated "we do not intend to shoot our way through" the canal.[10Sony PCG-6Z4M battery

Sony PCG-6112M battery4]:89–92 Washington disagreed with Paris and London on whether to use force to resolve the crisis. The United States worked hard through diplomatic channels to resolve the crisis without resorting to conflict. Sony SVS13A1S9E battery

Sony VPCSB4X9E battery"The British and French reluctantly agreed to pursue the diplomatic avenue but viewed it as merely an attempt to buy time, during which they continued their military preparations."[130Sony SVS13A1X9E battery

Sony VPCSB4M9E battery] The British, Washington's closest ally, ignored Eisenhower's pointed warning that the American people would not accept a military solution.[131]

Prior to its military operation London deliberately neglected to consult the Americans, trusting instead that Nasser's engagement with communist states would persuade the Americans to accept British and French actions if they were presented as a fait accompli. Sony SVS1312J3E battery
Sony VPCSB4L1E battery This proved to be a critical miscalculation. The American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was taking high-altitude photos of the allied activities, and more details came from human sources in London, Paris and Tel Aviv. Sony SVS1312P9E battery

Sony VPCSB3X9E battery
 CIA chief Allen Dulles said that "intelligence was well alerted as to what Israel and then Britain and France were likely to do ... In fact, United States intelligence had kept the government informed".[132]
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Universal Newsreel from 6 August about the departure of British and French ships for Egypt.

British troops were well-trained, experienced, and had good morale, but suffered from the economic and technological limitations imposed by post-war austerity.[133] The 16th Independent Parachute Brigade Group, Sony SVS1312S9E battery

Sony VPCSB3S9E battery which was intended to be the main British strike force against Egypt, was heavily involved in the Cyprus Emergency, which led to a neglect of paratroop training in favour of counter-insurgency operations.[1Sony SVS1313C5E battery

Sony VPCSB3N9E battery33] The Royal Navy could project formidable power through the guns of its warships and aircraft flown from its carriers, but a shortage of landing craft proved to be a serious weakness.[134] Sony SVS1313S9E battery

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It had just undergone a major and innovative carrier modernization program. The Royal Air Force (RAF) had just introduced two long-range bombers, the Vickers Valiant and the English Electric Canberra, but owing to their recent entry into service the RAF had not yet established proper bombing techniques for these aircraft.[134] Sony SVS1511S9E battery

Sony VPCSB3L9E battery Despite this, General Sir Charles Keightley, the commander of the invasion force, believed that air power alone was sufficient to defeat Egypt.[13Sony SVS1512X9E battery

Sony VPCSB2M9E battery4] By contrast, Keightley's deputy General Hugh Stockwell believed that methodical and systematic armored operations centered around the Centurion battle tank would be the key to victory.[135]


French troops were experienced and well-trained but suffered from cutbacks imposed by post-war politics of economic austerity.[13Sony SVS13 battery

Sony VPCSB2L1E battery6] In 1956, the French military was heavily involved in the Algerian war, which made operations against Egypt a major distraction.[136] French paratroopers of the elite Regiment de Parachutistes Coloniaux (RPC) were extremely experienced, battle-hardened, and very tough soldiers, who had greatly distinguished themselves in the fighting in Indochina and in Algeria.[136]
Sony VPCSB2C5023W battery The men of the RPC followed a "shoot first, ask questions later" policy towards civilians, first adopted in Vietnam, which was to lead to the killing of a number of Egyptian civilians.[136]
Sony VPCSB2C5021B battery The rest of the French troops were described by the American military historian Derek Varble as "...competent, but not outstanding".[136]

The main French (and Israeli) battle tank, the AMX-13, was designed for mobile, outflanking operations, which led to a tank that was lightly armoured but very fast.[136] General André Beaufre, who served as Stockwell's subordinate favored a swift campaign of movement in which the main objective was to encircle the enemy.[1Sony SVS1511S3R battery
Sony VPCSA battery
36] Throughout the operation, Beaufre proved himself be more aggressive than his British counterparts, always urging that some bold step be taken at once.[1Sony VPCSB1X9E battery
Sony VPCSB1Z9E battery36] The French Navy had a powerful carrier force which was excellent for projecting power inland, but, like its British counterpart, suffered from a lack of landing craft.[136] Sony VPCSA3T9E battery


American military historian Derek Varble called the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) the "best" military force in the Middle East while at the same time suffering from "deficiencies" such as "immature doctrine, faulty logistics, and technical inadequacies".[1Sony SVS13A1S9E battery

Sony VPCSB2C5023W battery
37] The IDF's Chief of Staff, Major General Moshe Dayan, encouraged aggression, initiative, and ingenuity amongst the Israeli officer corps while ignoring logistics and armoured operations.[137] Dayan, a firm infantry man, preferred that arm of the service at the expense of armour, which Dayan saw as clumsy, pricey, and suffering from frequent breakdowns.[13Sony SVS13A1X9E battery

Sony VPCSB2C5021B battery7]

At the same time, the IDF had a rather disorganized logistics arm, which was put under severe strain when the IDF invaded the Sinai.[137] Most of the IDF weapons in 1956 came from France.[13
Sony VPCSB1Z9E battery7] The main IDF tank was the AMX-13 and the main aircraft were the Dassault Mystère IVA and the Ouragan.[138] Superior pilot training was to give the Israeli Air Force an unbeatable edge over their Egyptian opponents. Sony SVS1312J3E battery

Sony VPCSB1X9E battery [137] The Israeli Navy consisted of two destroyers, seven frigates, eight minesweepers, several landing craft, and fourteen torpedo boats.


In the Egyptian military, politics rather than military competence was the main criterion for promotion.[139] The Egyptian commander, Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer, was a purely political appointee who owed his position to his close friendship with Nasser. A heavy drinker, he would prove himself grossly incompetent as a general during the Crisis.[1Sony SVS1312P9E battery
39] In 1956, the Egyptian military was well equipped with weapons from the Soviet Union such as T-34 and JS-3 tanks, MiG-15 fighters, Ilyushin Il-28 bombers, SU-100 self-propelled guns and assault rifles.[139]
Sony VPCSA3T9E battery

Rigid lines between officers and men in the Egyptian Army led to a mutual "mistrust and contempt" between officers and the men who served under them.[140] Egyptian troops were excellent in defensive operations, but had little capacity for offensive operations, owing to the lack of "rapport and effective small-unit leadership".[140] Sony SVS1312S9E battery

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In July 1956, Eden ordered his Chiefs of Staff to begin planning for an invasion of Egypt.[141] Eden’s plan called for the Cyprus-based 16th Independent Parachute Brigade Group to seize the Canal Zone.[142]
Sony SVS1511S3R battery The Prime Minister’s plan was rejected by the Chiefs of Staff who argued that the neglect of parachute training in the 16th Independent Parachute Brigade rendered his plan for an airborne assault unsuitable.[ Sony SVS1313C5E battery

Sony SVS13 battery141] Instead, the Chiefs of Staff suggested the sea-power based Contingency Plan, which called for the Royal Marines to take Port Said, which would then be used as a base for three British divisions to overrun the Canal Zone.[141] Sony SVS1313S9E battery

In early August, the Contingency Plan was modified by including a strategic bombing campaign that was intended to destroy Egypt’s economy, and thereby hopefully bring about Nasser’s overthrow.[14Sony SVS1511S9E battery
Sony SVS1512X9E battery1] In addition, a role was allocated to the 16th Independent Parachute Brigade, which would lead the assault on Port Said in conjunction with the Royal Marine landing.[143] The commanders of the Task Force led by General Stockwell rejected the Contingency Plan, which Stockwell argued failed to destroy the Egyptian military.[14
Sony VPCSB1V9E battery3]

Operation Musketeer

Further information: Operation Musketeer (1956)

Stockwell offered up Operation Musketeer, which was to begin with a two-day air campaign that would see the British gain air superiority.[143] In place of Port Said, Musketeer called for the capture of Alexandria.[143] Sony VPCSB2L1E battery

Sony VPCSB1S1E battery Once that city had been taken in assault from the sea, British armoured divisions would engage in a decisive battle of annihilation somewhere south of Alexandria and north of Cairo.[143] Sony VPCSB2M9E battery
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Musketeer would require thousands of troops, and which led the British to seek out France as an ally.[143] To destroy the 300,000-strong Egyptian Army in his planned battle of annihilation, Stockwell estimated that he needed 80,000 troops, Sony VPCSB3M9E battery

Sony VPCSB1S1E batterywhile at most the British Army could spare was 50,000 troops; the French could supply the necessary 30,000 troops to make up the shortfall.[143]

On 11 August 1956 General Keightley was appointed commander of Musketeer with the French Admiral Barjot as Deputy-Commander.[143] Sony VPCSB3N9E battery

Sony VPCSB1B9E battery The appointment of Stockwell as the Task Force commander charged with leading the assault on Egypt caused considerable disappointment with the other officers of the Task Force.[144] One French officer recalled that Stockwell was

Extremely excitable, gesticulating, keeping no part of him still, Sony VPCSB3S9E battery
Sony VPCSB3T9E battery

Sony VPCSB1A9E batteryhis hands, his feet, and even his head and shoulders perpetually on the go, he starts off by sweeping objects off the table with a swish of his swagger cane or in his room by using it to make golf-strokes with the flower vases and ash-trays. Sony VPCSB3X9E battery

Sony VPCSE2S1E batteryThose are the good moments. You will see him pass in an instant from the most cheerfully expressed optimism to a dejection that amounts to nervous depression. He is a cyclothymic.
Sony VPCSE2M9E batteryBy turns courteous and brutal, refined and coarse, headstrong in some circumstances, hesitant and indecisive in others, he disconcerts by his unpredictable responses and the contradictions of which he is made up. One only of his qualities remains constant: his courage under fire.[144] Sony VPCSB4L1E battery

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By contrast, the majority of the officers of the Task Force, both French and British admired Beaufre as an elegant yet tough general with a sharp analytical mind who always kept his cool.[144
Sony VPCSE2J9E battery] Most of the officers of the Anglo-French Task Force expressed regret that it was Beaufre who was Stockwell’s deputy rather the other way around.[144] A major problem both politically and militarily with the planning for Musketeer was the one week interval between sending troops to the eastern Mediterranean and the beginning of the invasion.[14
Sony VPCSE1Z9E battery5] Additionally, the coming of winter weather to the Mediterranean in late November would render the invasion impossible, which thus meant the invasion had to begin before then.[145] An additional problem was Eden, Sony VPCSB4M9E battery

Sony VPCSE1V9E batterywho constantly inferenced with the planning and was so obsessed with secrecy that he refused to tell Keightley what his political objectives were in attacking Egypt, namely was he interested in retaking the Suez canal or toppling Nasser, or both.[1Sony VPCSB4X9E battery

Sony VPCSE1J1E battery46] Eden's refusal to explain to Keightley just what exactly he was hoping to accomplish by attacking Egypt exasperated Keightley to no end, and greatly complicated the planning process.[146] Sony VPCSE battery
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In late August 1956, the French Admiral Pierre Barjot suggested that Port Said once again be made the main target, which lessened the number of troops needed and thus reduced the interval between sending forces to the eastern Mediterranean and the invasion.[14Sony VPCSA3M9E battery
7] Beaufre was strongly opposed to the change, warning that Barjot’s modification of merely capturing the Canal Zone made for an ambiguous goal, and that the lack of a clear goal was dangerous.[147] Sony VPCSA3N9E battery


In early September, Keightley embraced Barjot’s idea of seizing Port Said, and presented Operation Revise.[147] Revise called for the following:

Phase I: Anglo-French air forces to gain air supremacy over Egypt’s skies.[147]

Phase II: Anglo-French air forces were to launch a 10-day “aero-psychological” campaign that would destroy the Egyptian economy.[147] Sony VPCSA3S9E battery

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Phase III: Air- and sea-borne landings to capture the Canal Zone.[147]

Operation Revise

On 8 September 1956 Revise was approved by the British and French cabinets.[147] Both Stockwell and Beaufre were opposed to Revise as an open-ended plan with no clear goal beyond seizing the Canal zone, Sony VPCSA3X9E battery

Sony vgp-bps24 batterybut was embraced by Eden and Mollet as offering greater political flexibility and the prospect of lesser Egyptian civilian casualties.[147]

At the same time, Israel had been working on Operation Kadesh for the invasion of the Sinai.[142] Dayan’s plan put an emphasis on air power combined with mobile battles of encirclement.[14Sony VPCSA3Z9E battery

Sony VPCSE2E1E battery2] Kadesh called for the Israeli air force to win air superiority, which was to be followed up with “one continuous battle” in the Sinai.[142] Israeli forces would in a series of swift operations encircle and then take the main Egyptian strongpoints in the Sinai.[142] Sony VPCSA4W9E battery

Reflecting this emphasis on encirclement was the “outside-in” approach of Kadesh, which called for Israeli paratroopers to seize distant points first, with those closer to Israel to be seized later.[142] Sony VPCSB battery

Sony VPCSE2C5E batteryThus, the 202nd Paratroop Brigade commanded by Colonel Ariel Sharon was to land in the far-western part of the Sinai to take the Mitla Pass, and thereby cut off the Egyptian forces in the eastern Sinai from their supply lines.[142]

In October 1956, Eden, after two months of pressure, finally and reluctantly agreed to French requests to include Israel in Operation Revise.[142] Sony SVS13A1V9E battery

Sony VPCSE1X9E batteryThe British alliances with the Hashemite kingdoms of Jordan and Iraq had made the British very reluctant to fight alongside Israel, lest the ensuing backlash in the Arab world threaten London's friends in Baghdad and Amman.[142] The coming of winter weather in November meant that Eden needed a pretext to begin Revise as soon as possible, which meant that Israel had to be included.[1Sony SVS13A1Y9E battery

Sony SVS1511X9E battery42] This was especially the case as many Conservative back-benchers had expected Eden to launch operations against Egypt in the summer, and were disappointed when Eden had instead chosen talks. By the fall of 1956, many Tory back-benchers were starting to grow restive about the government's seeming inability to start military action, and if Eden continued to put off military action for the winter of 1956–57, Sony SVS13A1Z9E battery
it is possible that his government might not had survived.[142] Under the Protocol of Sèvres, the following was agreed to:

29 October: Israel to invade the Sinai.

30 October: Anglo-French ultimatum to demand both sides withdraw from the Canal Zone.

31 October: Britain and France begin Revise.

On 28 October, Operation Tarnegol was effected, during which an Israeli Gloster Meteor NF.13 intercepted and destroyed an Egyptian Ilyushin Il-14 carrying high-ranking members of the Egyptian General Staff en route from Syria to Egypt. Sony SVS1311F3E battery

Sony SVS1511V9E batteryThe Ilyushin was believed to be carrying Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer and the Egyptian General Staff; however this was not the case.





Anglo-French para drops on the Suez Canal and Israeli conquest of Sinai.


This article has been nominated to be checked for its neutrality. Discussion of this nomination can be found on the talk page. (August 2011)

Operation Kadesh: The Israeli operation in the Sinai Peninsula

Operation Kadesh received its name from ancient Kadesh, located in the northern Sinai and mentioned several times in the Hebrew Pentateuch. Israeli military planning for this operation in the Sinai hinged on four main military objectives; Sharm el-Sheikh, Sony SVS1311G4E battery

Sony SVS1511T9E batteryArish, Abu Uwayulah, and the Gaza Strip. The Egyptian blockade of the Tiran Straits was based at Sharm el-Sheikh and, by capturing the town, Israel would have access to the Red Sea for the first time since 1953, which would allow it to restore the trade benefits of secure passage to the Indian Ocean. Sony SVS1311K9E battery
Sony SVS1311N9E battery

The Gaza Strip was chosen as another military objective because Israel wished to remove the training grounds for Fedayeen groups, and because Israel recognised that Egypt could use the territory as a staging ground for attacks against the advancing Israeli troops. Israel advocated rapid advances,
Sony SVS1511S2C battery for which a potential Egyptian flanking attack would present even more of a risk. Arish and Abu Uwayulah were important hubs for soldiers, equipment, and centres of command and control of the Egyptian Army in the Sinai.[148] Sony SVS1311Q9E battery

Capturing them would deal a deathblow to the Egyptian's strategic operation in the entire Peninsula. The capture of these four objectives were hoped to be the means by which the entire Egyptian Army would rout and fall back into Egypt proper, which British and French forces would then be able to push up against an Israeli advance, Sony SVS1311S9E battery

Sony SVS1511Q9E battery and crush in a decisive encounter. On 24 October, Dayan ordered a partial mobilization.[148] When this led to a state of confusion, Dayan ordered full mobilization, and chose to take the risk that he might alert the Egyptians.[148Sony SVS1313P9E battery
Sony SVS1511L3E battery] As part of an effort to maintain surprise, Dayan ordered Israeli troops that were to go to the Sinai to be ostentatiously concentrated near the border with Jordan first, which was intended to fool the Egyptians into thinking that it was Jordan that the main Israeli blow was to fall on.[148]
Sony SVE1511V1E battery


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The Egyptian Revolution of 2011

04/07/2013 10:59


The Egyptian Revolution of 2011

The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 took place following a popular uprising that began on 25 January 2011. It was a diverse movement of demonstrations, marches, Levono Ideapad G560 Keyboard


 plaza occupations, riots, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and labor strikes. Millions of protesters from a variety of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. There were also important Islamic,


Levono Ideapad Y570D Keyboard anti-capitalist, nationalist, and feminist currents of the revolution. Violent clashes between security forces and protesters resulted in at least 846 people killed and 6,000 injured.[20][21]


Levono Ideapad Z575 Keyboard Protesters also burned upwards of 90 police stations, though international media and politicians attempted to minimize that aspect of the revolt.[22] Protests took place in Cairo, Alexandria,


Levono Ideapad Z565 Keyboardand in other cities in Egypt, following the Tunisian revolution that resulted in the overthrow of the long-time Tunisian president. Levono Ideapad Z570 Keyboard


Grievances of Egyptian protesters were focused on legal and political issues[23] including police brutality, state of emergency laws,[1] lack of free elections and freedom of speech, corruption,[2] and economic issues including high unemployment, food price inflation[3] and low wages.[1


Levono Ideapad Y570 Keyboard3] The primary demands from protesters were the end of the Hosni Mubarak regime, the end of emergency law, freedom, justice, a responsive non-military government and a say in the management of Egypt's resources.[24] Strikes by labour unions added to the pressure on government officials.[25] ][ Levono Ideapad Z560 Keyboard


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During the uprising the capital city of Cairo was described as "a war zone"[26] and the port city of Suez saw frequent violent clashes. The protesters defied the government imposed curfew and the police and military did not enforce it. Levono Ideapad Y560P Keyboard


Levono Ideapad G575 KeyboardThe presence of Egypt's Central Security Forces police, loyal to Mubarak, was gradually replaced by large restrained military troops. In the absence of police, there was looting by gangs that opposition sources said were instigated by plainclothes police officers. In response, watch groups were organised by civilians to protect neighbourhoods.[27][28][29][30][31Levono Ideapad Y560 Keyboard


Levono Ideapad B570G Keyboard]

International reactions have varied with most Western states saying peaceful protests should continue but also expressing concern for the stability of the country and the region. The Egyptian revolution, along with Tunisian events, has influenced demonstrations in other Arab countries including Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria and Libya. Levono Ideapad V570A Keyboard


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Mubarak dissolved his government and appointed former head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate Omar Suleiman as Vice-President in an attempt to quell dissent. Mubarak asked aviation minister and former chief of Egypt's Air Force, Levono Ideapad V570 Keyboard


Levono Ideapad B575 Keyboard Ahmed Shafik, to form a new government. Mohamed ElBaradei became a major figure of the opposition, with all major opposition groups supporting his role as a negotiator for some form of transitional unity government.[32] Levono Ideapad V570C Keyboard

Levono Ideapad B570 Keyboard In response to mounting pressure, Mubarak announced he had not intended to seek re-election in September.[33]

On 11 February 2011, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that Mubarak would be stepping down as president and turning power over to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and Mubarak resigned from office.[ HP Pavilion dm4 Keyboard


HP Pavilion dm4-2000ea keyboard34] The military junta, headed by effective head of state Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, announced on 13 February that the constitution would be suspended, both houses of parliament dissolved, and that the military would rule for six months until elections could be held. The prior cabinet, HP Pavilion dm4-1000 Keyboard

including Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik, would continue to serve as a caretaker government until a new one is formed.[35] Shafik resigned on 3 March, a day before major protests to get him to step down were planned;


HP Pavilion dm4-2000 keyboard he was replaced by Essam Sharaf, the former transport minister.[36] On 24 May, Mubarak was ordered to stand trial on charges of premeditated murder of peaceful protestors and, if convicted, could face the death penalty.[12] HP Pavilion dm4-1050ea Keyboard


On 2 June 2012, Mubarak was found guilty of complicity in the murders of the protestors and sentenced to life imprisonment, but this sentence was later overturned on appeal.[37] Numerous protesters upset that others tried with Mubarak, including his two sons, had been acquitted, took to the streets.[38


HP Pavilion dm4-2100 keyboard] On 19 June, protesters, many belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood, protested in Cairo's Tahrir Square, angry that the SCAF had taken some of the powers that had formerly belonged to the President. HP Pavilion dm4-1060ea Keyboard


HP Pavilion dm4-2101sa keyboardProtesters also accused the SCAF of launching a coup. On 24 June, the State Election Commission announced that Islamist Mohammed Morsi had won the presidential election. On 30 June, Morsi was inaugurated as the 5th President of Egypt. HP Pavilion dm4-1080ea Keyboard


Hosni Mubarak became head of Egypt's semi-presidential republic government following the 1981 assassination of President Anwar El Sadat, and continued to serve until 2011. Mubarak's 30-year reign made him the longest-serving President in Egypt's history,[43


HP Pavilion dm4-2101ea keyboard] with his National Democratic Party (NDS) government maintaining one-party rule under a continuous state of emergency.[44] Mubarak's government earned the support of the West and a continuation of annual aid from the United States by maintaining policies of suppression towards Islamic militants and peace with Israel.[44HP Pavilion dm4-1100 Keyboard


HP Pavilion dm4-3000 keyboard] Hosni Mubarak was often compared to an Egyptian pharaoh by the media and by some of his critics due to his authoritarian rule.[45]

Inheritance of power[edit]


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Gamal Mubarak in 2006

Main article: Gamal Mubarak

Gamal Mubarak, the younger of Mubarak's two sons, began to be groomed to succeed his father as the next president of Egypt around the year 2000.[46HP Pavilion dm4-1100eg Keyboard


HP Pavilion dm4-3000sa keyboard] Gamal started receiving considerable attention in the Egyptian media, as there were no other apparent heirs to the presidency.[47] Bashar al-Assad's rise to power in Syria in June 2000, just hours after Hafez al-Assad's death, HP Pavilion dm4-1100sa Keyboard

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HP Pavilion dm4-3002sa keyboardsparked a heated debate in the Egyptian press regarding the prospects for a similar scenario occurring in Cairo.[48]

In the years after Mubarak's 2005 reelection several political groups (most in Egypt are unofficial), on both the left and the right, HP Pavilion dm4-1140sa Keyboard

announced their sharp opposition to the inheritance of power. They demanded political change and asked for a fair election with more than one candidate. In 2006, with opposition rising, The Daily News Egypt reported on an online campaign initiative, HP Pavilion dm4-1150ca Keyboard


HP Pavilion dm4-3002ea keyboardcalled the National Initiative against Power Inheritance, which demanded Gamal reduce his power. The campaign stated, "President Mubarak and his son constantly denied even the possibility of [succession]. However, in reality they did the opposite, including amending the constitution to make sure that Gamal will be the only unchallenged candidate."[49]


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Over the course of the decade perception grew that Gamal would succeed his father. He wielded increasing power as NDP deputy secretary general, in addition to a post he held heading the party's policy committee. Analysts went so far as describing Mubarak's last decade in power as “the age of Gamal Mubarak.” HP Pavilion dm4-1150ea Keyboard

HP Pavilion dm4-1300ea Keyboard With Mubarak’s health declining and the leader refusing to appoint a vice-president, Gamal was considered by some to be Egypt's de facto president.[50] HP Probook 4320S Keyboard


Both Gamal and Hosni Mubarak continued to deny that an inheritance would take place. There was talk, however, of Gamal being elected; with Hosni Mubarak's presidential term set to expire in 2010 there was speculation Gamal would run as the NDP party's candidate in 2011.[51]


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After the January–February 2011 protest, Gamal Mubarak stated that he would not be running for the presidency in the 2011 elections.[52] HP Probook 4321S Keyboard


Emergency law[edit]

Main article: Emergency law in Egypt

An emergency law (Law No. 162 of 1958) was enacted after the 1967 Six-Day War. It was suspended for 18 months in the early 1980s[53] and has otherwise continuously been in effect since President Sadat's 1981 assassination.[5HP Probook 4325S Keyboard

HP Probook 4326S Keyboard


HP Probook 5320M Keyboard4] Under the law, police powers are extended, constitutional rights suspended, censorship is legalised,[55] and the government may imprison individuals indefinitely and without reason. The law sharply limits any non-governmental political activity, including street demonstrations,


HP Probook 5310M Keyboardnon-approved political organizations, and unregistered financial donations.[53] The Mubarak government has cited the threat of terrorism in order to extend the emergency law,[5HP Probook 4329S Keyboard


HP Probook 4730S Keyboard4] claiming that opposition groups like the Muslim Brotherhood could come into power in Egypt if the current government did not forgo parliamentary elections and suppress the group through actions allowed under emergency law.[56] This has led to the imprisonment of activists without trials,[ HP Probook 4410 Keyboard

57] illegal undocumented hidden detention facilities,[58] and rejecting university, mosque, and newspaper staff members based on their political inclination.[59] A parliamentary election in December 2010 was preceded by a media crackdown, arrests, candidate bans (particularly of the Muslim Brotherhood),


HP Probook 4725S Keyboardand allegations of fraud involving the near-unanimous victory by the ruling party in parliament.[53] Human rights organizations estimate that in 2010 between 5,000 and 10,000 people were in long-term detention without charge or trial.[60][61] HP Probook 4410S Keyboard


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Police brutality[edit]

Further information: Law enforcement in Egypt

According to a report from the U.S. Embassy in Egypt, police brutality has been common and widespread in Egypt.[


HP Probook 4715S Keyboard62] In the five years prior to the revolution, the Mubarak regime denied the existence of torture or abuse carried out by the police. However, many claims by domestic and international groups provided evidence through cellphone videos or first-hand accounts of hundreds of cases of police abuse.[63]


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According to the 2009 Human Rights Report by the U.S. State Department, "Domestic and international human rights groups reported that the Ministry of Interior (MOI) State Security Investigative Service (SSIS),


HP Probook 4530S Keyboard police, and other government entities continued to employ torture to extract information or force confessions. The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights documented 30 cases of torture during the year 2009. In numerous trials defendants alleged that police tortured them during questioning. HP Probook 4410T Keyboard


HP Probook 4525S Keyboard During the year activists and observers circulated some amateur cellphone videos documenting the alleged abuse of citizens by security officials. For example, on 8 February, a blogger posted a video of two police officers, identified by their first names and last initials,


HP Probook 4510S Keyboardsodomizing a bound naked man named Ahmed Abdel Fattah Ali with a bottle. On 12 August, the same blogger posted two videos of alleged police torture of a man in a Port Said police station by the head of investigations, HP Probook 4411S Keyboard


HP Probook 4416S KeyboardMohammed Abu Ghazala. There was no indication that the government investigated either case."[64]

The deployment of plainclothes forces paid by Mubarak's ruling party, Baltageya,[65] (Arabic: بلطجية‎), has been a hallmark of the Mubarak government.[65] The Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights has documented 567 cases of torture, HP Probook 4413S Keyboard

HP Probook 4414S Keyboardincluding 167 deaths, by police that occurred between 1993 and 2007.[66] Excessive force was often used by law enforcement agencies. The police forces constantly quashed democratic uprisings with brutal force and corrupt tactics.[67Sony PCG-61A11L Battery

Sony PCG-71511L Battery
] On 6 June 2010 Khaled Mohamed Saeed died under disputed circumstances in the Sidi Gaber area of Alexandria. Multiple witnesses testified that Saeed was beaten to death by the police.[68][6
Sony PCG-71411L Battery9] A Facebook page called "We are all Khaled Said" helped bring nationwide attention to the case.[70] Mohamed ElBaradei, former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, led a rally in 2010 in Alexandria against alleged abuses by the police and visited Saeed's family to offer condolences.[71] Sony PCG-61A12L Battery

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During the January — February 2011 protests, police brutality was high in response to the protests. Jack Shenker, a reporter for The Guardian, was arrested during the mass protests in Cairo on 26 January 2011.
Sony PCG-71C11L Battery He witnessed fellow Egyptian protesters being tortured, assaulted, and taken to undisclosed locations by police officers. Shenker and other detainees were released after one of his fellow detainees' well-known father, Ayman Nour, covertly intervened.[72][73][74]

Corruption in government elections[edit] Sony PCG-61A13L Battery

Sony PCG-91311L Battery

Corruption, coercion to not vote, and manipulation of election results occurred during many of the elections over 30 years.[75] Until 2005, Mubarak was the only candidate to run for the presidency, on a yes/no vote.[ Sony PCG-61A14L Battery

Sony PCG-91211L Battery76] Mubarak won five consecutive presidential elections with a sweeping majority. Opposition groups and international election monitoring agencies accused the elections of being rigged.
Sony PCG-71811L BatteryThese agencies have not been allowed to monitor the elections. The only opposing presidential candidate in recent Egyptian history, Ayman Nour, was imprisoned before the 2005 elections.[77
Sony PCG-71914L Battery] According to a 2007 UN survey, voter turnout was extremely low (around 25%) because of the lack of trust in the corrupt representational system.[78]

Demographic and economic challenges[edit] Sony PCG-61911L Battery
Sony PCG-61913L Battery

Unemployment and reliance on subsidized goods

Further information: Demographics of Egypt, Demographic trap, and Youth bulge



Population pyramid in 2005. Many of those 30 and younger are educated citizens who are experiencing difficulty finding work. Sony PCG-71911L Battery

The population of Egypt grew from 30,083,419 in 1966[79] to roughly 79,000,000 by 2008.[80] The vast majority of Egyptians live in the limited spaces near the banks of the Nile River, in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers (15,000 sq mi), Sony PCG-71912L Battery
Sony PCG-71913L Batterywhere the only arable land is found. In late 2010 around 40% of Egypt's population of just under 80 million lived on the fiscal income equivalent of roughly US$2 per day, with a large part of the population relying on subsidized goods.[1] Sony PCG-61611L Battery

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According to the Peterson Institute for International Economics and other proponents of demographic structural approach (cliodynamics), a basic problem in Egypt is unemployment driven by a demographic youth bulge: Sony PCG-61511L Battery

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with the number of new people entering the job force at about 4% a year, unemployment in Egypt is almost 10 times as high for college graduates as it is for people who have gone through elementary school, particularly educated urban youth—the same people who were out in the streets during the revolution.[81][82] Sony PCG-61211L Battery

Sony PCG-71315L Battery



A poor neighbourhood in Cairo

Poor living conditions and economic conditions

Further information: Economy of Egypt

Egypt's economy was highly centralised during the tenure of President Gamal Abdel Nasser but opened up considerably under President Anwar Sadat and Mubarak. Sony PCG-61311L Battery

Sony PCG-71314L Battery From 2004 to 2008 the Mubarak-led government aggressively pursued economic reforms to attract foreign investment and facilitate GDP growth, but postponed further economic reforms because of global economic turmoil. The international economic downturn slowed Egypt's GDP growth to 4.5% in 2009. Sony PCG-61312L Battery

Sony PCG-71313L Battery In 2010 analysts said the government of Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif would need to restart economic reforms to attract foreign investment, boost growth, and improve economic conditions.

Sony PCG-71312L BatteryDespite high levels of national economic growth over the past few years, living conditions for the average Egyptian remained poor,[83] though better than many other countries in Africa.[81]

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Corruption among government officials[edit] HP 640426-001 Fan


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Further information: Crime in Egypt

Political corruption in the Mubarak administration's Ministry of Interior rose dramatically due to the increased level of control over the institutional system necessary to prolong the presidency.[84]

Sony PCG-71213L Battery The rise to power of powerful businessmen in the NDP, in the government, and in the People's Assembly led to massive waves of anger during the years of Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif's government.

Sony PCG-71212L BatteryAn example is Ahmed Ezz's monopolising the steel industry in Egypt by holding more than 60% of the market share.[8HP 640903-001 Fan

5] Aladdin Elaasar, an Egyptian biographer and an American professor, estimated that the Mubarak family was worth from $50 to $70 billion.[86][87]

Sony PCG-71211L Battery

The wealth of Ahmed Ezz, the former NDP Organisation Secretary, was estimated to be 18 billion Egyptian pounds;[88] the wealth of former Housing Minister Ahmed al-Maghraby was estimated to be more than 11 billion Egyptian pounds;[8Sony PCG-61313L Battery

Sony PCG-61317L Battery8] the wealth of former Minister of Tourism Zuhair Garrana is estimated to be 13 billion Egyptian pounds;[88] the wealth of former Minister of Trade and Industry, Rashid Mohamed Rashid, is estimated to be 12 billion Egyptian pounds;[8Sony PCG-61215L Battery

Sony PCG-61316L Battery8] and the wealth of former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly was estimated to be 8 billion Egyptian pounds.[88]

The perception among Egyptians was that the only people to benefit from the nation's wealth were businessmen with ties to the National Democratic Party; "wealth fuels political power and political power buys wealth."[89] Sony PCG-71317L Battery
Sony PCG-61315L Battery

During the Egyptian parliamentary election, 2010, opposition groups complained of harassment and fraud perpetrated by the government. Opposition and civil society activists called for changes to a number of legal and constitutional provisions which affect elections.[citation needed] Sony PCG-81113L Battery

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In 2010, Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) report assessed Egypt with a CPI score of 3.1, based on perceptions of the degree of corruption from business people and country analysts (with 10 being clean and 0 being totally corrupt).[90] Sony PCG-81114L Battery

Lead-up to the protests[edit]

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To prepare for a possible overthrow of Mubarak, opposition groups studied the work of Gene Sharp on non-violent revolution and worked with leaders of Otpor!, the student-led Serbian uprising of 2000. Copies of Sharp's list of 198 non-violent "weapons",Sony PCG-81115L Battery

Sony PCG-81312L Battery  translated into Arabic and not always attributed to him, were circulated in

After the ousting of Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali due to mass protests, many analysts, including former European Commission President Romano Prodi, saw Egypt as the next country where such a revolution might occur.[9Sony PCG-81214L Battery
Sony PCG-81311L Battery 3] The Washington Post commented, "The Jasmine Revolution [...] should serve as a stark warning to Arab leaders – beginning with Egypt's 83-year-old Hosni Mubarak – that their refusal to allow more economic and political opportunity is dangerous and untenable."[94] Others held the opinion that Egypt was not ready for revolution, Sony PCG-81111M CPU cooling fan  citing little aspiration of the Egyptian people, low educational levels, and a strong government with the support of the military.[9 
Sony PCG-81313M CPU cooling fan5] The BBC said, "The simple fact is that most Egyptians do not see any way that they can change their country or their lives through political action, be it voting, activism, or going out on the streets to demonstrate."[96] Sony PCG-81112M CPU cooling fan 




A protester holds an Egyptian flag during the protests that started on 25 January 2011 in Egypt

Following the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia on 17 December, a man set himself ablaze on 17 January in front of the Tunisian parliament;[97] and about five more attempts of self-immolation followed.[95] Sony PCG-81212M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-81113M CPU cooling fan

National Police Day protests[edit]

Opposition groups planned a day of revolt for 25 January, coinciding with the National Police Day. The purpose was to protest against abuses by the police in front of the Ministry of Interior.[98] These demands expanded to include the resignation of the Minister of Interior, 
Sony PCG-3E1M CPU cooling fan 
 an end to State corruption, the end of Egyptian emergency law, and term limits for the president.

Many political movements, opposition parties, and public figures supported the day of revolt, including Youth for Justice and Freedom, Coalition of the Youth of the Revolution, the Popular Democratic Movement for Change, Sony PCG-7195M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-3C1M CPU cooling fanthe Revolutionary Socialists and the National Association for Change. The April 6 Youth Movement was a major supporter of the protest and distributed 20,000 leaflets saying "I will protest on 25 January to get my rights". The Ghad El-Thawra Party, Karama, Wafd and Democratic Front supported the protests. Sony PCG-7196M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-3J1M CPU cooling fanThe Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest opposition group,[99] confirmed on 23 January that it would participate.[99][100] Public figures including novelist Alaa Al Aswany, writer Belal Fadl, and actors Amr Waked and Khaled Aboul Naga announced they would participate. However, 
Sony PCG-3H1M CPU cooling fanthe leftist National Progressive Unionist Party (the Tagammu) stated it would not participate. The Coptic Church urged Christians not to participate in the protests.[99]

Twenty-six-year-old Asmaa Mahfouz was instrumental[101] in sparking the protests.[102] In a video blog posted a week before National Police Day,[103Sony PCG-7192M CPU cooling fan ] she urged the Egyptian people to join her on 25 January in Tahrir Square to bring down Mubarak's regime.[104] Mahfouz's use of video blogging and social media went viral[105] and urged people not to be afraid.[106] The Facebook group set up for the event attracted 80,000 attendees.

Sony PCG-3F1M CPU cooling fan




This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2011)

Main article: Timeline of the 2011 Egyptian revolution Sony PCG-7194M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-7186M CPU cooling fan

From King Farouk to Mubarak[edit]

All causes attached to the 2011's Egyptian Revolution against Mubarak existed on 1952, when the Free Officers ousted King Farouk.[107Sony PCG-7144M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-7181M CPU cooling fan] Inheritance of Crown, corruption, under-development, unemployment,unfair distribution of wealth, and the threat of Israel to the Egyptian national security. Only one new cause that could explain the new Arab Spring is the population explosion and the severe unemployment of great percentage of the population. Sony PCG-7141M CPU cooling fan

The first signal that paved the road to Mubarak was the 1967's war between Egypt and Israel that was caused by Naser's appointments of incompetent officers in all branches of the Egyptian military and intelligence. 
Sony PCG-7161M CPU cooling fan

Naser's defeat in 1967 accelerated his death and brought Anwar Sadat to power in 1970. Hence, Sadat undid all social reforms advanced by Naser in his struggle with manipulation of the Soviets to his needs for military assistance. In fact, Sadat predicted the collapse of the Soviet communist bloc two decades before its occurrence.
Sony PCG-7151M CPU cooling fan

As Sadat neglected all major steps to modernize Egypt and contented his cronies with selling desert lands and importing goods, Egypt suffered serous decline in infra structure industries that could generate new jobs. Sony PCG-7151M CPU cooling fan 

The death of Sadat in 1981, left a heavy load to Hosni Mubarak to manage. With total lack of academic or governmental experience, Mubarak implemented the emergency rule throughout his 30-year rule and refrained from appointing a vice president until he was pressed to step down. 
Sony PCG-7143M CPU cooling fan

The communication factors such as the Internet, cell phones, and satellite TV channels, thought to contribute greatly to igniting the revolution,one cannot ignore the role of the mosques and Friday prayers that existed over many centuries and played major roles in changing governments. 
Sony PCG-7162M CPU cooling fanNot only that the mosques brought the Muslim Brothers to power, but also that the Muslim Brothers imposed threats on all governments from 1928 throughout 2011, as it still does in countries neighboring to Egypt.[108] Sony PCG-7153M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-7154M CPU cooling fan

Under Hosni Mubarak's rule[edit]

25 January 2011: The "Day of Revolt": Protests erupted throughout Egypt, with tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Cairo and thousands more in cities throughout Egypt. The protests targeted President Hosni Mubarak's government, and mostly adhered to non-violence. There were some reports of civilian and police casualties. Sony PCG-61211M CPU cooling fan 

26 January 2011:civil unrest in suez and various other areas throughout Egypt. Police seize many activists.

28 January 2011: The "Friday of Anger" protests began. Hundreds of thousands demonstrated in Cairo and other Egyptian cities after Friday prayers. Sony PCG-71213M CPU cooling fan 
Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei arrived in Cairo. There were reports of looting. Prisons were opened and burned down, allegedly on orders from then-Minister of the Interior Habib El Adly. Sony PCG-71211M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-61212M CPU cooling fanPrison inmates escaped en masse, in what was believed to be an attempt to terrorise protesters. Police forces were withdrawn from the streets, and the military was deployed. International fears of violence grew, Sony PCG-71212M CPU cooling fan 
but no major casualties were reported. President Hosni Mubarak made his first address to the nation and pledged to form a new government. Later that night clashes broke out in Tahrir Square between revolutionaries and pro-Mubarak demonstrators, leading to the injury of several and the death of some. 
Sony PCG-71313M CPU cooling fan

29 January 2011: The military presence in Cairo increased. A curfew was declared, but was widely ignored as the flow of defiant protesters to Tahrir Square continued throughout the night. The military reportedly refused to follow orders to fire live ammunition, and exercised restraint overall. There were no reports of major casualties. Sony PCG-71312M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-71311M CPU cooling fan On 31 January, Israeli media reported that the 9th, 2nd, and 7th Divisions of the Egyptian Army had been ordered into Cairo to help restore order.[109]

1 February 2011: Mubarak made another televised address and offered several concessions. He pledged to not run for another term in the elections planned for September, and pledged political reforms. He stated he would stay in office to oversee a peaceful transition. Sony PCG-7181M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-7171M CPU cooling fan Small but violent clashes began that night between pro-Mubarak and anti-Mubarak groups.

2 February 2011: "Incident of the Camel". Violence escalated as waves of Mubarak supporters met anti-government protesters,
Sony PCG-7186M CPU cooling fan and some Mubarak supporters rode on camels and horses into Tahrir Square, reportedly wielding sticks. President Mubarak reiterated his refusal to step down in interviews with several news agencies. Sony PCG-7182M CPU cooling fan 
Incidents of violence toward journalists and reporters escalated amid speculation that the violence was being encouraged by Mubarak as a way to bring the protests to an end. 
Sony PCG-7185M CPU cooling fan

6 February 2011: A multifaith Sunday Mass was held with Egyptian Christians and Egyptian Muslims in Tahrir Square. Negotiations involving Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman and representatives of the opposition commenced amid continuing protests throughout the nation. The Egyptian army assumed greater security responsibilities, Sony PCG-7183M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-7184M CPU cooling fan maintaining order and guarding The Egyptian Museum of Antiquity. Suleiman offered reforms, while others of Mubarak's regime accused foreign nations, including the US, of interfering in Egypt's affairs.

10 February 2011: Mubarak formally addressed Egypt amid speculation of a military coup, but rather than resigning (as was widely expected), he simply stated he would delegate some of his powers to Vice President Suleiman, while continuing as Egypt's head of state. Sony VGN-NW20ZF CPU cooling fan 
Reactions to Mubarak's statement were marked by anger, frustration and disappointment, and throughout various cities there was an escalation of the number and intensity of demonstrations.

11 February 2011: 
Sony VGN-NW21MF/P CPU cooling fan The "Friday of Departure": Massive protests continued in many cities as Egyptians refused the concessions announced by Mubarak. Finally, at 6:00 pm local time, Suleiman announced Mubarak's resignation, entrusting the Supreme Council of Egyptian Armed Forces with the leadership of the country. Nationwide celebrations immediately followed. 
Sony VGN-NW20SF CPU cooling fan

Post-revolution timeline[edit]


Under Supreme Council of the Armed Forces[edit]

See also: Timeline of the 2011 Egyptian revolution under Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

13 February 2011: The Supreme Council dissolved Egypt’s parliament and suspended the Constitution in response to demands by demonstrators. Sony VGN-NW24S CPU cooling fan  
Sony VGN-NW26JG CPU cooling fan The council declared that it would hold power for six months, or until elections could be held. Calls were made for the council to provide more details and specific timetables and deadlines. Major protests subsided but did not end. In a gesture to a new beginning, protesters cleaned up and renovated Tahrir Square, Sony VGN-NW26M CPU cooling fan 
Sony VGN-NW20EF CPU cooling fan 
the epicenter of the demonstrations, although many pledged they would continue protests until all the demands had been met.

17 February 2011: The army stated it would not field a candidate in the upcoming presidential elections.[110] Sony VGN-NW20SF CPU cooling fan 
Four important figures of the former regime were detained on that day: former interior minister Habib el-Adly, former minister of housing Ahmed Maghrabi former tourism minister Zuheir Garana, and steel tycoon Ahmed Ezz.[111] Sony VGN-NW24EG CPU cooling fan 

2 March 2011: The constitutional referendum was tentatively scheduled for 19 March 2011.[112]

3 March 2011: A day before large protests against him were planned, Ahmed Shafik stepped down as Prime Minister and was replaced by Essam Sharaf.[113] Sony VGN-NW24JG CPU cooling fan 

5 March 2011: Several State Security Intelligence (SSI) buildings were raided across Egypt by protesters, including the headquarters for Alexandria Governorate and the main national headquarters in Nasr City, Sony VGN-NW24MG CPU cooling fan 
Sony VGN-NW24MR CPU cooling fan Cairo. Protesters stated they raided the buildings to secure documents they believed to show various crimes committed by the SSI against the people of Egypt during Mubarak's rule.[114][115] 
Sony VGN-NW26EG CPU cooling fan

6 March 2011: From the Nasr City headquarters, protesters acquired evidence of mass surveillance and vote rigging, and noted rooms full of videotapes, piles of shredded and burned documents, and cells where activists recounted their experiences of detention and torture.[116]

19 March 2011: The constitutional referendum was held and passed by 77.27%.[117] 
Sony VPCF12M1E/H CPU cooling fan 

22 March 2011: Parts of the Interior Ministry building caught fire during police demonstrations outside.[118]

23 March 2011: The Egyptian Cabinet orders a law criminalising protests and strikes that hampers work at private or public establishments. Under the new law, anyone organising or calling for such protests will be sentenced to jail and/or a fine of LE500,000 (~100,000 USD).[119] 
Sony VPCF12F4E/H CPU cooling fan

1 April 2011: The "Save the Revolution" day: Approximately four thousand demonstrators filled Tahrir Square for the largest protest in weeks, Sony VPCF11C4E/B CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF11Z1E/BI CPU cooling fan demanding that the ruling military council move faster to dismantle lingering aspects of the old regime.[120] Protestors demanded trial for Hosni Mubarak, Gamal Mubarak, Ahmad Fathi Sorour, Safwat El-Sherif and Zakaria Azmi as well. 
Sony VPCF12E1E/H CPU cooling fan

8 April 2011: The "Friday of Cleaning": Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators again filled Tahrir Square, criticizing the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces for not following through on revolutionary demands. They demanded the resignation of remaining regime figures and the removal of Egypt’s public prosecutor due to the slow pace of investigations of corrupt former officials.[121] Sony VPCF11C5E CPU cooling fan 

7 May 2011: 2011 Imbaba church attacks in which Salafi Muslims undertook a series of attacks against Coptic Christian churches in the poor working-class neighborhood of Imbaba in Cairo.[122] 
Sony VPCF11C4E/B CPU cooling fan

27 May 2011: The "Second Friday of Anger" (a.k.a. "Second Revolution of Anger" or "The Second Revolution"): Tens of thousands of demonstrators filled Tahrir Square in Egypt's capital Cairo,[123] besides perhaps demonstrators in each of Alexandria, 
Sony VPCF11S1E CPU cooling fanSuez, Ismailia, Gharbeya and other areas; in the largest demonstrations since ousting Mubarak's Regime. Protestors demanded no military trials for civilians, the Egyptian Constitution to be made before the Parliament elections and for all members of the old regime and those who killed protestors in January and February to be put on fair trial. Sony VPCF11D4E CPU cooling fan 

1 July 2011: The "Friday of Retribution"; Hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in Suez, Alexandria and Tahrir Square in Cairo, to voice frustration with the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces for what they called the slow pace of change five months after the revolution, some also feared that the military is to rule Egypt indefinitely.[124] Sony VPC-F11M1E/H CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF24M1E CPU cooling fan

8 July 2011: The "Friday of Determination"; Hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in Suez, Alexandria and Tahrir Square in Cairo. They demanded immediate reforms and swifter prosecution of former officials from the ousted government.[125] Sony VPCF11S1E/B CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPC-F2 CPU cooling fan 

15 July 2011: Hundreds of thousands continue to protest in Tahrir Square.

23 July 2011: Thousands of protesters try to march to the Defense Ministry. They are met with thugs that have sticks, stones, molotov cocktails and other things. The protests were set off by a speech by Mohammed Tantawi commemorating the 1952 military coup. Sony VPC-F21Z1E CPU cooling fan

1 August 2011: Egyptian soldiers clash with protesters, tearing down tents. Over 66 people were arrested. Most Egyptians supported the military's action.[citation needed]

6 August 2011: Hundreds of protesters gathered and prayed in Tahrir Square. After they were done, they were attacked by the military.[126]
Sony VPCF23S1E CPU cooling fan

9 September 2011: The "2011 Israeli embassy attack"; The"Friday of Correcting the Path"; Tens of thousands of people protested Suez, Alexandria, Cairo, and other cites. Islamist protesters were absent. 
Sony VPCF231S1E CPU cooling fan

9 October 2011: The "Maspero demonstrations";[127][128] Late into the evening of 9 October, during a protest that was held in Maspiro,[129] peaceful Egyptian protesters, calling for the dissolution the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Sony VPCF22J1E CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF23Q1E CPU cooling fan the resignation of its chairman, Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi, and the dismissal of the governor of Aswan province, were attacked by military police. At least 25 people[130] were killed and more than 200 wounded. Sony VPCF22L1E CPU cooling fan 

19 November 2011: Clashes first erupt in Tahrir Square as demonstrators reoccupy the location in central Cairo. Central Security Forces deploy tear gas in an attempt to control the situation.[131] 
Sony VPCF23M1E CPU cooling fan

20 November 2011: Police forces attempt to forcibly clear the square, but protesters soon return in more than twice their original numbers. Fierce fighting breaks out and continues through the night, with the police again using tear gas, beating and shooting demonstrators.[131] Sony VPCF22M1E CPU cooling fan 

21 November 2011: Demonstrators return to the square, with Coptic Christians standing guard as Muslims protesting the regime pause for prayers. The Health Ministry says at least 23 have died and over 1,500 have been wounded since 19 November.[1Sony VPCF22S1E CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF22S8E CPU cooling fan31] Solidarity protests are held in Alexandria, Suez, and at least five other major Egyptian cities.[132] Dissident journalist Hossam el-Hamalawy tells Al Jazeera that Egyptians will launch a general strike because they have "had enough" of the SCAF.[133] 
Sony VPCF13M0E/B CPU cooling fan


28 November 2011 – 11 January 2012: Egyptian parliamentary election

23 January 2012: Democratically elected representatives of the People’s Assembly met for the first time since Egypt’s revolution, and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces transferred legislative authority to them.[134][135][136] Sony VPCF13E4E CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF13Z0E/B CPU cooling fan

24 January 2012: Military ruler Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi said the decades-old state of emergency will be lifted partially on Wednesday 25 January.[137][138][139][140]

12 April 2012: An administrative court suspended the 100-member constitutional assembly tasked with drafting a new constitution for Egypt.[141][142][143] Sony VPCF13E8E CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF13M8E/B CPU cooling fan

23 and 24 May 2012: First round of voting in Egypt's first presidential election after Hosni Mubarak was deposed by the Egyptian revolution.

31 May 2012: The decades-old state of emergency expired and with it Egypt's emergency law has been lifted completely.[144][145] Sony VPCF13J0E/H CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF12M0E/B CPU cooling fan

2 June 2012: Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his former interior minister Habib al-Adli were convicted to life on prison on the basis of their failure to stop the killings during the first six days of the 2011 Egyptian revolution. Sony VPCF1318E/H CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF12S1E/B CPU cooling fan The former president, his two sons and a business tycoon were acquitted of corruption charges because a statute of limitations had expired. Six senior police officials were also acquitted for their role in the killings of demonstrators due to lack of evidence.[146][147][148][149] Sony VPCF13M1E/B CPU cooling fan 

8 June 2012: Political factions in Egypt have tentatively agreed to a deal to form a new constitutional assembly consisting of 100 members which will draft the country's new constitution.[150] Sony VPCF11C4E/B CPU cooling fan 

12 June 2012: Members of Egypt's parliament have met to vote for members of a constitutional assembly, but dozens of secular MPs walked out of the session, accusing Islamist parties of trying to dominate the new panel.[151] Sony VPCF13Z8E CPU cooling fan 

13 June 2012: After Egypt's military-led government imposed a de facto martial law, extending the arrest powers of security forces, Egypt's Justice Ministry issued a decree granting military officers the authority to arrest civilians and to try them in military courts.[152][1Sony VPCF13Z8E/BI CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF12Z1E CPU cooling fan53][154][155] The provision remains in effect until a new constitution is introduced, and could mean those detained could remain in jail for that long according to state-run Egy News.[156]
Sony VPCF13S0E/B CPU cooling fan

14 June 2012: The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court found that a law passed by parliament in May banning former regime figures from running for office was unconstitutional, thereby ending a threat to Ahmed Shafik's candidacy for president during Egypt's 2012 presidential election. Shafik was thus able stay in the presidential race. Sony VPCF12S1E/B CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF13S1E/B CPU cooling fanThe Court also judged that all articles making up the law that regulated the 2011 parliamentary elections were invalid, thereby upholding a ruling by a lower court which found that the elections had been conducted illegally when candidates running on party slates were allowed to contest the one-third of Parliamentary seats that had been set aside 
Sony VPCF22M0E CPU cooling fanfor independents. The consequence of the Supreme Constitutional Court ruling was that the Egyptian parliament had to be dissolved immediately. In response to this, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces resumed full legislative authority. In addition the SCAF explained that it will announce a 100-person assembly that will write the country's new 
Sony VPCY21S1E/G CPU cooling fanconstitution after the parliament failed to agree on a committee to write a new constitution defining the powers of the president and the parliament.[156][157][158][159][160] Sony VPCF12Z1E/BI CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCY21S1E/L CPU cooling fan

15 June 2012: The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces formally dissolved Parliament and security forces were stationed around the building on orders to bar anyone, including lawmakers, from entering the chambers without official notice.[161][162] Sony VPCF13M1E/H CPU cooling fan 

16 and 17 June 2012: Second round of voting in Egypt's first presidential election after Hosni Mubarak was deposed by the Egyptian revolution. Egypt's military rulers issued an interim constitution[163][164][165][166][167][ Sony VPCF21Z1E/BI CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF23N1E CPU cooling fan168][169][170] granting themselves the power to control the prime minister, lawmaking, the national budget, and declarations of war, without any supervision or oversight. They also picked a 100-member panel to draft a permanent constitution.[162][1Sony VPCF24Q1E CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF23P1E CPU cooling fan71] Among the powers of the president are the powers to choose his vice presidents and cabinet, to propose the state budget and laws and to issue pardons.[166] The interim constitution also removed the military and the defense minister from presidential authority and oversight.[154][ Sony VPCSA2Z9E Battery


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166] Under the terms of the interim constitution the permanent constitution must be written within three months and shall then within 15 days be subject to a public referendum. Once the permanent constitution has been approved a new parliament election shall be held within a month to replace the dissolved one.[164][165][166][167] Sony VPCSA3N9E Battery

Sony VPCSA3S9E Battery


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18 June 2012: Egypt's military rulers declared that they picked a 100-member panel to draft a permanent constitution,[162] if a court case should strike down the parliament-picked assembly. They also promised a grand celebration at the end of June to mark their formal handover to the new president.[15Sony VPCSA3X9E Battery


Sony VPCSB3N9E Battery4][172] Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi declared himself the winner of the presidential election.[164][165]

19–24 June: Egyptians assemble in Tahrir Square to 1.) protest against Egypt's military council which dissolved a new, democratically elected, Sony VPCSA3Z9E Battery


Sony VPCSB2M9E BatteryIslamist-led parliament and assumed legislative power on the eve of the presidential run-off and then issued an interim constitutional declaration as polls closed setting strict limits on the powers of whoever would be elected president, and 2.) await the outcome of the 2012 Egyptian presidential election.[173][174][175][1Sony VPCSA4W9E Battery


Sony VPCSB1Z9R Battery76][177][178][179]

24 June 2012: Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi is declared winner of Egypt's first free presidential election since the ouster of Hosni Mubarak by Egypt’s electoral commission and is the first Islamist elected to be head of an Arab state.[ Sony VPCSB Battery

Sony VPCSB1A7E Battery


Sony VPCSB1Z9E Battery

26 June 2012: Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court issued a decision to revoke Decree No. 4991/2012 of the Minister of Justice that granted military intelligence and military police judicial powers to arrest civilians, a right previously reserved for civilian police officers.[171][186][187][188] Sony VPCSB1A9E Battery


Sony VPCSB1X9E Battery

27–28 June 2012: After the first Constituent Assembly of Egypt was declared unconstitutional and dissolved in April by Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court, Egypt's second constituent assembly met to establish framework for drafting first post-Mubarak constitution with threat of dissolution by court order still hanging over it.[189][190] Sony VPCSB1B7E Battery


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29 June 2012: Mohamed Morsi took a symbolic oath of office in a packed Tahrir Square declaring that the people are the source of power which they grant and withdraw.[191][192][193


Sony VPCSB1V9E Battery]

30 June 2012: Mohamed Morsi was sworn in as Egypt's first democratically elected president before judges at the Supreme Constitutional Court, delivered, from the podium used by U.S. President Barack Obama to reach out to the Islamic world in 2009 during the A New Beginning speech, a speech before the lawmakers of the dissolved Parliament, Sony VPCSB1B9E Battery


Sony VPCSB1S1E Battery the ruling generals and foreign ambassadors in the Grand Hall of Cairo University and attended later at a ceremony hold at a desert army base outside Cairo, Heikstep army base, in which the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces formally handed power over to Mursi.


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Under President Mohamed Morsi[edit]

For a chronological summary of the major events which took place after the 2011–2012 Egyptian revolution under President Mohamed Morsi see Timeline of the 2011–2012 Egyptian revolution (Post-revolution timeline). Sony VPCSB1C5E Battery

Sony VPCSB1C7E Battery

November 2012 declaration[edit]

Main article: 2012 Egyptian protests

On 22 November 2012, Morsi issued a declaration immunizing his decrees from challenge and seeking to protect the work of the constituent assembly drafting the new constitution.[199] The declaration also requires a retrial of those accused in the Mubarak-era killings of protesters,

Sony VPCCB4Z1E Battery who had been acquitted, and extends the mandate of the constituent assembly by two months. Additionally, the declaration authorizes Morsi to take any measures necessary to protect the revolution. Sony VPCSE1E1E Battery


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Liberal and secular groups walked out of the constitutional constituent assembly because they believed that it would impose strict Islamic practices, while Muslim Brotherhood backers threw their support behind Morsi.[200] Sony VPCSE1J1E Battery


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The move was criticized by Mohamed ElBaradei, the leader of Egypt's Constitution Party, who said Morsi had "usurped all state powers and appointed himself Egypt's new pharaoh".[201][202] The move has led to massive protests and violent action throughout Egypt,[2Sony VPCSE1L1E Battery

Sony VPCSE1V9E Battery

03] with protesters again erecting tents in Tahir Square, the site of the protests preceding the resignation of Hosni Mubarak. The protesters demanded a reversal of the declaration and the dissolution of the constituent assembly. Those gathered in the square called for a "huge protest" on Tuesday, 27 November.[2Sony VPCSE1Z9E Battery


Sony VPCCB3PQE Battery04] Clashes were reported between protesters and police.[205] The declaration was also condemned by human rights groups such as Amnesty International UK.[206]

Protests in cities and regions[edit] Sony VPCSE2E1E Battery


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Protesters in Alexandria



Protesters remove portraits of Ex-president Mubarak in Sohag City in upper Egypt


Cairo has been at the epicentre of much of the crisis. The largest protests were held in downtown Tahrir Square, which was considered the "protest movement’s beating heart and most effective symbol."[207] On the first three days of the protests, there were clashes between the central security police and protesters and on 28 January, Sony VPCSE2J9E Battery


Sony VPCCB2S1E Batterypolice forces withdrew from all of Cairo. Citizens formed neighbourhood watch groups to keep the order as widespread looting was reported. Traffic police were reintroduced to Cairo on the morning of 31 January.[208Sony VPCSE2L9E Battery


Sony VPCCB2M0E Battery] An estimated 2 million people protested at Tahrir square. During the protest, reporters Natasha Smith, Lara Logan, and Mona Eltahawy were sexual assaulted while covering the events of the protest.[209][210][211][212]



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Alexandria, the home of Khaled Saeed, had major protests and clashes with the police. A demonstration on 3 February was reported to include 750,000 people.[citation needed] There were few confrontations as not many Mubarak supporters were around, except in occasional motorised convoys escorted by police. Sony VPCSE2M9E Battery


Sony VPCCA3S1E Battery The breakdown of law and order, including the general absence of police on the streets, continued through to at least the evening of 3 February, including the looting and burning of one the country's largest shopping centres, Sony VPCSE2S1E Battery

Carrefour[citation needed] Alexandria protests were notable for the presence of Christians and Muslims jointly taking part in the events following the church bombing on 1 January, which saw street protests denouncing Mubarak's regime following the attack. Sony VPCCA Battery



In the northern city of Mansoura there were protests against the Mubarak regime every day from 25 January onwards.On 27 January, Mansoura was dubbed a "War Zone". On 28 January 13 were reported dead in violent clashes. Sony VPCCA1C5E Battery

On 9 February 18 more protesters had died. One protest on 1 February was estimated at one million people, The remote city of Siwa had been relatively calm.[213] Local sheikhs, who were reportedly in control of the community, put the community under lockdown after a nearby town was "torched."[214]

Sony VPCCA3E1E Battery


The city of Suez has seen violent protests. Eyewitness reports have suggested that the death toll there may be high, although confirmation has been difficult due to a ban on media coverage in the area.[215] Some online activists referred to Suez as Egypt's Sidi Bouzid, the Tunisian city where protests started.[216] Sony VPCCA1S1E Battery


Sony VPCCA3 Battery

 A labour strike was held on 8 February.[217] Large protests took place on 11 February.[218]

On 3 February, 4,000 protesters went to the streets to call for Mubarak's departure.[219]

Protests in Other Cities

There were also protests in Luxor.[220] Sony VPCCA2 Battery


Sony VPCCA2Z0E Battery On 11 February, Police opened fire on protesters in Dairut, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Shebin el-Kom, thousands protested in the city of El-Arish, in the Sinai Peninsula,[218] large protests took place in the southern city of Sohag and Minya, and nearly 100,000 people protested in and about the local government headquarters in Ismaïlia.[218


Sony VPCCA2S1E Battery] Over 100,000 protesters gathered on 27 January in front of the city council in Zagazig.[221] Bedouins in the Sinai Peninsula fought security forces for several weeks.[222] As a result of the decrease in military forces on the borders, Bedouin groups protected the borders and pledged their support to the ongoing revolution.[2Sony VPCCA2C5E Battery

Sony VPCCA2S0E Battery23] No protests or civil unrest took place in Sharm-El-Sheikh on 31 January.[224]





A memorial in Tahrir Square made by the demonstrators in honour of those who died during the protests, regarded as shuhada' شهداء – "martyrs" – in Egyptian parlance. The captions in the pictures attribute most of the deaths to police violence. Sony VPCF12K4E Keyboard


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Leading up to the protests, six cases of self-immolation were reported, including a man arrested while trying to set himself on fire in downtown Cairo.[225] These cases were inspired by, and began exactly one month after, the acts of self-immolation in Tunisia triggering the 2010–2011 Tunisian uprising.


Sony VPCF11E4E KeyboardThe self-immolated included Abdou Abdel-Moneim Jaafar,[226] Mohammed Farouk Hassan,[227] Mohammed Ashour Sorour,[228] and Ahmed Hashim al-Sayyed who later died from his injuries.[229] Sony VPCF13K4E Keyboard


As of 30 January, Al Jazeera reported as many as 150 deaths in the protests.[230] The Sun reported that the dead could include at least 10 policemen, 3 of whom were killed in Rafah by "an enraged mob".[231] Sony VPCF13B4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11B4E Keyboard

By 29 January 2000 people were known to be injured.[232] The same day, an employee of the Azerbaijani embassy in Egypt was killed while returning home from work in Cairo;[233] the next day Azerbaijan sent a plane to evacuate citizens[234] and opened a criminal investigation into the death.[235]


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Funerals for the dead on the "Friday of Anger" were held on 30 January. Hundreds of mourners gathered for the funerals calling for Mubarak's removal.[236] By 1 February, the protests had left at least 125 people dead,[2Sony VPCF13C4E Keyboard

37] although Human Rights Watch said that UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay claimed that as many as 300 people may have died in the unrest. This unconfirmed tally included 80 Human Rights Watch-verified deaths at two Cairo hospitals, 36 in Alexandria, and 13 in the port city of Suez, among others;[238][ Sony VPCF13C5E Keyboard

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Sony VPCF11J4E Keyboard239][240] over 3,000 people were also reported as injured.[238][240]

An Egyptian Governmental Fact-Finding mission Known as "Fact-Finding National commission About 25 Jan Revolution" announced on 19 April that at least 846 Egyptians died in the nearly three-week long popular uprising.[241Sony VPCF13E1E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12H4E Keyboard][242][243] One of the more prominent Egyptians killed was Emad Effat, a senior official of Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta department of al-Azhar that issues Islamic fatwas. He died 16 December 2011 after being shot in front of the cabinet building.[244] At his funeral the next day, hundreds of mourners chanted "Down with military rule."[244][245] Sony VPCF13F4E Keyboard


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International reactions[edit]


Main article: International reactions to the 2011 Egyptian revolution

International response to the protests was initially mixed,[246] though most called for peaceful actions on both sides and move towards reform. Sony VPCF13H4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF22C5E Keyboard Most Western governments expressed concern about the situation. Many governments issued travel advisories and made attempts to evacuate their citizens from the country.[247] Sony VPCF13G4E Keyboard


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The European Union's Foreign Affairs Chief issued a statement saying "I also reiterate my call upon the Egyptian authorities to urgently establish a constructive and peaceful way to respond to the legitimate aspirations of Egyptian citizens for democratic and socioeconomic reforms."[248] The United States, Britain, France,


Sony VPCF22M0E KeyboardGermany and others issued similar statements calling for reforms and an end to violence against peaceful protesters. Many states in the region expressed concern and supported Mubarak, in particular Saudi Arabia, which issued a statement saying it "strongly condemned" the protests,[ Sony VPCF13J4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF13Z1E/B Keyboard49] while others, like Tunisia and Iran, supported the protests. Israel was most cautious for a change, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking his government ministers to maintain silence, and urging Israel's US and European allies to curb their criticism of President Mubarak;[ Sony VPCF13J8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13K4E Keyboard

250][251] however, an Arab-Israeli parliamentarian supported the protests. There were also numerous solidarity protests for the anti-government protesters around the world.

NGOs also expressed concern about the protests and the ensuing heavy-handed state response. Amnesty International described attempts to discourage protests as "unacceptable".[252Sony VPCF13L0E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13S8E Keyboard] Many countries also issued travel warnings or began evacuating their citizens, including the US, Israel, Great Britain, and Japan. Even multinational corporations began evacuating their expatriate workers.[253] Many university students were also evacuated.


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Many nations, leaders, and organizations hailed the end of the Mubarak regime. There were celebrations in Tunisia, and Lebanon. World leaders including Angela Merkel and David Cameron joined in praising the Revolution.[2Sony VPCF11G4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12A4E Keyboard54] United States President Barack Obama praised the achievement of the Egyptian people and encouraged other activists by saying "let's look at Egypt's example"[255] Amid the growing concerns for the country, on 21 February, David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,


Sony VPCF11M4E Keyboard became the first world leader to visit Egypt since Mubarak was ousted as the president 10 days previously. A news blackout was lifted as the prime minister landed in Cairo for a brief five-hour stopover hastily added at the start of a planned tour of the Middle East.[256


Sony VPCF11K4E Keyboard] On 15 March United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Egypt, she was the highest ranking US official to visit Egypt after the handover of power from Mubarak to the military.


Sony VPCF11J1E/B Keyboard Clinton urged the military leaders to begin the process of a democratic transition and offer support to those who had been protesting, as well as reaffirming ties between the two nations.[257]


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Main article: Domestic responses to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011



"Nero burned Rome; Mubarak is burning Egypt"

On 29 January, Mubarak indicated he would be changing the government because despite a "point of no return" being crossed, national stability and law and order must prevail, that he had requested the government, formed only months ago, Sony VPCF11H4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF11J04E/H Keyboardto step down, and that a new government would be formed.[258] He then appointed Omar Suleiman, head of Egyptian Intelligence, as vice president and Ahmed Shafik as prime minister.[259] Dell Latitude E4310 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Keyboard On 1 February, he spoke again saying he would stay in office until the next election in September 2011 and then leave without standing as a candidate. He also promised to make political reforms. He made no offer to step down. Dell Latitude E4320 Keyboard


The Muslim Brotherhood joined the revolution on 30 January, calling on all opposition groups to unite against Mubarak, and for the military to intervene. They joined other opposition groups in electing Mohammed el Baradei to lead a National Salvation Government in the interim period.[260] Dell Latitude E4200 Keyboard


Many of Al-Azhar Imams joined the protesters on 30 January all over the country.[261] Christian leaders asked their congregations to stay away from protests, though a number of young Christian activists joined the protests led by Wafd Party member Raymond Lakah.[2


Dell Latitude E6430S Keyboard 62]

On 31 January, Mubarak swore in his new cabinet in the hope that the unrest would fade. The protesters did not leave and continued to demonstrate in Cairo's Tahrir Square to demand the downfall of Mubarak.


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Keyboard The vice-president and the prime minister were already appointed.[263] He told the new government to preserve subsidies, control inflation and provide more jobs.[264]

On 1 February, Mubarak said he never intended to run for reelection[265] in the upcoming September presidential election, though his candidacy had previously been announced by high-ranking members of his National Democratic Party[266] Dell Latitude E4300 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430 Keyboard

In his speech, he asked parliament for reforms:

According to my constitutional powers, I call on parliament in both its houses to discuss amending article 76 and 77 of the constitution concerning the conditions on running for presidency of the republic and it sets specific a period for the presidential term.


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG Keyboard In order for the current parliament in both houses to be able to discuss these constitutional amendments and the legislative amendments linked to it for laws that complement the constitution and to ensure the participation of all the political forces in these discussions,


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I demand parliament to adhere to the word of the judiciary and its verdicts concerning the latest cases which have been legally challenged.

—Hosni Mubarak, 1 February 2011[267] Dell Latitude E6500 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6230 Keyboard

Various opposition groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), reiterated demands for Mubarak's resignation. The MB also said, after protests turned violent, that it was time for the military to intervene.[


Dell Latitude E6220 Keyboard 68] Mohammed ElBaradei, who said he was ready to lead a transitional government,[269] was also the consensus candidate by a unified opposition including: the 6 April Youth Movement, We Are All Khaled Said Movement, National Association for Change, 25 January Movement, Kefaya and the Muslim Brotherhood.[270] ElBaradei formed a "steering committee".[271Dell Latitude E5400 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6120 Keyboard ] On 5 February, a "national dialogue" was started between the government and opposition groups to work out a transitional period before democratic elections.

The Egyptian state cracked down on the media, and shut down internet access,[272] a primary means of communication for the opposition. Dell Latitude E5410 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E5530 Keyboard It is important to note that this was done with the help of London-based company Vodafone, among others.[273][274][275] Journalists were also harassed by the regime's supporters, eliciting condemnation from the Committee to Protect Journalists, European countries and the United States. Dell Latitude E5500 Keyboard


Further, American company Narus, a subsidiary of Boeing Corporation, sold the Mubarak government with surveillance equipment that helped identify dissidents.[276]

Reform process[edit]

See also: Egyptian constitutional review committee of 2011

The revolution's main demands chanted over and over in every protest are: Bread [livelihood], Freedom, Social Justice, Human Dignity. Fulfillment of these demands has been uneven and debatable.


Dell Latitude E6520 Keyboard

The voters' line in Mokattam, Cairo, during the constitutional referendum on 19 March 2011. The queue was so long it extended well outside the built-up area of Mokattam and into the desert. The referendum witnessed an unprecedented turnout of voters, with over 18 million Egyptians casting their votes.


Dell Latitude E6420 Keyboard

On 17 February, an Egyptian prosecutor ordered the detention of three ex-ministers, former Interior Minister Habib el-Adli, former Tourism Minister Zuhair Garana and former Housing Minister Ahmed el-Maghrabi, and a prominent businessman, steel magnate Ahmed Ezz, pending trial on suspicion of wasting public funds. Dell Latitude E5510 Keyboard

The public prosecutor also froze the accounts of Adli and his family members on accusations that over 4 million Egyptian pounds ($680,000) were transferred to his personal account by a head of a contractor company, while calling on the Foreign Minister to contact European countries and ask them to freeze the accounts of the defendants.[285] Dell Latitude E5420 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5520 Keyboard

Meanwhile, the United States announced on the same day that it was giving Egypt $150 million in crucial economic assistance to help it transition towards democracy following the overthrow of longtime president Mubarak. Dell Latitude E6520N Keyboard


Dell Precision M4400 Keyboard  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that William Burns, the Under-secretary of State for political affairs, and David Lipton, a senior White House adviser on international economics, would travel to Egypt the following week.[285] Dell Latitude E6530 Keyboard


On 19 February, a moderate Islamic party, named (Arabic: حزب الوسط الجديد‎) Al-Wasat Al-Jadid, or the New Center Party, which was outlawed for 15 years was granted official recognition by an Egyptian court. Dell Latitude E5220 Keyboard


Dell Precision M6500 Keyboard The party was founded in 1996 by activists who split off from the Muslim Brotherhood and sought to create a tolerant Islamic movement with liberal tendencies, but its attempts to register as an official party were rejected four times since then. Dell Latitude E5420M Keyboard


Dell Precision M6400 Keyboard  On the same day, Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq said 222 political prisoners would be released. He said only a few were detained during the popular uprising and put the number of remaining political prisoners at 487, but did not say when they would be released.[286] Dell Latitude E6400 Keyboard


Dell Precision M4500 Keyboard

On 20 February, Dr. Yehia El Gamal a well known activist and law professor, announced (on TV channels) accepting a Vice Prime Minister position within the new government that will be announced on 21–22 February. He also announced the removal of many of the previous government members to alleviate the situation. Dell Latitude E6500 Keyboard


Dell Precision M6600 Keyboard

On 21 February, the Muslim Brotherhood announced it would form a political party for the upcoming parliamentary election, called the Freedom and Justice Party, which was to be led by Dr. Saad Ketatni.[287][288][28Dell Latitude E6400-ATG Keyboard


Dell Precision M4600 Keyboard 9] Its spokesperson noted that "when we talk about the slogans of the revolution – freedom, social justice, equality – all of these are in the Sharia (Islamic law)."[290]

On 3 March, Prime Minister Shafik submitted his resignation to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. Dell Latitude E6400-XFR Keyboard


Dell Precision M2400 Keyboard  The Council appointed Essam Sharaf, a former Minister of Transport who began vocal criticism of the regime following his resignation, particularly after the Qalyoub rail accident in 2006, to replace Shafik and form a new government. Sharaf's appointment is seen as a significant concession to protesters, as he had been actively involved during the action at Tahrir Square.[291][29Dell Latitude E6410 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6410-ATG Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5430 Keyboard 2][293] Sharaf appointed former International Court of Justice judge Nabil Elaraby as Foreign Minister and General Mansour El Essawi as Interior Minister.[294][295]

On 16 April, the Higher Administrative Court dissolved the former ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) and ordered its funds and property to be handed over to the government.[296


Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Battery

] On 24 May 2011, it was announced that Egypt's ousted President Hosni Mubarak and his two sons Gamal and Alaa are to be tried over the deaths of anti-government protesters in the revolution that began on 25 January.[297]

After-Revolution Freedom of Establishing Political Parties[edit] Dell Latitude E4310 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430S Battery

Freedom was given to establish political parties only by "notifying" concerned authorities, resulting in establishing several political parties named after or in relation to the 25 January revolution. See List of political parties in Egypt.

Court trials of state officials accused of corruption[edit] Dell Latitude E4320 Battery


Main article: Trials and judicial hearings following the 2011 Egyptian revolution

The ousting of Mubarak was followed by a series of arrests of, and / or imposed travel bans on high profile figures on charges of causing the death of 300–500 demonstrators, and the injury of 5,000 more, as well as charges of embezzlement, profiteering, money laundry, and abuse of human rights. Dell Latitude E4200 Battery

Among these figures are Mubarak himself, his wife Suzanne Mubarak, his son Gamal, his son Alaa, the former Interior Minister Habib el-Adly, the former Housing Minister Ahmed El-Maghrabi, the former Tourism Minister Zoheir Garana and the former Secretary of the National Democratic Party for Organisational Affairs Ahmed Ezz.[ Dell Latitude E4300 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Battery298] Mubarak's ousting was also followed by widespread allegations of corruption against numerous other government officials and senior politicians[299][300] On 28 February 2011, Egypt's top prosecutor ordered an asset freeze for Mubarak and his family.[301] This was followed by arrest warrants, Dell Latitude E6500 Battery

travel bans and judicial orders to freeze the assets of other known public figures, including the former Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament, Fathi Sorour, and the former Speaker of the Higher Legislative Body (Shura Council), Safwat El Sherif.[302Dell Latitude E5400 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430 Battery][303] Arrest warrants were also issued against some public figures who left the country with the outbreak of the revolution. These warrants were issued on allegations of financial misappropriations, rather than human rights abuses. Among these public figures are Rachid Mohamed Rachid, the former Minister of Trade and Industry and Hussein Salem, a business tycoon. Salem is believed to have left for Dubai[304] Dell Latitude E5410 Battery


Trials of the accused officials started on 5 March 2011 when the former Interior Minster of Egypt, Habib el-Adli, appeared before the Giza Criminal Court in Cairo.[305] The trials of el-Adli and other public figures are expected to run a lengthy course. Dell Latitude E5500 Battery


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG Battery

In March 2011, following the revolution, Abbud al-Zumar, one of Egypt's most famous political prisoners, was freed after 30 years. He was founder and first emir of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and implicated in the assassination of President Anwar Sadat on 6 October 1981.[306] Dell Latitude E5510 Battery


On 24 May, former Egyptian President Mubarak was ordered to stand trial on charges of premeditated murder of peaceful protestors during the 2011 Egyptian revolution and, if convicted, could face the death penalty.


Dell Latitude E6330 BatteryThe full list of charges released by the public prosecutor was "intentional murder, attempted killing of some demonstrators...misuse of influence and deliberately wasting public funds and unlawfully making private financial gains and profits."[12]



Dell Latitude E6230 Battery


Regional instability[edit]

Main article: Arab Spring

The Egyptian Revolution, along with the events in Tunisia, sparked a wave of major uprisings. Demonstrations and protests have spread across the Middle East and North Africa. To date Algeria, Bahrain, Iran, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Yemen, and Syria have all witnessed major protests. In addition, minor incidents have occurred in Iraq, Kuwait, Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Sudan.


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The protests in Egypt were not centred around religion-based politics, but nationalism and a broad-based social consciousness.[307Dell Latitude E5420 Battery


Dell Latitude E6120 Battery] Before the uprising, the most organised and prominent opposition movements throughout the Arab world usually came from Islamist organisations that relied on a conviction of their faith, where members were motivated and ready to sacrifice. However, secular forces emerged from the revolution touting principles that religious groups shared with them: freedom, social justice, and dignity. Dell Latitude E5520 Battery


Dell Latitude E5530 BatteryIslamist organisations also emerged with greater freedom to operate. Although the cooperative, inter-faith revolution itself was no guarantee that partisan politics would not re-emerge in its wake, Dell Latitude E6420 Battery

Dell Latitude E6520 Batteryits success nonetheless represented a change from the intellectual stagnation created by decades of repression which simply pitted modernity and Islam against one another as conflicting and incompatible. Islamists and secularists both have been faced with new opportunities for dialogue and discourse, Dell Latitude E6520N Battery


Dell Precision M4400 Batteryon matters such as the role of Islam and Sharia in society and freedom of speech, as well as the impact of secularism on a predominantly Muslim population.[308]

Despite the optimism surrounding the revolution, several commentators have expressed concerns about the risk of increased power and influence for Islamist forces in the country and the region at large,


Dell Precision M6500 Battery as well as the difficulties of integrating the different groups, ideologies, and visions for the country among the population. Journalist Caroline Glick argued that the Egyptian revolution portends a rise in religious radicalism and support for terrorism, citing a 2010 Pew Opinion poll which found that Egyptians support Islamists over modernizers by a ratio of over 2 to 1.[3


Dell Precision M6400 Battery09] Journalist Shlomo Ben-Ami argued that Egypt's most formidable task is to refute the old paradigm of the Arab World that sees the only choices for regimes as between either repressive, secular dictatorships or repressive theocracies. He noted, however that with Islam such a central part of the society, Dell Latitude E6530 Battery

any emergent regime is bound to be attuned to religion. In his view a democracy that excluded all religion from public life, as in France, could succeed in Egypt and no Arab democracy could disallow the participation of political Islam if it were to be genuine.[310] Dell Latitude E5220 Battery


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Since the revolution Islamist parties such as the Muslim Brotherhood have shown unprecedented strength in the new more democratic landscape, taking leading roles in constitutional changes, voter mobilization, and protests.[311] Dell Latitude E5420M Battery

[312] This was a noted concern among the secular and youth movements, who wanted any elections to be held later rather than sooner, so that they might catch up with the already well-organized groups.


Dell Precision M6600 Battery Elections were held in September 2011 with the party of Liberty and Justice (the new-born party of the Muslim brotherhood) gaining 48.5% from correct votes in the elections. Although many claimed that this victory for the brotherhood means the control of religious party over Egypt, Dell Latitude E6400 Battery


Dell Precision M4600 Battery yet the youth movements and liberate parties pet on people's consciousness and that the normal tolerant people of Egypt wouldn't allow another Iran in Egypt.

Alexandria church bombing[edit] Dell Latitude E6500 Battery


Main article: 2011 Alexandria bombing

Early on New Year's Day 2011 a bomb exploded in front of a church in Alexandria, killing 23 Coptic Christians. Egyptian officials said "foreign elements" were behind the attack.[313] Some Copts accused the Egyptian government of negligence,[314] Dell Latitude E6400-ATG Battery


Dell Precision M2400 Batteryand following the attacks many Christians protested in the streets, with Muslims later joining the protests. After clashing with the police, protesters in Alexandria and Cairo shouted slogans denouncing Mubarak's rule[315][31Dell Latitude E6400-XFR Battery


Dell Latitude E5430 Battery6][317] in support of unity of Christians and Muslims. Their sense of being let down by national security forces has been cited as one of the first signs of the 25 January uprising.[318] On 7 February, a complaint was filed against Habib al-Adly, the Interior Minister until Mubarak's dissolution of the government during the early days of the protests, accusing him of having directed the attack.[319] Dell Latitude E6410 Battery

Dell Latitude E6410-ATG Battery

Women's role[edit]


A female protester wearing a niqāb[320]

Egyptian women were active throughout the revolution. Some took part in the protests themselves, were present in news clips and on Facebook forums, and were part of the leadership during the Egyptian revolution. In Tahrir Square, female protesters, some with their children, worked to support the protests. Dell XPS 14 Battery

The diversity of the protesters in Tahrir Square was visible in the women who participated; many wore head scarves and other signs of religious conservatism, while others reveled in the freedom to kiss a friend or smoke a cigarette in public. Egyptian women also organised protests, and reported on the events; Dell XPS 14D Battery

Dell XPS 14D-L401X Battery

female bloggers such as Leil Zahra Mortada risked abuse or imprisonment by keeping the world informed of the daily scene in Tahrir Square and elsewhere.[321] Among those who died was Sally Zahran, who was beaten to death during one of the demonstrations. NASA reportedly plans to name one of its Mars exploration spacecraft in Zahran's honour.[322] Dell XPS 15 Battery


Dell XPS L701X Battery

The wide participation and the significant contributions by Egyptian women to the protests were attributed to the fact that many, especially younger women, were better educated than previous generations, representing more than half of Egyptian university students. This was an empowering factor for women, Dell XPS 15D Battery

who have become more present and active publicly in recent years, like Mae Zein ElDeen. The advent of social media also helped provide tools for women to become protest leaders.[321]

The military's role[edit]

Further information: Egyptian Armed Forces


Dell XPS L502X Battery


One of the two army vehicles that were burned during the army attacks on 9 April 2011

The Egyptian Armed Forces initially enjoyed a better reputation with the public than the police does, the former perceived as a professional body protecting the country, the latter accused of systemic corruption and illegitimate violence. Dell XPS 15-L501X Battery


Dell XPS L501X Battery  However, after the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces became the defacto ruler of Egypt, the popularity of the military has strongly decreased due to the crackdown on protesters. All four Egyptian presidents since the 1950s have come from the military into power. Key Egyptian military personnel include the Defense Minister Mohamed Hussein Tantawi and General Sami Hafez Enan, Dell XPS 15-L502X Battery


Dell XPS 17-L702X Battery Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.[323][324] The Egyptian military totals around 468,500 well-armed active personnel, plus a reserve of 479,000.[325]

As Head of Egypt's Armed Forces, Tantawi has been described as "aged and change-resistant" and is attached to the old regime. He has used his position as Defense Minister to oppose reforms, economic and political,

Dell XPS 17-L701X Battery which he saw as weakening central government authority. Other key figures, Sami Enan chief among them, are younger and have closer connections to both the US and groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. An important aspect of the relationship between the Egyptian and American military establishments is the 1.3 billion dollars in military aid provided to Egypt annually, Dell XPS 15Z Battery

Dell XPS 17 Battery

Dell XPS L702X Battery

 which in turn pays for American-made military equipment, and allows Egyptian officers to receive training in the US. Guaranteed this aid package, the governing military council is for the most reform-resistant.[326][32Dell Inspiron 14V battery


Dell Inspiron 14R battery7] One analyst however, while conceding that the military is change-resistant, states it has no option but to facilitate the process of democratisation. Furthermore, Dell Inspiron N4020 battery


Dell Inspiron 13R battery the military will have to keep its role in politics limited to continue good relations with the West, and must not restrict the participation of political Islam if there is to be a genuine democracy.[310] Dell Inspiron N4030 battery


Dell Inspiron N4110 battery

The military has led a violent crackdown on the Egyptian revolution since the fall of Mubarak. On 9 March 2011, military police violently dispersed a sit-in in Tahrir square and detained protesters who were later moved to the Egyptian Museum and tortured.[328] Seven female protesters were subjected by force to virginity tests.[328] Dell Inspiron N7110 battery


Dell Inspiron N5010 batteryOn the night of the 8 April 2011, military police attacked a sit-in in Tahrir square where protesters stayed overnight with military officers who joined the revolution, killing at least 1.[329] On 9 October, Dell Inspiron N7010R battery

the Egyptian military forces committed massacres in front of Maspero, Egyptian state television buildling, where they crushed protesters under the wheels of armed personnel carriers, and shot live ammunition at the demonstration, killing at least 24 people.[33Dell Inspiron N7010D battery


Dell Inspiron N5010D battery0] On 19 November 2011, the military and the police were in a continuous 6-day battle with protestors in the streets of downtown Cairo and Alexandria. The bloody week resulted in at least 46 dead and thousands of injured, many of them lost their eyesight.[331]


Dell Inspiron 15R batteryOn 16 December 2011, military forces dispersed the sit-in at the Cabinet of Ministers, violently killing 17 protesters.[332] Aside from the live ammunition fired by military forces, military soldiers were situated on the rooftop of the Cabinet of Ministers building attacking protestors with Molotov cocktails, rocks, chinaware, granite, and other various objects.[333]


Dell Inspiron 17R battery

Foreign relations[edit]

Main article: Foreign relations of Egypt

Foreign governments in the West including the US have regarded Mubarak as an important ally and supporter in the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.[44] After wars with Israel in 1948, '56, '67 and '73, Egypt signed a peace treaty in 1979, Dell Inspiron N5110 battery


Dell Inspiron N7010 batteryprovoking controversy in the Arab world. As provisioned in the 1978 Camp David Accords, which led to the peace treaty, both Israel and Egypt receive billions of dollars in aid annually from the United States, with Egypt receiving over US$1.3 billion of military aid each year in addition to economic and development assistance.[3Dell Inspiron N5030 battery

34] According to Juan Cole, many Egyptian youth felt ignored by Mubarak on the grounds that he was not looking out for their best interests and that he rather served the interests of the West.[335] The cooperation of the Egyptian regime in enforcing the blockade of the Gaza Strip was also deeply unpopular among the general Egyptian public.[336] Dell Inspiron N5010R battery


Dell Inspiron N4010R battery

Online activism and the role of social media[edit]



A man during the 2011 Egyptian protests carrying a card saying "Facebook, #jan25, The Egyptian Social Network".

The 6 April Youth Movement (Arabic: حركة شباب 6 أبريل) is an Egyptian Facebook group started in Spring 2008 to support the workers in El-Mahalla El-Kubra, an industrial town, who were planning to strike on 6 April. Activists called on participants to wear black and stay home on the day of the strike. Bloggers and citizen journalists used Facebook, Dell Inspiron N3010R battery


Dell Inspiron N4010D batteryTwitter, Flickr, blogs and other new media tools to report on the strike, alert their networks about police activity, organize legal protection and draw attention to their efforts. The New York Times has identified the movement as the political Facebook group in Egypt with the most dynamic debates. As of March 2012, Dell Inspiron N3010 battery

Dell Inspiron N4010 battery it had 325,000[337] predominantly young and educated members, most of whom had not been politically active before; their core concerns include free speech, nepotism in government and the country's stagnant economy. Their discussion forum on Facebook features intense and heated discussions, HP G62 Keyboard

HP G62 Series Keyboard

and is constantly updated with new postings.

We Are All Khaled Saeed is a Facebook group which formed in the aftermath of Saeed's beating and death. The group attracted hundreds of thousands of members worldwide and played a prominent role in spreading and bringing attention to the growing discontent. As the protests began, HP G62t-100 CTO Keyboard


HP G72t Keyboard

Google executive Wael Ghonim revealed that he was the person behind the account.[338] Later after the revolution, in a TV interview in the presence of member of the ruling military council, it was revealed that AbdulRahman Mansour, a young underground activist and media expert shared the account with Wael Ghonim.[ HP G62t Keyboard

HP G72-100 Keyboard


HP G72T-200 CTO Keyboard339] Another potent viral online contribution was made by Asmaa Mahfouz, a female activist who posted a video in which she challenged people to publicly protest.[340] Previously, Facebook had suspended the group because some of its administrators were using pseudonyms, a violation of the company's 'Terms of Service.'[341] HP G72-101SA Keyboard


HP G72 PC Series Keyboard

The usage of social media has been extensive.[342][343] [344] [345] As one Egyptian activist succinctly tweeted during the protests there, "We use Facebook to schedule the protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world."[3


HP G72 Keyboard46] Internet censorship has also been extensive, and in some cases comprehensive to the extent of taking entire nation-states practically off-line.[347]

It is readily believed[by whom?] that a handful of people sparked this uprising through Facebook, Twitter, and blogging. Wael Ghonim is credited as one of the primary influencers in this capacity, as he created a Facebook page dedicated to Khaled Saeed entitled We Are All Khaled Saeed. Saeed, an Egyptian business man was beaten to death by police in June 2010. HP G72-102SA Keyboard


HP G72-b20SA Keyboard It is believed that this was in retaliation to a video he posted showing Egyptian police sharing the spoils of a drug bust. The Facebook page blew up to over 400,000 followers, creating an online arena where protestors and those discontent with the government could gather, vent, and organise. HP G72-105SA Keyboard


HP G72-b15SA KeyboardThe page called for protests on 25 January, Known as the day of wrath. Hundreds of thousands of protestors flooded the streets to show their discontent with the murder and the corruption within their country. HP G72-130SA Keyboard


HP G72-b10SA KeyboardGhonim was jailed the 28th and released 12 days later. Ghonim has also gained quite a large following through his Twitter account where he has been creating a narrative of the events happening day to day in Egypt. Ghonim is the Middle East and North African marketing manager at Google. He is currently on leave. HP G72-a10SA Keyboard


Another major contributor is Egyptian activist and member of the 6 April Youth Movement Asmaa Mahfouz. A week before the first protest, she posted a video urging the Egyptian people to meet her at Tahrir Square, HP G72-a20SA Keyboard


HP G72-b02SA Keyboard rise up against the government, and demand democracy. In the video, she also speaks of 4 protesters who had set themselves on fire in revolt against the 30 years they had to live in poverty and degradation. HP G72-a30SA Keyboard


HP G72-b01SA Keyboard On 24 January, she again posted a video chronicling the efforts that people had made to support the protest, from printing posters to creating flyers. The videos were first posted to Facebook, then to YouTube where they went viral in Egypt within a matter of days. HP G72-a40SA Keyboard

HP G72-b01EA KeyboardThe day after her last vlog posting, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians poured into the streets in protest.

Though these two are credited with being the first social media faces of this revolution, since the 25th people have posted videos, tweeted, and wrote Facebook comments to keep the world abreast of the turmoil in Egypt. Including videos posted of a badly beaten Khaled Said, disproving the first claims by the police that he had choked to death. HP Pavilion G72-110SA Keyboard


HP Pavilion G72-B20SA Keyboard

Ali documents the various ways in which social media was used by Egyptian activists, some of the most prominent Egyptian celebrities, and as well by major political figures abroad to invigorate the protests.[348] HP Pavilion G72-130SA Keyboard

HP Pavilion G72-A10SA Keyboard


Sharif Abdel Kouddous, a journalist with Democracy Now! had provided live coverage and tweets from Tahrir Square during the protests and has also been credited with using new media to raise awareness regarding the protests.[349][350] HP Pavilion G72-102SA Keyboard


HP Pavilion G72-B15SA Keyboard

The role of social media in the Egyptian uprising has since been widely written and debated about, including in the first edition of the Dubai Debates on the question "Mark Zuckerberg – the new hero of the Arab people?" [351] HP Pavilion G72-105SA Keyboard


HP Pavilion G72-B02SA Keyboard Many have argued, based in part on the Egyptian revolution, that social media may be an effective tool in developing nations more generally.[352]

Critics that claim social networking didn't instigate the Arab Spring argue on five major points:[353]


HP Pavilion G72-B01SA Keyboard that people in the Middle East generally don't use social networking sites,[354][355] that social networking sites aren't private enough to evade authorities,[356] that many people don't trust social networking as a source for news,[357] that social networking sites were promoted by the media,[3HP Pavilion G72-A20SA Keyboard


HP Pavilion G72-B01EA Keyboard58] and finally that social networking sites make non-activists feel involved in the revolutions.[359]

A counter-criticism argues that television, in specific the constant live televisions coverage by Al Jazeera English and the sporadic live coverage of BBC News and others, HP Pavilion G72-A30SA Keyboard

HP Pavilion G72-A40SA Keyboardwas highly important for the revolution as the cameras provided exposure and prevented mass violence by the government in Tahir Square, as opposed to the lack of such live coverage and the more widespread violence in Libya.[360] HP 634139-031 Keyboard


The ability of protesters to focus their demonstrations on a single area and be covered live was fundamental in Egypt, but was not possible in Libya, Bahrain and Syria, no matter the respective usage of social media.

HP 650797-001 Fan



Apart from the critical contexts, there are also some other important applications of the social media in the Egyptian Revolution. For example, a social media expert launches a preliminary result of the network of messages with the hashtag #jan25 at 11 February 2011, at the time of the announcement of Mubarak’s resignation.[361HP 644363-031 Keyboard


] The experiment visualizes all Twitter messages sent before and after at the time of a very historical moment. The entire story is showcased through a different layer using the capabilities of a social media approach. In this sense, HP 640436-031 Keyboard


HP 650057-001 Fan

 the impact of social media to our understanding of the Egyptian Revolution is not a single-sided phenomenon. There are many ways in which we could contemplate of this happenings through numerous social media measurement methodologies. HP 665326-031 Keyboard




Egyptian Arts: Graffiti & Music[edit]

Main article: Egyptian Arts Post Revolution

The 25th Revolution and the fall of former Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, in February 2011 ushered a new era of Arts that reflects new social and political environment.[362] "The revolution triggered a new public culture"[363HP 634139-001 Keyboard



HP 666391-001 Fan] From the beginning of the Revolution, artists played a significant role in the protests. Likewise, many genres of arts emerged such as street art, music and what so called 'electro sha'bi' or 'Techno sha'bi'.[3HP 644356-031 Keyboard


HP 665309-001 Fan64] Artists used arts to document and capture the essence of the revolution. They also distribute their arts through on- line and physical social networks.[365] Graffiti and music are among the most powerful tools in the new public culture.

See also

Read more


02/07/2013 11:52



Glasgow (English /ˈɡlɑːzɡoʊ/; Scots: Glesga; Scottish Gaelic: Glaschu) is the largest city in Scotland and the third largest in the United Kingdom. It is situated on the River Clyde in the country's West Central Lowlands. Inhabitants of the city are referred to as Glaswegians English /ɡlɑːzˈwiːdʒənz/.


Levono Ideapad Y570D Keyboard

Glasgow grew from a small rural settlement on the River Clyde to become one of the largest seaports in the world. Expanding from the medieval bishopric and royal burgh, and the later establishment of the University of Glasgow in the 15th century, Levono Ideapad G560 Keyboard


Levono Ideapad Z575 Keyboard it became a major centre of the Scottish Enlightenment in the 18th century. From the 18th century the city also grew as one of Great Britain's main hubs of transatlantic trade with North America and the West Indies. Levono Ideapad Z570 Keyboard


With the onset of the Industrial Revolution, the population and economy of Glasgow and the surrounding region expanded rapidly to become one of the world's pre-eminent centres of chemicals, textiles and engineering; Levono Ideapad Z560 Keyboard

most notably in the shipbuilding and marine engineering industry, which produced many innovative and famous vessels. Glasgow is known as the "Second City of the British Empire" for much of the Victorian era and Edwardian period.[4][ Levono Ideapad Y560P Keyboard

5][6][7] Today it is one of Europe's top ten financial centres[8][9] and is home to many of Scotland's leading businesses.[10] Glasgow is also ranked as the 57th most liveable city in the world.[11]


Levono Ideapad Z565 Keyboard

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Glasgow grew in population, eventually reaching a peak of 1,128,473 in 1939,.[12] In the 1960s, comprehensive urban renewal projects resulting in large-scale relocation of people to new towns and peripheral suburbs, followed by successive boundary changes, have reduced the current population of the City of Glasgow council area to 592,000,[3] with 1,199,629[1Levono Ideapad Y560 Keyboard

3] people living in the Greater Glasgow urban area. The entire region surrounding the conurbation covers approximately 2.3 million people, 41% of Scotland's population.[14] Glasgow will host the 2014 Commonwealth Games and is currently a candidate city to host the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics.[15] Levono Ideapad V570A Keyboard


The present site of Glasgow has been used since prehistoric times for settlement due to it being the furthest downstream fording point of the River Clyde, at the point of its confluence with the Molendinar Burn. Levono Ideapad V570 Keyboard

After the Romans left Caledonia the settlement was part of the extensive Kingdom of Strathclyde, with its capital at Dumbarton 15 mi (24 km) downstream, which merged in the 9th century with other regions to create the united Kingdom of Scotland.[1Levono Ideapad V570C Keyboard

6] The origins of Glasgow as an established city derive ultimately from its medieval position as Scotland's second largest bishopric. Glasgow increased in importance during the 10th and 11th centuries as the site of this bishopric, reorganised by King David I of Scotland and John, Bishop of Glasgow.


Levono Ideapad Y570 Keyboard

There had been an earlier religious site established by Saint Mungo in the 6th century. The bishopric became one of the largest and wealthiest in the Kingdom of Scotland, bringing wealth and status to the town. Levono Ideapad B570 Keyboard

Between 1175 and 1178 this position was strengthened even further when Bishop Jocelin obtained for the episcopal settlement the status of Burgh from King William I of Scotland,


Levono Ideapad V570A Keyboardallowing the settlement to expand with the benefits of trading monopolies and other legal guarantees. Sometime between 1189 and 1195 this status was supplemented by an annual fair, which survives to this day as the Glasgow Fair. Levono Ideapad B575 Keyboard


Levono Ideapad G575 Keyboard

Glasgow grew over the following centuries, the first bridge over the River Clyde at Glasgow was recorded from around 1285, giving its name to the Briggait area of the city, forming the main North-South route over the river via Glasgow Cross.

Levono Ideapad B570A Keyboard

Levono Ideapad B570G KeyboardThe founding of the University of Glasgow in 1451 and elevation of the bishopric to become the Archdiocese of Glasgow in 1492 served to increase the town's religious and educational status, and landed wealth. HP Pavilion dm4-3002ea keyboard

HP Pavilion dm4-3002sa keyboard


HP Pavilion dm4-3000 keyboard Its early trade was in agriculture, brewing and fishing, with cured salmon and herring being exported to Europe and the Mediterranean.[16] HP Pavilion dm4-3000sa keyboard

HP Pavilion dm4-3000ea keyboard

Following the Reformation and with the encouragement of the Convention of Royal Burghs the 14 Incorporated Trade Crafts federated as the Trades House in 1605 to match the power and influence in the Town Council of the earlier Merchants Guilds who established their Merchants House in the same year.[16HP compaq 6820s Keyboard

HP compaq 6530p Keyboard


] Glasgow was subsequently raised to the status of Royal Burgh in 1611. Glasgow's substantial fortunes came from international trade, manufacturing and invention starting in the 17th century with sugar, followed by tobacco, and then cotton and linen. HP compaq 6730p Keyboard

HP compaq 6735p Keyboard

HP compaq 6535p Keyboard

HP Compaq business 6710B Keyboard

HP 443922-031 Keyboard


Daniel Defoe visited the city in the early 18th century and famously opined in his book A tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain, that Glasgow was "the cleanest and beautifullest, and best built city in Britain, HP Compaq business 6715B Keyboard


HP Probook 5330M Keyboard London excepted." At that time, the city's population numbered approximately 12,000, and was yet to undergo the massive expansionary changes to the city's economy and urban fabric, brought about by the influences of the Scottish Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution. HP Compaq business 6515B Keyboard


HP Probook 5320M Keyboard

Trading port[edit]

After the Acts of Union in 1707, Scotland gained further access to the vast markets of the new British Empire, and Glasgow became prominent as a hub of international trade to and from the Americas, especially in sugar, tobacco, cotton, and manufactured goods. The city's Tobacco Lords created a deep water port at Port Glasgow on the Firth of Clyde, as the river within the city itself was then too shallow.[17HP Compaq business 6510B Keyboard

HP mini 2140 Series Keyboard


HP Probook 5310M Keyboard] By the late 18th century more than half of the British tobacco trade was concentrated on Glasgow's River Clyde, with over 47,000,000 lb (21,000 t) of tobacco being imported each year at its peak.[18] HP mini 2133 Series Keyboard

HP Probook 4730S Keyboard




Shipping on the Clyde, Atkinson Grimshaw, 1881.

The opening of the Monkland Canal and basin linking to the Forth and Clyde Canal at Port Dundas in 1795, facilitated access to the extensive iron-ore and coal mines in Lanarkshire. After extensive river engineering projects to dredge and deepen the River Clyde as far as Glasgow, shipbuilding became a major industry on the upper stretches of the river, pioneered by industrialists such as Robert Napier, John Elder, George Thomson, Sir William Pearce and Sir Alfred Yarrow.

The River Clyde also became an important source of inspiration for artists, such as John Atkinson Grimshaw, John Knox, James Kay, Sir Muirhead Bone, Robert Eadie, Stanley Spencer and L.S. Lowry, willing to depict the new industrial era and the modern world.

Glasgow's population had surpassed that of Edinburgh by 1821. The development of civic institutions included the City of Glasgow Police in 1800, one of the first municipal police forces in the world. Despite the crisis caused by the City of Glasgow Bank's collapse in 1878, growth continued and by the end of the 19th century it was one of the cities known as the "Second City of the Empire" and was producing more than half Britain's tonnage of shipping[19] and a quarter of all locomotives in the world.[20] In addition to its pre-eminence in shipbuilding, engineering, industrial machinery, bridge building, chemicals, explosives, coal and oil industries it developed as a major centre in textiles, garment-making, carpet manufacturing, leather processing, furniture-making, pottery, food, drink and cigarette making; printing and publishing. Shipping, banking, insurance and professional services expanded at the same time.[21]

Glasgow became one of the first cities in Europe to reach a population of one million. The city's new trades and sciences attracted new residents from across the Lowlands and the Highlands of Scotland, from other parts of Britain and Ireland and from Continental Europe.[16] HP Compaq Business 6530S Keyboard



During this period, the construction of many of the city's greatest architectural masterpieces and most ambitious civil engineering projects, such as the Loch Katrine aqueduct, Subway, Tramway system, City Chambers,


HP Probook 4725S KeyboardMitchell Library and Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum were being funded by its wealth. The city also held a series of International Exhibitions at Kelvingrove Park, in 1888, 1901 and 1911, HP Compaq Business 6730S Keyboard


HP Probook 4720S Keyboardwith Britain's last major International Exhibition, the Empire Exhibition, being subsequently held in 1938 at Bellahouston Park, which drew 13 million visitors.[22]



Glasgow George Square in 1966.

The 20th century witnessed both decline and renewal in the city. After World War I, the city suffered from the impact of the Post–World War I recession and from the later Great Depression, this also led to a rise of radical socialism and the "Red Clydeside" movement. HP Compaq Business 6535S Keyboard

The city had recovered by the outbreak of World War II and grew through the post-war boom that lasted through the 1950s. HP Probook 4320S Keyboard


HP Probook 4535S Keyboard By the 1960s, Britain's lack of investment and innovation led to growing overseas competition from countries like Japan and West Germany which weakened the once pre-eminent position of many of the city's industries. HP Compaq Business 6735S Keyboard


HP Probook 4715S Keyboard

As a result of this, Glasgow entered a lengthy period of relative economic decline and rapid de-industrialisation, leading to high unemployment, urban decay, population decline, welfare dependency and poor health for the city's inhabitants. HP Probook 4321S Keyboard

There were active attempts at regeneration of the city, when the Glasgow Corporation published its controversial Bruce Report, which set out a comprehensive series of initiatives aimed at turning round the decline of the city. HP Probook 4325S Keyboard

The report led to a huge and radical programme of rebuilding and regeneration efforts which started in the mid-1950s and lasted into the late 1970s, which saw the mass demolition of the city's infamous slums and their replacement with large suburban housing estates and tower blocks.[23]


HP Probook 4530S Keyboard

The city invested heavily in its roads infrastructure, with an extensive system of arterial roads and motorways which biscected the central area. HP Probook 4329S Keyboard


HP Probook 4510S Keyboard There are also accusations that the Scottish Office had deliberately attempted to undermine Glasgow's economic and political influence in post-war Scotland by diverting inward investment in new industries to other regions during the Silicon Glen boom and creating the new towns of Cumbernauld, Glenrothes, HP Probook 4326S Keyboard


HP Probook 4525S KeyboardIrvine, Livingston and East Kilbride, dispersed across the Scottish Lowlands, in order to halve the city's population base.[23]

By the late 1980s, there had been a significant resurgence in Glasgow's economic fortunes. The "Glasgow's miles better" campaign, launched in 1983, HP Probook 4410 Keyboard


HP Probook 4416S Keyboard and opening of the Burrell Collection in 1983 and Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in 1985 facilitated Glasgow's new role as a European centre for business services and finance and promoted an increase in tourism and inward investment.[24HP Probook 4410S Keyboard


HP Probook 4414S Keyboard] The latter continues to be bolstered by the legacy of the city's Glasgow Garden Festival in 1988, its status as European City of Culture in 1990, and concerted attempts to diversify the city's economy.[25] Wider economic revival has persisted and the ongoing regeneration of inner-city areas, HP Probook 4410T Keyboard

including the large-scale Clyde Waterfront Regeneration, has led to more affluent people moving back to live in the centre of Glasgow, fuelling allegations of gentrification.[26] The city is now considered by Lonely Planet to be one of the world's top 10 tourist cities.[27] HP Probook 4411S Keyboard

HP Probook 4413S Keyboard

Despite Glasgow's economic renaissance, the East End of the city remains the focus of social deprivation.[28] A Glasgow Economic Audit report published in 2007 stated that the gap between prosperous and deprived areas of the city is widening.[29] Sony PCG-41111M Keyboard

Sony PCG-51211M Keyboard In 2006, 47% of Glasgow's population lived in the most deprived 15% of areas in Scotland,[29] while the Centre for Social Justice reported 29.4% of the city's working-age residents to be "economically inactive".[28] Sony PCG-41112M Keyboard

Sony PCG-51112M KeyboardAlthough marginally behind the UK average, Glasgow still has a higher employment rate than Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester.[29]

In 2008 the city was ranked at 43 for Personal Safety in the Mercer index of top 50 safest cities in the world.[30] The Mercer report was specifically looking at Quality of Living, Sony PCG-81111M Keyboard
Sony PCG-81112M Keyboard

yet by 2011 within Glasgow, certain areas were (still) "failing to meet the Scottish Air Quality Objective levels for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10)."[31]


It is common to derive the name Glasgow from the older Cumbric glas cau or a Middle Gaelic cognate, which would have meant green hollow. The settlement probably had an earlier Cumbric name, Cathures; the modern name appears for the first time in the Gaelic period (1116),

Sony PCG-51111M Keyboard as Glasgu. It is also recorded that the King of Strathclyde, Rhydderch Hael, welcomed Saint Kentigern (also known as Saint Mungo), and procured his consecration as bishop about 540. For some thirteen years Kentigern laboured in the region, building his church at the Molendinar Burn, and making many converts. Sony PCG-81212M Keyboard


Sony PCG-51212M KeyboardA large community developed around him and became known as Glasgu (often glossed as "the dear Green" or "dear green place").


The coat of arms of the City of Glasgow



Adopted         1866

Crest               Saint Mungo

Supporters     Two salmon, bearing rings

Motto             Let Glasgow Flourish by the preaching of Your word, and the praising of Your name.

The coat of arms of the City of Glasgow was granted to the royal burgh by the Lord Lyon on 25 October 1866.[32


Sony PCG-51512M Keyboard] It incorporates a number of symbols and emblems associated with the life of Glasgow's patron saint, Mungo, which had been used on official seals prior to that date. The emblems represent miracles supposed to have been performed by Mungo and are listed in the traditional rhyme:


Sony PCG-31311M Keyboard

Here's the bird that never flew

Here's the tree that never grew

Here's the bell that never rang

Here's the fish that never swam

St Mungo is also said to have preached a sermon containing the words Lord, Let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the word and the praising of thy name. This was abbreviated to "Let Glasgow Flourish" and adopted as the city's motto. Sony PCG-81113M Keyboard


In 1450, John Stewart, the first Lord Provost of Glasgow, left an endowment so that a "St Mungo's Bell" could be made and tolled throughout the city so that the citizens would pray for his soul. A new bell was purchased by the magistrates in 1641 and that bell is still on display in the People's Palace Museum, near Glasgow Green. Sony PCG-81313M Keyboard

Sony PCG-21313M Keyboard

The supporters are two salmon bearing rings, and the crest is a half length figure of Saint Mungo. He wears a bishop's mitre and liturgical vestments and has his hand raised in "the act of benediction". The original 1866 grant placed the crest atop a helm, but this was removed in subsequent grants. The current version (1996) Sony PCG-5S1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7186M Keyboard has a gold mural crown between the shield and the crest. This form of coronet, resembling an embattled city wall, was allowed to the four area councils with city status.

The arms were re-matriculated by the City of Glasgow District Council on 6 February 1975,
Sony PCG-7181M Keyboard and by the present area council on 25 March 1996. The only change made on each occasion was in the type of coronet over the arms.[33][34]



See also: Politics of Glasgow

Sony PCG-7171M Keyboard


Glasgow City Chambers, located on George Square, is the headquarters of Glasgow City Council and the seat of Local Government in the city.

Although the Glasgow Corporation had been a pioneer in the municipal socialist movement from the late 19th century, since the Representation of the People Act 1918, Glasgow increasingly supported Left-wing ideas and politics at a national level. Sony PCG-5P1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7161M Keyboard The city council has been controlled by the Labour Party for over 30 years, since the decline of the Progressives. As in other post-industrial cities in the United Kingdom, there is a high correlation between voting for parties representing the political left and the decline of the heavy industries that formerly employed thousands of workers. Sony PCG-5N2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7151M Keyboard There is also a correlation with the voting pattern and the relative poverty and deprivation in several Glasgow constituencies and wards.

In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and German Revolution of 1918–1919, the city's frequent strikes and militant organisations caused serious alarm at Westminster, with one uprising in January 1919 prompting the Prime Minister, Sony PCG-3C2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7143M KeyboardDavid Lloyd George to deploy 10,000 troops and tanks onto the city's streets. A huge demonstration in the city's George Square on 31 January ended in violence after the Riot Act was read.
Sony PCG-7162M Keyboard

Since 2007 when local government elections in Scotland began to use the single transferable vote rather than first-past-the-post system, the dominance of the Labour party within the city has declined (though it remains one of only two local authorities - along with North Lanarkshire, where Labour maintains an outright majority over the other parties) Sony PCG-7195M Keyboard

Industrial action at the shipyards gave rise to the "Red Clydeside" epithet. During the 1930s, Glasgow was the main base of the Independent Labour Party. Towards the end of the 20th century it became a centre of the struggle against the poll tax, and then the main base of the Scottish Socialist Party, a left-wing party in Scotland. The city has not had a Conservative MP since the 1982 Hillhead by-election, Sony PCG-7196M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7154M Keyboard when the SDP took the seat, which was in Glasgow's wealthiest area. The resultant general political bias against the Conservative party continued and currently they have only 1 of the 79 councillors on Glasgow City Council, despite having been the controlling party (as the Progressives) Sony PCG-7192M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7153M Keyboard from 1969-1972 when Sir Donald Liddle was the last non-Labour Lord Provost.

Scottish Parliament region[edit]

See also: Glasgow Scottish Parliament region

The Glasgow electoral region of the Scottish Parliament covers the Glasgow City council area, the Rutherglen area of the South Lanarkshire and a small eastern portion of Renfrewshire. It elects nine of the parliament's 73 first past the post constituency members and seven of the 56 additional members. Sony PCG-7194M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7151M Keyboard Both kinds of member are known as Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs). The system of election is designed to produce a form of proportional representation.

The first past the post seats were created in 1999 with the names and boundaries of then existing Westminster (House of Commons) constituencies. In 2005, Sony PCG-7144M Keyboard
Sony PCG-7141M Keyboard the number of Westminster Members of Parliament (MPs) representing Scotland was cut to 59, with new constituencies being formed, while the existing number of MSPs was retained at Holyrood. In the 2011 Scottish Parliament election, the boundaries of the Glasgow region were redrawn. Sony PCG-3F1M Keyboard


Glasgow is located on the banks of the River Clyde, in West Central Scotland. Its second most important river is the Kelvin whose name was used for creating the title of Baron Kelvin and thereby ended up as the scientific unit of temperature. Sony PCG-3H1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-3G2M Keyboard On older maps Glasgow will be found within the area of the pre-1975 county of Lanarkshire, from 1975 to 1996 it will appear within Strathclyde Region; current maps will generally show Glasgow as one of 32 Council Areas in Scotland. Sony PCG-3J1M Keyboard
Sony PCG-3C1M Keyboard
Sony PCG-3E1M Keyboard

In spite of its northerly latitude, close to the same line as Moscow and Copenhagen, Glasgow's climate is classified as oceanic (Köppen Cfb). Data is available online for 3 official weather stations in the Glasgow area: Paisley, Abbotsinch and Bishopton. Sony PCG-61211M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71911M Keyboard All are located to the West of the city centre. Owing to its westerly position and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, Glasgow is one of Scotland's milder areas. Temperatures are usually higher than most places of equal latitude away from the UK, due to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream. Sony PCG-71211M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71811M KeyboardHowever, this results less distinct seasons as compared to much of Western Europe. At Paisley, the annual precipitation averages 1,245 millimetres (49.0 in)

Winters are cool and overcast, Sony PCG-71213M Keyboard


Sony PCG-61611M Keyboard with a January mean of 4.0 °C (39.2 °F), though lows sometimes fall below freezing. Since 2000 Glasgow has experienced few very cold, snowy and harsh winters where temperatures have fallen much below freezing. The most extreme instances have however seen temperatures around −12 °C (10 °F) Sony PCG-71212M Keyboard


Sony PCG-61511M Keyboardin the area. Snowfall resulting in snow lying on the ground is an infrequent occurrence and generally short-lived. The spring months (March to May) are usually mild and often quite pleasant. Many of Glasgow's trees and plants begin to flower at this time of the year and parks and gardens are filled with spring colours. Sony PCG-71312M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71D14M Keyboard

During the summer months (June to August) the weather can vary considerably from day to day ranging from relatively cool and wet to quite warm with the odd sunny day. Long dry spells of warm weather are generally very scarce. Sony PCG-71311M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71511M KeyboardOvercast and humid conditions without rain are frequent. Generally the weather pattern is quite unsettled and erratic during these months, with only occasional heatwaves. The warmest month is usually July, Sony PCG-71313M Keyboard

with average highs above 19 °C (66 °F). Autumns are generally cool to mild with increasing precipitation. During early autumn there can be some settled periods of weather and it can feel pleasant with mild temperatures and some sunny days. Sony PCG-61212M Keyboard

Sony PCG-71411M Keyboard

Temperature extremes have ranged from −19.9 °C (−4 °F) to 31.2 °C (88 °F), at Abbotsinch,[35][36] and −14.8 °C (5 °F) to 31.0 °C (88 °F) at Paisley.[37][38] The coldest temperature to have occurred in recent years was −12.5 °C (9.5 °F) at Bishopton during December 2010.[39] Sony PCG-5P2m Keyboard

Sony PCG-7171M Keyboard

The 1950s saw the population of the City of Glasgow area peak at 1,089,000. During this period, Glasgow was one of the most densely populated cities in the world. After the 1960s, clearings of poverty-stricken inner city areas like the Gorbals and relocation to "new towns" such as East Kilbride and Cumbernauld led to population decline. Sony PCG-5R1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7186M KeyboardIn addition, the boundaries of the city were changed twice during the late 20th century, making direct comparisons difficult. The city continues to expand beyond the official city council boundaries into surrounding suburban areas, Sony PCG-5R2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7185M Keyboardencompassing around 400 square miles (1,000 km2) of all adjoining suburbs, if commuter towns and villages are included.

There are two distinct definitions for the population of Glasgow: the Glasgow City Council Area (which lost the districts of Rutherglen and Cambuslang to South Lanarkshire in 1996) and the Greater Glasgow Urban Area (which includes the conurbation around the city). Sony PCG-5T1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7184M Keyboard

Influx attracted by physical and economic growth, and the city`s own population growth, resulted in the following demographic percentages in the 1881 Census calculated by birthplaces - born in Scotland 83%, Ireland 13%, England 3% and Elsewhere 1%.Sony PCG-5T2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7183M Keyboard By 1911 the population was no longer gaining by migration.The demographic percentages in the 1951 Census were - born in Scotland 93%, Ireland 3%, England 3% and Elsewhere 1%.[21] Sony PCG-7181M Keyboard
Sony PCG-7182M Keyboard

In the early 20th century, many Lithuanian refugees began to settle in Glasgow and at its height in the 1950s there were around 10,000 in the Glasgow area.[42] Many Italian Scots also settled in Glasgow, originating from provinces like Frosinone between Rome and Naples and Lucca in north-west Tuscany at this time, many originally working as "Hokey Pokey" men.[43]

Sony VGN-NS20EF/W keyboard


Glasgow city centre panorama from Lighthouse tower

In the 1960s and 1970s, many Asian-Scots also settled in Glasgow, mainly in the Pollokshields area. These number 30,000 Pakistanis, 15,000 Indians and 3,000 Bangladeshis as well as Chinese immigrants, many of whom settled in the Garnethill area of the city.[citation needed] Since 2000, the UK government has pursued a policy of dispersal of asylum seekers to ease pressure on social housing in the London area. Sony VGN-NW20ZF Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20EF keyboard


Location         Population Area          Density

Glasgow City Council[44]         592,820   67.76 sq mi (175.5 km2)  8,541.8 /sq mi (3,298.0 /km2)

Greater Glasgow Urban Area[45]   1,199,629         142.27 sq mi (368.5 km2)         8,212.9 /sq mi (3,171.0 /km2)

Source: Scotland's Census Results Online[46]

Since the 2001 census the population decline has stabilised. The 2009 population of the city council area was 588,430 and the population of both the City of Glasgow Council area and Greater Glasgow are forecast to grow in the near future. Around 2,300,000 people live in the Glasgow travel-to-work area.[14] This area is defined as having 10% and over of residents travelling into Glasgow to work, and has no fixed boundaries.[47]

Compared to Inner London, which has 23,441 /sq mi (9,051 /km2).,[48] Scotland's largest city has less than half the current population density of the English capital—8,603 /sq mi (3,322 /km2) In 1931 the population density was 16,166 /sq mi (6,242 /km2), Sony VGN-NW24S Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20EF/P keyboard highlighting the subsequent "clearances" to the suburbs and new towns that were built to empty one of Europe's most densely populated cities.[49]

Glasgow has the lowest life expectancy of any UK city at 72.9 years.[50] Much was made of this during the 2008 Glasgow East by-election.[51] Sony VGN-NW26M Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS30Z keyboard In 2008, a World Health Organization report about health inequalities, revealing that male life expectancy varied from 54 in Calton to 82 in nearby Lenzie, East Dunbartonshire.[52][53]

Districts and suburbs[edit]




Areas of Glasgow. Click to enlarge.

City centre[edit]

The city centre is bounded by the High Street to the east, the River Clyde to the south and the M8 motorway to the west and north which was built through the Townhead, Charing Cross, Cowcaddens and Anderston areas in the 1960s. Sony VGN-NW20EF Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS30E keyboard

Retail and theatre district[edit]



Looking down Buchanan Street towards St Enoch subway station.

The city centre is based on a grid system of streets on the north bank of the River Clyde. The heart of the city is George Square, site of many of Glasgow's public statues and the elaborate Victorian Glasgow City Chambers, Sony VGN-NW20SF Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20M keyboard headquarters of Glasgow City Council. To the south and west are the shopping precincts of Argyle Street, Sauchiehall Street and Buchanan Street, the last featuring more upmarket retailers and winner of the Academy of Urbanism "Great Street Award" 2008.[54]

The main shopping centres are Buchanan Galleries and the St. Enoch Centre, Sony VGN-NW24EG Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20J keyboardwith the up-market Princes Square and the Italian Centre specialising in designer labels. The London-based department store Selfridges purchased a site in the city some years ago as part of its plans to expand stores, plans which have now been shelved according to the company. Glasgow's retail portfolio forms the UK's second largest and most economically important retail sector after Central London.[55][56]


Sony VGN-NS20E keyboard

The city centre is home to most of Glasgow's main cultural venues: the Theatre Royal (performing home of Scottish Opera and Scottish Ballet), the Pavilion Theatre, the King's Theatre, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow Film Theatre, Tron Theatre, Sony VGN-NW24JG Keyboard


Sony VGN-NS11J keyboard Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), Mitchell Library and Theatre, the Centre for Contemporary Arts, McLellan Galleries and the Lighthouse Museum of Architecture. The world's tallest cinema, the eighteen-screen Cineworld is situated on Renfrew Street. The city centre is also home to four of Glasgow's higher education institutions: Sony VGN-NW24MG Keyboard

Sony VGN-NS10L keyboard the University of Strathclyde, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow School of Art and Glasgow Caledonian University.

Merchant City[edit]



The Tolbooth Steeple dominates Glasgow Cross and marks the east side of the Merchant City.

To the east is the commercial and residential district of Merchant City. The Merchant City was formerly the residential district of the wealthy city merchants in the 18th and early 19th centuries,
Sony VGN-NS10E keyboardparticularly the Tobacco Lords from whom many of the streets take their name. As the Industrial Revolution and the wealth it brought to the city resulted in the expansion of Glasgow's central area westward, the original medieval centre was left behind. Glasgow Cross, situated at the junction of High Street, Sony VGN-NW24MR Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW31ZF/S KeyboardGallowgate, Trongate and Saltmarket was the original centre of the city, symbolised by its Mercat cross. Glasgow Cross encompasses the Tolbooth Clock Tower; all that remains of the original City Chambers, Sony VGN-NW26EG Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW31EF Keyboardwhich was destroyed by fire in 1926. Moving northward up High Street towards Rottenrow and Townhead lies the 15th century Glasgow Cathedral and the Provand's Lordship. Due to growing industrial pollution levels in the mid-to-late 19th century, the area fell out of favour with residents.[57] Sony VGN-NW26JG Keyboard

From the late 1980s onwards, the Merchant City has been rejuvenated with luxury city centre flats and warehouse conversions. This regeneration has supported an increasing number of cafés and restaurants.[58] The area is also home to a number of high end boutique style shops and some of Glasgow's most upmarket stores.[59] Sony VGN-NW20SF Keyboard
Sony VGN-NW21MF/P Keyboard

The Merchant City is the centre of Glasgow's growing "cultural quarter", based on King Street, the Saltmarket and Trongate, and at the heart of the annual Merchant City Festival. The area has supported a huge growth in art galleries, Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard

 the origins of which can be found in the late 1980s when it attracted artist-led organisations that could afford the cheap rents required to operate in vacant manufacturing or retail spaces.[60] The artistic and cultural potential of the Merchant City as a "cultural quarter" was harnessed by independent arts organisations and Glasgow City Council,[60Sony VPCF11C5E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13M0E/B Keyboard] and the recent development of Trongate 103, which houses galleries, workshops, artist studios and production spaces, is considered a major outcome of the continued partnership between both.[ Sony VPCF11D4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13M8E/B Keyboard
Sony VPCF13Z0E/B Keyboard61] The area also contains a number of theatres and concert venues, including the Tron Theatre, the Old Fruitmarket, the Trades Hall, St. Andrew's in the Square, Merchant Square, and the City Halls.[62]

Financial district[edit]

Sony VPC-F11M1E/H Keyboard
Clyde Arc, also known as "Squinty Bridge".

Also see Glasgow's International Financial Services District

To the western edge of the city centre, occupying the areas of Blythswood Hill and Anderston, lies Glasgow's financial district, known officially as the International Financial Services District (IFSD), although often irreverently nicknamed by the contemporary press as the "square kilometre" or "Wall Street on Clyde".[63] Sony VPCF11S1E/B Keyboard


 Since the late 1980s the construction of many modern office blocks and high rise developments have paved the way for the IFSD to become one of the UK's largest financial quarters. With a reputation as an established financial services centre, coupled with comprehensive support services, Glasgow continues to attract and grow new business. Sony VPC-F2 Keyboard

Of the 10 largest general insurance companies in the UK, 8 have a base or head office in Glasgow — including Direct Line, Esure, AXA and Norwich Union. Key banking sector companies have also moved some of their services to commercial property in Glasgow Sony VPC-F21Z1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF12M0E/B Keyboard— Resolution, JPMorgan Chase, Abbey, HBOS, Barclays Wealth, Tesco Personal Finance, Morgan Stanley, Lloyds TSB, Clydesdale Bank, BNP Paribas, HSBC, Santander and the Royal Bank of Scotland. The Ministry of Defence have several departments and Clydeport, the Glasgow Stock Exchange, Student Loans Company, Sony VPCF22J1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF22L1E Keyboard

 Scottish Executive Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning Department, BT Group, Scottish Friendly. Scottish Qualifications Authority and Scottish Enterprise also have their headquarters based in the district. Royal Dutch Shell also have one of their six world-wide Shared Business Centres located in the IFSD. Sony VPCF22M1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF12S1E/B Keyboard

West End[edit]



Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum is Glasgow's premier museum and art gallery, housing one of Europe's best civic art collections.

Glasgow's West End is a bohemian district of cafés, tea rooms, bars, boutiques, upmarket hotels, clubs and restaurants in the hinterland of Kelvingrove Park, the University of Glasgow, Glasgow Botanic Gardens and the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, focused especially on the area's main thoroughfare, Byres Road. Sony VPCF22S1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF12Z1E Keyboard
 The area is popular with tourists, and contains many hotels, including the prestigious One Devonshire Gardens, which has accommodated a number of celebrity guests on visits to the city.

The West End includes residential areas of Hillhead, Dowanhill, Kelvingrove[disambiguation needed], Kelvinside, Hyndland and, Sony VPCF22S8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13S0E/B Keyboardto an increasing extent, Partick. The name is also increasingly being used to refer to any area to the west of Charing Cross. This includes areas such as Scotstoun, Jordanhill, Kelvindale and Anniesland. Sony VPCF23M1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13S1E/B Keyboard

The West End is bisected by the River Kelvin which flows from the Campsie Fells in the north and confluences with the River Clyde at Yorkhill Quay.

The spire of Sir George Gilbert Scott's Glasgow University main building (the second largest Gothic Revival building in Britain) is a major landmark, and can be seen from miles around, sitting atop Gilmorehill. Sony VPCF23Q1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF22M0E Keyboard The university itself is the fourth oldest in the English-speaking world. Much of the city's student population is based in the West End, adding to its cultural vibrancy.

The area is also home to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, Sony VPCF231S1E Keyboard

Sony VPCY21S1E/G Keyboard Kelvin Hall International Sports Arena and the Henry Wood Hall (home of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra although they generally perform at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall). Adjacent to the Kelvin Hall was the Museum of Transport, which reopened in 2010 after moving to a new location on a former dockland site at Glasgow Harbour where the River Kelvin flows into the Clyde. Sony VPCF23S1E Keyboard

Sony VPCY21S1E/L Keyboard The new building is built to a design by Zaha Hadid. The West End Festival, one of Glasgow's largest festivals, is held annually in June.

Glasgow is the home of the SECC, the United Kingdom's largest exhibition and conference centre.[64][65][66] A major expansion of the SECC facilities at the former Queen's Dock by Foster and Partners is currently under construction, including a 12,000 seat arena, and a 5 star hotel and entertainments complex. Sony VPCF24M1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF11S1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF23N1E Keyboard

East End[edit]



People's Palace museum on Glasgow Green.

The East End extends from Glasgow Cross in the City Centre to the boundary with North and South Lanarkshire. It is home to the famous Glasgow Barrowland Market, popularly known as "The Barras",[67Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard
Sony VPCF11Z1E/BI Keyboard
] Barrowland Ballroom, Glasgow Green, and Celtic Park, home of Celtic FC. Many of the original sandstone tenements remain in this district. The East End was once a major industrial centre, home to Sir William Arrol & Co., Sony VPCF12E1E/H Keyboard

Sony VPCF23P1E Keyboard James Templeton & Co and William Beardmore and Company. A notable local employer continues to be the Wellpark Brewery, home of Tennent's Lager.

The Glasgow Necropolis Cemetery was created by the Merchants House on a hill above the cathedral in 1831. Routes curve through the landscape uphill to the 62-metre (203 ft) high statue of John Knox at the summit. There are two late 18th century tenements in Gallowgate.
Sony VPCF24Q1E Keyboard Dating from 1771 and 1780, both have been well restored. The construction of Charlotte Street was financed by David Dale, whose former pretensions can be gauged by the one remaining house, now run by the National Trust for Scotland. Further along Charlotte Street there stands a modern Gillespie, Sony VPCF12F4E/H Keyboard

Sony VPCF21Z1E/BI KeyboardKidd & Coia building of some note. Once a school, it has been converted into offices. Surrounding these buildings are a series of innovative housing developments conceived as "Homes for the Future", part of a project during the city's year as UK City of Architecture and Design in 1999.[68] Sony VPCF12M1E/H Keyboard

Sony VPCF13M1E/H Keyboard

East of Glasgow Cross is St Andrew's in the Square, the oldest post-Reformation church in Scotland, built in 1739–1757 and displaying a Presbyterian grandeur befitting the church of the city's wealthy tobacco merchants. Sony VPCF13E4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF12Z1E/BI KeyboardAlso close by is the more modest Episcopalian St Andrew's-by-the-Green, the oldest Episcopal church in Scotland. The Episcopalian St Andrew's was also known as the "Whistlin' Kirk" due to it being the first church after the Reformation to own an organ.

Sony VPCF12S1E/B Keyboard


The Doulton Fountain in Glasgow Green

Overlooking Glasgow Green is the façade of Templeton On The Green, featuring vibrant polychromatic brickwork intended to evoke the Doge's Palace in Venice.[69]

The extensive Tollcross Park was originally developed from the estate of James Dunlop, the owner of a local steelworks. His large baronial mansion was built in 1848 by David Bryce, which later housed the city's Children's Museum until the 1980s. Sony VPCF13E8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13Z8E/BI Keyboard Today, the mansion is a sheltered housing complex.

The new Scottish National Indoor Sports Arena, a modern replacement for the Kelvin Hall, is planned for Dalmarnock. The area will also be the site of the Athletes' Village for the 2014 Commonwealth Games, located adjacent to the new indoor sports arena. Sony VPCF13J0E/H Keyboard

Sony VPCF13Z8E Keyboard

To the north of the East End lie the two massive gasometers of Provan Gas Works, which stand overlooking Alexandra Park and a major interchange between the M8 and M80 motorways. Often used for displaying large city advertising slogans, the towers have become an unofficial portal into the city for road users arriving from the north and east. Sony VPCF1318E/H Keyboard
Sony VPCF13M1E/B Keyboard
Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard

The East End Healthy Living Centre (EEHLC) was established in mid-2005 at Crownpoint Road with Lottery Funding and City grants to serve community needs in the area. The centre provides service such as sports facilities, health advice, stress management, leisure and vocational classes.[70] HP 640426-001 Fan


South Side[edit]

Glasgow's South Side sprawls out south of the Clyde, covering areas including the Gorbals, Toryglen, Govan, Ibrox, Shawlands, Simshill, Strathbungo, Cardonald, Mount Florida, Pollokshaws, Nitshill, Pollokshields, Battlefield, Langside, Govanhill, Crosshill, Cessnock, Mosspark, Kinning Park, Mansewood, Arden, Carnwadric, Kennishead, HP 640903-001 Fan


HP 650797-001 Fan Darnley, Newlands, Deaconsbank, Pollok, Croftfoot, Castlemilk, King's Park, Cathcart, Muirend and Barrhead, Busby, Clarkston,Eaglesham, Giffnock, Thornliebank, Netherlee, and Newton Mearns in the East Renfrewshire council area, as well as Cambuslang, East Kilbride, and Rutherglen in the South Lanarkshire council area.


HP 650057-001 Fan

Although predominantly residential, the area does have several notable public buildings including, Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Scotland Street School Museum and House for an Art Lover; the world famous Burrell Collection in Pollok Country Park; HP 641477-001 Fan


HP 666391-001 FanAlexander 'Greek' Thomson's Holmwood House villa; the National Football Stadium Hampden Park in Mount Florida, (home of Queens Park FC) and Ibrox Stadium, (home of Rangers FC). HP 650848-001 Fan


The former docklands site at Pacific Quay on the south bank of the River Clyde, opposite the SECC, is the site of the Glasgow Science Centre and the new headquarters for BBC Scotland and STV Group (owner of STV) which have relocated there to a new purpose built digital media campus. HP 653627-001 Fan

HP 665309-001 Fan

In addition, several new bridges spanning the River Clyde have been built or are currently planned, including the Clyde Arc known by locals as the Squinty Bridge at Pacific Quay and others at Tradeston and Springfield Quay. Sony PCG-61211M CPU cooling fan 

The South Side also includes many great parks, including Linn Park, Queen's Park, Bellahouston Park and Rouken Glen Park, and several golf clubs, including the championship course at Haggs Castle. The South Side is also home to Pollok Country Park, Sony PCG-71211M CPU cooling fan 
which was awarded the accolade of Europe's Best Park 2008.[7Sony SVE1512K1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1711R1E Keyboard1] Pollok Park is Glasgow’s largest park and the only country park within the city boundaries. It is also home to Poloc Cricket Club. The name was taken from one of the early spellings of the area, to differentiate it from Pollok Football Club. 
Sony PCG-61212M CPU cooling fan

Govan is a district and former burgh in the south-western part of the city. It is situated on the south bank of the River Clyde, opposite Partick. It was an administratively independent Police Burgh from 1864 until it was incorporated into the expanding city of Glasgow in 1912. Sony SVE1512M1E Keyboard

Sony PCG-71313M CPU cooling fan Govan has a legacy as an engineering and shipbuilding centre of international repute and is home to one of two BAE Systems Surface Ships shipyards on the River Clyde and the precision engineering firm, Thales Optronics. Sony PCG-71213M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-71311M CPU cooling fan It is also home to the Southern General Hospital, one of the largest teaching hospitals in the country, and the maintenance depot for the Glasgow Subway system.

North Glasgow[edit]

Sony PCG-71212M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-71312M CPU cooling fan


Ruchill Church, seen from the Forth and Clyde Canal.

North Glasgow extends out from the north of the city centre towards the affluent suburbs of Bearsden, Milngavie and Bishopbriggs in East Dunbartonshire and Clydebank in West Dunbartonshire. The area also contains some of the city's poorest residential areas. Sony SVE1513C4E Keyboard


Sony SVE1513Q1E Keyboard
Sony PCG-81313M CPU cooling fanPossilpark is one such area, where levels of unemployment and drug abuse continue to be above the national average. Much of the housing in areas such as Possilpark and Hamiltonhill had fallen into a state of disrepair in recent years. Sony PCG-81111M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-81113M CPU cooling fan

This has led to large scale redevelopment of much of the poorer housing stock in north Glasgow, and the wider regeneration of many areas, such as Ruchill, which have been transformed; many run-down tenements have now been refurbished or replaced by modern housing estates. Sony PCG-81112M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-81212M CPU cooling fanMuch of the housing stock in north Glasgow is rented social housing, with a high proportion of high-rise tower blocks, managed by the North Glasgow Housing Association trading as NG Homes and Glasgow Housing Association. Sony VPCSA2Z9E Battery



Maryhill consists of well maintained traditional sandstone tenements. Although historically a working class area, its borders with the upmarket West End of the city mean that it is relatively wealthy compared to the rest of the north of the city, containing affluent areas such as Maryhill Park and North Kelvinside. Sony VPCSA3N9E Battery


Sony VPCSE2S1E Battery Maryhill is also home to Firhill Stadium, home of Partick Thistle F.C. since 1909, and the professional Rugby Union team, Glasgow Warriors. The junior team, Maryhill F.C. are also located in this part of north Glasgow. Sony VPCSA3S9E Battery

The Forth and Clyde Canal passes through this part of the city, and at one stage formed a vital part of the local economy. Sony SVE1513C5E Keyboard


Sony SVE1513H1E Keyboard It was for many years polluted and largely unused after the decline of heavy industry, but recent efforts to regenerate and re-open the canal to navigation have seen it rejuvenated. Sony VPCSA3X9E Battery

Sighthill is home to Scotland’s largest asylum seeker community.

A huge part of the economic life of Glasgow was once located in Springburn, where the Saracen Foundry, engineering works of firms like Charles Tennant and locomotive workshops employed many Glaswegians. Indeed, Glasgow dominated this type of manufacturing, Sony VPCSA3Z9E Battery

Sony VPCSA4W9E Battery



with 25% of all the world’s locomotives being built in the area at one stage. It was home to the headquarters of the North British Locomotive Company. Sony SVE1513D1E Keyboard

Sony SVE1513E9E Keyboard Today part of the St. Rollox railway works continues in use as a railway maintenance facility, all that is left of the industry in Springburn. Sony VPCSB Battery


Sony VPCSE2M9E Battery



See also: Culture in Glasgow



Established by wealthy tobacco merchant Stephen Mitchell, the Mitchell Library is now one of the largest public reference libraries in Europe. Sony VPCSB1A7E Battery


Sony VPCSE2L9E Battery

The city has many amenities for a wide range of cultural activities, from curling to opera and ballet and from football to art appreciation; it also has a large selection of museums that include those devoted to transport, religion, and modern art. Many of the city's cultural sites were celebrated in 1990 when Glasgow was designated European City of Culture.[72] Sony VPCSB1A9E Battery


The city's principal library, the Mitchell Library, has grown into one of the largest public reference libraries in Europe, currently housing some 1.3 million books, an extensive collection of newspapers and thousands of photographs and maps.[73]

Most of Scotland's national arts organisations are based in Glasgow, including Scottish Opera, Scottish Ballet, National Theatre of Scotland, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and Scottish Youth Theatre. Sony VPCSB1B7E Battery

Sony VPCSB1B9E Battery


Glasgow has its own "Poet Laureate", a post created in 1999 for Edwin Morgan[74] and as of 2007 occupied by Liz Lochhead.


See also: Glasgow Festivals

Glasgow is home to a variety of theatres including the King's Theatre, the Theatre Royal and the Citizens Theatre and is home to many municipal museums and art galleries, the most famous being the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) and the Burrell Collection. Most of the museums in Glasgow are publicly owned and free to enter. Sony VPCSB1C5E Battery


The city has hosted many exhibitions over the years, including being the UK City of Architecture 1999, European Capital of Culture 1990, National City of Sport 1995–1999 and European Capital of Sport 2003. Sony VPCSB1C7E Battery


In addition, unlike the older and larger Edinburgh Festival (where all Edinburgh's main festivals occur in the last three weeks of August), Glasgow's festivals fill the calendar. Festivals include the Glasgow International Comedy Festival, Sony VPCSB1D7E Battery


Sony VPCSE2J9E Battery Glasgow International Jazz Festival, Celtic Connections, Glasgow Fair, Glasgow Film Festival, West End Festival, Merchant City Festival, Glasgay, and the World Pipe Band Championships.


Sony VPCSE2E1E Battery

Music scene[edit]

Main article: List of bands from Glasgow



View of the entrance to the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

Glasgow has many live music venues, pubs, and clubs. Some of the city's more well-known venues include the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, the SECC, King Tut's Wah Wah Hut (where Oasis were spotted and signed by Glaswegian record mogul Alan McGee), the Queen Margaret Union (who have Kurt Cobain's footprint locked in a safe), Sony VPCSB1S1E Battery


Sony VPCSE1Z9E Batterythe Barrowland, a ballroom converted into a live music venue as well as The Garage which is the largest nightclub in Scotland. More recent mid-sized venues include ABC and the O2 Academy, which play host to a similar range of acts. Sony VPCSB1V9E Battery


Sony VPCSE1V9E Battery There are also a large number of smaller venues and bars which host many local and touring musicians, including Stereo, 13th Note and Nice N Sleazy. Most recent recipient of the SLTN Music Pub of the Year award was Bar Bloc, awarded in November 2011.[75] In 2010, Glasgow was named the UK's fourth "most musical" city by PRS for Music.[76][76] Sony VPCSB1V9R Battery


Sony VPCSE1L1E Battery

In recent years[when?], the success of bands such as Del Amitri, Belle & Sebastian, Camera Obscura, Biffy Clyro, Franz Ferdinand, Mogwai, Snow Patrol, Travis and Primal Scream has significantly boosted the profile of the Glasgow music scene, prompting Time Magazine to liken Glasgow to Detroit during its 1960s Motown heyday.[7Sony VPCSB1X9E Battery


Sony VPCSE1J1E Battery7] More recent[when?] successes include The Fratellis and Glasvegas. The city of Glasgow was appointed a UNESCO City of Music on 20 August 2008 as part of the Creative Cities Network.


Sony VPCSE1E1E Battery

Glasgow's contemporary dance music scene has been spearheaded by Slam, and their record label Soma Quality Recordings,[78] with their Pressure club nights at The Arches attracting DJs and clubbers from around the world. Sony VPCSB1Z9E Battery

Sony VPCSB1Z9R Battery


Sony VPCSB3T9E Battery

The MOBO Awards were held at the SECC on 30 September 2009, making Glasgow the first out-of-London city to host the event since its launch in 1995.


Main article: Media in Glasgow



BBC Scotland HQ, Pacific Quay, Glasgow

Both BBC Scotland and STV have their headquarters in Glasgow. Television programs which are/were filmed in Glasgow include; Sony VPCSB3N9E Battery

Sony VPCSB3S9E BatteryRab C Nesbitt, Taggart, High Times, River City, City Lights, Chewin' the Fat and Still Game. Most recently the long running series Question Time moved its production base to the city and Mrs. Brown's Boys is also filmed at BBC Scotland. Sony VPCSB2M9E Battery


The Scottish press publishes various newspapers in the city such as the Evening Times, The Herald, The Sunday Herald, the Sunday Mail and the Daily Record. Scottish editions of Trinity Mirror and News International titles are printed in the city. STV Group is a Glasgow-based media conglomerate with interests in television, and publishing advertising. Sony VPCCA Battery

Sony VPCCA1C5E Battery


Sony VPCCB4Z1E Battery

 STV Group owns and operates both Scottish ITV franchises (Central Scotland and Grampian), both branded STV.

Various radio stations are also located in Glasgow. Bauer Radio owns the principal commercial radio stations in Glasgow; Clyde 1 and Clyde 2, which can reach over 2.3 million listeners.[79] In 2004, STV Group plc (then known as SMG plc) sold its 27.8% stake in Scottish Radio Holdings to the broadcasting group EMAP for £90.5 million. Sony VPCCA1S1E Battery

Other stations broadcasting from Glasgow include 105.2 Smooth Radio, Real Radio and 96.3 Rock Radio, which are all owned by GMG Radio. Global Radio's Central Scotland radio station Capital FM Scotland also broadcast from studios in Glasgow. The city has a strong community radio sector, including Celtic Music Radio, Subcity Radio, Radio Magnetic, Sunny Govan Radio, AWAZ FM and Insight Radio.



Sony VPCCB4X1E Battery

See also: Sectarianism in Glasgow



Glasgow Cathedral marks the site where Saint Mungo built his church and established Glasgow.

Glasgow is a city of significant religious diversity. The Church of Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church are the two largest Christian denominations in the city. There are 147 congregations in the Church of Scotland's Presbytery of Glasgow [1] Sony VPCCA2 Battery


Sony VPCCB3S1E Battery (of which 104 are within the city boundaries, the other 43 being in adjacent areas such as Giffnock).[80] The city has four Christian cathedrals: Glasgow Cathedral, of the Church of Scotland; St Andrew's Cathedral, of the Roman Catholic Church; St Mary's Cathedral, of the Scottish Episcopal Church, and St Luke's Cathedral, of the Greek Orthodox Church. Sony VPCCA2C5E Battery


Sony VPCCB3PQE Battery

Biblical unitarians are represented by three Christadelphian ecclesias, referred to geographically, as "South",[81] "Central"[82] and "Kelvin".[83]

Glasgow Central Mosque in the Gorbals district is the largest mosque in Scotland and, along with twelve other mosques in the city, caters for the city's Muslim population, estimated to number 33,000.[84] Glasgow also has a Hindu Mandir, Sony VPCCA2S0E Battery


Sony VPCCB3 Batteryand a planning permission for a new Sikh Temple was submitted in June 2007. This new temple will complement the existing four Sikh temples (Gurdwaras) in Glasgow with two in the West End (Central Gurdwara Singh Sabha in Finnieston and Guru Nanak Sikh Temple in Kelvinbridge)


Sony VPCCB2S1E Batteryand two in the Southside area of Pollokshields (Guru Granth Sahib Gurdwara and Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara). There are more than 2,000 Sikhs in Glasgow, constituting more than one-third of all Sikhs in Scotland.[85]

Glasgow has seven synagogues with the seventh largest Jewish population in the United Kingdom after London, Manchester, Leeds, Gateshead, Brighton and Bournemouth, but once had a Jewish population second only to London, estimated at 20,000 in the Gorbals alone.[86] Sony VPCCA2S1E Battery


Sony VPCCB2M0E Battery

In 1993, the St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art opened in Glasgow. It is believed to be the only public museum to examine all the world's major religious faiths.[87][88]


See also: Glasgow patter

Glaswegian, otherwise known as the Glasgow patter, is a local variety of Scots.

Glaswegian is a dialect, more than an alternative pronunciation; words also change their meaning as all over in Scotland, e.g. "away" can mean "leaving" as in A'm away, an instruction to stop being a nuisance as in away wi ye,


Sony VPCCB2 Batteryor "drunk" or "demented" as in he's away wi it. Ginger is a term for any carbonated soft drink (A bottle o ginger, IPA: [ə ˈboʔl ə ˈdʒɪndʒər]). Then there are words whose meaning has no obvious relationship to that in standard English: coupon means "face", via "to punch a ticket coupon".

Sony VPCCB BatteryA headbutt is known in many parts of the British Isles as a "Glasgow kiss", although this term is rarely used by Glaswegians, who say "Malkie", e.g., "ah'll Malkie ye" or "stick the heid/nut on ye".Sony VPCCA2Z0E Battery


Sony VPCCA3S1E Battery


A speaker of Glaswegian might refer to those originating from the Scottish Highlands and the Western Isles as teuchters, while they would reciprocate by referring to Glaswegians as keelies and those from the East of Scotland refer to Glaswegians as Weegies (or Weedgies). Sony VPCCA3 Battery

Sony VPCCA3E1E Battery

The long-running TV drama Taggart and the comedies Empty, Chewin' the Fat, Rab C. Nesbitt, Still Game and Dear Green Place depict the Glaswegian patois, while Craig Ferguson and Billy Connolly have made Glaswegian humour known to the rest of the world. Sony VPCF12K4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12B4E Keyboard



Main article: Architecture in Glasgow



Lord Foster's Clyde Auditorium, colloquially known as 'the Armadillo'.

Very little of medieval Glasgow remains; the two main landmarks from this period being the 15th century Provand's Lordship and 13th century St. Mungo's Cathedral, although the original medieval street plan (along with many of the street names) on the eastern side of the city centre has largely survived intact. Sony VPCF13K4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12A4E Keyboard The vast majority of the city as seen today dates from the 19th century. As a result, Glasgow has an impressive heritage of Victorian architecture: the Glasgow City Chambers; the main building of the University of Glasgow, designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott; and the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, designed by Sir John W. Simpson, are notable examples. Sony VPCF13B4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13C4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11M4E Keyboard

The city is notable for architecture designed by the Glasgow School, the most notable exponent of that style being Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Mackintosh was an architect and designer in the Arts and Crafts Movement and the main exponent of Art Nouveau in the United Kingdom, designing numerous noted Glasgow buildings such as the Glasgow School of Art, Sony VPCF13C5E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11K4E KeyboardWillow Tearooms and the Scotland Street School Museum. A hidden gem of Glasgow, also designed by Mackintosh, is the Queen's Cross Church, the only church by the renowned artist to be built.[89] Sony VPCF13D4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J4E Keyboard

Another architect who has had an enduring impact on the city's appearance was Alexander Thomson, with notable examples including the Holmwood House villa, and likewise Sir John James Burnet who was awarded the R.I.B.A's Royal Gold Medal for his lifetime's service to architecture. The buildings reflect the wealth and self-confidence of the residents of the "Second City of the Empire".Sony VPCF13E1E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J1E/B Keyboard Glasgow generated immense wealth from trade and the industries that developed from the Industrial Revolution. The shipyards, marine engineering, steel making, and heavy industry all contributed to the growth of the city. Sony VPCF13F4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J04E/H Keyboard

Many of the city's most impressive buildings were built with red or blond sandstone, but during the industrial era those colours disappeared under a pervasive black layer of soot and pollutants from the furnaces, until the Clean Air Act was introduced in 1956. Sony VPCF13G4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13H4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11H4E KeyboardIn recent years many of these buildings have been cleaned and restored to their original appearance.[citation needed] There are over 1,800 listed buildings in the city, of architectural and historical importance, and 23 Conservation Areas extending over 1,471 hectares. Sony VPCF13J4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11G4E KeyboardSuch areas include the Central Area, Dennistoun, the West End, Pollokshields - the first major planned garden suburb in Britain - Newlands and Carmunnock Village.[90]



New office builds in the city centre of Glasgow

Modern buildings in Glasgow include the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, and along the banks of the Clyde are the Glasgow Science Centre and the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, whose Clyde Auditorium was designed by Sir Norman Foster, and is affectionately known as the "Armadillo".


Sony VPCF11F4E KeyboardIn 2006 Zaha Hadid won a competition to design the new Museum of Transport.[91] Hadid's museum opened on the waterfront in 2011 and has been renamed the Riverside Museum to reflect the change in location and to celebrate Glasgow's rich industrial heritage stemming from the Clyde.[92] Sony VPCF13J8E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11E4E Keyboard

Glasgow's impressive historical and modern architectural traditions were celebrated in 1999 when the city was designated UK City of Architecture and Design,[93] winning the accolade over Liverpool and Edinburgh.[94] Sony VPCF13K4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13L0E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11B4E Keyboard





HMS Daring was built by BAE Systems Maritime - Naval Ships in Glasgow and launched in 2006. Although diminished from its early 20th century heights, Glasgow remains the hub of the UK's Shipbuilding industry.


Sony VPCF11A4E Keyboard

Glasgow has the largest economy in Scotland and is at the hub of the metropolitan area of West Central Scotland. Glasgow also has the third highest GDP Per capita of any city in the UK (after London and Edinburgh).[95Sony VPCF13S8E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J4E Keyboard] The city itself sustains more than 410,000 jobs in over 12,000 companies. Over 153,000 jobs were created in the city between 2000 and 2005 — a growth rate of 32%.[96] Glasgow's annual economic growth rate of 4.4% is now second only to that of London. In 2005, over 17,000 new jobs were created, and 2006 saw private-sector investment in the city reaching £4.2 billion pounds, an increase of 22% in a single year.[97] Sony VPCF13Z1E/B Keyboard


Sony VPCF12H4E Keyboard55% of the residents in the Greater Glasgow area commute to the city every day. Once dominant export orientated manufacturing industries such as shipbuilding and other heavy engineering have been gradually replaced in importance by more diversified forms of economic activity, although major manufacturing firms continue to be headquartered in the city,


Sony VPCF12E4E Keyboardsuch as Aggreko, Weir Group, Clyde Blowers, Howden, Linn Products, Firebrand Games, William Grant & Sons, Whyte and Mackay, The Edrington Group, British Polar Engines and Albion Motors.[98] Sony VPCF22M0E Keyboard

Sony VPCF22C5E Keyboard

Sony VPCF12D4E Keyboard

Glasgow was once one of the most significant cities in the UK for manufacturing, which generated a great deal of the city's wealth; the most prominent industry being shipbuilding based on the River Clyde.[99] Although Glasgow owed much of its economic growth to the shipbuilding industry, which still continues today in the form of BAE Systems Maritime Dell Latitude E4310 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Keyboard

- Naval Ships' two shipyards, the city has its roots in the tobacco trade and is noted to have "risen from its medieval slumber" from trade in tobacco, pioneered by figures such as John Glassford.[100] The city was also noted for its locomotive construction industry — led by firms such as the North British Locomotive Company — which grew during the 19th century before entering a decline in the 1960s. Dell Latitude E4320 Keyboard


Glasgow Tower, Scotland's tallest tower, and the IMAX Cinema at the Glasgow Science Centre symbolise the increase in the importance of tourism to the city's economy.

Whilst manufacturing has declined, Glasgow's economy has seen significant relative growth of tertiary sector industries such as financial and business services, Dell Latitude E4200 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430 Keyboard


communications, biosciences, creative industries, healthcare, higher education, retail and tourism.[citation needed] Glasgow is now the second most popular foreign tourist destination in Scotland (fourth in the UK)[29] and its largest retail centre. Dell Latitude E4300 Keyboard


Between 1998 and 2001, the city's financial services sector grew at a rate of 30%, making considerable gains on Edinburgh, which has historically been the centre of the Scottish financial sector.[101][102] Glasgow is now one of Europe's sixteen largest financial centres,[103] with a growing number of Blue chip financial sector companies establishing significant operations or headquarters in the city.[104] Dell Latitude E6500 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG Keyboard

The 1990s and first decade of the 21st century saw substantial growth in the number of call centres based in Glasgow. In 2007 roughly 20,000 people, a third of all call centre employees in Scotland, were employed by Glasgow call centres.[105] Dell Latitude E5400 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6330 Keyboard  This growth and its high use of recruitment agencies to hire graduates as temporary workers has led to accusations of exploitative practices such as long hours, poor pay and lack of job security by the TUC and other union bodies.[106] In recent years some call centres have taken steps to rectify this criticism. Dell Latitude E5410 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6230 Keyboard

The city's main manufacturing industries include companies involved in; shipbuilding, engineering, construction, brewing and distilling, printing and publishing, chemicals and textiles as well as newer growth sectors such as optoelectronics, software development and biotechnology.[citation needed] Glasgow forms the western part of the Silicon Glen high tech sector of Scotland. Dell Latitude E5500 Keyboard




See also: Transport in Glasgow

Public transport[edit]



Glasgow Central station is the northern terminus of the West Coast Main Line

Glasgow has a large urban transport system, mostly managed by the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT).


Dell Latitude E6220 Keyboard

The city has many bus services; since bus deregulation almost all are provided by private operators though SPT part-funds some services. The principal bus operators within the city are: First Glasgow, McGill's Buses, Stagecoach West Scotland and Glasgow Citybus. The main bus terminal in the city is Buchanan bus station. Dell Latitude E5510 Keyboard


Glasgow has the most extensive urban rail network in the UK outside of London with rail services travelling to a large part of the West of Scotland. Most lines were electrified under British Rail. All trains running within Scotland, including the local Glasgow trains, are operated by First ScotRail, who own the franchise as determined by the Scottish Government. Dell Latitude E5420 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6120 Keyboard  Central Station and Queen Street Station are the two main railway terminals. Glasgow Central is the terminus of the 641.6-kilometre (398.7 mi) long West Coast Main Line[10


Dell Latitude E5530 Keyboard 7] from London Euston. All services to and from England use this station. Glasgow Central is also the terminus for suburban services on the south side of Glasgow, Ayrshire and Inverclyde, as well as being served by the cross city link from Dalmuir to Motherwell.


Dell Latitude E6520 Keyboard Most other services within Scotland — the main line to Edinburgh, plus services to Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness and the Western Highlands — operate from Queen Street station. Dell Latitude E5520 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6420 Keyboard

The city's suburban network is currently divided by the River Clyde, and the Crossrail Glasgow initiative has been proposed to link them; it is currently awaiting funding from the Scottish Government. The city is linked to Edinburgh by four direct railway links. In addition to the suburban rail network, SPT operates the Glasgow Subway. Dell Latitude E6430S Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Keyboard


Dell Precision M4400 Keyboard  The Subway is the United Kingdom's only completely underground metro system, and is generally recognised as the world's third underground railway after the London Underground and the Budapest Metro.[108] Both rail and subway stations have a number of park and ride facilities. Dell Latitude E6520N Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6530 Keyboard


Dell Precision M6500 Keyboard

As part of the wider regeneration along the banks of the River Clyde a Bus Rapid Transit system called Clyde Fastlink is currently under construction.



View of Glasgow Central station (with the distinctive façade of the Heilanman's Umbrella to the left) from the 5th floor of Radisson SAS hotel May 2009



Dell Precision M6400 Keyboard

Ferries used to link opposite sides of the Clyde in Glasgow but they have been rendered near-obsolete, by bridges and tunnels including the Erskine Bridge, Kingston Bridge, and the Clyde Tunnel. The only remaining crossings are the Renfrew Ferry between Renfrew and Yoker, and the Kilcreggan Ferry in Inverclyde, Dell Latitude E5220 Keyboard


Dell Precision M4500 Keyboard  both run by SPT but outwith the city boundary. The PS Waverley, the world's last operational seagoing paddle-steamer,[109] provides services from Glasgow city Centre, mainly catering to the pleasure cruise market. Dell Latitude E5420M Keyboard


Dell Precision M6600 Keyboard  A regular waterbus service links the city Centre with Braehead in Renfrewshire, some 30 minutes downstream. A service by Loch Lomond Seaplanes, connecting the city with destinations in Argyll and Bute started in 2007.[110] Dell Latitude E6400 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6500 Keyboard


Dell Precision M4600 Keyboard  The only operational dock left in Glasgow operated by Clydeport is the King George V Dock, near Braehead. Since the advent of Containerization, most other facilities, such as Hunterston Terminal are located in the deep waters of the Firth of Clyde, which together handle some 7.5 million tonnes of cargo each year. Dell Latitude E6400-ATG Keyboard


Dell Precision M2400 Keyboard Longer distant commercial sea shipping from Glasgow occurs regularly to many European destinations including Mediterranean and Baltic ports via passage through the Sea of the Hebrides.[111] Dell Latitude E6400-XFR Keyboard





M8 Motorway, the busiest motorway in Scotland

The main M8 motorway passes through the city centre and connects to the M77, M73, and M80 motorways. The A82 connects the city to Argyll and the western Highlands. The M74 runs directly south towards Carlisle; the M74 completion scheme has extended the motorway from Tollcross into the Tradeston area to join the M8. Dell Latitude E6410 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6410-ATG Keyboard

Dell Latitude E5430 Keyboard

Other road projects in the city include East End Regeneration Route, which aims to provide easier access to deprived areas of the East End by linking the M8 to the extended M74.

Airports[edit] Dell Latitude E4310 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Battery

The city is served by two international airports and a seaplane terminal: Glasgow International Airport (GLA) (13 km or 8 mi west of the city centre) in Renfrewshire and Glasgow Prestwick Airport (PIK) which is approximately 30 miles (48 km) south west of Glasgow in Ayrshire and Glasgow Seaplane Terminal, Dell Latitude E4320 Battery

by the Glasgow Science Centre on the River Clyde. There is also a small airfield at Cumbernauld in Lanarkshire (29 km or 18 mi to the north-east) and Glasgow City Heliport located at Stobcross Quay on the banks of the Clyde. A plan to provide a direct rail link to Glasgow International was dropped with the cancelling of the Glasgow Airport Rail Link in 2009.

Housing[edit] Dell Latitude E4200 Battery



Main article: Housing in Glasgow



Typical red sandstone Glasgow tenement in Hyndland.

Glasgow is known for its tenements - the red (or blonde) sandstone buildings are one of the most recognisable signatures of the city.[ Dell Latitude E4300 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430S Battery112] These were the most popular form of housing in 19th- and 20th-century Glasgow and remain the most common form of dwelling in Glasgow today. Tenements are commonly bought by a wide range of social types and are favoured for their large rooms, high ceilings and original period features.[1Dell Latitude E6500 Battery

Dell Latitude E5400 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Battery13] The Hyndland area of Glasgow is the only tenement conservation area in the UK[114] and includes some tenement houses with as many as six bedrooms.



The Blythswood Court estate in Anderston, one of many high rise schemes in the city constructed in the 1960s and 70s. Dell Latitude E5410 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430 Battery

Like many cities in the UK, Glasgow witnessed the construction of high-rise housing in tower blocks in the 1960s, along with large overspill estates on the periphery of the city, in areas like Pollok, Nitshill, Castlemilk, Easterhouse, Milton and DrumchapelDell Latitude E5500 Battery

Dell Latitude E5510 Battery


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG Battery.[115] These were built to replace the decaying inner-city tenement buildings originally built for workers who migrated from the surrounding countryside, the Highlands, and the rest of the United Kingdom, particularly Ireland, in order to feed the local demand for labour.[116


Dell Latitude E6330 Battery] The massive demand outstripped new building and many, originally fine, tenements often became overcrowded and unsanitary.[117] Many degenerated into the infamous Glasgow slums, such as the Gorbals. Dell Latitude E5420 Battery

Dell Latitude E5520 Battery


Efforts to improve this housing situation, most successfully with the City Improvement Trust in the late 19th century, cleared the slums of the old town areas such as the Trongate, High Street and Glasgow Cross.[113


Dell Latitude E6230 Battery] Subsequent urban renewal initiatives, such as those motivated by the Bruce Report, entailed the comprehensive demolition of slum tenement areas, the development of new towns on the periphery of the city, and the construction of tower blocks.

The policy of tenement demolition is now considered to have been short-sighted, wasteful and largely unsuccessful.[1Dell Latitude E6420 Battery


Dell Latitude E6220 Battery18] Many of Glasgow's worst tenements were refurbished into desirable accommodation in the 1970s and 1980s[118] and the policy of demolition is considered to have destroyed many fine examples of a "universally admired architectural" style.[1Dell Latitude E6520 Battery

13] The Glasgow Housing Association took ownership of the housing stock from the city council on 7 March 2003, and has begun a £96 million clearance and demolition programme to clear and demolish many of the high-rise flats.[119]

Dell Latitude E5530 Battery

Dell Latitude E6120 Battery





The Glasgow Royal Infirmary is the city's oldest and largest hospital.

Medical care is mainly provided by NHS Scotland and is directly administered by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Dell Latitude E6520N Battery

Dell Latitude E6530 Battery

Dell Latitude E5220 Battery


Major hospitals, including those with Accident & Emergency provision, are: the Western Infirmary, Gartnavel General Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in the West End, Glasgow Royal Infirmary and the Dental Hospital in the city Centre, Stobhill Hospital in the North and the Victoria Infirmary and Southern General Hospital in the South Side. Dell Latitude E5420M Battery


There is also an emergency telephone service provided by NHS 24 and 24 hour access to General Practitioners through Out of hours centres. Paramedic services are provided by the Scottish


Dell Precision M6400 Battery

Dell Precision M6500 BatteryAmbulance Service and supported by voluntary bodies like the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association. A strong Teaching tradition is maintained between the city's main hospitals and the University of Glasgow Medical School. Dell Latitude E6400 Battery


Dell Precision M4400 Battery

All Pharmacies provide a wide range of services including minor ailment advice, emergency hormonal contraception, public health aradvice, some provide oxygen and needle exchange.

There are private clinics and hospitals at the Nuffield in the West end and Ross Hall in the South Side of the city.


Dell Precision M4500 Battery



Glasgow is a major centre of higher and academic research, with four universities within 10 miles (16 km) of the city centre:



The University of Glasgow is the fourth oldest University in the English-speaking World and currently one of seventeen British higher education institutions ranked among the top 100 in the world.


Dell Precision M6600 Battery

University of Glasgow

University of Strathclyde

Glasgow Caledonian University

University of the West of Scotland

There are also currently seven further education colleges in the city: Anniesland College, Cardonald College, City of Glasgow College, Stow College, North Glasgow College, John Wheatley College, and Langside College. Dell Latitude E6500 Battery


Dell Precision M4600 Battery Higher education colleges in the city include Jordanhill Teacher Training College, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and the Glasgow School of Art.

Glasgow is home to a student population in excess of 168,000, the largest in Scotland and second largest in the United Kingdom. The majority of those who live away from home reside in Shawlands, Dennistoun and the West End of the city.[120] Dell Latitude E6400-ATG Battery


Dell Precision M2400 Battery

The City Council operates twenty-nine secondary schools, 149 primary schools and three specialist schools — the Dance School of Scotland, Glasgow School of Sport and the Glasgow Gaelic School (Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu), Dell Latitude E6400-XFR Battery


Dell Latitude E5430 Battery the only secondary school in Scotland to teach exclusively in Gaelic. Outdoor Education facilities are provided by the city council at the Blairvadach Centre, near Helensburgh. Jordanhill School is operated directly by the Scottish Government. Glasgow also has a number of Independent schools, Dell Latitude E6410 Battery

Dell Latitude E6410-ATG Batteryincluding Hutchesons' Grammar School founded in 1639 and one of the oldest school institutions in Britain, and others such as Craigholme School, Fernhill School, Glasgow Academy, Kelvinside Academy, St. Aloysius' College and The High School of Glasgow, which was founded in 1124 and is the oldest school in Scotland. Dell XPS 14 Battery

Dell XPS 14D Battery


Dell Inspiron 13R battery

Dell Inspiron 14R battery



See also: Sport in Glasgow




Celtic Park in Glasgow, one of Scotland's and Europe's largest stadiums by capacity

The world's first international football match was held in 1872 at the West of Scotland Cricket Club's Hamilton Crescent ground in the Partick area of the city. The match, between Scotland and England finished 0–0. Dell XPS 14D-L401X Battery

Dell XPS 15 Battery


Dell Inspiron N4110 battery

Glasgow is one of only four cities (along with Liverpool in 1985, Madrid in 1986 and Milan in 1994) to have had two football teams in European finals in the same season: in 1967 Celtic F.C. competed in the European Cup final with Rangers F.C. competing in the Cup Winners' Cup final. Dell XPS 15D Battery


Dell Inspiron N5010 batteryRangers F.C. were the first British football club to reach a European final, at which they got to in 1961. Celtic F.C. were the first British club to win the European Cup, under the management of Jock Stein in 1967.

Hampden Park, which is Scotland's national football stadium, holds the European record for attendance at a football match: 149,547[Dell XPS 15-L501X Battery

Dell XPS 15-L502X Battery


Dell Inspiron N5010D battery121] saw Scotland beat England 3-1 in 1937, in the days before leading British stadia became all-seated. Hampden Park has hosted the final of the UEFA Champions League on three occasions, most recently in 2002 and hosted the UEFA Cup Final in 2007. Celtic Park (60,832 seats) is located in the east end of Glasgow, and Ibrox Stadium (51,082 seats) on the south side. Dell XPS 15Z Battery

Dell XPS 17 Battery


Glasgow has three professional football clubs: Rangers F.C., Celtic F.C. and Partick Thistle F.C. A fourth club, Queen's Park F.C., is an amateur club which plays in the Scottish Division 3. Prior to this, Glasgow had five other professional clubs: Clyde F.C., which moved to Cumbernauld, plus Third Lanark A.C., Cambuslang F.C., Dell XPS L702X Battery

Dell XPS 17-L701X Battery


Dell Inspiron 15R batteryCowlairs F.C. and Clydesdale F.C., who all went bankrupt. There are a number of Scottish Junior Football Association clubs within the city as well, such as Pollok F.C., Maryhill F.C., Ashfield F.C. and Petershill F.C., as well as countless numbers of amateur teams. Dell XPS 17-L702X Battery


Dell Inspiron 17R battery

The history of football in the city, as well as the status of the Old Firm, attracts many visitors to football matches in the city throughout the season. The Scottish Football Association, the national governing body, Dell XPS L501X Battery


Dell Inspiron N7010 batteryand the Scottish Football Museum are based in Glasgow, as are the Scottish Football League, Scottish Premier League, Scottish Junior Football Association and Scottish Amateur Football Association. Dell XPS L502X Battery

Dell XPS L701X Battery


Dell Inspiron N4010R batteryThe Glasgow Cup was a once popular tournament, which was competed for by Rangers, Celtic, Clyde, Partick Thistle and Queen's Park. The competition is now played for by the youth sides of the five teams. Dell Inspiron 14V battery


Club                 League        Venue       Capacity

Celtic F.C.       Scottish Premier League    Celtic Park        60,832

Partick Thistle F.C.   Scottish Premier League Firhill Stadium  10,887

Queen's Park F.C.     Scottish Football League Hampden Park          52,670

Rangers F.C.  Scottish Football League    Ibrox Stadium  51,082

Rugby union[edit]


Dell Inspiron N4010D battery

Glasgow has a professional rugby union club, the Glasgow Warriors, which plays in the Heineken Cup and RaboDirect PRO12 alongside teams from Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Italy.

In the Scottish League, Glasgow Hawks was formed in 1997 by the merger of two of Glasgow's oldest clubs: Glasgow Academicals and Glasgow High Kelvinside (GHK). Dell Inspiron N4020 battery


Dell Inspiron N4010 batteryDespite the merger, the second division teams of Glasgow Academicals and Glasgow High Kelvinside re-entered the Scottish rugby league in 1998.

In the South Glasgow suburb of Giffnock is based another of Glasgow's most prominent clubs Glasgow Hutchesons Aloysians RFC (GHA). GHA was formed in 2002 with the merger of two of Glasgow's leading clubs at the time, Glasgow Southern RFC and Hutchesons' Aloysians RFC. Cartha Queen's Park play at Dumbreck. Dell Inspiron N4030 battery


Dell Inspiron N3010 battery

Rugby league[edit]

The Easterhouse Panthers based in the East End of Glagow are a rugby league team who play in the Rugby League Conference Scotland Division. Scotstoun Stadium has also hosted many rugby league tournaments/events. Dell Inspiron N7110 battery


Ice hockey[edit]

The City of Glasgow has a number of ice rinks, and a temporary one is set up in George Square in the Christmas period.

Since October 2010 a team called the Braehead Clan based in the nearby Braehead Arena in Renfrewshire has played in the professional Elite Ice Hockey League alongside two other Scottish teams, the Edinburgh Capitals and the Dundee Stars. This is the first time that a top level ice hockey team has represented Glasgow. Dell Inspiron N7010R battery



The Arlington Baths Club is the oldest swimming club in the world, founded in 1870. The Club in Arlington Street, in the Woodlands area of the city is still thriving today. It is believed the Club's first Baths Master William Wilson invented water polo at the Club. The Arlington inspired other Swimming Clubs and the Western Baths, Dell Inspiron N7010D battery


Dell Inspiron N3010R batterywhich opened in 1876, is also still in existence in nearby Hillhead. Most of Glasgow's Victorian and Edwardian Municipal Pools have been closed or demolished, with the city council investing in large new leisure centres such as Tollcross, Springburn, Gorbals, Scotstoun and Bellahouston. A community group is however hoping to re-open Govanhill Baths, on the city's southside.


Dell Inspiron N5010R battery


Glasgow hosts Scotland's only professional basketball team, the Glasgow Rocks, who compete in the British Basketball League. Since moving out of Renfrewshire's Braehead Arena, the Rocks have been based at the 1,200 seater Kelvin Hall. It has been confirmed that the Rocks will be the tenants of the new stadium being constructed in the Parkhead area of the city for the Commonwealth Games. Dell Inspiron N5110 battery

Dell Inspiron N5030 battery

Other sports[edit]



Emirates Arena in Glasgow, one of the designated stadiums constructed for the 2014 Commonwealth Games

Major international sporting arenas include the Kelvin Hall and Scotstoun Sports Centre. In 2003 the National Academy for Badminton was completed in Scotstoun. In 2003, Glasgow was also given the title of European Capital of Sport.[122] Sony SVE1511A1EW Keyboard



Glasgow is also host to many cricket clubs including Clydesdale Cricket Club who have been title winners for the Scottish Cup many times. This club also acted as a neutral venue for a One Day International match between India and Pakistan in 2007, Sony SVE1511F1E Keyboard

Sony SVE1511K1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1511A1EB Keyboard but due to bad weather it was called off.

Smaller sporting facilities include an abundance of outdoor playing fields, as well as golf clubs such as Haggs Castle and artificial ski slopes. Between 1998 and 2004, the Scottish Claymores American football team played some or all of their home games each season at Hampden Park and the venue also hosted World Bowl XI. Sony SVE1511L1E Keyboard

Sony SVE1511M1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1713S1E Keyboard

Glasgow Green and the Gorbals are home to a number of rowing clubs, some with open membership the rest belonging to universities or schools. Historically, rowing races on the River Clyde here attracted huge crowds of spectators to watch regattas in the late 19th century and early 20th century;[12Sony SVE1511P1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1713C5E Keyboard3] before football caught the public imagination. Two of Glasgow's rowing clubs separately claim that it was their members who were among the founders of Rangers Football Club.[124] Sony SVE1511Q1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1712Z1E Keyboard

Motorcycle speedway racing was first introduced to Glasgow in 1928 and is currently staged at Saracen Park in the North of the city.

Glasgow is also one of five places in Scotland which hosts the final of the Scottish Cup of Shinty, better known as the Camanachd Cup. This is usually held at Old Anniesland. Once home to numerous Shinty clubs, there is now only one senior club in Glasgow, Glasgow Mid-Argyll, as well as two university sides from University of Strathclyde and University of Glasgow. Sony SVE1511V1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1712Q1E Keyboard

Glasgow is currently bidding to host the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics.[125]

2014 Commonwealth Games[edit]

See also: 2014 Commonwealth Games

On 9 November 2007, Glasgow was selected to be the host city of the 2014 Commonwealth Games. The games will be based on a number of existing and newly constructed sporting venues across the city, including a refurbished Hampden Park, Kelvingrove Park, the Kelvin Hall, and the planned Scottish National Arena at the SECC. Sony SVE1511W1E Keyboard

Sony SVE1512B1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1711X1E Keyboard The opening ceremony will be held at Celtic Park. Plans have already been drawn up for a Commonwealth Games campus in the east end of the city, which will include a new indoor arena, Sony SVE1512C6E Keyboard

Sony SVE1512J1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1711F1E Keyboard the Sir Chris Hoy velodrome and accommodation facilities in Dalmarnock and Parkhead, with an upgraded Aquatics Centre at nearby Tollcross Park. 2014 will be the third time the Games have been held in Scotland.[126][127]

The 4th Commonwealth Nations Bridge Championships will also be held in Glasgow from 8–14 September 2014.


Read more


01/07/2013 12:39



Brazil is the largest country in both South America and the Latin American region. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population,[10] with over 193 million people.[4] It is the largest Lusophone country in the world, and the only one in the Americas.[11] Dell XPS 14 battery

Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of 7,491 km (4,655 mi).[12] It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the French overseas region of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; Dell XPS 15 battery
Dell XPS 17 battery

Dell Latitude E5520 battery on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Numerous archipelagos form part of Brazilian territory, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Dell XPS L401X battery

Dell Latitude E5420 battery Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz.[12] It borders all other South American countries except Ecuador and Chile and occupies 47% of the continent of South America. Dell XPS L501X battery

Brazil was a colony of Portugal beginning from the landing of Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500, up until 1815, when it was elevated to the rank of kingdom upon the formation of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. Dell XPS L502X battery

Dell Latitude E5220 batteryThe colonial bond was in fact broken several years earlier, in 1808, when the capital of the Portuguese colonial empire was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, after Napoleon invaded Portugal.[13] Dell XPS L701X battery

Dell Latitude E6430s battery Independence was achieved in 1822 with the formation of the Empire of Brazil, a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system. The country became a presidential republic in 1889, Dell XPS L702X battery
Dell XPS M1210 battery
when a military coup d'état proclaimed the Republic, although the bicameral legislature, now called Congress, dates back to the ratification of the first constitution in 1824.[14] Its current Constitution, formulated in 1988, defines Brazil as a federal republic.[15] The Federation is formed by the union of the Federal District, Dell XPS M1330 battery

Dell Latitude E6430 battery the 26 States, and the 5,564 Municipalities.[15][16]

The Brazilian economy is the world's seventh largest by nominal GDP and the seventh largest by purchasing power parity, as of 2012.[17][ Dell XPS M140 battery

Dell Latitude E6330 battery18] A member of the BRIC group, Brazil has one of the world's fastest growing major economies, and its economic reforms have given the country new international recognition and influence.[19] Brazil's national development bank (BNDES) plays an important role for the country's economic growth. Dell XPS M1530 battery
It mostly depends on its own money and invests in big local firms. The bank's goal is to promote economic growth as well as to preserve the environment and protection of local communities.[20] Brazil is a founding member of the United Nations,[21] the G20, CPLP, Latin Union, the Organization of Ibero-American States, Dell XPS M1730 battery
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Dell Latitude E6320 batterythe Organization of American States, Mercosul and the Union of South American Nations. Brazil is one of 17 megadiverse countries, home to a variety of wildlife, natural environments, and extensive natural resources in a variety of protected habitats.[12] Brazil is considered a middle power in international affairs,[22] and has been identified as an emerging power.[23] Dell Latitude E4200 battery

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The word "Brazil" comes from brazilwood, a tree that once grew plentifully along the Brazilian coast.[24] In Portuguese, brazilwood is called pau-brasil, with the word brasil commonly given the etymology "red like an ember", formed from Latin brasa ("ember") and the suffix -il (from -iculum or -ilium).[25] Dell Latitude E5400 battery

Dell Latitude E6220 batteryAs brazilwood produces a deep red dye, it was highly valued by the European cloth industry and was the earliest commercially exploited product from Brazil.[26] Through the 16th century, massive amounts of brazilwood were harvested by indigenous peoples (mostly Tupi)
Dell Latitude E6210 battery along the Brazilian coast, who sold the timber to European traders (mostly Portuguese, but also French) in return for assorted European consumer goods.[27]

The official name of the land, in original Portuguese records, was the "Land of the Holy Cross" (Terra da Santa Cruz),[28Dell Latitude E5410 battery
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] but European sailors and merchants commonly called it simply the "Land of Brazil" (Terra do Brasil) on account of the brazilwood trade.[29] The popular appellation eclipsed and eventually supplanted the official name. Early sailors sometimes also called it the "Land of Parrots" (Terra di Papaga).[30] Dell Latitude E5500 battery

In the Guarani language, an official language of Paraguay, Brazil is called "Pindorama". This was the name the indigenous population gave to the region, meaning "land of the palm trees".[31]


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Main article: History of Brazil

Precolonial history

See also: Indigenous peoples in Brazil



Engraving representing the Tupinambás' anthropophagy ritual.

The earliest pottery ever found in the Western Hemisphere, radiocarbon-dated 8,000 years old, has been excavated in the Amazon basin of Brazil, near to-day's Santarem, providing evidence that the tropical forest region supported a complex prehistoric culture;[32] the region was inhabited by hundreds of different native tribes, Dell Latitude E6400 battery

Dell Latitude E6510 batterythe earliest going back at least 10,000 years in the highlands of Minas Gerais.[33] The territory of current day Brazil had as many as 2,000 tribes, mostly semi-nomadic who subsisted on hunting, fishing, gathering, and migrant agriculture. Dell Latitude E6400 ATG battery

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The indigenous population of Brazil was divided into large indigenous nations composed of several ethnic groups among which stand out the large groups like Tupis, Guaranis, Gês and Arawaks. The former were subdivided into Tupiniquins and Tupinambás, among many subdivision of the others.
Dell Latitude E6410 ATG batteryThe boundaries between these groups and their subgroups, before the arrival of Europeans, were marked by wars between them, arising from differences in culture, language and moral.[34] These wars also involved large-scale military actions on land and water, with ritual cannibalism on POWs.[35Dell Latitude E6500 battery
][36] While heredity had some weight, leadership status was a more subdued over time, than allocated in succession ceremonies and conventions.[37Dell Latitude E4300 battery

Dell Latitude E6410 battery] Slavery among the Indians had a different meaning than it had for Europeans, since it originated from a diverse socio-economic organization, in which asymmetries were translated into kinship relations.[38] Dell Latitude E4310 battery

When the Portuguese arrived in 1500 they saw the natives as noble savages, and miscegenation of the population began right away.[39 Dell Latitude E4320 battery] Tribal warfare, cannibalism and the pursuit of Amazonian brazilwood for its treasured red dye convinced the Portuguese that they should civilize the indigenous population.
Dell Latitude E6400 XFR batteryBut the Portuguese, like the Spanish in their South American possessions, had unknowingly brought diseases with them, against which many indigenous groups were helpless due to lack of immunity. Measles, smallpox, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, and influenza killed tens of thousands.[4Sony SVE1511A1EW battery

0] The diseases spread quickly along the indigenous trade routes, and whole tribes were likely annihilated without ever coming in direct contact with Europeans.[41]

Portuguese colonization

Main articles: Colonial Brazil, Captaincy Colonies of Brazil, Governorate General of Brazil, and State of Brazil

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The landing of Pedro Álvares Cabral, Commander of the Portuguese India Armada, at Porto Seguro, in 1500.

The land now called Brazil was claimed for the Portuguese Empire on April 22, 1500, with the arrival of the Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral.[4Sony SVE1511K1E battery

Sony SVE1511A1EB battery2] The Portuguese encountered indigenous peoples divided into several tribes, most of whom spoke languages of the Tupi–Guarani family, and fought among themselves.[4
Sony SVE1713S1E battery3] Though the first settlement was founded in 1532, colonization was effectively begun in 1534, when King Dom João III of Portugal divided the territory into the twelve private and autonomous Captaincy Colonies of Brazil.[44][45]

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Were they slaves or freemen, repression in colonial Brazil was relentless against the insurgents. Here a picture portraying the common practice of that era, the public exposure of the dismembered body of the condemned. In this case, Tiradentes.

The decentralized and unorganized tendencies of the captaincy colonies proved problematic, and in 1549 the Portuguese king restructured them into the Governorate General of Brazil, a single and centralized Portuguese colony in South America.[45Sony SVE1511M1E battery

Sony SVE1712Z1E battery][46] In the first two centuries of colonization, Indigenous and Europeans groups lived in constant war, establishing opportunistic alliances in order to gain advantages against each other.[47][48][49][50] By the mid-16th century, sugar of cane had become Brazil's most important exportation product,[43Sony SVE1511P1E battery

Sony SVE1712Q1E battery][51] and slaves purchased in Sub-Saharan Africa, in the slave market of Western Africa[52] (not only those from Portuguese allies of their colonies in Angola and Mozambique), had become its largest import,[53][54] to cope with plantations of sugarcane, due to increasing international demand for Brazilian sugar.[40][ Sony SVE1511Q1E battery

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By the end of the 17th century, sugarcane exports began to decline,[56] and the discovery of gold by bandeirantes in the 1690s, would become the new backbone of the colony's economy, fostering an Brazilian Gold Rush,[ Sony SVE1511V1E battery
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Sony SVE1711F1E battery57] attracting thousands of new settlers to Brazil, from Portugal and all Portuguese colonies around the World,[58] which in turn caused some conflicts between newcomers and old settlers.[59] Sony SVE1512B1E battery

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Portuguese expeditions known as Bandeiras gradually advanced the Portugal colonial original frontiers in South America to where lies most of the current Brazilian borders.[60][61] In this era other European powers tried to colonize parts of Brazil, in incursions that the Portuguese had to fought, notably the French in Rio during 1560s, Sony SVE1512C6E battery

Sony SVE1513Q1E battery in Maranhão during 1610s, and the Dutch in Bahia and Pernambuco, during the Dutch–Portuguese War, after the end of Iberian Union.[62]

In order to ensure the colonial order and the monopoly of exploitation by Portugal of its wealthiest and largest colony, the main political focus of the Portuguese colonial administration in
Sony SVE1513H1E batteryBrazil were bounded in successfully both keep under control and eradicate all forms of slaves' rebellion and resistance, such as the Quilombo of Palmares,[63] as well as repress all movements for autonomy or independence, as the Minas Conspiracy, eg.[64] Sony SVE1512J1E battery

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United Kingdom

Main article: United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves

In late 1807, Spanish and Napoleonic forces threatened the security of continental Portugal, causing Prince Regent João, in the name of Queen Maria I, to move the royal court from Lisbon to Brazil.[65]
Sony SVE1513D1E battery There they established some of Brazil's first financial institutions, such as its local stock exchanges,[66] a National Bank, and ended the monopoly of the colony trade with Portugal, opening it to other nations. In 1809, Sony SVE1512K1E battery
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in retaliation for being forced into exile, the Prince Regent ordered the Portuguese conquest of French Guiana.[67]

With the end of the Peninsular War in 1814, the courts of Europe demanded that Queen Maria I and Prince Regent João return to Portugal, deeming it unfit for the head of an ancient European monarchy to reside in a colony. In 1815, Sony SVE1513C4E battery
Sony SVE1513C5E battery in order to justify continuing to live in Brazil, where the royal court had thrived for the past six years, the Crown established the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves, thus creating a pluricontinental transatlantic monarchic state.[68] The Portuguese leaders demanded return of the court to Lisbon, Sony SVE14A1S1EB battery

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 as the Liberal Revolution of 1820 required, and groups of Brazilians still demanded independence and a republic, as the 1817 Pernambucan Revolt showed.[68] In 1821, as a demand of revolutionaries who had taken the city of Porto,[ Sony SVE14A1S1EP battery
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Sony VPCCB4X1E battery69] D. João VI was unable to hold out any longer, and departed for Lisbon. There he swore oath to the new constitution, leaving his son, Prince Pedro de Alcântara, as Regent of the Kingdom of Brazil.[70] Sony SVE1511R9ESI battery
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Independent empire

Main articles: Independence of Brazil and Empire of Brazil



Declaration of the Brazilian independence by the later Emperor Dom Pedro I on 7 September 1822.

Tensions between Portuguese and Brazilians increased, and the Portuguese Cortes, guided by the new political regime imposed by the 1820 Liberal Revolution, tried to re-establish Brazil as a colony.[71] Sony SVE1511W1ESI battery

Sony VPCCB3 battery The Brazilians refused to yield, and Prince Pedro decided to stand with them, declaring the country's independence from Portugal on 7 September 1822. This is now celebrated as Brazil's Independence Day.[72] Sony SVE14 battery
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On 12 October 1822, Prince Pedro was declared the first Emperor of Brazil and crowned Dom Pedro I on 1 December 1822.[73] A subsequent Brazilian War of Independence spread through northern, northeastern regions and in Cisplatina province.[74] With the last Portuguese soldiers surrendering on 8 March 1824,[75Sony SVE14A3C5E battery
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Sony VPCCB2S1E battery] Portugal officially recognized Brazil on 29 August 1825.[76]

In 7 April 1831, worn out by out wear by years ahead of power, and dissensions with both liberals as conservatives currents, including an attempt of republican secession,[77] Sony SVE1511A1E battery
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Sony VPCCB2M1E battery as well as unreconciled with the way that absolutists in Portugal had given to the succession of King John VI, Pedro I abdicated in favor of his five-year-old son and heir. (He later became Dom Pedro II,[78] The former king went to Portugal to reclaim his daughter's crown.

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Brazilian forces (in blue uniform) engage the Paraguayan army (some in red uniform and other shirtless) during the Paraguayan War.

As the new emperor could not exert his constitutional powers until he reached maturity, a regency was set up by the government. Sony SVE1513A4E battery
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Sony VPCCB2M0E battery [79] In the absence of a charismatic figure who could represent a moderate face of power, during this period a series of localized rebellions took place: the Cabanagem, the Malê Revolt, the Balaiada, the Sabinada, and the War of Tatters, arising from the discontent of the provinces with the central power, coupled with old and latent social tensions. Sony SVE1513B4E battery
Sony VPCCB2 batteryThese were unique to this former slaveholding and newly independent nation.[80] This period of internal political and social upheaval, which included the Praieira revolt, was overcome only at the end of the 1840s, years after the end of the regency.

Sony VPCCA3 battery In 1841 the court proceeded with the premature coronation of Pedro II.[81]

During the last phase of the monarchy, internal political debate was centered on the issue of slavery. The Atlantic slave trade was abandoned in 1850,[82] Sony SVE1513M1E battery

Sony VPCCA2Z0E batteryas a result of the British' Aberdeen Act. Only in May 1888 after a long process of internal mobilization and debate for an ethical and legal dismantling of slavery in the country, was the institution formally abolished.[83] Sony SVE1513V1E battery
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Long after the Cisplatine War (1825-1828), that resulted in independence for Uruguay,[84] Brazil won three international wars during the 58-year reign of Pedro II. These were the Platine , the Uruguayan, and the devastating Paraguayan wars.[85][86] Sony SVE17 battery

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On November 15, 1889, the monarchy was overthrown by a military coup. The majority of Army officers, as well as rural and financial elites (for different reasons), had supported this because of the country's continuing economic problems.[87] Sony VPCCA1C5E battery
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Early republic



In half of the first 100 years of republic in Brazil, the Army exercised power directly or through figures designated by it. Getúlio Vargas (center, bald, no hat), for example was the military's confidence man brought to power In October, 1930.

Main articles: República Velha, Estado Novo (Brazil), and Second Brazilian Republic Sony SVS13A1S9E battery

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The "early republican government was little more than a military dictatorship, with army dominating affairs both at Rio de Janeiro and in the states. Freedom of the press disappeared and elections were controlled by those in power".[88] In 1894, following severe military and economic crises, the republican civilians rose to power.[89][9Sony SVS13A1X9E battery

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Little by little, a cycle of general instability sparked by these crises undermined the regime to such an extent, that by 1930 in the wake of the murder of his running mate, it was possible for the defeated opposition presidential candidate Getúlio Vargas supported by most of the military, led a successful revolt.[92][9Sony SVS1312J3E battery
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Sony VPCSA3Z9E battery3] Vargas was supposed to assume power temporarily, but instead closed the Congress, extinguished the Constitution, ruled with emergency powers and replaced the states' governors with his supporters.[94][95Sony SVS1312S9E battery
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In the 1930s, three major attempts to remove Vargas and his supporters from power occurred: in the second half of 1932, in November 1935, and in May 1938.[96][97][98] Being the second one, the communist revolt which served as an excuse for the preclusion of elections, put into effect by a coup d'état in 1937, Sony SVS1511S9E battery
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Sony VPCSA3N9E battery which made the Vargas regime a full dictatorship, noted for its brutality and censorship of the press.[99]

In foreign policy, the success in resolving border disputes with neighboring countries in the early years of the republican period,[100] was followed by a failed attempt to exert a prominent role in the League of Nations,[101Sony SVS1511S3R battery
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Sony VPCSB1V9E battery] after its involvement in World War I.[102][103] In World War II Brazil remained neutral until August 1942, when the country entered on the allied side,[104][105] after suffering retaliations undertaken by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, due to the country having severed diplomatic relations with them in the wake of the Pan-American Conference.[1Sony VPCSB1X9E battery
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With the allied victory in 1945 and the end of the Nazi-fascist regimes in Europe, Vargas's position became unsustainable and he was swiftly overthrown in another military coup, with Democracy being "reinstated" by the same army that had discontinued it 15 years before.[107] Vargas committed suicide in August 1954 amid a political crisis, after having returned to power by election in 1950.[108][109] Sony VPCSB2M9E battery
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Contemporary era

Main articles: Brazilian military government and History of Brazil since 1985

Several brief interim governments succeeded after Vargas's suicide.[110] Juscelino Kubitschek became president in 1956 and assumed a conciliatory posture towards the political opposition that allowed him to govern without major crises.[111] Sony VPCSB3M9E battery
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Sony VPCSB1A9E battery The economy and industrial sector grew remarkably,[112] but his greatest achievement was the construction of the new capital city of Brasília, inaugurated in 1960.[113] His successor was Jânio Quadros, who resigned in 1961 less than a year after taking office.[114] His vice-president, Sony VPCSB3S9E battery

Sony VPCSE2S1E battery João Goulart, assumed the presidency, but aroused strong political opposition[115] and was deposed in April 1964 by a coup that resulted in a military regime.[116]

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Lula da Silva, t. 2003 to 2011, saw Brazil attain the world's 6th largest GDP.

The new regime was intended to be transitory[117] but it gradually closed in on itself and became a full dictatorship with the promulgation of the Fifth Institutional Act in 1968.[11Sony VPCSB3X9E battery

Sony VPCSE2M9E battery8] The repression was not limited only to those who resorted to guerrilla to fight the regime, but also reached institutional opponents, artists, journalists and other members of civil society,[119][120Sony VPCSB4L1E battery

Sony VPCSE2L9E battery] inside and outside the country (through the infamous "Operation Condor").[121][122] Despite its brutality, like other totalitarian regimes in history, due to an economic boom, known as an "economic miracle", the regime reached its highest level of popularity in early 1970s.[123] Sony VPCSB4M9E battery

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Slowly however, the wear and tear of years of dictatorial power that has not slowed the repression, even after the defeat of the leftist guerrillas,[12Sony VPCSB4X9E battery

Sony VPCSE1Z9E battery4] plus the inability to deal with the economic crises of the period and popular pressure, made it inevitable an opening policy, which of the regime side was led by Generals Geisel and Golbery.[125] Sony VPCSE battery

Sony VPCSE1V9E battery With the enactment of the Amnesty Law in 1979, Brazil began to slowly return to democracy, which would be completed along the 1980s.[81] Sony VPCSE1E1E battery
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Civilians returned to power in 1985 when José Sarney assumed the presidency, 125 becoming unpopular during his tenure due his failure in control the economic crisis and hyperinflation inherited from the military regime.[12Sony vgp-bps24 battery

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6] Sarney's unsuccessful government allowed the election in 1989 of the almost unknown Fernando Collor, who was subsequently impeached by the National Congress in 1992.[127] Collor was succeeded by his Vice-President Itamar Franco, Sony vgp-bpsc24 battery

Sony SVE171A11M batterywho appointed Fernando Henrique Cardoso as Minister of Finance. In 1994, Cardoso produced a highly successful Plano Real,[1Sony VPCSD1S1C battery
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Sony VPCSA2Z9E battery28] that after decades of failed economic plans made by previous governments attempting to curb hyperinflation, finally granted stability to the Brazilian economy,[129][130] leading Cardoso to be elected that year, and again in 1998.[131]

The peaceful transition of power from Fernando Henrique to his main opposition leader, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, who was elected in 2002 and re-elected in 2006, Sony PCG-4121DM battery

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 proved that Brazil had finally succeeded in achieving its long-sought political stability.[132] Lula was succeeded in 2011 by the current president, Dilma Rousseff, the country's first woman president and as such one of the most powerful women in the world.[133][134] Sony PCG-4121EM battery


In June 2013, following the same viral phenomenon process of earlier manifestations Worldwide (such as the "Arab Spring", the "Occupy Wall Street" and the "Spanish Indignados"),[135] numerous protests erupted in Brazil. For days, Sony PCG-41211M battery
hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in several cities to protest.[136] Initially, a movement against the increase on public transport fares, it gained gigantic proportions sparked by the excessive use of force by the state polices, turning into a series of huge demonstrations by groups and individuals, Sony PCG-41213M battery

Sony PCG-41214M battery irate over a range of issues (including those ones about new stadium projects for international sports events, as well as demands on quality of public services and a diffuse anger against corruption),[137Sony PCG-41218M battery
Sony PCG-41414M battery] becoming as a result of this, in a motion that contains within it, conflicting ideologies, and so far, has not a single political agenda or a recognizable leadership.[138][139][140] Sony VPCCA4S1E battery
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Main article: Geography of Brazil



Iguazu Falls in Paraná

Brazil occupies a large area along the eastern coast of South America and includes much of the continent's interior,[141] sharing land borders with Uruguay to the south; Argentina and Paraguay to the southwest; Bolivia and Peru to the west; Sony VPCCA3S1E battery

Sony SVS1511L3ES batteryColombia to the northwest; and Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and the French overseas department of French Guiana to the north. It shares a border with every country in South America except for Ecuador and Chile. It also encompasses a number of oceanic archipelagos, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz.[12Sony VPCCA2S1E battery
] Its size, relief, climate, and natural resources make Brazil geographically diverse.[141] Including its Atlantic islands, Brazil lies between latitudes 6°N and 34°S, and longitudes 28° and 74°W.

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, and third largest in the Americas, with a total area of 8,514,876.599 km2 (3,287,612 sq mi),[142] including 55,455 km2 (21,411 sq mi) of water.[12
Sony SVS1311P9EB battery] It spans three time zones; from UTC-4 in the western states, to UTC-3 in the eastern states (and the official time of Brazil) and UTC-2 in the Atlantic islands.[143] Brazil is the only country in the world that lies on the equator while having contiguous territory outside the tropics. Brazilian topography is also diverse and includes hills, mountains, plains, highlands, and scrublands. Much of the terrain lies between 200 metres (660 ft) Sony SVS13A1U9ES battery

Sony SVS1311E3EW batteryand 800 metres (2,600 ft) in elevation.[144] The main upland area occupies most of the southern half of the country.[144] The northwestern parts of the plateau consist of broad, rolling terrain broken by low, rounded hills.[144] Sony SVS13AA11M battery
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The southeastern section is more rugged, with a complex mass of ridges and mountain ranges reaching elevations of up to 1,200 metres (3,900 ft).[144] These ranges include the Mantiqueira and Espinhaço mountains and the Serra do Mar.[144Sony SVS151A11M battery
Sony SVS151A12M battery] In the north, the Guiana Highlands form a major drainage divide, separating rivers that flow south into the Amazon Basin from rivers that empty into the Orinoco River system, in Venezuela, to the north. The highest point in Brazil is the Pico da Neblina at 2,994 metres (9,823 ft), and the lowest is the Atlantic Ocean.[12] Sony PCG-41311M battery

Brazil has a dense and complex system of rivers, one of the world's most extensive, with eight major drainage basins, all of which drain into the Atlantic.[145Sony PCG-41313M battery



] Major rivers include the Amazon (the world's second-longest river and the largest in terms of volume of water), the Paraná and its major tributary the Iguaçu (which includes the Iguazu Falls), the Negro, São Francisco, Xingu, Madeira and Tapajós rivers.[145] Sony PCG-41314M battery


Main article: Climate of Brazil



Tropical climate in the archipelago Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco.

The climate of Brazil comprises a wide range of weather conditions across a large area and varied topography, but most of the country is tropical.[12] According to the Köppen system, Brazil hosts five major climatic subtypes: equatorial, tropical, Sony PCG-41315M battery

semiarid, highland tropical, temperate, and subtropical. The different climatic conditions produce environments ranging from equatorial rainforests in the north and semiarid deserts in the northeast, to temperate coniferous forests in the south and tropical savannas in central Brazil.[146] Many regions have starkly different microclimates.[147][ Sony VPCZ13 battery


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An equatorial climate characterizes much of northern Brazil. There is no real dry season, but there are some variations in the period of the year when most rain falls.[146] Temperatures average 25 °C (77 °F),[148] with more significant temperature variation between night and day than between seasons.[147] Sony VPCZ13M9E/B battery

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Over central Brazil rainfall is more seasonal, characteristic of a savanna climate.[147] This region is as extensive as the Amazon basin but has a very different climate as it lies farther south at a higher altitude.[1Sony VPCZ13Z9E/X battery

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46] In the interior northeast, seasonal rainfall is even more extreme. The semiarid climatic region generally receives less than 800 millimetres (31.5 in) of rain,[149] most of which generally falls in a period of three to five months of the year[150] and occasionally less than this, creating long periods of drought.[14Sony VPCZ23K9E battery

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7] Brazil's 1877–78 Grande Seca (Great Drought), the most severe ever recorded in Brazil,[151] caused approximately half a million deaths.[152] The one from 1915 was devastating too.[153]

South of Bahia, near the coasts, and more southerly most of the state of São Paulo, the distribution of rainfall changes, Sony VGP-BPS20/B battery

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Sony VPCZ23M9E batterywith rain falling throughout the year.[146] The south enjoys temperate conditions, with cool winters and average annual temperatures not exceeding 18 °C (64.4 °F);[148] winter frosts are quite common, with occasional snowfall in the highest areas.[146][147]

Biodiversity Sony VPCZ11 battery


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Main articles: Wildlife of Brazil and Deforestation in Brazil


Toco Toucan


Brazil's large territory comprises different ecosystems, such as the Amazon rainforest, recognized as having the greatest biological diversity in the world,[154] with the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado, sustaining the greatest biodiversity.[1Sony VPCZ11X9E battery

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Sony VPCZ21V9E battery55] In the south, the Araucaria pine forest grows under temperate conditions.[155] The rich wildlife of Brazil reflects the variety of natural habitats. Scientists estimate that the total number of plant and animal species in Brazil could approach four million.[155]


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Larger mammals include pumas, jaguars, ocelots, rare bush dogs, and foxes; peccaries, tapirs, anteaters, sloths, opossums, and armadillos are abundant. Deer are plentiful in the south, and many species of New World monkeys are found in the northern rain forests.[155] Sony VPCZ11Z9E battery


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/B battery [156] Concern for the environment has grown in response to global interest in environmental issues.[157] Biodiversity can contribute to agriculture, livestock, forestry and fisheries extraction. However, almost all economically exploited species of plants, such as soybeans and coffee, or animals, such as chicken,


Sony VPCZ12X9E/B battery are imported from other countries, and the economic use of native species still crawls. In the Brazilian GDP, the forest sector represents just over 1% and fishing 0.4%.


See also: Conservation in Brazil

The natural heritage of Brazil is severely threatened by cattle ranching and agriculture, logging, mining, resettlement, oil and gas extraction, over-fishing, wildlife trade, dams and infrastructure, water pollution, climate change, fire, and invasive species.[1Sony VPCZ11Z9E/B battery

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Sony VPCZ12V9E/B battery54] In many areas of the country, the natural environment is threatened by development.[158] Construction of highways has opened up previously remote areas for agriculture and settlement; dams have flooded valleys and inundated wildlife habitats; and mines have scarred and polluted the landscape.[157] Sony VPCZ12M9E battery

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Sony VPCZ12V9E battery [159] At least 70 dams are said to be planned for the Amazon region, including controversial Belo Monte hydroelectric dam.[160]

Government and politics


Main articles: Politics of Brazil, Federal government of Brazil, and Elections in Brazil



Dilma Rousseff, current President of Brazil

The Brazilian Federation is the "indissoluble union" of three distinct political entities: the States, the Municipalities and the Federal District.[15] The Union, the states and the Federal District, and the municipalities, are the "spheres of government. Sony PCG-4R2M battery

" The Federation is set on five fundamental principles:[15] sovereignty, citizenship, dignity of human beings, the social values of labour and freedom of enterprise, and political pluralism. The classic tripartite branches of government (executive, Sony VGP-BPS20 battery


Sony VGN-Z11VN/X battery legislative, and judicial under a checks and balances system), is formally established by the Constitution.[15] The executive and legislative are organized independently in all three spheres of government, while the judiciary is organized only at the federal and state/Federal District spheres. Sony VGN-TT1RLN/B battery

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All members of the executive and legislative branches are directly elected.[161][162][163] Judges and other judicial officials are appointed after passing entry exams.[16Sony VGN-TT1RWN/X battery

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Sony VGN-Z51WG/B battery1] For most of its democratic history, Brazil has had a multi-party system, proportional representation. Voting is compulsory for the literate between 18 and 70 years old and optional for illiterates and those between 16 and 18 or beyond 70.[15] Sony VGN-TT11M/N battery


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Together with several smaller parties, four political parties stand out: Workers' Party (PT), Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB), and Democrats (DEM). Fifteen political parties are represented in Congress. It is common for politicians to switch parties, Sony VGN-TT11RM/N battery

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Sony VGN-Z51XTG/B battery and thus the proportion of congressional seats held by particular parties changes regularly.[164] Almost all governmental and administrative functions are exercised by authorities and agencies affiliated to the Executive. Sony VGN-TT11WN/B battery


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The form of government is that of a democratic republic, with a presidential system.[15] The president is both head of state and head of government of the Union and is elected for a four-year term,[15Sony VGN-TT11XN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z41WD/B battery] with the possibility of re-election for a second successive term. The current president is Dilma Rousseff who was inaugurated on 1 January 2011.[165] The President appoints the Ministers of State, who assist in government.[15Sony VGN-TT21JN/B battery

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Sony VGP-BPS12/Q battery] Legislative houses in each political entity are the main source of law in Brazil. The National Congress is the Federation's bicameral legislature, consisting of the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate. Judiciary authorities exercise jurisdictional duties almost exclusively. Sony VGN-TT21WN/B battery

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Law and Order

Main articles: Law of Brazil and Crime in Brazil

Brazilian law is based on Roman-Germanic traditions[166] and civil law concepts prevail over common law practice. Most of Brazilian law is codified, although non-codified statutes also represent a substantial part, playing a complementary role. Sony VGN-TT46MG/W battery


Sony VGP-BPS12 batteryCourt decisions set out interpretive guidelines; however, they are seldom binding on other specific cases. Doctrinal works and the works of academic jurists have strong influence in law creation and in law cases.



Supreme Federal Court of Brazil serves primarily as the Constitutional Court of the country

The legal system is based on the Federal Constitution, which was promulgated on 5 October 1988, and is the fundamental law of Brazil. All other legislation and court decisions must conform to its rules.[167] As of April 2007, there have been 53 amendments. Sony VGN-TT46SG/W battery

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Sony VGP-BPL12 batteryStates have their own constitutions, which must not contradict the Federal Constitution.[168] Municipalities and the Federal District have "organic laws" (leis orgânicas), which act in a similar way to constitutions.[169] Legislative entities are the main source of statutes, although in certain matters judiciary and executive bodies may enact legal norms.[ Sony VGP-BPL14/B battery


Sony VGN-Z battery15] Jurisdiction is administered by the judiciary entities, although in rare situations the Federal Constitution allows the Federal Senate to pass on legal judgments.[15] There are also specialized military, labor, and electoral courts.[15] The highest court is the Supreme Federal Court. Sony VGP-BPL14/S battery

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This system has been criticised over the last few decades for the slow pace of decision making. Lawsuits on appeal may take several years to resolve, and in some cases more than a decade elapses before definitive rulings.[170] Sony VGP-BPS14/B battery

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Sony VGN-Z51XG battery Nevertheless, the Supreme Federal Tribunal was the first court in the world to transmit its sessions on television, and also via YouTube.[171][172] More recently, in December 2009, the Supreme Court adopted Twitter to display items on the day planner of the ministers, to inform the daily actions of the Court and the most important decisions made by them.[173]


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Brazil continues to have high crime rates in a number of statistics, despite recent improvements. More than 500,000 people have been killed by firearms in Brazil between 1979 and 2003, according to a report by the United Nations.[174] Sony VGN-Z11MN/B battery

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As of December 2012, there were 548,003 people incarcerated in Brazilian prisons or jails (513,713 in prison system and 34,290 in police facilities), constituting 274 inmates per 100,000 of national population.[175] Sony VGN-Z11XN/X battery


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Foreign policy

Main article: Foreign relations of Brazil



Diplomatic missions of Brazil


  Nations hosting a diplomatic mission of Brazil

  Nations with a non-resident mission of Brazil

Brazil's international relations are based on article 4 of the Federal Constitution, which establishes non-intervention, self-determination, international cooperation and the peaceful settlement of conflicts as the guiding principles of Brazil's relationship with other countries and multilateral organizations.[176] Sony VGN-Z21 battery

According to the Constitution, the President has ultimate authority over foreign policy, while Congress is tasked with reviewing and considering all diplomatic nominations and international treaties, as well as legislation relating to Brazilian foreign policy.[177] Sony VGN-Z21MN/B battery


Brazil's foreign policy is a by-product of the country's unique position as a regional power in Latin America, a leader among developing countries, and an emerging world power.[178] Sony VGN-Z21WN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z31ZN/B battery Brazilian foreign policy has generally been based on the principles of multilateralism, peaceful dispute settlement, and non-intervention in the affairs of other countries.[179]


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An increasingly well-developed tool of Brazil's foreign policy is providing aid as a donor to other developing countries.[180] Brazil does not just use its growing economic strength to provide financial aid, but it also provides high levels of expertise and most importantly of all, a quiet non-confrontational diplomacy to improve governance levels.[18Sony VGN-Z21XN battery


Sony VGN-Z31VN/X battery0] Total aid is estimated to be around $1 billion per year that includes:[180]

technical cooperation of around $480 million ($30 million in 2010 provided directly by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC)) Sony VGN-Z21ZN/X battery


an estimated $450 million for in-kind expertise provided by Brazilian institutions specialising in technical cooperation

In addition, Brazil manages a peacekeeping mission in Haiti ($350 million) and makes in-kind contributions to the World Food Programme ($300 million).[180Sony VGN-Z31 battery

Sony VGN-Z31MN/B battery] This is in addition to humanitarian assistance and contributions to multilateral development agencies. The scale of this aid places it on par with China and India and ahead of many western donors.[180] The Brazilian South-South aid has been described as a "global model in waiting."[181] Sony SVS13A1S9E battery

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Main article: Brazilian Armed Forces



The two Minas Geraes class ships kindled a South American dreadnought race (c. 1908–14)

The armed forces of Brazil, largest in Latin America,[182] consist of the Brazilian Army, the Brazilian Navy, and the Brazilian Air Force with a total of 371,199 active personnel.[183]

The Army has 235,978 active personnel.[1Sony SVS13A1X9E battery

Sony VPCSB4X9E battery84] The Military Police (States' Military Police) is described as an ancillary force of the Army by the constitution, but is under the control of each state's governor.[15] The Navy once operated some of the most powerful warships in the world with the two Minas Geraes-class dreadnoughts, Sony SVS1312J3E battery

Sony VPCSB4M9E batterywhich sparked a South American dreadnought race between Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.[185] Today, it is a green water force and one of the ten navies that possesses an aircraft carrier.[186] The Air Force has about 700 manned aircraft in service.[187]

Brazil has not been invaded since 1865 during the Paraguayan War.[ Sony SVS1312P9E battery
Sony SVS1312S9E battery
188] Additionally, Brazil has no contested territorial disputes with any of its neighbours[189] and neither does it have rivalries, like Chile and Bolivia have with each other.[190][191] Since 1648 the Brazilian Armed Forces have been relied upon to fight in defense of Brazilian sovereignty and to suppress civil rebellions. Sony SVS1313C5E battery
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Sony VPCSB4L1E batteryThe Brazilian military has also four times intervened militarily to overthrow the Brazilian government.[192] It has built a tradition of participating in UN peacekeeping missions such as in Haiti and East Timor.[193]

Administrative divisions Sony SVS1511S9E battery

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Main articles: States of Brazil and Municipalities of Brazil

See also: Regions of Brazil

Brazil is a federation composed of 26 States, one Federal district (which contains the capital city, Brasília) and Municipalities.[15Sony SVS1512X9E battery
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Sony VPCSB3T9E battery] States have autonomous administrations, collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes collected by the Federal government. They have a governor and a unicameral legislative body elected directly by their voters. They also have independent Courts of Law for common justice. Despite this, Sony SVS1511S3R battery

Sony VPCSB3S9E battery states have much less autonomy to create their own laws than in the United States. For example, criminal and civil laws can only be voted by the federal bicameral Congress and are uniform throughout the country.[15] Sony VPCSA battery

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The states and the federal district may be grouped into regions: Northern, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast and Southern. The Brazilian regions are merely geographical, not political or administrative divisions, Sony VPCSA3T9E battery

Sony VPCSB3M9E batteryand they do not have any specific form of government. Although defined by law, Brazilian regions are useful mainly for statistical purposes, and also to define the distribution of federal funds in development projects. Sony VPCSB1X9E battery

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Municipalities, as the states, have autonomous administrations, collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes collected by the Union and state government.[15Sony VPCSB1Z9E battery

Sony VPCSB2M9E battery] Each has a mayor and an elected legislative body, but no separate Court of Law. Indeed, a Court of Law organized by the state can encompass many municipalities in a single justice administrative division called comarca (county). Sony VPCSB2C5021B battery
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Main article: Economy of Brazil

See also: Brazilian real



An Embraer ERJ-135 commercial jet. Brazil is the third-largest commercial aircraft manufacturer in the world,[194] and the fourth-largest aircraft producer when including business jets into account.[195] Sony VPCSE1E1E battery

Sony VPCSA2Z9E battery

Brazil is the largest national economy in Latin America, the world's seventh largest economy at market exchange rates and the seventh largest in purchasing power parity (PPP), according to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Sony VPCSE1J1E battery
Sony VPCSE1V9E battery

Sony SVS15 battery Brazil has a mixed economy with abundant natural resources. The Brazilian economy has been predicted to become one of the five largest in the world in the decades to come, the GDP per capita following and growing,[196Sony VPCSE1Z9E battery
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Sony VPCSD1S1C battery] provided that large investments in productivity gains are made to substitute the GDP growth of the last decade that is attributable to the increase in the number of people working.[197] Its current GDP (PPP) per capita is $10,200, Sony VPCSE2L9E battery
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Sony vgp-bpsc24 batteryputting Brazil in the 64th position according to World Bank data. Active in agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service sectors Brazil has a labor force of over a 107 million (ranking 6th worldwide) and unemployment of 6.2% (ranking 64th worldwide).[198] Sony VPCSE2S1E battery

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The country has been expanding its presence in international financial and commodities markets, and is one of a group of four emerging economies called the BRIC countries.[199] Major export products include aircraft, electrical equipment, automobiles, ethanol, textiles, footwear, iron ore, steel, coffee, orange juice, soybeans and corned beef.,[2Sony VPCSB1A9E battery
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Sony VPCSE2E1E battery00] and has the fourth largest car market in the world.[201] Adding up, Brazil ranks 23rd worldwide in value of exports.



Oil platform P-51 Petrobras Petrobras.

Brazil pegged its currency, the real, to the U.S. dollar in 1994. However, after the East Asian financial crisis, the Russian default in 1998[202] and the series of adverse financial events that followed it, the Central Bank of Brazil temporarily changed its monetary policy to a managed-float[citation needed] Sony VPCSB1S1E battery
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Sony VPCSE1X9E battery scheme while undergoing a currency crisis, until definitively changing the exchange regime to free-float in January 1999.[203]

Brazil received an International Monetary Fund rescue package in mid-2002 of $30.4 billion,[204] then a record sum. Brazil's central bank paid back the IMF loan in 2005, although it was not due to be repaid until 2006.[2Sony VPCSA3M9E battery

Sony SVS1511X9E battery05] One of the issues the Central Bank of Brazil recently dealt with was an excess of speculative short-term capital inflows to the country, which may have contributed to a fall in the value of the U.S. dollar against the real during that period.[206] Nonetheless, foreign direct investment (FDI), Sony VPCSA3N9E battery
Sony VPCSA3S9E battery

Sony SVS1511V9E battery related to long-term, less speculative investment in production, is estimated to be $193.8 billion for 2007.[207] Inflation monitoring and control currently plays a major part in the Central bank's role of setting out short-term interest rates as a monetary policy measure.[208]
Sony SVS1511T9E battery

Between 1993 and 2010, 7012 mergers & acquisitions with a total known value of $707 billion with the involvement of Brazlian firms have been announced.[20Sony VPCSB battery

Sony SVS1511L3E battery
Sony SVS1511Q9E battery9] The year 2010 was a new record in terms of value with 115 billion USD of transactions. The largest transaction with involvement of Brazilian companies has been: Cia Vale do Rio Doce acquired Inco in a tender offer valued at US$18.9 billion. Sony VPCSA3X9E battery
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Corruption costs Brazil almost $41 billion a year alone, with 69.9% of the country's firms identifying the issue as a major constraint in successfully penetrating the global market.[210] Local government corruption is so prevalent that voters only perceive it as a problem if it surpasses certain levels, and only if a local media e.g. Sony SVS13A1V9E battery

Sony SVS1313P9E battery a radio station is present to divulge the findings of corruption charges.[211] Initiatives, like this exposure, strengthen awareness which is indicated by the Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index; ranking Brazil 69th out of 178 countries in 2012.[212] The purchasing power in Brazil is eroded by the so-called Brazil cost.[213] Sony SVS13A1Y9E battery

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Main article: Tourism in Brazil


Rio de Janeiro, the most visited destination in Brazil by foreign tourists for leisure trips, and second place for business travel

São Paulo, the most visited destination in Brazil for foreign tourists who travel on business, and third place to travel for leisure. Sony SVS13A1Z9E battery

Sony SVS1311Q9E battery

Tourism in Brazil is a growing sector and key to the economy of several regions of the country. The country had 5.1 million visitors in 2010, ranking in terms of the international tourist arrivals as the second main destination in South America, Sony SVS1311F3E battery
and third in Latin America after Mexico and Argentina. Revenues from international tourists reached US$5.9 billion in 2010, showing a recovery from the 2008-2009 economic crisis.[214] Historical records of 5.4 million visitors and US$6.775 billion in receipts were reached in 2011.[215][216] Sony SVS1311G4E battery
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Among the most popular destinations are the Amazon Rainforest, beaches and dunes in the Northeast Region, the Pantanal in the Center-West Region, beaches at Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, cultural and historic tourism in Minas Gerais and business trips to São Paulo city.[217] Sony SVS13AA11M battery
Most international visitors in 2011 came from Argentina (30.8%), from the United States (11.5%) and from Uruguay (5.0%), while as a region most visitors came from neighboring South American countries, mainly from Mercosul.[218] Sony SVS131B12M battery
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 Domestic tourism is a fundamental market segment for the industry, as 51 million traveled throughout the country in 2005,[218]



Components and energy

Main articles: Agriculture in Brazil, Industry in Brazil, and Energy policy of Brazil



The Itaipu Dam hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River located on the border between Brazil and Paraguay

Brazil's diversified economy includes agriculture, industry, and a wide range of services.[219] Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry, logging and fishing accounted for 5.1% of the gross domestic product in 2007.[ Sony SVS1311E3EW battery

Sony SVE1512B1E battery220] Brazil is one of the largest producer of oranges, coffee, sugar cane, cassava and sisal, soybeans and papayas.[221]

The industry — from automobiles, steel and petrochemicals to computers, aircraft, and consumer durables— accounted for 30.8% of the gross domestic product.[220Sony SVS1311P9EB battery
Sony SVS1511L3ES battery

Sony SVE1511W1E battery] Industry is highly concentrated in metropolitan São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Campinas, Porto Alegre, and Belo Horizonte.[222]

Brazil is the world's tenth largest energy consumer with much of its energy coming from renewable sources, particularly hydroelectricity and ethanol; the Itaipu Dam is the world's largest hydroelectric plant by energy generation.[223] Sony SVS1511M3EW battery

Sony SVE1511V1E battery The first car with an ethanol engine was produced in 1978 and the first airplane engine running on ethanol in 2005.[224] Recent oil discoveries in the Pre-salt layer have opened the door for a large increase in oil production.[22Sony SVS1511N3ES battery
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Sony SVE1511Q1E battery5] The governmental agencies responsible for the energy policy are the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the National Council for Energy Policy, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels, and the National Agency of Electricity.[226]

Science and technology

Main article: Brazilian science and technology

Sony SVS1511V9EB battery

Sony SVE1511P1E battery


National Synchrotron Light Laboratory in Campinas, state of São Paulo, the only particle accelerator in Latin America.

Technological research in Brazil is largely carried out in public universities and research institutes, with the majority of funding for basic research coming from various government agencies.[227] Brazil's most esteemed technological hubs are the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Sony SVS1511V9ES battery

Sony SVE1511M1E battery the Butantan Institute, the Air Force's Aerospace Technical Center, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation and the INPE.[228][229] The Brazilian Space Agency has the most advanced space program in Latin America.[230] Sony SVS1511W9EB battery

Sony SVE1511L1E battery

Uranium is enriched at the Resende Nuclear Fuel Factory, mostly for research purposes (as Brazil obtains 88% from its electricity from hydroelectricity[231]) and the country's first nuclear submarine will be delivered in 2015 (by France).[232Sony VPCSA3Q9E battery

Sony SVE1511K1E battery] Brazil is one of the three countries in Latin America[233] with an operational Synchrotron Laboratory, a research facility on physics, chemistry, material science and life sciences. And Brazil is the only Latin American country to have a semiconductor company with its own fabrication plant, the CEITEC.[234] Sony VPCSB4S9E battery
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Main article: Transport in Brazil



The Marginal Pinheiros is a main traffic artery in São Paulo. Pictured is the Octávio Frias de Oliveira Bridge over the Pinheiros River.

Brazilian roads are the primary carriers of freight and passenger traffic. The road system totalled 1.98 million km (1.23 million mi) in 2002. The total of paved roads increased from 35,496 km (22,056 mi) in 1967 to 184,140 km (114,425 mi) in 2002.[235] Sony VPCSE2V9E battery
Sony PCG-4121DM battery

Sony SVE1511A1EW battery

Brazil's railway system has been declining since 1945, when emphasis shifted to highway construction. The total length of railway track was 30,875 km (19,186 mi) in 2002, as compared with 31,848 km (19,789 mi) in 1970. Most of the railway system belonged to the Federal Railroad Corporation RFFSA, which was privatized in 2007.[23Sony PCG-4121EM battery

Sony PCG-4121GM battery6] The São Paulo Metro was the first underground transit system in Brazil. The other metro systems are in Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Recife, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Teresina and Fortaleza. Sony SVE1512J1E battery

Sony VPCCA3E1E battery

There are about 2,500 airports in Brazil, including landing fields: the second largest number in the world, after the United States.[237] São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport, near São Paulo, is the largest and busiest airport with nearly 20 million passengers annually, while handling the vast majority of commercial traffic for the country.[238] Sony PCG-41211M battery
Sony PCG-41213M battery

For freight transport waterways are of importance, e.g. the industrial zones of Manaus can only be reached by means of the Solimões- Amazonas waterway (3250 km with 6 meters minimum depth). Sony SVE1512K1E battery
Sony VPCCB4X1E battery

Coastal shipping links widely separated parts of the country. Bolivia and Paraguay have been given free ports at Santos. Of the 36 deep-water ports, Santos, Itajaí, Rio Grande, Paranaguá, Rio de Janeiro, Sony SVE1512M1E battery
VPCCB3P1E battery
 Sepetiba, Vitória, Suape, Manaus and São Francisco do Sul are the most important.[239] Bulk carriers have to wait up to 18 days before being serviced, container ships 36,3 hours on average [240] Sony SVE1513C4E battery

Sony VPCCB3 battery


Main article: Health in Brazil



The Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo is one of the most well-known health units in Brazil

The Brazilian public health system, the National Health System (SUS), Sony VGN-Z11WN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51XG batteryis managed and provided by all levels of government.[241] The public health services are universal and available to all citizens of the country for free. Nevertheless millions of affluent Brazilians have private health care coverage.[242] Sony SVE1513C5E battery

Sony VPCCB2S1E battery

According to the Brazilian Government, the most serious health problems are:[243]

Childhood mortality: about 2.51% of childhood mortality, reaching 3.77% in the northeast region.

Motherhood mortality: about 73.1 deaths per 100,000 born children in 2002. Sony SVE1513D1E battery

Sony VPCCB2M1E battery

Mortality by non-transmissible illness: 151.7 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants caused by heart and circulatory diseases, along with 72.7 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants caused by cancer. Sony VGN-Z11XN/X battery


Sony VGN-Z51WG battery

Mortality caused by external causes (transportation, violence and suicide): 71.7 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants (14.9% of all deaths in the country), reaching 82.3 deaths in the southeast region. Sony SVE1513H1E battery

Sony VPCCB2M0E battery

In 2002, Brazil accounted for 40% of malaria cases in the Americas.[244] Nearly 99% are concentrated in the Legal Amazon Region, which is home to not more than 12% of the population.[244] Sony SVE1513Q1E battery

Sony VPCCB2 battery


Main article: Education in Brazil



Law Faculty of (USP), recently voted the best university in Latin America.[245]

The Federal Constitution and the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education determine that the Federal Government, States, Federal District and municipalities must manage and organize their respective education systems. Sony SVE1711R1E battery

Sony SVE1513E9E battery Each of these public educational systems is responsible for its own maintenance, which manages funds as well as the mechanisms and funding sources. The constitution reserves 25% of the state budget and 18% of federal taxes and municipal taxes for education.[246] Sony SVE1711F1E battery

Sony VPCCA3 battery

According to the IBGE, in 2011, the literacy rate of the population was 90.4%, meaning that 13 million (9.6% of population) people are still illiterate in the country; functional illiteracy has reached 21.6% of the population.[247] Illiteracy is highest in the Northeast, where 19.9% of the population is illiterate.[248] Sony PCG-41414M battery

Higher education starts with undergraduate or sequential courses, which may offer different options of specialization in academic or professional careers. Depending on the choice, Sony SVE1711X1E battery

Sony VPCCA2Z0E battery students can improve their educational background with courses of post-graduate studies or broad sense. To attend a higher education institution is required, Sony PCG-41214M battery by Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education, Sony VGN-Z21 battery

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Sony VGN-Z51 batterycompleting all levels of education suited to the needs of all students of teaching kindergarten, elementary and medium, provided the student does not hold any disability, whether physical, mental, visual or hearing. Sony PCG-41218M battery


Main article: Communications in Brazil



Headquarters of Rede Globo in São Paulo, the second largest commercial television network in planet.

The Brazilian press has its beginnings in 1808 with the arrival of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil, Sony VGN-Z21WN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z31ZN/B batteryhitherto forbidden any activity of the press - was the publication of newspapers or books. The Brazilian press was officially born in Rio de Janeiro on 13 May 1808, with the creation of the Royal Printing, National Press by the Prince Regent Dom João.[249] Sony SVE1712Q1E battery
Sony SVE1712Z1E battery

Sony VPCCA2S0E battery

The Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro, the first newspaper published in the country, begins to circulate on 10 September 1808.[250] Largest newspapers nowadays are Folha de São Paulo (from the state of São Paulo, Super Notícia (Minas Gerias 296.799), O Globo (RJ 277.876) and O Estado de São Paulo (SP 235.217).[25] Sony SVE1713C5E battery

Sony VPCCA2 battery

Radio broadcasting began on 7 September 1922, with a speech by then President Pessoa, and formalized on 20 April 1923 with the creation of "Radio Society of Rio de Janeiro."[251] Sony VGN-Z21XN battery


Sony VGN-Z31WN/B battery

Television in Brazil began officially on 18 September 1950, with the founding of TV Tupi by Assis Chateaubriand.[ Sony SVE1713S1E battery

Sony VPCCA1S1E battery252] Since then television has grown in the country, creating large public networks such as Globo, SBT, Record and Bandeirantes. Today is the most important factor in popular culture of Brazilian society, indicated by research showing that as much as 67% [253][254] of the general population follow the same daily soap opera broadcast. Digital Television, Sony SVE1511A1EB battery

Sony VPCCA1C5E battery using the SBTVD standard (based on the Japanese standard ISDB-T) was adopted 29 June 2006 and launched in 2 November 2007.[25Sony VGN-Z21ZN/X battery

Sony VGN-Z31 battery

5] In May 2010,Brazil launched TV Brasil Internacional, an international television station, initially broadcasting to 49 countries. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former President of Brazil, described its aim as "presenting Brazil to the world."[256] Sony SVE14A1S1EB battery

Sony SVE17 battery



Main articles: Demographics of Brazil and Brazilian people

See also: Immigration to Brazil and List of Brazilian states by population density



Map of Brazilian states by population.

The population of Brazil, as recorded by the 2008 PNAD, was approximately 190 million[257] (22.31 inhabitants per square kilometre or 57.8 /sq mi), with a ratio of men to women of 0.95:1[258] and 83.75% of the population defined as urban.[259] Sony SVE14A1S1EP battery
Sony SVE1511Q1EB battery

Sony SVE1713Z1E batteryThe population is heavily concentrated in the Southeastern (79.8 million inhabitants) and Northeastern (53.5 million inhabitants) regions, while the two most extensive regions, the Center-West and the North, which together make up 64.12% of the Brazilian territory, have a total of only 29.1 million inhabitants. Sony SVE1511R9ESI battery
Sony SVE1511V1EW battery

Sony SVE1513V1E battery

The first census in Brazil was carried out in 1872 and recorded a population of 9,930,478.[260] From 1880 to 1930, 4 million Europeans arrived.[261] Brazil's population increased significantly between 1940 and 1970, Sony SVE1511W1ESI battery
Sony SVE14 battery

Sony SVE1513M1E batterybecause of a decline in the mortality rate, even though the birth rate underwent a slight decline. In the 1940s the annual population growth rate was 2.4%, rising to 3.0% in the 1950s and remaining at 2.9% in the 1960s, as life expectancy rose from 44 to 54 years[262] and to 72.6 years in 2007.[263Sony SVE14A1S1E battery

Sony SVE1513B4E battery] It has been steadily falling since the 1960s, from 3.04% per year between 1950 and 1960 to 1.05% in 2008 and is expected to fall to a negative value of –0.29% by 2050[264] thus completing the demographic transition.[265] Sony SVE14A3C5E battery
Sony SVE15 battery

Sony SVE1513B1E battery

In 2008, the illiteracy rate was 11.48%[266] and among the youth (ages 15–19) 1.74%. It was highest (20.30%) in the Northeast, which had a large proportion of rural poor.[267] Illiteracy was high (24.18%) among the rural population and lower (9.05%) among the urban population.[268]
Sony SVE1513A4E battery

Race and ethnicity

Main article: Race and ethnicity in Brazil

According to the National Research by Household Sample (PNAD) of 2008, 48.43% of the population (about 92 million) described themselves as White; 43.80% (about 83 million) as Brown (Multiracial), 6.84% (about 13 million) as Black; Sony SVE1511A1E battery
Sony SVE1511R9E battery
Sony SVE1512X9E battery 0.58% (about 1.1 million) as Asian; and 0.28% (about 536 thousand) as Amerindian (officially called indígena, Indigenous), while 0.07% (about 130 thousand) did not declare their race.[269] Sony VGN-Z31MN/B battery

Sony VGN-Z31VN/X battery

In 2007, the National Indian Foundation reported the existence of 67 different uncontacted tribes, up from 40 in 2005. Brazil is believed to have the largest number of uncontacted peoples in the world.[273]
Sony VPCCA3S1E battery

Since the arrival of the Portuguese in 1500, considerable miscegenation between these groups has taken place, in all regions of the country (with European ancestry being dominant nationwide according to the vast majority of all autosomal studies undertaken covering the entire population, accounting for between 65% to 77%).Sony SVE171A11M battery

Sony VPCCB3M1E batteryBrazilian society is more markedly divided by social class lines, although a high income disparity is found between race groups, so racism and classism can be conflated. Socially significant closeness to one racial group is taken in account more in the basis of appearance (phenotypes) rather than ancestry, Sony SVE151C11M battery
Sony SVE1711T1EB battery
to the extent that full siblings can pertain to different "racial" groups.[278] Socioeconomic factors are also significant, because a minority of pardos are likely to start declaring themselves White or Black if socially upward.[27Sony SVE1711K1EW battery

Sony VPCCA4S1E battery9] Skin color and facial features do not line quite well with ancestry (usually, Afro-Brazilians are evenly mixed and European ancestry is dominant in Whites and pardos with a significant non-European contribution, Sony SVE1711V1EB battery

Sony SVE1511J1EW battery but the individual variation is great).[277][280][281][282]

The brown population (as multiracial Brazilians are officially called; pardo in Portuguese, also colloquially moreno, or swarthy)[283][ Sony SVE1711X1EB battery

Sony SVE1511H1ESI battery284] is a broad category that includes caboclos (assimilated Amerindians in general, and descendants of Whites and Natives), mulatos (descendants of primarily Whites and Afro-Brazilians) and cafuzos (descendants of Afro-Brazilians and Natives).[283][284][285][2Sony SVE1511G1EW battery

Sony SVE1511B1EW battery
Sony SVE1511H1EW battery86][287] People of considerable Amerindian ancestry form the majority of the population in the Northern, Northeastern and Center-Western regions.[288]

Higher percents of Blacks, mulattoes and tri-racials can be found in the eastern coast of the Northeastern region from Bahia to Paraíba[287][28Sony SVE1511G1ESI battery

Sony SVE1511S1EB battery9] and also in northern Maranhão,[290][291] southern Minas Gerais[292] and in eastern Rio de Janeiro.[287][29Sony SVE1511G1EB battery
2] From the 19th century, Brazil opened its borders to immigration. About five million people from over 60 countries migrated to Brazil between 1808 and 1972, most of them of Portuguese, Italian, Spaniard, German, Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Middle Eastern origin.[293] Sony SVE1511S1EW battery
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Religion in Brazil formed from the meeting of the Roman Catholic Church with the religious traditions of African slaves and indigenous peoples.[29Sony PCG-41311M battery

4] This confluence of faiths during the Portuguese colonization of Brazil led to the development of a diverse array of syncretistic practices within the overarching umbrella of Brazilian Roman Catholicism, characterized by traditional Portuguese festivities,[ Sony VPCZ13M9E/B battery


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295] and in some instances, Allan Kardec's Spiritism (most Brazilian Spiritists are also Christians). Religious pluralism increased during the 20th century,[296] and a Protestant community has grown to include over 22% of the population.[297] The most common Protestant denominations are Pentecostal, Evangelical, Baptist, Sony VPCZ13V9E battery

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Seventh-day Adventist, Lutheran and the reformed churches.



The Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida is the second largest in the world, after only the Basilica of Saint Peter in Vatican City. Sony VPCZ21Q9E battery


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Roman Catholicism is the country's predominant faith. Brazil has the world's largest Catholic population.[298] According to the 2000 Demographic Census (the PNAD survey does not inquire about religion), 73.57% of the population followed Roman Catholicism; Sony PCG-4R2M battery


Sony VPCZ13 battery

15.41% Protestantism; 1.33% Kardecist spiritism; 1.22% other Christian denominations; 0.31% Afro-Brazilian religions; 0.13% Buddhism; 0.05% Judaism; 0.02% Islam; 0.01% Amerindian religions; 0.59% other religions, undeclared or undetermined; while 7.35% have no religion.[299]

However, in the last ten years Protestantism, particularly Pentecostal and/or Evangelical Protestantism, has spread in Brazil, Sony VPCZ23K9E battery


Sony VPCZ23M9E battery while the proportion of Catholics has dropped significantly.[300] After Protestantism, individuals professing no religion are also a significant group, exceeding 7% of the population in the 2000 census. The cities of Boa Vista, Salvador and Porto Velho have the greatest proportion of Irreligious residents in Brazil. Teresina, Fortaleza, and Florianópolis were the most Roman Catholic in the country.[3Sony VGP-BPL20 battery

Sony VGP-BPS20/B battery

01] Greater Rio de Janeiro, not including the city proper, is the most Irreligious and least Roman Catholic Brazilian periphery, while Greater Porto Alegre and Greater Fortaleza are on the opposite sides of the lists, respectively.[301] Sony PCG-4R2M battery



Main articles: List of largest cities in Brazil, Municipalities of Brazil, and List of largest cities in Brazil

According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) urban areas already concentrate 84.35% of the population, while the Southeast region remains the most populated one, with over 80 million inhabitants.[302Sony VGP-BPS20/S battery

Sony VPCZ11 battery


Sony VPCZ21X9R battery] The largest metropolitan areas in Brazil are São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte — all in the Southeastern Region — with 19.5, 11.5, and 5.1 million inhabitants respectively.[303] The majority of state capitals are the largest cities in their states, except for Vitória, the capital of Espírito Santo, and Florianópolis, Sony VPCZ11X9E battery


Sony VPCZ21V9E batterythe capital of Santa Catarina. There are also non-capital metropolitan areas in the states of São Paulo (Campinas, Santos and the Paraíba Valley), Minas Gerais (Steel Valley), Rio Grande do Sul (Sinos Valley) and Santa Catarina (Itajaí Valley).[304] Sony PCG-4R2M battery


Sony PCG-6124M battery

v t e Largest cities or towns of Brazil

Main articles: Languages of Brazil, Portuguese language, Brazilian Portuguese, and List of endangered languages in Brazil

The official language of Brazil is Portuguese[30Sony VPCZ11X9E/B battery


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/X battery6] (Article 13 of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil), which almost all of the population speaks and is virtually the only language used in newspapers, radio, television, and for business and administrative purposes. The most famous exception to this is a strong sign language law that was passed by the National Congress of Brazil. Legally recognized in 2002,[307] the law was regulated in 2005.[ Sony VPCZ11Z9E battery


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/B battery308] The law mandates the use of the Brazilian Sign Language, more commonly known by its Portuguese acronym LIBRAS, in education and government services. The language must be taught as a part of the education and speech and language pathology curricula. LIBRAS teachers, instructors and translators are recognized professionals. Schools and health services must provide access ("inclusion") to deaf people.[309] Sony PCG-4U2M battery




Museum of the Portuguese Language in São Paulo, Brazil.

Brazilian Portuguese has had its own development, mostly similar to 16th century Central and Southern dialects of European Portuguese[31Sony VPCZ11Z9E/B battery


Sony VPCZ12X9E/B battery0] (despite a very substantial number of Portuguese colonial settlers, and more recent immigrants, coming from Northern regions, and in minor degree Portuguese Macaronesia), with some influences from the Amerindian and African languages, especially West African and Bantu.

Sony PCG-6124M battery11] As a result, the language is somewhat different, mostly in phonology, from the language of Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries (the dialects of the other countries, partly because of the more recent end of Portuguese colonialism in these regions, Sony VPCZ12C7E/B battery


Sony VPCZ12V9E/B batteryhave a closer connexion to contemporary European Portuguese). These differences are comparable to those between American and British English.[311] Sony PCG-4U2M battery


Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking nation in the Americas, making the language an important part of Brazilian national identity and giving it a national culture distinct from those of its Spanish-speaking neighbors.[312] Sony VPCZ12M9E battery


In 1990, the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP), which included representatives from all countries with Portuguese as the official language, reached an agreement on the reform of the Portuguese orthography to unify the two standards then in use by Brazil on one side and the remaining lusophone countries on the other. Sony VPCZ12M9E/B battery

Sony VPCZ12V9E batteryThis spelling reform went into effect in Brazil on 1 January 2009. In Portugal, the reform was signed into law by the President on 21 July 2008 allowing for a 6-year adaptation period, during which both orthographies will co-exist. The remaining CPLP countries are free to establish their own transition timetables.[313] Sony VGP-BPL14 battery


Minority languages are spoken throughout the nation. One hundred and eighty Amerindian languages are spoken in remote areas and a significant number of other languages are spoken by immigrants and their descendants.[31Sony PCG-6Z4M battery

1] In the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Nheengatu (a currently endangered South American creole language – or an 'anti-creole', according to some linguists – with mostly Indigenous Brazilian languages lexicon and Portuguese-based grammar that, Sony VGP-BPL14/B battery

together with its southern relative língua geral paulista, once was a major lingua franca in Brazil, being replaced by Portuguese only after governmental prohibition led by major political changes), Baniwa and Tucano languages had been granted co-official status with Portuguese.[314]


Sony VGP-BPS14/S battery

There are significant communities of German (mostly the Brazilian Hunsrückisch, a High German language dialect) and Italian (mostly the Talian, a Venetian dialect) origins in the Southern and Southeastern regions, whose ancestors' native languages were carried along to Brazil, and which, still alive there, are influenced by the Portuguese language.[315][3Sony VGP-BPL14/S battery

Sony VGP-BPS14/B battery16] Talian is officially a historic patrimony of Rio Grande do Sul,[317] and two German dialects possess co-official status in a few municipalities.[318]


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Learning at least one second language (generally English and/or Spanish) is mandatory for all the 12 grades of the mandatory education system (primary and secondary education, there called ensino fundamental and ensino médio respectively). Brazil is the first country in South America to offer Esperanto to secondary students.[319] Sony VGP-BPS14 battery




Main article: Culture of Brazil



Amazon Theatre in Manaus.

The core culture of Brazil is derived from Portuguese culture, because of its strong colonial ties with the Portuguese empire.[3Sony VGP-BPS20 battery

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20] Among other influences, the Portuguese introduced the Portuguese language, Roman Catholicism and colonial architectural styles. The culture was, however, also strongly influenced by African, indigenous and non-Portuguese European cultures and traditions.[321]


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Some aspects of Brazilian culture were influenced by the contributions of Italian, German and other European as well Japanese and Arab immigrants who arrived in large numbers in the South and Southeast of Brazil.[3Sony VGN-TT1RVN/X battery


Sony VGN-TT46MG/W battery22] The indigenous Amerindians influenced Brazil's language and cuisine; and the Africans influenced language, cuisine, music, dance and religion.[323]


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Brazilian art has developed since the 16th century into different styles that range from Baroque (the dominant style in Brazil until the early 19th century)[324][3Sony VGN-TT1RVN/X battery

Sony VGN-TT1RWN/X battery

25] to Romanticism, Modernism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism and Abstractionism. Brazilian cinema dates back to the birth of the medium in the late 19th century and has gained a new level of international acclaim since the 1960s.[326]


Main article: Music of Brazil


Sony PCG-6122M battery


A samba parade in Rio de Janeiro

The music of Brazil was formed mainly from the fusion of European and African elements.[327] Sony VGN-TT11LN/B battery


Sony VGN-TT46MG/W battery Until the nineteenth century Portugal was the gateway to most of the influences that built Brazilian music, although many of these elements were not of Portuguese origin, but generally European. The first was José Maurício Nunes Garcia, author of sacred pieces with influence of Viennese classicism.[328Sony PCG-6121M battery] The major contribution of the African element was the rhythmic diversity and some dances and instruments that had a bigger role in the development of popular music and folk, flourishing especially in the twentieth century.[327] Sony VGN-TT11M/N battery


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Popular music since the late eighteenth century began to show signs of forming a characteristically Brazilian sound, with samba considered the most typical and on the UNESCO cultural heritage list.[32Sony VGN-TT11RM/N battery


Sony VGN-TT21WN/B battery9] Maracatu and Afoxê are two Afro-Brazilian music tradition that have been popularized by there appearance in the annual Brazilian Carnivals.[330] The sport of capoeira is usually played with its own music refer to as capoeira music, which is usually considered to be a call-and-response type of folk music.[331] Sony PCG-6112M battery


Choro is a very popular music instrumental style. Its origins are in 19th century Rio de Janeiro. In spite of the name, the style often has a fast and happy rhythm, characterized by virtuosity, improvisation, subtile modulations and full of syncopation and counterpoint.[ Sony VGN-TT11RM/R battery

332] Bossa nova is also a well-known style of Brazilian music developed and popularized in the 1950s and 1960s.[333] The phrase "bossa nova" means literally "new trend".[334] A lyrical fusion of samba and jazz, bossa nova acquired a large following starting in the 1960s.[335] Sony PCG-6112M battery



Main article: Brazilian literature

Brazilian literature dates back to the 16th century, to the writings of the first Portuguese explorers in Brazil, such as Pêro Vaz de Caminha, filled with descriptions of fauna, flora and commentary about the indigenous population that fascinated European readers.[33Sony VGN-TT11VN/X battery


Sony VGN-TT21VN/X battery6] Brazil produced significant works in Romanticism — novelists like Joaquim Manuel de Macedo and José de Alencar wrote novels about love and pain. Alencar, in his long career, also treated Indigenous people as heroes in the Indigenist novels O Guarany, Iracema, Ubirajara.[


Sony VGN-TT21JN/B battery337] Machado de Assis, one of his contemporaries, wrote in virtually all genres and continues to gain international prestige from critics worldwide.[338][339

Sony PCG-6122M battery40] The Brazilian Modernism, evidenced by the Week of Modern Art in 1922, was concerned with a nationalist avant-garde literature,[341] while Post-Modernism brought a generation of distinct poets like João Cabral de Melo Neto, Sony VGN-TT11WN/B battery

Sony VGN-TT11XN/B batteryCarlos Drummond de Andrade and Vinicius de Moraes and internationally known writers dealing with universal and regional subjects like Jorge Amado, João Guimarães Rosa and Clarice Lispector.[342][343][344] Sony VGN-Z battery



Main article: Brazilian cuisine

See also: List of Brazilian dishes



Feijoada, a dish made with black beans, pork, rice, collard greens, cassava flour and orange.

Brazilian cuisine varies greatly by region, reflecting the country's mix of indigenous and immigrant populations. This has created a national cuisine marked by the preservation of regional differences.[345] Examples are Feijoada, Sony VGP-BPL12 battery

considered the country's national dish;[346] and regional foods such as vatapá, moqueca, polenta and acarajé.[347] The national beverage is coffee and cachaça is Brazil's native liquor. Cachaça is distilled from sugar cane and is the main ingredient in the national cocktail, Caipirinha.[348] ,[35Sony PCG-41314M battery

The average meal consist mostly of rice and beans with beef and salad.[349] Its common to mix it with cassava flour (farofa). Fried potatoes, fried cassava, fried banana, fried meat and fried cheese are very often eaten in lunch and served in most typical restaurants.[350][3Sony PCG-6121M battery] Popular snacks are pastel (a pastry), coxinha (chicken croquete), pão de queijo (cheese bread and cassava flour / tapioca), pamonha (corn and milk paste), Sony VGP-BPS12 battery


Sony VGN-Z11VN/X batteryesfirra (Lebanese pastry), kibbeh (from Arabic cuisine), empanada (pastry) and empada little salt pies filled with shrimps or hearth of palm.

Brazil has a variety of candies such as brigadeiros (chocolate fudge balls), cocada (a coconut sweet), beijinhos (coconut truffles and clove) and romeu e julieta (cheese with a guava jam known as goiabada). Peanut is used to make paçoca, Sony VGP-BPS12/Q battery

rapadura and pé-de-moleque. Local common fruits like açaí, cupuaçu, mango, papaya, cocoa, cashew, guava, orange, passionfruit, pineapple, and hog plum are turned in juices and used to make chocolates, popsicles and ice cream.[351] [3Sony PCG-6Z4M battery



Main article: Sport in Brazil



The Brazilian national football team after winning the World Cup, 1958

The most popular sport in Brazil is football.[352] The Brazilian national football team is ranked among the best in the world according to the FIFA World Rankings, and has won the World Cup tournament a record five times.[353] Sony VGN-Z41WD/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51XG/B battery

Volleyball, basketball, auto racing, and martial arts also attract large audiences. Brazil men's national volleyball team, for example, currently holds the titles of the World League, World Grand Champions Cup, World Championship and the World Cup. Sony PCG-41313M battery


Others sports practiced in Brazil are tennis, team handball, swimming, and gymnastics have found a growing number of enthusiasts over the last decades. Some sport variations have their origins in Brazil: beach football,[354] futsal (indoor football)[355Sony VGN-Z31XN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51WG/B battery] and footvolley emerged in Brazil as variations of football. In martial arts, Brazilians developed Capoeira

Sony PCG-41315M battery6] Vale tudo,[357] and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.[358] In auto racing, three Brazilian drivers have won the Formula One world championship eight times.[359][360][361]

Brazil has hosted several high-profile international sporting events, like the 1950 FIFA World Cup[362] and has been chosen to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup.[36Sony VGN-Z51XTG/B battery

Sony VGN-Z51MG/B battery3] The São Paulo circuit, Autódromo José Carlos Pace, hosts the annual Grand Prix of Brazil.[364]

São Paulo organized the IV Pan American Games in 1963, and Rio de Janeiro hosted the XV Pan American Games in 2007.[365] On 2 October 2009, Rio de Janeiro was selected to host the 2016 Olympic Games and 2016 Paralympic Games, Sony VGN-Z11MN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z battery

 the first to be held in South America[366] and second in Latin America after Mexico City. Further, the country hosted the FIBA Basketball World Cups in 1954 and 1963. At the 1963 event, the Brazil national basketball team won one of its two world championship titles.[367]


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Kevin Michael Rudd- the Prime Minister of Australia

29/06/2013 14:32


Kevin Michael Rudd- the Prime Minister of Australia

Kevin Michael Rudd (born 21 September 1957) is an Australian politician who has been the Prime Minister of Australia, as well as Leader of the Labor Party, since June 2013. He was previously Prime Minister from 2007 to 2010, and Labor Leader from 2006 to 2010. He is the first former Prime Minister to return to the office since Robert Menzies in 1949. Dell XPS 14 battery
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Rudd was born in Queensland and grew up on a dairy farm. He joined the Labor Party at the age of 15 and was dux of Nambour State High School in 1974. He studied a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies at the Australian National University, Dell XPS 17 battery

Dell XPS M2010 batterymajoring in Chinese language and Chinese history. He worked for the Department of Foreign Affairs from 1981 to 1988, when he became Chief of Staff to the Labor Premier of Queensland, Wayne Goss. Dell XPS L401X battery
After the Goss government lost office in 1996, Rudd was hired as a senior China consultant by the accounting firm KPMG Australia. Rudd was first elected to the House of Representatives for Griffith at the 1998 federal election, joining the Shadow Cabinet in 2001 as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Dell XPS M1730 battery

In December 2006, he successfully challenged Kim Beazley to become the Leader of the Labor Party, subsequently becoming the Leader of the Opposition. Under Rudd, Labor overtook the incumbent Liberal/National Coalition led by John Howard in the polls, Dell XPS L501X battery

Dell XPS M1530 batteryas Labor made a number of policy announcements on areas such as industrial relations, climate change, an "education revolution", a National Broadband Network, and health.

Labor won the 2007 federal election with a 23-seat swing, and Rudd was sworn in as the 26th Prime Minister of Australia on 3 December. Dell XPS L502X battery
The Rudd Government's first acts included signing the Kyoto Protocol and delivering an apology to Indigenous Australians for the Stolen Generations. The previous government's industrial relations legislation, WorkChoices, Dell XPS L701X battery

Dell XPS M140 battery was largely dismantled, Australia's remaining Iraq War combat personnel were withdrawn, and the "Australia 2020 Summit" was held. In response to the global financial crisis, the government provided economic stimulus packages, Dell XPS L702X battery
and Australia was one of the few developed countries to avoid the late-2000s recession.

Despite a long period of popularity in opinion polls, a significant fall in Rudd's personal ratings was blamed on a proposed Resource Super Profits Tax and the deferral of the Senate-rejected Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. Dell XPS M1210 battery
Dell XPS M1330 batteryWith the next election drawing near, there was growing dissatisfaction with Rudd's leadership within the Labor Party. Eventually, Rudd's deputy, Julia Gillard, announced on 23 June 2010 that she would challenge him for the leadership the following day. Knowing he would be defeated if he contested the leadership, Sony SVE1511A1EW battery

Sony SVE1711F1E battery on the morning of the ballot Rudd resigned as Prime Minister. After his resignation, he successfully re-contested his seat at the 2010 federal election, after which Labor formed a minority government. Sony SVE1511F1E battery

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He was subsequently promoted back to the cabinet by Julia Gillard as Minister for Foreign Affairs, a post he remained in until he resigned on 22 February 2012 in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to challenge Gillard for the leadership.[ Sony SVE1511K1E battery

Sony SVE1513Q1E battery3][4] On 26 June 2013, Gillard announced another caucus ballot on the leadership from which Rudd emerged victorious, therefore becoming the Leader of the Labor Party for a second time.[5][6] Sony SVE1511L1E battery

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Rudd was born in Nambour, Queensland, to Albert ("Bert") and Margaret (née DeVere) Rudd, the youngest son of four children, and grew up on a dairy farm in nearby Eumundi.[7] At an early age (5–7), he contracted rheumatic fever and spent a considerable time at home convalescing. It damaged his heart, Sony SVE1511M1E battery
in particular his valves, for which he has thus far had two aortic valve replacement surgeries, but this was only discovered some 12 years later.[8] Farm life, which required the use of horses and guns, is where he developed his lifelong love of horse riding and shooting clay targets.[9]

When Rudd was 11, Sony SVE1511P1E battery
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Sony SVE1513E9E battery his father, a share farmer and Country Party member, died. Rudd states that the family was required to leave the farm amidst financial difficulty between two to three weeks after the death, though the family of the landowner states that the Rudds didn't have to leave for almost six months.[10Sony SVE1511V1E battery
Sony SVE1511W1E battery

Sony SVE1513D1E battery] Following this traumatic childhood and despite familial connections with the Country Party, Rudd joined the Australian Labor Party, "the party of social justice",[11] in 1972 at the age of 15.[11] Sony SVE1512B1E battery

Rudd boarded at Marist College Ashgrove in Brisbane,[12] although these years were not happy due to the indignity of poverty and reliance on charity; he was known to be a "charity case" due to his father's sudden death. Sony SVE1512C6E battery

Sony SVE1513C5E battery He has since described the school as "tough, harsh, unforgiving, institutional Catholicism of the old school".[8] Two years later, after she retrained as a nurse, Rudd's mother moved the family to Nambour, Sony SVE1512J1E battery

Sony SVE1513C4E battery and Rudd rebuilt his standing through study and scholastic application[8] and was dux of Nambour State High School in 1974.[1Sony SVE1512K1E battery
Sony SVE1512M1E battery3] His future Treasurer Wayne Swan attended the same school at the same time, although they did not know each other as Swan was three years ahead.[13] In that year, he was also the Queensland winner of the Rotary "Youth Speaks for Australia" public speaking contest. Sony SVE1711X1E battery


Rudd is of English and Irish descent.[14] His paternal fourth great-grandparents were English and of convict heritage: Thomas Rudd and Mary Cable. Thomas arrived from London, England in 1801; Mary arrived from Essex in 1804. Sony SVE1712Q1E battery

Sony VPCCA3E1E battery Thomas Rudd, who was convicted of stealing a bag of sugar, arrived in NSW on board the Earl Cornwallis in 1801.[15]

Rudd studied at the Australian National University in Canberra, where he resided at Burgmann College and graduated with Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies) with First-Class Honours. He majored in Chinese language and Chinese history, Sony SVE1712Z1E battery

Sony VPCCB4X1E battery became proficient in Mandarin, and acquired a Chinese name, Lù Kèwén (simplified Chinese: 陆克文; traditional Chinese: 陸克文).[16]

Rudd's thesis on Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng[17] was supervised by Pierre Ryckmans, the eminent Belgian-Australian sinologist. Sony SVE1713C5E battery
Sony SVE1713S1E battery

VPCCB3P1E battery [18] During his studies, Rudd did housecleaning for political commentator Laurie Oakes to earn extra money.[19] In 1980 he continued his Chinese studies at the Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Sony SVE1511A1EB battery

Sony VPCCB3 batteryTaiwan. Delivering the 2008 Gough Whitlam Lecture at the University of Sydney on The Reforming Centre of Australian Politics, Rudd praised the former Labor Prime Minister for implementing educational reforms, saying he was: Sony SVE14A1S1EB battery
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Sony VPCCB2S1E battery

... a kid who lived Gough Whitlam's dream that every child should have a desk with a lamp on it where he or she could study. A kid whose mum told him after the 1972 election that it might just now be possible for the likes of him to go to university. Sony SVE1511Q1EB battery

Sony VPCCB2M1E battery A kid from the country of no particular means and of no political pedigree who could therefore dream that one day he could make a contribution to our national political life.[20]

Entry into politics

Sony SVE1511R9ESI battery

Rudd joined the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1981, serving there until 1988. He and his wife spent most of the 1980s overseas at various Australian embassies, including in Stockholm and in Beijing. Sony SVE1511V1EW battery
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Returning to Australia in 1988, he was appointed Chief of Staff to the Opposition Leader in Queensland, Wayne Goss. He remained in that role when Goss was elected Premier in 1989, a position he held until 1992 when Goss appointed him Director-General of the Office of Cabinet. In this position, Rudd was arguably Queensland's most powerful bureaucrat.[1Sony SVE14A1S1E battery
Sony SVE14A3C5E battery

Sony VPCCB2M0E battery8] He presided over a number of reforms, including development of a national program for teaching foreign languages in schools. Rudd was influential in both promoting a policy of developing an Asian languages and cultures program which was Sony SVE15 battery
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Sony VPCCB2 battery unanimously accepted by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in 1992 and later chaired a high-level working group which provided the foundation of the strategy in its report, which is frequently cited as "the Rudd Report".[21] Sony SVE1511R9E battery

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The Goss Government saw its majority slashed in 1995, before losing it altogether after a by-election one year later. After Goss' resignation, Rudd left the Queensland Government and was hired as a Senior China Consultant by the accounting firm KPMG Australia. Sony SVE1512X9E battery

Sony VPCCA2Z0E battery While in that position, he won selection to be the Labor candidate for the seat of Griffith at the 1996 federal election. Despite being endorsed by the retiring Labor MP, Ben Humphreys,[2Sony SVE1513A4E battery

Sony VPCCA2S0E battery2] Rudd was considerably hampered by Labor's unpopularity in Queensland, as well as a redistribution that almost halved Labor's majority. Rudd was defeated by Liberal Graeme McDougall on the eighth count as Labor won only two seats in Queensland. Sony SVE1513B1E battery

Sony VPCCA2 battery Rudd stood in the same seat against McDougall in the 1998 election, this time winning on the fifth count.

Member of Parliament


Rudd made his maiden speech to the House of Representatives as the new Member for Griffith on 11 November 1998.[23] Sony SVE1513B4E battery

Sony VPCCA1S1E battery

Shadow Minister



Kevin Rudd in November 2005

Following Labor's defeat in the 2001 federal election, Rudd was promoted to the Shadow Cabinet and appointed Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs. In 2002, he met with British intelligence and helped define the position that Labor would take in regards to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Sony SVE1513M1E battery
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There is no debate or dispute as to whether Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. He does. There's no dispute as whether he's in violation of UN Security Council resolutions. He is.[24]

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After the fall of Saddam Hussein he would criticise the Howard Government over its support for the United States, while maintaining Labor's position of support for the Australian-American alliance. Sony SVE1513V1E battery
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Well, what Secretary Powell and the US seems to have said is that he now has grave doubts about the accuracy of the case he put to the United Nations about the claim that Iraq possessed biological weapons laboratories – the so-called mobile trailers. Sony SVS13A1S9E battery

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And here in Australia, that formed also part of the government's argument on the war. I think what it does is it adds to the fabric of how the Australian people were misled about the reasons for going to war.[25] Sony SVS13A1X9E battery

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Rudd's policy experience and parliamentary performances during the Iraq War made him one of the best-known Labor members. When Labor Leader Simon Crean was challenged by his predecessor Kim Beazley, Sony SVS1312J3E battery

Sony VPCSE1V9E battery Rudd did not publicly commit himself to either candidate.[26] When Crean resigned, Rudd was considered a possible candidate for the Labor leadership,[27] however he announced that he would not run in the leadership ballot, and would instead vote for Kim Beazley. Sony SVS1312P9E battery

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Rudd was predicted by some commentators to be demoted or moved as a result of his support for Beazley following the election of Mark Latham as Leader, but he retained his portfolio. Relations between Latham and Rudd deteriorated during 2004, Sony SVS1312S9E battery

Sony VPCSE1E1E batteryespecially after Latham made his pledge to withdraw all Australian forces from Iraq by Christmas 2004 without consulting Rudd.[28] After Latham failed to win the 2004 federal election, Rudd was again spoken of as a possible alternative leader, although he disavowed any intention of challenging Latham. Sony SVS1313C5E battery

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When Latham suddenly resigned in January 2005, Rudd was in Indonesia and refused to say whether he would be a candidate for the Labor leadership.[29] After returning from Indonesia, Rudd announced that he would again not contest the leadership, Sony SVS1313S9E battery

Sony VPCSB4X9E battery and Beazley was subsequently elected unopposed. Following this, Rudd was given expanded responsibilities in the Shadow Cabinet, retaining his role as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and also becoming the Shadow Minister for Trade.

Leader of the Opposition

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Kevin Rudd (right) and Julia Gillard (left) at their first press conference as Leader and Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party, 4 December 2006

Following opinion polls indicating that voter support for Rudd as Labor Leader was higher than for Beazley, Sony SVS1512X9E battery
speculation mounted that Rudd would challenge Beazley for the leadership. One particular poll in November 2006 indicated that support for Labor would double if Rudd was to become Leader.[30] On 2 December 2006, Beazley called a leadership election. Rudd announced his candidacy for the leadership hours later.[31][ Sony SVS13 battery
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32] On 4 December, Rudd was elected Leader of the Labor Party and Leader of the Opposition with 49 votes to Beazley's 39. Julia Gillard was subsequently elected unopposed as Deputy Leader after Jenny Macklin resigned.[33]

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Two-party-preferred polling during the last term of the Howard Government; Rudd became Labor Leader in December 2006.

At his first press conference as Labor Leader, having thanked Beazley and Macklin, Rudd said he would offer a "new style of leadership" and would be an "alternative, not just an echo" of the Howard Government. Sony VPCSA3T9E battery

Sony VPCSB4L1E battery He outlined the areas of industrial relations, the war in Iraq, climate change, Australian federalism, social justice and the future of Australia's manufacturing industry as major policy concerns. Rudd also stressed his long experience in state government and also as a diplomat and in business before entering federal politics.[34] Sony VPCSB1X9E battery
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Labour Day 2007. From left to right: Anna Bligh (then Deputy Premier of Queensland), Rudd's son Nicholas, Kevin Rudd and Grace Grace (then General Secretary of the Queensland Council of Unions).
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Rudd and the Labor Party soon overtook the Howard government in both party and leadership polling. Rudd maintained a high media profile with major announcements on an "education revolution",[35] federalism,[36] climate change,[37] a National Broadband Network,[38] and the domestic car industry. Sony VPCSB2C5021B battery

Sony VPCSB3T9E battery

In March 2007 the government raised questions over a series of meetings Rudd had had with former West Australian Labor Premier Brian Burke during 2005, alleging that Rudd had been attempting to use Burke's influence to become Labor leader (after losing office, Burke had spent time in prison before returning to politics as a lobbyist).[39] Sony VPCSB2C5023W battery

Sony VPCSB3S9E battery Rudd said that this had not been the purpose of the three meetings and said that they had been arranged by his colleague Graham Edwards, the Member for Cowan.[40] Sony VPCSB2L1E battery

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From 2002, Rudd appeared regularly in interviews and topical discussions on the popular breakfast television program Sunrise, along with Liberal MP Joe Hockey. This was credited with helping to raise Rudd's public profile even further.[4Sony VPCSB2M9E battery
1] Rudd and Hockey ended their joint appearances in April 2007, citing the increasing political pressures of an election year.[42]

On 19 August 2007, it was revealed that Rudd, while on a visit to New York City as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sony VPCSB3L9E battery
Sony VPCSB3M9E batteryhad visited a strip club in September 2003, with New York Post editor Col Allan and Labor MP Warren Snowdon. By way of explanation, Rudd said: "I had had too much to drink, I have no recollection, and nor does Mr Snowdon, of any incident occurring at the nightclub – or of being asked to leave. Sony VPCSE2L9E battery

Sony VPCSD1S1C is our recollection that we left within about an hour".[43] The incident generated a lot of media coverage, but made no impact on Rudd's popularity in the polls.[44] Some believe the incident may have enabled Rudd to appear "more human" and lifted his popularity.[45] Sony VPCSE2M9E battery

2007 election victory



Kevin Rudd campaigning with Kerry Rea in Bonner on 21 September 2007

Main article: Australian federal election, 2007

Electoral writs were issued for the 2007 federal election on 17 October 2007. On 21 October, Rudd faced incumbent Prime Minister John Howard in a television debate, where he was judged by most media analysts to have performed strongly.[46] Sony VPCSE2S1E battery
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On 14 November, Rudd officially launched the Labor Party's election campaign with a policy of fiscal restraint, usually considered the electoral strength of the opposing Liberal Party. Rudd proposed Labor spending measures totalling $2.3 billion, contrasting them to $9.4 billion Rudd claimed the Liberals had promised, declaring: "Today, I am saying loud and clear that this sort of reckless spending must stop."[47][48] Sony VPCSB1B9E battery
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The election was held on 24 November, and was won overwhelmingly by Labor. The result was dubbed a 'Ruddslide' by the media and was underpinned by the considerable support from Rudd's home state of Queensland, Sony VPCSB1S1E battery
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Sony VPCSE2E1E battery with the state result recording a two-party preferred swing of 7.53%.[49] The overall swing was 5.44% from the Liberals to Labor, the third largest swing at a federal election since two party estimates began in 1949. Sony VPCSA3M9E battery
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As foreshadowed during the election campaign, on 29 November Rudd announced the members of his Government (see First Rudd Ministry), breaking with more than a century of Labor tradition whereby the frontbench was elected by the Labor caucus, with the leader then given the right to allocate portfolios.[50][51] Sony VPCSA3S9E battery
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First term as Prime Minister


Main article: Rudd Government



Two-party-preferred polling during the term of the Rudd government. See also: Australian federal election, 2010#Polling.

On 3 December 2007, Rudd was sworn in as the 26th Prime Minister of Australia by Governor-General Michael Jeffery.[5Sony VPCSA3Z9E battery
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Sony VPCSE1X9E battery2] Rudd was the first Labor Prime Minister in over a decade, and the first ever to make no mention of the monarch when taking his oath of office. Sony VPCSB battery

Sony SVS1511X9E battery He also became only the second Queenslander to lead his party to a federal election victory (the first being Andrew Fisher in 1910) and was the first Prime Minister since the Second World War not to have come from either New South Wales or Victoria.[53] Sony SVS13A1V9E battery

Early initiatives of the Rudd Government included the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, a Parliamentary Apology to the Stolen Generations and the 2020 Summit.[54]

During his first two years in office, Rudd set records for popularity in Newspoll opinion polling, maintaining very high approval ratings.[5Sony SVS13A1Y9E battery
Sony SVS13A1Z9E battery

Sony SVS1511V9E battery5] By 2010, however, Rudd's approval ratings had began to drop significantly, with controversies arising over the management of the financial crisis, the delay of the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, policies on asylum seekers and a debate over a proposed "super profits" tax on the mining industry.[56] Sony SVS1311F3E battery
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The United States diplomatic cables leaks revealed that Robert McCallum, the former US Ambassador to Australia, described Rudd as a "control freak" and "a micro-manager", obsessed with "managing the media cycle rather than engaging in collaborative decision making".
Sony SVS1511S2C batteryDiplomats also criticised Rudd's foreign policy record and considered Rudd's "mis-steps" largely arose from his propensity to make "snap announcements without consulting other countries or within the Australian Government".[57] Sony SVS1311K9E battery

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On 23 June 2010, following lengthy media speculation, and after it had become apparent that Rudd had lost the support of many Labor MPs, Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard publicly asked that a leadership election be held. Rudd announced a leadership election for the following day.[58][59] Sony SVS1311N9E battery

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Domestic policies


In opposition, Rudd called climate change "the greatest moral, economic and social challenge of our time" and called for a cut to greenhouse gas emissions by 60% before 2050.[60] On 3 December 2007, Sony SVS1311Q9E battery
Sony SVS1311S9E battery
Sony SVS1313P9E batteryas his first official act after being sworn in, Rudd signed the Kyoto Protocol.[61] On 15 December 2008, Rudd released a White Paper on reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.[6Sony SVS15 battery

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2] The White Paper included a plan to introduce an emissions trading scheme in 2010 that is known as the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and gave a target range for Australia's greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 of between 5% and 15% less than 2000 levels.[6Sony VPCSA2Z9E battery
Sony SVE171A11M battery

Sony SVS151A11M battery2] The White Paper was criticised by the Federal Government's climate change advisor, Professor Ross Garnaut.[63] Rudd criticised the opposition Liberal Party for its refusal to support the new legislation ("What absolute political cowardice, what absolute failure of leadership, what absolute failure of logic ...")[6Sony SVE151C11M battery

Sony SVS131B12M battery4] but on 4 May 2009 announced that the Government would delay implementing an emissions trading scheme until 2011. Rudd also deferred the CPRS legislation until 2013.[65][66] Sony SVE1711T1EB battery

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Rudd was unable to achieve any significant action on a national response to climate change, and abandoned his vision in the face of political opposition.[67][68][69] Many of Rudd's minor climate change initiatives were scrapped or slashed by Julia Gillard.[70Sony SVE1711K1EW battery

Sony SVS13A1U9ES battery] However he did implement an expanded mandatory renewable energy target with coalition support.[71]

Stolen Generations



Kevin Rudd on television in Federation Square, Melbourne, apologising to the stolen generations.

Main article: Stolen Generations

As the parliament's first order of business, on 13 February 2008, Rudd read an apology directed to Indigenous Australians for the stolen generations. The apology, for the policies of successive parliaments and governments, Sony SVE1711V1EB battery
Sony SVE1711X1EB battery

Sony VPCCA2S1E battery passed unanimously as a motion by both houses of parliament.[72] Rudd pledged the government to bridging the gap between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian health, education and living conditions, and in a way that respects their rights to self-determination.[7Sony SVE1511G1EW battery
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Sony VPCCA3S1E battery3] During meetings held in December 2007 and March 2008 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) adopted six targets to improve the wellbeing of Indigenous Australians over the next five to twenty years. As of late 2011, data on changes since 2008 in relation to most of these targets was not yet available.[74] Sony SVE1511G1EB battery
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Industrial relations

WorkChoices, the industrial relations regime introduced by the Howard government, was overhauled.[7
Sony VPCCA4S1E battery5] Rudd's 2007 policy included the phasing out of Australian Workplace Agreements over a period of five years, the establishment of a simpler awards system as a safety net, the restoration of unfair dismissal laws for companies with under 100 employees (probation period of 12 months for companies with less than 15 employees), Sony SVE1511S1ESI battery

Sony SVE1511J1EW battery and the retention of the Australian Building and Construction Commission until 2010. It retained the illegality of secondary boycotts, the right of employers to lock workers out, restriction of a union right of entry to workplaces, and restrictions on workers' right to strike.[76
Sony SVE1511H1ESI battery] Rudd also established a single industrial relations bureaucracy called Fair Work Australia, designed to play a far more interventionist role than the Howard Government's Fair Pay Commission.[77] Fair Work Australia mediated the 2011 Qantas industrial disputes. Sony SVE1511S1EB battery
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Kevin Rudd (back row, fourth from right) at the G-20 Leaders Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy.

See also: 2008 Australian federal budget, 2009 Australian federal budget

In his first speech to parliament, Rudd affirmed his general belief in competitive markets, while repudiating Thatcherism and supporting the Third Way.[78] Rudd is critical of free market economists such as Friedrich Hayek,[ Sony SVS1311E3EW battery

Sony PCG-4121GM battery79] although Rudd describes himself as "basically a conservative when it comes to questions of public financial management", pointing to his slashing of public service jobs as a Queensland governmental advisor.[80]

Upon election to office, the Rudd government announced a five-point plan to combat inflation.[ Sony SVS1311P9EB battery
81] The first budget of the Rudd government was delivered by Treasurer Wayne Swan in May 2008 and a projected surplus of $21.7 billion was announced.[82] As the global recession began to take hold, the Government guaranteed bank deposits and announced two stimulatory spending packages.[83Sony SVS1511L3ES battery

Sony PCG-41214M battery] The first was worth $10.4 billion and announced in late 2008,[84] and the second worth $42 billion was announced in February 2009 and included $900-dollar cash payments to resident taxpayers who paid net tax in the 2007–08 financial year.[85] After initially raising interest rates to combat inflation, Sony SVS1511M3EW battery

Sony PCG-41414M battery The Reserve Bank cut official interest rates several times in increments of up to 1 percent, and fell to 3 percent in May 2009, the lowest since 1960.[86] The second budget, released in May 2009, Sony SVS1511N3ES battery

Sony PCG-41218M batteryprojected a $57.6 billion deficit for 2009–10. The majority of the deficit was created by a loss of taxation revenue as a result of the recession, with the rest made up in stimulus and other spending. The downturn was expected to remove $210 billion in taxation revenue from the budget over the next four years.[87] Sony SVS1511T9ES battery
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Following the start of the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, increased exports and consumer spending helped the Australian economy avoid recession in 2009. Australia was the only western economy to do so.[88] Sony SVS1511W9EB battery

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In early 2009,[89] in the wake of the global financial crisis,[90] Rudd stated "that the great neo-liberal experiment of the past 30 years has failed", and that "Neo-liberalism and the free-market fundamentalism it has produced has been revealed as little more than personal greed dressed up as an economic philosophy. Sony VPCSA3Q9E battery

Sony PCG-41211M batteryAnd, ironically, it now falls to social democracy to prevent liberal capitalism from cannibalising itself." Rudd called for a new era of "social capitalism" from social democrats such as himself and US President Barack Obama to "support a global financial system that properly balances private incentive with public responsibility".[91] Sony VPCSB4S9E battery
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As part of its economic stimulus program, the government offered householders a rebate for ceiling insulation. Rudd demoted Peter Garrett, the minister responsible for the program, before abandoning the program altogether in 2010 after the scheme was blamed for house fires and 4 deaths.[92
Sony PCG-4121EM battery] The Building the Education Revolution program sought to stimulate the nationwide economy by employing construction workers in school building developments, but came under media scrutiny following allegations of overpricing and bad value for money.[93] Sony VPCSE2V9E battery
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The Rudd Government's third budget in 2010 projected a $40.8 billion deficit for 2010–11[94] but forecast that Australia would return to surplus by 2012–13. The government proposed a "super profits" tax on the mining industry and included $12 billion in revenue from the proposal in the forecast, although the tax had not been passed by the Senate.[95] Dell Latitude E4200 battery
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Australia 2020 Summit

In February 2008 Rudd announced the Australia 2020 Summit, held from 19–20 April 2008, which brought together 1000 leading Australians to discuss ten major areas of policy innovation.[96] Among the initiatives supported at the event, the summit voted in favour of a plebiscite on Australia "relinquishing ties" to the United Kingdom followed by a referendum on the model for an Australian republic,[97] Dell Latitude E5410 battery

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Dell Latitude E5420 battery a bill of rights, the re-formation of an Indigenous peak representative body similar to ATSIC, (which had been abolished by the Howard Government), the introduction of an Emissions Trading Scheme, and a review of the taxation system.[98] Dell Latitude E5510 battery
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Findings released in April 2009 reported that nine out of the 1000 submitted ideas were to be immediately enacted and that the government was deliberating on other ideas proposed.[99] By mid-2010, among the key reform ideas suggested, Prime Minister Rudd had sought to introduce an ETS, but postponed it after failing to secure passage through the senate;[ Dell Latitude E6400 battery

Dell Latitude E6430s battery100] formed a consultative committee on a Bill of Rights then rejected its recommendation for implementation;[101] established the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples in 2010;[102] commissioned the Henry Review of taxation (on the basis of which the Rudd Government proposed a new "super-profits" tax on mining);[10Dell Latitude E6400 ATG battery
Dell Latitude E6500 battery

Dell Latitude E6430 battery3] and Rudd had described the issue of a vote on a republic as not being "a priority".[104]


During the election, Rudd promised a "Digital Education Revolution", including provision of a computer on the desk of every upper secondary student. The program initially stalled with state governments asserting that the proposed funding was inadequate. The federal government increased proposed funding from $1.2 billion to $2 billion,[10Dell Latitude E4300 battery
Dell Latitude E4310 battery

Dell Latitude E6330 battery] and did not mandate that a computer be provided to each upper secondary student.[106] The program supplied office software, photo and video editing software, and web design software, some of it unusable due to the hardware becoming obsolete.[107]

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As Prime Minister, Rudd professed his belief in a "Big Australia",[108] while his government increased the immigration quota after to around 300,000 people.[109] In 2010, Rudd appointed Tony Burke as population minister to examine population goals.[110] Dell Latitude E4320 battery

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In 2008, the government adjusted the mandatory detention policies established by the Keating and Howard governments and declared an end to the Pacific Solution.[111] Dell Latitude E6400 XFR battery
Dell Latitude E6220 battery Boat arrivals increased considerably during 2009 and the Opposition said this was due to the government's policy adjustments, the Government said it was due to "push factors".[11

Dell Latitude E6210 battery2] After a fatal explosion on an asylum seeker boat in April 2009, Rudd said: "People smugglers are the vilest form of human life." Opposition frontbencher Tony Abbott said that Kevin Rudd was inept and hypocritical in his handling of the issue during the Oceanic Viking affair of October 2009.[1Dell Latitude E6410 battery

Dell Latitude E6120 battery13] In April 2010, the Rudd government suspended processing new claims by Sri Lankan and Afghan asylum seekers, who comprised 80 per cent of all boat arrivals, for three and six months respectively.[114] Dell Latitude E6410 ATG battery
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Rudd commissioned the Henry Tax Review, to undertake a "root and branch" review of the Australian taxation system. In 2010, the Rudd government pursued its proposal for a new 40% tax on the "super profits" of resource companies to offset a lower corporate tax rate and some adjustments to superannuation.[103][ Sony PCG-41311M battery

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115] In the face of strong opposition from the mining industry, the government exempted itself from its own guidelines on taxpayer-funded advertising and launched an advertising campaign in support of its tax policy proposal.[1Sony PCG-41314M battery


Sony VGP-BPS20 battery16] During the 2007 election campaign, Rudd had described tax payer funded political advertising as "a long-term cancer on our democracy", but he said that a government funded campaign was needed in 2010 on this issue.[117] Sony PCG-41315M battery

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Rudd announced a significant and far-reaching strategic reform to Australian healthcare in 2010.[118] However, this was not pursued beyond in-principle agreements with Labor State and Territory governments, and was scrapped by Julia Gillard during her first year in office.[119][120]

Foreign affairs Sony PCG-4R2M battery


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In accordance with a Multinational Force Iraq agreement with the new Iraqi Government,[121] Labor's plan to withdraw the Australian Defence Force "combat" contingent was completed on 28 July 2009, three days ahead of the deadline.[12Sony PCG-4U2M battery

Sony PCG-6Z4M battery


Sony VPCZ21X9R battery2] In mid-2010, there were about 65 ADF personnel remaining in Iraq supporting UN operations or the Australian Embassy.[123]


While Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Rudd said that Afghanistan was 'terrorism central'. In July 2005 he said:


Sony VPCZ21V9E battery

It's time to recognise once and for all that terrorism central is Afghanistan. You see, a lot of Jemaah Islamiah's terrorist operations in South East Asia are financed by the reconstitution of the opium crop in Afghanistan – $2.3 billion a year worth of narco-finance flowing out of Afghanistan into terrorist groups here in our region, Sony PCG-6112M battery


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/X batteryour neighbourhood, our backyard.[124]

As Prime Minister, Rudd continued to support Australian military involvement in Afghanistan, despite the growing number of Australian casualties. On 29 April 2009, Rudd committed 450 extra troops to the region bringing the total to 1550.[12Sony PCG-6121M battery

Sony PCG-6122M battery


Sony VPCZ12Z9E/B battery5] Explaining the deployment he said:

A measured increase in Australian forces in Afghanistan will enhance the security of Australian citizens, given that so many terrorists attacking Australians in the past have been trained in Afghanistan.


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On a November 2009 visit to Afghanistan, Rudd told Australian troops: "We from Australia will remain for the long haul."[12Sony PCG-6123M battery


Sony VPCZ12V9E/B battery6] In April 2010, the Australian Government decided not to commit further troops to Uruzgan province to replace Dutch forces when they withdraw, but increased the numbers of diplomatic, development aid, and police personnel to around 50 with military effort and civilian work focussed on Uruzgan.[127] Sony PCG-6124M battery


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The United States diplomatic cables leak reported Rudd's criticisms of Australia's European allies in the Afghanistan campaign.

Political positions



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Rudd (left) and US President George W. Bush (right) meet at APEC Australia 2007 in Sydney.



Rudd (left) and US President Barack Obama (right) meet in Washington DC.

As shadow foreign minister, Rudd reformulated Labor's foreign policy in terms of "Three Pillars": engagement with the UN, engagement with Asia, and the US alliance.[128] Sony VPCZ13 battery

Sony VPCZ13M9E/B battery


Although disagreeing with the original commitment to the Iraq War, Rudd supports the continued deployment of Australian troops in Iraq, but not the continued deployment of combat troops. Rudd was also in favour of Australia's military presence in Afghanistan.[129] Sony VPCZ13V9E battery

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Rudd backs the road map for peace plan and defended Israel's actions during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, condemning Hezbollah and Hamas for violating Israeli territory.[130] Sony VPCZ21Q9E battery


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As Prime Minister, he also pledged support for East Timor, stating that Australian troops would remain in East Timor for as long as East Timor's government wanted them to.[131] Sony VPCZ23K9E battery


Sony VPCZ11Z9E/B battery

Rudd also gave his support for the independence of Kosovo from Serbia,[132] before Australia officially recognised the republic.[1Sony SVS1312S9E battery

Sony VPCSB4X9E battery33] This decision sparked protests of the Serbian Australian community against Rudd.[134]


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In 2008 Rudd recommended the appointment of Quentin Bryce as the first female Governor-General of Australia to Queen Elizabeth II. Sony VGP-BPL20 battery

Sony VGP-BPS20/B battery



Some commentators have described Rudd as a social conservative.[135][136] He has moved to remove financial discrimination against LGBT couples, but he had previously been opposed to legislation to recognize same-sex marriage:[137] Sony VGP-BPS20/S battery


In May 2013, however, Rudd announced he had changed his position based on personal experience and the fact that his children had long thought him "an unreconstructed dinosaur" for not supporting marriage equality legislation. Sony VPCZ11 battery

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Sony VPCZ11X9E/B batteryHe went on to say that "I believe the secular Australian state should be able to recognise same sex marriage" while opposing any compulsion for churches to marry same-sex couples if that was not their wish.[138] Sony VGN-TT battery

Sony VGP-BPL14 battery


Sony VGN-Z11VN/X battery

In a conscience vote in 2006, Rudd supported legislation to transfer regulatory authority for the abortion-inducing drug RU486 from the federal Minister For Health to the Therapeutic Goods Administration, removing the minister's veto on the use of RU486 in Australia. Rudd said that "For me and for the reasons I have outlined, Sony VGP-BPL14/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51XG/B batterythe life of the unborn is of great importance. And having tested these reasons with men and women of faith, and men and women of science, that I've decided not to oppose this bill. "[139] Sony VGP-BPL14/S battery


Sony VGN-Z51WG/B battery

In another 2006 Parliamentary conscience vote, Mr Rudd voted against legislation to expand embryonic stem cell research[140]


Rudd and his family attend the Anglican church of St John the Baptist in Bulimba in his electorate. Although raised a Roman Catholic, Rudd began attending Anglican services in the 1980s with his wife.[11] Sony VGP-BPS14 battery


Sony VGN-Z51MG/B battery In December 2009, Rudd was spotted at a Catholic Mass to commemorate the canonisation of Mary MacKillop, in which he was administered with the Holy Communion. Rudd's actions provoked criticism and debate among both among political and religious circles.[141Sony VGP-BPS14/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51XTG/B battery] A report by The Australian quoted that Rudd embraced Anglicanism but at the same time did not formally renounce his Catholic faith.[142]

Rudd is the mainstay of the parliamentary prayer group in Parliament House, Canberra.[143] He is vocal about his Christianity and has given a number of prominent interviews to the Australian religious press on the topic.[144Sony VGP-BPS14/S battery


Sony VGN-Z31XN/B battery] Rudd has defended church representatives engaging with policy debates, particularly with respect to WorkChoices legislation, climate change, global poverty, therapeutic cloning, and asylum seekers.[145] Sony VGN-Z11MN/B battery

Sony VGN-Z11WN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z41WD/B battery In an essay in The Monthly,[145] he argued:

A [truly] Christian perspective on contemporary policy debates may not prevail. It must nonetheless be argued. And once heard, it must be weighed, together with other arguments from different philosophical traditions, Sony VGN-Z11XN/X battery

Sony VGN-Z21 battery

in a fully contestable secular polity. A Christian perspective, informed by a social gospel or Christian socialist tradition, should not be rejected contemptuously by secular politicians as if these views are an unwelcome intrusion into the political sphere. Sony VGN-Z21MN/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS12/Q battery If the churches are barred from participating in the great debates about the values that ultimately underpin our society, our economy and our polity, then we have reached a very strange place indeed. Sony VGN-Z21WN/B battery

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Sony VGP-BPS12 battery

He cites Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a personal inspiration in this regard.[146]

In May 2008, Rudd was drawn into the controversy over photographic artist Bill Henson and his work depicting naked adolescents as part of a show due to open at an inner-city gallery in Sydney. In a televised interview, Rudd stated that he found the images "absolutely revolting"[1Sony VGN-Z21ZN/X battery


Sony VGP-BPL12 battery47] and that they had "no artistic merit".[148] These views swiftly drew censure from members of the 'creative stream' who attended the recent 2020 Summit convened by Rudd, led by actor Cate Blanchett.[149] Sony VGN-Z31 battery


Sony VGN-Z battery

When in Canberra, Rudd and Rein worship at St John the Baptist Church, Reid, where they were married.[8] Rudd often does a "door stop" interview for the media when leaving the church yard.[150]


Sony VGN-Z51XG battery




Bronze bust of Kevin Rudd at the Prime Minister's Avenue at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.

On 23 June 2010, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that Rudd's Chief of Staff, Alister Jordan, had talked to over half of the Labor caucus to gauge the level of Rudd's support within the party. This followed significant media speculation that his deputy, Julia Gillard, would challenge him for the leadership.[151] Sony VGN-Z31MN/B battery


Sony VGN-Z51WG batteryLate that evening, after it became clear that Rudd had lost the support of a large number of Labor MPs, Gillard publicly requested that Rudd hold a leadership election as soon as possible. Rudd subsequently announced a leadership election for 24 June, saying that he would stand.[15


Sony VGN-Z51 battery2] Hours before the vote, however, it became clear that Rudd would not have the support to win, and so he stood down as Labor leader and Prime Minister.[153] Sony VGN-Z31VN/X battery


Gillard was elected unopposed, becoming Australia's first female Prime Minister. Bill Shorten, the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children's Services and a key member of the Labor Party's right faction, Sony VGN-Z31WN/B battery

Sony VGN-Z31ZN/B battery speculated that it was the Government's handling of the insulation program, the sudden announcement of change of policy on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, and the way in which they had "introduced the debate" about the Resource Super Profits Tax as the main reasons which had led to a collapse in support for Rudd's leadership.[154][155][156][157][1Sony VGN-TT1RLN/B battery

Sony VGN-TT1RVN/X battery


Sony VGN-TT battery


Barry Cohen, a former minister in the Hawke Government, said that many in the Labor Party felt ignored by Rudd's centralist leadership style, and his at times insulting and rude treatment of staff and other ministers. Sony VGN-TT1RWN/X battery


Sony VGN-TT46SG/W batteryMany were willing to overlook this due to his immense popularity, but when Rudd's poll numbers began to drop in late 2009 and 2010, they wanted to install a leader more able to establish consensus and involve the party caucus as a whole.[160] Rudd became the first Australian Prime Minister to be removed from office by his own party during his first term.[161] Sony VGN-TT11LN/B battery

Sony VGN-TT11M/N battery


2010 election


Rudd announced following his resignation as Prime Minister that he would re-contest his seat of Griffith for the 2010 federal election, set for 21 August. Early in the campaign, he suffered abdominal pain and underwent surgery to remove his gall bladder.[16Sony VGN-TT11RM/N battery

Sony VGN-TT11RM/R battery


Sony VGN-TT46MG/W battery2] His first public statements after the operation were in an interview[163] with ABC Radio National's Phillip Adams for Late Night Live, which received wide national coverage;[16Sony VGN-TT11VN/X battery

4] in it, he denied being the source of political leaks concerning Julia Gillard. Prime Minister Gillard later requested that Rudd join the national campaign to boost Labor's chances of re-election, which he did.[ Sony VGN-TT11WN/B battery


Sony VGN-TT46GG/W battery61] Rudd and Gillard were subsequently photographed together during a private meeting in Brisbane, both appearing uncomfortable, unsmiling and unspeaking.[165] Rudd was comfortably re-elected as the Member for Griffith. Labor under Gillard went on to form a minority government after the election resulted in a hung parliament. Sony VGN-TT11XN/B battery


Sony VGN-TT21WN/B battery

Foreign Minister




Rudd with United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in September 2010

Following her re-election, Prime Minister Julia Gillard appointed Rudd as Minister for Foreign Affairs in her Cabinet; he was sworn into this office on 14 September 2010.[166][167] He represented Gillard at a UN General Assembly meeting in September 2010.[168] Sony VGN-TT21JN/B battery

Sony VGN-TT21VN/X battery

Material relating to Kevin Rudd's term as Prime Minister was included in the United States diplomatic cables leaks released en masse by Wikileaks in 2010. As Foreign Minister, Rudd denounced the publication of classified documents by Wikileaks. Sony vgp-bps24 battery

Sony SVE1512C6E battery
 The Australian media extensively reported purported references to Rudd in the cables — including frank discussions between Rudd and US officials regarding China and Afghanistan; and negative assessments of some of Rudd's foreign policy initiatives and leadership style, written in confidence for the US Government by the US Ambassador to Australia.[169][170][ Sony vgp-bpsc24 battery
Sony VPCSD1S1C battery

Sony SVE1512B1E battery171]

Prior to his first visit to Israel as Foreign Minister, Rudd informed The Australian newspaper of a new policy position on Israeli nuclear facilities, saying that they should be subject to International Atomic Energy Agency inspection.[172] Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman rejected the call.[173] Sony SVS1311E3EW battery

Sony SVS151A12M battery

Following the 2011 Egyptian revolution and resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Rudd called for "constitutional reform and a clear timetable towards free and fair elections".[174]

In response to the 2011 Libyan civil war, Sony SVS1311P9EB battery

Sony SVS151A11M batteryRudd announced in early March 2011 that a no-fly zone should be enforced by the international community as a "lesser of two evils" to prevent dictator Muammar Gaddafi from using the Libyan airforce to attack protesters and rebels. Sony SVS1511L3ES battery

Sony SVS131B12M batteryThe Age and other media outlets reported this as representing a rift between Rudd and Prime Minister Gillard, and said that US officials in Canberra had sought official clarification on what the Australian Government was proposing. Sony SVS1511M3EW battery

Sony SVS13AA11M battery Speaking from Washington, Ms Gillard said in response that the United Nations Security Council should consider a "full range" of options to deal with the situation, and that Australia was not planning to send forces to enforce a no-fly zone.[175]

Following the devastating 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Sony SVS1511N3ES battery

Sony VPCSA2Z9E battery Rudd announced that in his conversation with Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto, he had offered Australian field hospitals and disaster victim identification teams to assist with recovery. Sony SVS1511T9ES battery
Sony SVS1511V9EB battery
Sony SVS1511V9ES battery

Sony SVS15 batteryHe also said he had offered Australian atomic expertise and requested urgent briefings following an explosion at a nuclear plant, telling ABC TV: "We and the rest of the international community need urgent briefings on the precise status of these reactors".[176] Sony SVS1511W9EB battery

Sony SVE1511W1E battery

Rudd abruptly announced his resignation as Foreign Minister on 22 February 2012, citing Gillard's failure to counter character attacks launched by Simon Crean and "a number of other faceless men" as his reasons.[177Sony VPCSA3Q9E battery

Sony SVE1511V1E battery][178] Speaking to the press in an early morning news conference in Washington D.C., Rudd explained that he considered Gillard's silence as evidence that she no longer supported him, and therefore he could not continue in office. "I can only serve as Foreign Minister if I have the confidence of Prime Minister Gillard and her senior ministers, Sony VPCSB4S9E battery
Sony VPCSE2F1E battery

Sony SVE1511Q1E battery" he said. Rudd's resignation following heated speculation about a possible leadership spill.[3] The following day, Rudd was replaced as Minister for Foreign Affairs initially by Craig Emerson on a temporary basis,[179] and then on 13 March by the newly-installed Senator Bob Carr, former NSW Premier. Sony VPCSE2V9E battery

Sony SVE1511P1E battery

2012 leadership election


Main article: Australian Labor Party leadership spill, 2012

Speculation regarding Rudd's desire to challenge Gillard to regain the leadership of the Labor Party—and hence the Prime Ministership—became a near constant feature of media commentary on the Gillard Government. In October 2011, Sony PCG-4121DM battery

Sony SVE1511M1E battery Queensland MP Graham Perrett, the member for the marginal Brisbane-area seat of Moreton, announced that if Labor replaced Gillard with Rudd, he would resign and force a by-election—a move that would likely cost Labor its majority.[180] In her speech to Labor's 2011 Conference, Sony PCG-4121EM battery

Sony SVE1511L1E batteryPrime Minister Gillard mentioned every Labor Prime Minister since World War II with the exception of Kevin Rudd.[181] The speech was widely reported as a snub to Rudd.[18
Sony SVE1511K1E battery2] In early 2012, Labor MPs began to openly discuss the issue of leadership. Simon Crean told Radio 3AW, "[Rudd] can't be leader again...people will not elect as leaders those they don't perceive as team players".[183] Sony PCG-41211M battery
Sony PCG-41213M battery

Following a Four Corners program that revisited Gillard's role in Rudd's downfall as Prime Minister, a breakdown in party discipline saw Labor MP Darren Cheeseman call on Gillard to resign, while his colleague Steve Gibbons called Rudd a "psychopath with a giant ego".[1Sony PCG-41218M battery

Sony SVE1511F1E battery84] Amidst the controversy, an expletive-laden video of out-takes of an intemperate Kevin Rudd attempting to record a Chinese language message during his time as Prime Minister was released anonymously on YouTube, Sony PCG-41414M battery

Sony SVE1511A1EW battery apparently aimed at discrediting his push for the leadership.[184] While Rudd said publicly only that he was "happy as Foreign Minister", media commentators widely declared that a leadership challenge was "on".[185] Sony PCG-41214M battery
Sony PCG-4121GM battery

When Rudd resigned on 22 February 2012, Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan lambasted Rudd as "dysfunctional". His Cabinet colleague Tony Burke also spoke against Rudd, saying of his time in office that "the stories that were around of the chaos, of the temperament, of the inability to have decisions made, they are not stories.".[186][ Sony SVE17 battery
Sony VPCCA1C5E battery

Sony SVE151C11M battery
187][188] Labor Senator Doug Cameron came out in support of Rudd and called on his colleagues to show him respect.[189]

Later that day, Rudd said that he did not think Gillard could defeat the Coalition at the next election and that, since his resignation, he had received encouragement from Labor MPs to contest the leadership.[1Sony VPCCA1S1E battery
Sony VPCCA2 battery
90] Gillard responded to these developments by announcing a leadership election for the morning of 27 February 2012, and stating that she would be a candidate.[191] Two days later, Rudd announced his own candidacy.[4] Sony VPCCA2S0E battery

Sony SVE171A11M battery Before the vote, Rudd promised that he would not initiate any further leadership challenges against Gillard should he lose, but he did not rule out becoming Leader again at a later date.[192] Sony VPCCA2Z0E battery

Sony VPCCA3E1E battery



Rudd at the 2013 meeting of the World Economic Forum

Gillard won the leadership election comfortably with 71 votes to Rudd's 31.[193] Following the result Rudd returned to the backbenches, reiterating that he would not mount any further leadership challenges against Gillard, and stating that he would support her in any further leadership elections.[194] Sony VPCCA3 battery

Sony VPCCB4X1E battery

2013 leadership elections


March 2013 leadership spill

Main article: Australian Labor Party leadership spill, March 2013

On 21 March 2013, following a request from Simon Crean, Prime Minister Julia Gillard called a leadership spill, at which it was widely reported that Rudd was considerinSony VPCCB2 battery

VPCCB3P1E batteryg standing for the leadership role of the Australian Labor Party. Rudd elected not to stand.

June 2013 leadership spill

Main article: Australian Labor Party leadership spill, June 2013

On 10 June 2013, the security of Gillard's position as leader was put in doubt following the loss of significant support in the Labor caucus. Furthermore, polling in the preceding week indicated that the party could be left with a very low number of 40 seats in the Federal Parliament, while one Labor backbencher compared the Labor Party to the Titanic.[1Sony VPCCB2M0E battery

Sony VPCCB3 battery95] ABC reported that "some former staunch supporters" hold the view that Gillard cannot win the election, and ABC journalist Barrie Cassidy identified former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as the only feasible replacement.[196] Sony VPCCB2M1E battery
Sony VPCCB2S1E battery

The political editor of the Australian newspaper, Dennis Shanahan, reported on 10 June 2013 that Rudd was "mobbed" by supporters in the Victorian city of Geelong on 7 June 2013, and that he is "expected to be returned to the ALP leadership".[197] Sony SVE1711T1EB battery
Sony SVE1711K1EW battery
Sony SVE1711V1EB battery

On 26 June 2013, Julia Gillard called a leadership spill, intending to head off any challenge. Kevin Rudd announced that he would challenge the Prime Minister. Gillard said that, in her view, the loser of the ballot should retire from politics; Rudd agreed that this would be appropriate.[5] Key Gillard supporter Bill Shorten, Sony SVE1711X1EB battery
Sony SVE1511G1EW battery

Sony VPCCA2S1E batterywho was one of the main figures responsible for Rudd's previous overturn as Prime Minister, this time announced his support for Kevin Rudd.[198] Rudd subsequently won the leadership ballot, 57–45, and became the Leader of the Labor Party for the second time.[6]

Second term as Prime Minister Sony SVE1511G1ESI battery

Sony VPCCA3S1E battery


Main article: Second Rudd Government

Following the leadership election on 26 June 2013, Julia Gillard resigned as Prime Minister. After seeking legal advice from acting Solicitor-General Robert Orr, Governor-General Quentin Bryce invited Rudd to be sworn in as Prime Minister for the second time on 27 June.[199] At 9:53 am (AEST), Rudd was sworn in as Prime Minister for a second term. [200][2Sony SVE1511G1EB battery
Sony SVE1511S1EW battery

Sony VPCCB3M1E battery01]

Personal life


In 1981, Rudd married Thérèse Rein whom he had met at a gathering of the Australian Student Christian Movement during his university years. Both were residents at Burgmann College during their first year of university.[20Sony SVE1511S1ESI battery

Sony VPCCA4S1E battery2] Rudd and Rein have three children: Jessica (born 1984), Nicholas (born 1986), and Marcus (born 1993),[203][204] and one granddaughter, Josephine (born 2012); Josephine is the daughter of Jessica and her husband Albert Tse,[205] whom she married in 2007.[206] Sony SVE1511S1EB battery

Sony SVE1511H1ESI battery
Sony SVE1511J1EW battery

Daughter Jessica is a former solicitor, former campaign worker, and former PR consultant and is currently a writer. She earned a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) and Bachelor of Laws at university.[207][2Sony SVE1511B1EW battery
Sony SVE1511H1EW battery08] Hong Kong-born, Cantonese-speaking son-in-law Albert Tse has been reported as having been, or being, a solicitor and banker at Bankwest. Tse was educated at Anglican Church Grammar School and then the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), where he graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws[Sony SVS13A1S9E battery
Sony SVS13A1X9E battery

Sony VPCSE1E1E battery 209] and was the president of the QUT Labor Club. Both are on the board of the Rudd Foundation.[206]

Elder son Nicholas married Zara Shafruddin, whom he had met at his sister's wedding, on 14 April 2012 at St James' Church, Sydney.[210] Both are Griffith University-educated solicitors at the Sydney branch of the law firm Clayton Utz.[21Sony SVS1312J3E battery
Sony SVS1312P9E battery

Sony VPCSE battery1] Nicholas proposed to Zara in Prague three years earlier.[212] Younger son Marcus has completed secondary education and, like his elder brother, has studied Mandarin.[213] Rudd's nephew Van Thanh Rudd is a Melbourne-based artist and activist.[214]

Health Sony SVS1313C5E battery

Sony VPCSB4M9E battery

In 1993, Rudd underwent a cardiac valve transplant operation (Ross procedure), receiving a cadaveric aortic valve replacement for rheumatic heart disease.[215][216][dead link] In 2011, Rudd underwent a second cardiac valve transplant operation,[217] making a full recovery from the surgery.[218][219] Sony SVS1313S9E battery
Sony SVS1511S9E battery
Sony SVS1512X9E battery

Sony VPCSB4L1E battery


Read more


29/06/2013 14:31



Australia i/əˈstreɪljə, ɒ-, -iə/,[9][10] officially the Commonwealth of Australia,[11] is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. HP Pavilion DV6-6B75CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6195CA Battery Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east; and New Zealand to the south-east. HP Pavilion DV6-6B83CA Battery


For at least 40,000 years[12] before the first British settlement in the late 18th century,[13][14] Australia was inhabited by indigenous Australians,[15] who belonged to one or more of roughly 250 language groups.[1HP Pavilion DV6-6C40CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6193CA Battery6][17] After discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606, Australia's eastern half was claimed by Great Britain in 1770 and settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales from 26 January 1788. HP Pavilion DV6-6C50CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6188CA BatteryThe population grew steadily in subsequent decades; the continent was explored and an additional five self-governing Crown Colonies were established.

On 1 January 1901, the six colonies federated, Sony VGP-BPL15/S Battery

Sony VGP-BPL21 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS14 Battery forming the Commonwealth of Australia. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system that functions as a federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. HP Pavilion DV6-6C51CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6184CA Battery The federation comprises six states and several territories. The population of 23 million[4] is highly urbanised and heavily concentrated in the eastern states.[18]

A highly developed country and one of the wealthiest, HP Pavilion DV6-6C73CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6178CA BatteryAustralia is the world's 12th-largest economy and has the world's fifth-highest per capita income. Australia's military expenditure is the world's 13th-largest. With the second-highest human development index globally, Australia ranks highly in many international comparisons of national performance, HP Pavilion DV6-6040CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6175CA Batterysuch as quality of life, health, education, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights.[19Sony VGP-BPS8 Battery

Sony VGP-BPS9 Battery


Sony VGP-BSP13/S Battery] Australia is a member of the G20, OECD, WTO, APEC, UN, Commonwealth of Nations, ANZUS, and the Pacific Islands Forum. HP Pavilion DV6-6070CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6155CA Battery

Pronounced [əˈstɹæɪljə, -liə] in Australian English,[20] the name Australia is derived from the Latin australis, meaning "southern". The country has been referred to colloquially as Oz since the early 20th century.[N


HP Pavilion DV6-6153CA Battery3] Aussie is a common colloquial term for "Australian". In neighbouring New Zealand the term "Aussie" is sometimes applied as a noun to the nation as well as its residents.[25]


HP Pavilion DV6-6148CA Battery

Legends of Terra Australis Incognita—an "unknown land of the South"—date back to Roman times and were commonplace in medieval geography, although not based on any documented knowledge of the continent. Following European discovery, names for the Australian landmass were often references to the famed Terra Australis. HP Pavilion DV6-6104CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6145CA Battery

The earliest recorded use of the word Australia in English was in 1625 in "A note of Australia del Espíritu Santo, written by Sir Richard Hakluyt",Sony VGP-BPS10 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS13/Q Battery published by Samuel Purchas in Hakluytus Posthumus, a corruption of the original Spanish name "Tierra Austral del Espíritu Santo" (Southern Land of the Holy Spirit)[26] HP Pavilion DV6-6124CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6144CA Batteryfor an island in Vanuatu.[2Sony VGP-BPS11 Battery

Sony VGP-BPS12 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS13B/Q Battery7] The Dutch adjectival form Australische was used in a Dutch book in Batavia (Jakarta) in 1638, to refer to the newly discovered lands to the south.[28] HP Pavilion DV6-6130CA Battery

HP Pavilion DV6-6135CA BatteryAustralia was later used in a 1693 translation of Les Aventures de Jacques Sadeur dans la Découverte et le Voyage de la Terre Australe, a 1676 French novel by Gabriel de Foigny, under the pen-name Jacques Sadeur.[29HP Pavilion dm4-1050ca Battery


 Referring to the entire South Pacific region, Alexander Dalrymple used it in An Historical Collection of Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean in 1771. By the end of the 18th century, the name was being used to refer specifically to Australia, HP Pavilion dm4-1150ca Battery


Sony VAIO VPCCA36FW Battery with the botanists George Shaw and Sir James Smith writing of "the vast island, or rather continent, of Australia, Australasia or New Holland" in their 1793 Zoology and Botany of New Holland,[30] and James Wilson including it on a 1799 chart.[31]


HP Pavilion dm4-3090ca Battery

The name Australia was popularised by the explorer Matthew Flinders, who pushed for it to be formally adopted as early as 1804. HP Pavilion dm4-1273ca Battery


HP Pavilion dm4-3070ca BatteryWhen preparing his manuscript and charts for his 1814 A Voyage to Terra Australis, he was persuaded by his patron, Sir Joseph Banks, to use the term Terra Australis as this was the name most familiar to the public. Flinders did so, and published the following rationale:


HP Pavilion dm4-2058ca Battery

There is no probability, that any other detached body of land, of nearly equal extent, will ever be found in a more southern latitude; the name Terra Australis will, therefore, remain descriptive of the geographical importance of this country, and of its situation on the globe: HP Pavilion dm4-1275ca Battery

it has antiquity to recommend it; and, having no reference to either of the two claiming nations, appears to be less objectionable than any other which could have been selected.*[32] HP Pavilion dm4-2053ca Battery

HP Pavilion dm4-2055ca Battery

In the footnote Flinders wrote:

*  Had I permitted myself any innovation on the original term, it would have been to convert it to AUSTRALIA; as being more agreeable to the ear, and an assimilation to the names of the other great portions of the earth.[33] Sony VAIO VPCCB35FG Battery


This is the only occurrence of the word Australia in that text; but in Appendix III, Robert Brown's General remarks, geographical and systematical, on the botany of Terra Australis, Brown makes use of the adjectival form Australian throughout,[3Sony VAIO VPCCB36FG Battery


Sony VAIO VPCCB48FN Battery4]—the first known use of that form.[35] Despite popular conception, the book was not instrumental in the adoption of the name: the name came gradually to be accepted over the following ten years.[36] Sony VAIO VPCCB36FW Battery

Sony VAIO VPCCB37FDD Battery


The first time that the name Australia appears to have been officially used was in a despatch to Lord Bathurst of 4 April 1817 in which Governor Lachlan Macquarie acknowledges the receipt of Capt. Flinders' charts of Australia.[37Sony VAIO VPCCB37FH Battery


Sony VAIO VPCCB48FJ Battery] On 12 December 1817, Macquarie recommended to the Colonial Office that it be formally adopted.[38] In 1824, the Admiralty agreed that the continent should be known officially as Australia.[39] Sony VAIO VPCCB38FJ Battery


Sony VAIO VPCC47FDB Battery

The first map on which the word Australia occurs was published in St Petersburg in 1824. It is in Krusenstern's Atlas de l'Océan Pacifique.[40] Sony VGP-BPS12/Q Battery

Sony VGP-BPS13 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS13/B Battery

Sony VGP-BPS13B/S Battery


Portrait of Captain James Cook, the first European to map the eastern coastline of Australia in 1770.


Sony VAIO VPCCB46FG Battery

Human habitation of the Australian continent is estimated to have begun between 42,000 and 48,000 years ago,[ Sony VGP-BPS13A Battery

Sony VGP-BPS13A/B Battery

Sony VGP-BPS13B/B Battery41] possibly with the migration of people by land bridges and short sea-crossings from what is now South-East Asia. These first inhabitants may have been ancestors of modern Indigenous Australians.[4Sony VAIO VPCCB38FN Battery


Sony VAIO VPCCB46FA Battery2] At the time of European settlement in the late 18th century, most Indigenous Australians were hunter-gatherers, with a complex oral culture and spiritual values based on reverence for the land and a belief in the Dreamtime. The Torres Strait Islanders, ethnically Melanesian, were originally horticulturalists and hunter-gatherers.[4Sony VAIO VPCCB45FG Battery

Sony VAIO VPCCB45FN Battery3] The northern coasts and waters of Australia were visited sporadically by fishermen from Maritime Southeast Asia.[44]

The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland, and the first recorded European landfall on the Australian continent, are attributed to the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon. He sighted the coast of Cape York Peninsula in early 1606, HP MU06 Battery


HP HA06 Battery

 and made landfall on 26 February at the Pennefather River near the modern town of Weipa on Cape York.[45] The Dutch charted the whole of the western and northern coastlines and named the island continent "New Holland" during the 17th century, but made no attempt at settlement.[4


HP HA03 Battery5] William Dampier, an English explorer and privateer, landed on the north-west coast of New Holland in 1688 and again in 1699 on a return trip.[46] In 1770, James Cook sailed along and mapped the east coast, which he named New South Wales and claimed for Great Britain.[47] HP MU09 Battery


HP MT06 BatteryWith the loss of its American colonies in 1780, the British Government sent a fleet of ships, the "First Fleet", under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip, to establish a new penal colony in New South Wales. A camp was set up and the flag raised at Sydney Cove, Port Jackson, on 26 January 1788,[ HP RM08 Battery


HP BX06 Battery14] a date which became Australia's national day, Australia Day although the British Crown Colony of New South Wales was not formally promulgated until 7 February 1788. The first settlement led to the foundation of Sydney, the establishment of farming, industry and commerce;


HP PT06 Battery and the exploration and settlement of other regions.

Van Diemen's Land, now known as Tasmania, was settled in 1803 and became a separate colony in 1825.[48] HP RS06 Battery

HP BS06 Battery

The United Kingdom formally claimed the western part of Western Australia (the Swan River Colony) in 1828.[49] Separate colonies were carved from parts of New South Wales: South Australia in 1836, HP VE06 Battery


HP MN06 BatteryVictoria in 1851, and Queensland in 1859.[50] The Northern Territory was founded in 1911 when it was excised from South Australia.[51] South Australia was founded as a "free province"—it was never a penal colony.[5HP VE12 Battery


HP GB06 Battery2] Victoria and Western Australia were also founded "free", but later accepted transported convicts.[53][54] A campaign by the settlers of New South Wales led to the end of convict transportation to that colony; the last convict ship arrived in 1848.[55] HP GA08 Battery


Port Arthur, Tasmania was Australia's largest prison for reoffending convicts.

The indigenous population, estimated to have been between 750,000 and 1,000,000 at the time European settlement began,[ HP MO06 Battery


HP LU06 Battery


56] declined for 150 years following settlement, mainly due to infectious disease.[57] A government policy of "assimilation" beginning with the Aboriginal Protection Act 1869 resulted in the removal of many Aboriginal children from their families and communitiesHP MO09 Battery


HP CL09 Battery —often referred to as the Stolen Generations—a practice which may also have contributed to the decline in the indigenous population.[58] The Federal government gained the power to make laws with respect to Aborigines following the 1967 referendum.[ HP EV06 Battery

HP EV12 Battery59] Traditional ownership of land—aboriginal title—was not recognised until 1992, when the High Court case Mabo v Queensland (No 2) overturned the legal doctrine that Australia had been terra nullius ("land belonging to no one") before the European occupation.[60] Sony SVS13AA11L Battery


A gold rush began in Australia in the early 1850s[61] and the Eureka Rebellion against mining licence fees in 1854 was an early expression of civil disobedience.[6Sony SVS131A11L Battery


Sony PCG-41414L Battery2] Between 1855 and 1890, the six colonies individually gained responsible government, managing most of their own affairs while remaining part of the British Empire.[63] The Colonial Office in London retained control of some matters, notably foreign affairs,[64] defence,[65] and international shipping.


Sony PCG-41413L Battery


The Last Post is played at an Anzac Day ceremony in Port Melbourne, Victoria. Similar ceremonies are held in most suburbs and towns.

On 1 January 1901, federation of the colonies was achieved after a decade of planning, consultation and voting.[66Sony SVS131B11L Battery


Sony PCG-41412L Battery] The Commonwealth of Australia was established and it became a dominion of the British Empire in 1907. The Federal Capital Territory (later renamed the Australian Capital Territory) was formed in 1911 as the location for the future federal capital of Canberra. Melbourne was the temporary seat of government from 1901 to 1927 while Canberra was being constructed.[67] Sony SVS151A11L Battery


Sony PCG-41411L Battery The Northern Territory was transferred from the control of the South Australian government to the federal parliament in 1911.[68] In 1914, Australia joined Britain in fighting World War I, with support from both the outgoing Commonwealth Liberal Party and the incoming Australian Labor Party.[69] Sony SVS151B11L Battery

Sony SVS151G1GL Battery

Australians took part in many of the major battles fought on the Western Front.[70] Of about 416,000 who served, about 60,000 were killed and another 152,000 were wounded.[71] Many Australians regard the defeat of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs) at Gallipoli as the birth of the nation—its first major military action.[72] Sony PCG-4121DL Battery


Sony PCG-41218L Battery [73] The Kokoda Track campaign is regarded by many as an analogous nation-defining event during World War II.[74]

Britain's Statute of Westminster 1931 formally ended most of the constitutional links between Australia and the UK. Australia adopted it in 1942,[7Sony PCG-4121EL Battery


Sony PCG-41217L Battery5] but it was backdated to 1939 to confirm the validity of legislation passed by the Australian Parliament during World War II.[76][7Sony PCG-4121FL Battery


Sony PCG-41216L Battery7] The shock of the United Kingdom's defeat in Asia in 1942 and the threat of Japanese invasion caused Australia to turn to the United States as a new ally and protector.[78] Since 1951, Australia has been a formal military ally of the US, under the ANZUS treaty.[


Sony PCG-41215L Battery79] After World War II Australia encouraged immigration from Europe. Since the 1970s and following the abolition of the White Australia policy, immigration from Asia and elsewhere was also promoted.[80] Sony PCG-4121GL Battery


Sony PCG-41214L Battery As a result, Australia's demography, culture, and self-image were transformed.[81] The final constitutional ties between Australia and the UK were severed with the passing of the Australia Act 1986, ending any British role in the government of the Australian States, and closing the option of judicial appeals to the Privy Council in London.[82Sony PCG-41211L Battery

Sony PCG-41212L Battery

Sony PCG-41213L Battery] In a 1999 referendum, 55 per cent of voters and a majority in every state rejected a proposal to become a republic with a president appointed by a two-thirds vote in both Houses of the Australian Parliament. Sony SVS13AB1GL Battery


Sony PCG-91311L BatterySince the election of the Whitlam Government in 1972,[83] there has been an increasing focus in foreign policy on ties with other Pacific Rim nations, while maintaining close ties with Australia's traditional allies and trading partners.[84] Sony SVS131C1DL Battery


Sony PCG-91211L Battery


Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia

Australia is a constitutional monarchy with a federal division of powers. It uses a parliamentary system of government with Queen Elizabeth II at its apex as the Queen of Australia, a role that is distinct from her position as monarch of the other Commonwealth realms. Sony SVS131C24L Battery

Sony SVS131E1DL Battery


Sony PCG-71914L BatteryThe Queen resides in the United Kingdom, and she is represented by her viceroys in Australia (the Governor-General at the federal level and by the Governors at the state level), who by convention act on the advice of her ministers. Sony SVS131G1DL Battery


Sony PCG-71913L BatterySupreme executive authority is vested by the Constitution of Australia in the sovereign, but the power to exercise it is conferred by the Constitution specifically on the Governor-General.[8Sony SVS151C1GL Battery


Sony PCG-71912L Battery5][86] The most notable exercise to date of the Governor-General's reserve powers outside the Prime Minister's request was the dismissal of the Whitlam Government in the constitutional crisis of 1975.[87] Sony SVS151C2DL Battery


Sony PCG-71911L Battery

The federal government is separated into three branches:

The legislature: the bicameral Parliament, defined in section 1 of the constitution as comprising the Queen (represented by the Governor-General), the Senate, and the House of Representatives;


Sony PCG-71811L Battery

The executive: the Federal Executive Council, in practice the Governor-General as advised by the Prime Minister and Ministers of State;[88]

The judiciary: the High Court of Australia and other federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the Governor-General on advice of the Council. Sony SVS151E1GL Battery

Sony PCG-61A11L Battery


In the Senate (the upper house), there are 76 senators: twelve each from the states and two each from the mainland territories (the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory).[89] Sony PCG-61A13L Battery


Sony PCG-71713L BatteryThe House of Representatives (the lower house) has 150 members elected from single-member electoral divisions, commonly known as "electorates" or "seats", allocated to states on the basis of population,[90Sony PCG-61A14L Battery


Sony PCG-71614L Battery] with each original state guaranteed a minimum of five seats.[91] Elections for both chambers are normally held every three years, simultaneously; senators have overlapping six-year terms except for those from the territories, Sony PCG-71C11L Battery


Sony PCG-61913L Battery whose terms are not fixed but are tied to the electoral cycle for the lower house; thus only 40 of the 76 places in the Senate are put to each election unless the cycle is interrupted by a double dissolution.[89] Sony PCG-71C12L Battery


Australia's electoral system uses preferential voting for all lower house elections with the exception of Tasmania and the ACT which, along with the Senate and most state upper houses, combine it with proportional representation in a system known as the single transferable vote. Voting is compulsory for all enrolled citizens 18 years and over in every jurisdiction,[92Sony PCG-61714L Battery

Sony PCG-61813L Battery

Sony PCG-61911L Battery] as is enrolment (with the exception of South Australia).[93] The party with majority support in the House of Representatives forms the government and its leader becomes Prime Minister. In cases where no party has majority support, Sony SVE141C11L Battery


Sony PCG-61713L Batterythe Governor-General has the power to appoint the Prime Minister and, if necessary, dismiss one that has lost the confidence of Parliament.[94]

There are two major political groups that usually form government, federally and in the states: the Australian Labor Party and the Coalition which is a formal grouping of the Liberal Party and its minor partner, the National Party.[95][ Sony SVE141D11L Battery


Sony SVE171G112 Battery96] Independent members and several minor parties have achieved representation in Australian parliaments, mostly in upper houses.

Within Australian political culture, the Coalition is considered centre-right and the Labor Party is considered centre-left. Queensland in particular, along with Western Australia and the Northern Territory, are regarded as comparatively conservative.[97][98][99] Sony SVE141L11L Battery


Sony SVE171E12L Battery [100][101][102] Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory are regarded as comparatively socially liberal.[102][103][104][105] New South Wales has often been regarded as a politically moderate bellwether state.[102][105


Following a partyroom leadership challenge, Julia Gillard became the first female Prime Minister in June 2010.[10Sony SVE151E11L Battery


Sony SVE171E11L Battery6] The most recent federal election was held on 21 August 2010 and resulted in the first hung parliament in over 50 years. Gillard was able to form a minority Labor government with the support of independents. Sony SVE151G11L Battery


Sony SVE171C11L Battery

States and territories


Main article: States and territories of Australia



A clickable map of Australia's states and mainland territories

Australia has six states—New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), South Australia (SA), Tasmania (TAS), Victoria (VIC) and Western Australia (WA)—and two major mainland territories—the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and the Northern Territory (NT). Sony SVE151G13L Battery

Sony SVE151J11L Battery In most respects these two territories function as states, but the Commonwealth Parliament can override any legislation of their parliaments. By contrast, federal legislation overrides state legislation only in areas that are set out in Section 51 of the Australian Constitution; state parliaments retain all residual legislative powers, Sony PCG-91111L Battery


Sony PCG-61317L Battery including those over schools, state police, the state judiciary, roads, public transport and local government, since these do not fall under the provisions listed in Section 51.[107] Sony PCG-91112L Battery


Each state and major mainland territory has its own parliament—unicameral in the Northern Territory, the ACT and Queensland—and bicameral in the other states. The states are sovereign entities, although subject to certain powers of the Commonwealth as defined by the Constitution. Sony PCG-71312L Battery


Sony PCG-61316L BatteryThe lower houses are known as the Legislative Assembly (the House of Assembly in South Australia and Tasmania); the upper houses are known as the Legislative Council. The head of the government in each state is the Premier and in each territory the Chief Minister. The Queen is represented in each state by a Governor; and in the Northern Territory, the Administrator.[108] Sony PCG-71311L Battery


Sony PCG-61315L Battery In the Commonwealth, the Queen's representative is the Governor-General.[109]

The federal parliament directly administers the following territories:[88]

Jervis Bay Territory, a naval base and sea port for the national capital in land that was formerly part of New South Wales Sony PCG-71218L Battery


Sony PCG-61312L Battery

Norfolk Island is also technically an external territory; however, under the Norfolk Island Act 1979 it has been granted more autonomy and is governed locally by its own legislative assembly. The Queen is represented by an Administrator, currently Owen Walsh.[110] Sony PCG-71217L Battery

Sony PCG-71313L Battery


Foreign relations and military


Main articles: Foreign relations of Australia and Australian Defence Force

Over recent decades, Australia's foreign relations have been driven by a close association with the United States through the ANZUS pact, Sony PCG-71315L Battery


Sony PCG-61311L Battery and by a desire to develop relationships with Asia and the Pacific, particularly through ASEAN and the Pacific Islands Forum. In 2005 Australia secured an inaugural seat at the East Asia Summit following its accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia,


Sony PCG-61215L Battery and in 2011 attended the Sixth East Asia Summit in Indonesia. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, in which the Commonwealth Heads of Government meetings provide the main forum for co-operation.[111]


Sony PCG-61211L Battery


Australian Army soldiers conducting a foot patrol during a joint training exercise with US forces in Shoalwater Bay (2007).

Australia has pursued the cause of international trade liberalisation.[112][113][114] It led the formation of the Cairns Group and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.[1Sony PCG-71316L Battery


Sony PCG-71216L Battery15][116] Australia is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the World Trade Organization,[117][118] and has pursued several major bilateral free trade agreements, most recently the Australia – United States Free Trade Agreement[119Sony PCG-71317L Battery


Sony PCG-71215L Battery] and Closer Economic Relations with New Zealand,[120] with another free trade agreement being negotiated with China—the Australia–China Free Trade Agreement—and Japan,[121] South Korea in 2011,[12Sony PCG-71318L Battery

Sony PCG-71211L Battery

Sony PCG-71212L Battery2][123] Australia–Chile Free Trade Agreement, ASEAN – Australia – New Zealand Free Trade Area, and the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership.

Along with New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Singapore, Australia is party to the Five Power Defence Arrangements, a regional defence agreement. A founding member country of the United Nations, Australia is strongly committed to multilateralism[1Sony PCG-61713L Battery

Sony PCG-61317L Battery
24] and maintains an international aid program under which some 60 countries receive assistance. The 2005–06 budget provides A$2.5 billion for development assistance.[125] Australia ranks seventh overall in the Center for Global Development's 2008 Commitment to Development Index.[126] Sony PCG-91111L Battery

Sony PCG-61316L Battery

Australia's armed forces—the Australian Defence Force (ADF)—comprise the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the Australian Army and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), in total numbering 80,561 personnel (including 55,068 regulars and 25,493 reservists).[1Sony PCG-91112L Battery

Sony PCG-61315L Battery27] The titular role of Commander-in-Chief is vested in the Governor-General, who appoints a Chief of the Defence Force from one of the armed services on the advice of the government.[1Sony PCG-71312L Battery
28] Day-to-day force operations are under the command of the Chief, while broader administration and the formulation of defence policy is undertaken by the Minister and Department of Defence. Sony PCG-71311L Battery

Sony PCG-61312L Battery

In the 2010–11 budget, defence spending was A$25.7 billion,[129] representing the 13th largest defence budget.[130] Australia has been involved in UN and regional peacekeeping, disaster relief and armed conflict; Sony PCG-71218L Battery

Sony PCG-61311L Battery it currently has deployed approximately 3,330 defence force personnel in varying capacities to 12 international operations in areas including East Timor, Solomon Islands and Afghanistan.[131] Sony PCG-71217L Battery

Geography and climate


Main articles: Geography of Australia, Climate of Australia, and Geology of Australia



Climatic zones in Australia, based on the Köppen climate classification.

Australia's landmass of 7,617,930 square kilometres (2,941,300 sq mi)[132] is on the Indo-Australian Plate. Surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans,[N Sony PCG-71313L Battery

Sony PCG-61215L Battery4] it is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas, with the Coral Sea lying off the Queensland coast, and the Tasman Sea lying between Australia and New Zealand. The world's smallest continent[134] and sixth largest country by total area,[135] Australia—owing to its size and isolation—is often dubbed the "island continent",[1Sony PCG-71315L Battery
Sony PCG-71316L Battery

Sony PCG-61211L Battery36] and is sometimes considered the world's largest island.[137] Australia has 34,218 kilometres (21,262 mi) of coastline (excluding all offshore islands),[138] and claims an extensive Exclusive Economic Zone of 8,148,250 square kilometres (3,146,060 sq mi). This exclusive economic zone does not include the Australian Antarctic Territory.[13Sony PCG-71317L Battery

Sony PCG-71216L Battery9] Excluding Macquarie Island, Australia lies between latitudes 9° and 44°S, and longitudes 112° and 154°E.

The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef,[140] lies a short distance off the north-east coast and extends for over 2,000 kilometres (1,240 mi). Mount Augustus, claimed to be the world's largest monolith,[14Sony PCG-71318L Battery
1] is located in Western Australia. At 2,228 metres (7,310 ft), Mount Kosciuszko on the Great Dividing Range is the highest mountain on the Australian mainland. Even taller are Mawson Peak (at 2,745 metres or 9,006 feet), Sony PCG-71211L Battery
Sony PCG-71212L Battery
Sony PCG-71215L Batteryon the remote Australian territory of Heard Island, and, in the Australian Antarctic Territory, Mount McClintock and Mount Menzies, at 3,492 metres (11,457 ft) and 3,355 metres (11,007 ft) respectively.[142] Sony PCG-71913L Battery
Sony PCG-71914L Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21A/B Battery


Everlastings on Mount Hotham, located in Victoria

Australia's size gives it a wide variety of landscapes, with subtropical rainforests in the north-east, mountain ranges in the south-east, south-west and east, and dry desert in the centre.[143] It is the flattest continent,[144] with the oldest and least fertile soils;[145][1Sony PCG-91211L Battery

Sony SVE171G112 Battery46] desert or semi-arid land commonly known as the outback makes up by far the largest portion of land.[14Sony VGP-BPL8 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21B Battery

Sony VGP-BPS21/S Battery7] The driest inhabited continent, only its south-east and south-west corners have a temperate climate. Sony PCG-91311L Battery

Sony SVE171E12L Battery [148] The population density, 2.8 inhabitants per square kilometre, is among the lowest in the world,[149] although a large proportion of the population lives along the temperate south-eastern coastline.[150] Sony SVE141C11L Battery

Sony SVE171E11L Battery

Eastern Australia is marked by the Great Dividing Range, which runs parallel to the coast of Queensland, New South Wales and much of Victoria. The name is not strictly accurate, because parts of the range consist of low hills, and the highlands are typically no more than 1,600 metres
Sony SVE171C11L Battery  (5,249 ft) in height.[1Sony VGP-BPL9 Battery

Sony VGP-BPL10 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21 Battery

Sony VGP-BPS21A Battery51] The coastal uplands and a belt of Brigalow grasslands lie between the coast and the mountains, while inland of the dividing range are large areas of grassland.[151][15Sony SVE141D11L Battery

Sony SVE151J11L Battery2] These include the western plains of New South Wales, and the Einasleigh Uplands, Barkly Tableland, and Mulga Lands of inland Queensland. The northernmost point of the east coast is the tropical-rainforested Cape York Peninsula.[153][154][155][156] Sony SVE141L11L Battery

Sony SVE151G13L Battery



Topographic map of Australia

The landscapes of the northern part of the country—the Top End and the Gulf Country behind the Gulf of Carpentaria, with their tropical climate—consist of woodland, grassland, and desert.[157][158][159Sony SVE151E11L Battery
Sony SVE151G11L Battery] At the north-west corner of the continent are the sandstone cliffs and gorges of The Kimberley, and below that the Pilbara. To the south of these and inland, lie more areas of grassland: the Ord Victoria Plain and the Western Australian Mulga shrublands.[160][161][16Sony PCG-71C11L Battery

Sony PCG-71912L Battery2] At the heart of the country are the uplands of central Australia; prominent features of the centre and south include the inland Simpson, Tirari and Sturt Stony, Gibson, Great Sandy, Tanami, and Great Victoria deserts, with the famous Nullarbor Plain on the southern coast.[163][164][165][166] Sony PCG-71C12L Battery

Sony PCG-71911L Battery

The climate of Australia is significantly influenced by ocean currents, including the Indian Ocean Dipole and the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, which is correlated with periodic drought, and the seasonal tropical low-pressure system that produces cyclones in northern Australia.[167 Sony VGP-BPL11 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS15/S Battery
Sony PCG-71811L Battery][168] These factors cause rainfall to vary markedly from year to year. Much of the northern part of the country has a tropical, predominantly summer-rainfall (monsoon) climate.[169] The southwest corner of the country has a Mediterranean climate.[170] Much of the southeast (including Tasmania) is temperate.[169] Sony PCG-61714L Battery

Sony PCG-71713L Battery



Main article: Environment of Australia

See also: Fauna of Australia, Flora of Australia, and Fungi of Australia

Although most of Australia is semi-arid or desert, it includes a diverse range of habitats from alpine heaths to tropical rainforests, Sony PCG-61813L Battery

Sony PCG-71614L Battery and is recognised as a megadiverse country. The fungi typify that diversity; the total number that occur in Australia, including those not yet discovered, has been estimated at around 250,000 species, of which roughly 5% have been described.[171Sony PCG-61911L Battery
Sony PCG-61913L Battery] Because of the continent's great age, Sony VGP-BPL12 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS15/B Battery extremely variable weather patterns, and long-term geographic isolation, much of Australia's biota is unique and diverse. About 85 per cent of flowering plants, 84 per cent of mammals, more than 45 per cent of birds, and 89 per cent of in-shore, temperate-zone fish are endemic.[17Sony SVS13AA11L Battery

Sony PCG-61A14L Battery2] Australia has the greatest number of reptiles of any country, with 755 species.[173]



The koala and the eucalyptus form an iconic Australian pair

Australian forests are mostly made up of evergreen species, Sony VGP-BPL13 Battery

Sony VGP-BPL14 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS14/S Battery

Sony VGP-BPS15 Battery particularly eucalyptus trees in the less arid regions, wattles replace them in drier regions and deserts as the most dominant species.[17
Sony PCG-61A11L Battery
Sony PCG-61A13L Battery4] Among well-known Australian animals are the monotremes (the platypus and echidna); a host of marsupials, including the kangaroo, koala, and wombat, and birds such as the emu and the kookaburra.[174] Australia is home to many dangerous animals including some of the most venomous snakes in the world.[17Sony SVS131A11L Battery

Sony SVS151E1GL Battery5] The dingo was introduced by Austronesian people who traded with Indigenous Australians around 3000 BCE.[176] Many animal and plant species became extinct soon after first human settlement,[17Sony SVS131B11L Battery

Sony SVS151C2DL Battery7] including the Australian megafauna; others have disappeared since European settlement, among them the thylacine.[178][179] Sony VGP-BPL14/B Battery

Sony VGP-BPL14B Battery


Sony VGP-BPS14B Battery

Many of Australia's ecoregions, and the species within those regions, are threatened by human activities and introduced animal, chromistan, fungal and plant species.[1Sony SVS151A11L Battery

Sony SVS151C1GL Battery80] The federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is the legal framework for the protection of threatened species.[181] Numerous protected areas have been created under the National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity to protect and preserve unique ecosystems;[182][18Sony SVS151B11L Battery
Sony SVS151G1GL Battery

Sony SVS131G1DL Battery3] 65 wetlands are listed under the Ramsar Convention,[184] and 16 natural World Heritage Sites have been established.[185] Australia was ranked 51st of 163 countries in the world on the 2010 Environmental Performance Index.[18Sony PCG-4121DL Battery
Sony PCG-4121EL Battery

Sony SVS131E1DL Battery]

Climate change has become an increasing concern in Australia in recent years, and protection of the environment is a major political issue.[187][188Sony VGP-BPL14/S Battery

Sony VGP-BPL15 Battery

Sony VGP-BPL15/B Battery


Sony VGP-BPS14/B Battery] In 2007, the Rudd Government signed the instrument of ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Sony PCG-4121FL Battery
Sony PCG-4121GL Battery
Nevertheless, Australia's carbon dioxide emissions per capita are among the highest in the world, lower than those of only a few other industrialised nations.[189] Rainfall in Australia has slightly increased over the past century, both nationwide and for two quadrants of the nation,[190Sony PCG-41211L Battery

Sony SVS131C24L Battery] According to the Bureau of Meteorology's 2011 Australian Climate Statement, Australia had lower than average temperatures in 2011 as a consequence of a La Niña weather pattern, however, Sony PCG-41212L Battery
"the country's 10-year average continues to demonstrate the rising trend in temperatures, with 2002–2011 likely to rank in the top two warmest 10-year periods on record for Australia, at 0.52 °C above the long-term average".[Sony PCG-41213L Battery

Sony SVS131C1DL Battery191] Water restrictions are frequently in place in many regions and cities of Australia in response to chronic shortages due to urban population increases and localised drought.[192][193] Throughout much of the continent, Sony PCG-41214L Battery
Sony PCG-41215L Battery
major flooding regularly follows extended periods of drought, flushing out inland river systems, overflowing dams and inundating large inland flood plains, as occurred throughout Eastern Australia in 2010, 2011 and 2012 after the 2000s Australian drought. Sony PCG-41216L Battery
Sony PCG-41217L Battery

Sony SVS13AB1GL Battery



Main article: Economy of Australia

See also: Economic history of Australia, Median household income in Australia and New Zealand, and Transport in Australia



The Super Pit gold mine in Kalgoorlie, Australia's largest open cut mine.[194]

Australia is a wealthy country[195][19Sony PCG-41218L Battery

Sony PCG-41414L Battery6][197] with a market economy, a relatively high GDP per capita, and a relatively low rate of poverty. The Australian dollar is the currency for the nation, including Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Sony PCG-41411L Battery
Sony PCG-41412L Battery
Sony PCG-41413L Battery and Norfolk Island, as well as the independent Pacific Island states of Kiribati, Nauru, and Tuvalu. With the 2006 merger of the Australian Stock Exchange and the Sydney Futures Exchange, the Australian Securities Exchange became the ninth largest in the world.[198] Sony PCG-3B1L Battery

Sony PCG-3B2L Battery


Sony PCG-3H4L Battery


Ranked third in the Index of Economic Freedom (2010),[199] Australia is the world's twelfth largest economy and has the fifth highest per capita GDP (nominal) at $66,984. The country was ranked second in the United Nations 2011 Human Development Index and first in Legatum's 2008 Prosperity Index.[20Sony PCG-3B3L Battery


Sony PCG-3H3L Battery0] All of Australia's major cities fare well in global comparative livability surveys;[201] Melbourne reached first place on The Economist's 2011 and 2012 world's most livable cities lists, followed by Sydney, Perth, and Adelaide in sixth, eighth, and ninth place respectively.[202] Sony PCG-3B4L Battery


Sony PCG-3H2L Battery Total government debt in Australia is about $190 billion[203] – 20 per cent of GDP in 2010.[204] Australia has among the highest house prices and some of the highest household-debt levels in the world.[205] Sony PCG-3C2L Battery


Sony PCG-3H1L Battery



Destination and value of Australian exports in 2006[206]

An emphasis on exporting commodities rather than manufactured goods has underpinned a significant increase in Australia's terms of trade since the start of the 21st century, due to rising commodity prices. Sony PCG-3C3L Battery


Sony PCG-3G5L BatteryAustralia has a balance of payments that is more than 7 per cent of GDP negative, and has had persistently large current account deficits for more than 50 years.[207] Australia has grown at an average annual rate of 3.6 per cent for over 15 years, in comparison to the OECD annual average of 2.5 per cent.[2Sony PCG-3D3L Battery

07] Australia was the only advanced economy not to experience a recession due to the global financial downturn in 2008–2009.[20Sony PCG-3D4L Battery


Sony PCG-3G3L Battery8] However, the economies of six of Australia's major trading partners have been in recession, which in turn has affected Australia, significantly hampering its economic growth in recent years.[209][21Sony PCG-3E3L Battery


Sony PCG-3B1L Battery0] From 2012 to early 2013, Australia's national economy grew, but some non-mining states and Australia's non-mining economy experienced a recession.[211][212][213Sony PCG-3F1L Battery


The Hawke Government floated the Australian dollar in 1983 and partially deregulated the financial system.[215] The Howard Government followed with a partial deregulation of the labour market and the further privatisation of state-owned businesses, most notably in the telecommunications industry.[2Sony PCG-3F2L Battery

Sony PCG-3F3L Battery

Sony PCG-3F4L Battery16] The indirect tax system was substantially changed in July 2000 with the introduction of a 10 per cent Goods and Services Tax (GST).[21Sony PCG-9Z1L Battery


Sony PCG-8151L Battery

7] In Australia's tax system, personal and company income tax are the main sources of government revenue.[218]

In May 2012, there were 11,537,900 people employed (either full- or part-time), with an unemployment rate of 5.1 per cent.[219] Youth unemployment (15–24) stood at 11.2 per cent.[219] Sony PCG-9Z2L Battery


Over the past decade, inflation has typically been 2–3 per cent and the base interest rate 5–6 per cent. The service sector of the economy, including tourism, education, and financial services, accounts for about 70 per cent of GDP.[220] Rich in natural resources, Australia is a major exporter of agricultural products, Sony PCG-7142L Battery


Sony PCG-8141L Battery particularly wheat and wool, minerals such as iron-ore and gold, and energy in the forms of liquified natural gas and coal. Although agriculture and natural resources account for only 3 per cent and 5 per cent of GDP respectively, Sony PCG-7151L Battery

Sony PCG-7152L Battery


Sony PCG-813L Battery they contribute substantially to export performance. Australia's largest export markets are Japan, China, the US, South Korea, and New Zealand.[221] Australia is the world's fourth largest exporter of wine, and the wine industry contributes $5.5 billion per year to the nation's economy.[222] Sony PCG-7153L Battery




Main articles: Demographics of Australia, Immigration to Australia, and List of cities in Australia by population



Nearly three quarters of Australians live in metropolitan cities and coastal areas. The beach is an integral part of the Australian identity.[223] Sony PCG-7154L Battery


Sony PCG-7185L Battery

For almost two centuries the majority of settlers, and later immigrants, came from the British Isles. As a result the people of Australia are primarily of British and/or Irish ethnic origin. The 2011 Census asked respondents to provide a maximum of two ancestries with which they most closely identify. Sony PCG-7161L Battery

The most commonly nominated ancestry was English (36.1 per cent), followed by Australian (35.4 per cent),[224] Irish (10.4 per cent), Scottish (8.9 per cent), Italian (4.6 per cent), German (4.5 per cent), Chinese (4.3 per cent), Sony PCG-7162L Battery


Sony PCG-7184L Battery Indian (2.0 per cent), Greek (1.9 per cent), and Dutch (1.7 per cent).[225] Asian Australians make up 12% of the population.[226]

Australia's population has quadrupled since the end of World War I.[227] Nevertheless, its population density, Sony PCG-7171L Battery


Sony PCG-7183L Battery2.8 inhabitants per square kilometre, remains among the lowest in the world.[149] Much of the population increase came from immigration. Following World War II and through to 2000, almost 5.9 million of the total population settled in the country as new immigrants, meaning that nearly two out of every seven Australians were born in another country.[228Sony PCG-7172L Battery


Sony PCG-7182L Battery] Most immigrants are skilled,[229] but the immigration quota includes categories for family members and refugees.[229] By 2050, Australia's population is currently projected to reach around 42 million.[230] Sony PCG-7173L Battery

Sony PCG-7174L Battery

Sony PCG-7181L Battery

In 2011, 24.6% of Australians were born elsewhere and 43.1% of people had at least one overseas-born parent;[231] the largest immigrant groups were those from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, India, Italy, Vietnam, and Philippines.[232] Sony PCG-31311L Battery

Sony PCG-41112L Battery


Sony PCG-81411L Battery

Over 80 percent of Australia's population is of European ancestry, and most of the rest are of Asian heritage, with a smaller minority of indigenous (Aboriginal) background. Following the abolition of the White Australia policy in 1973, Sony PCG-51111L Battery

Sony PCG-51113L Battery

Sony PCG-51211L Battery


Sony PCG-81314L Battery numerous government initiatives have been established to encourage and promote racial harmony based on a policy of multiculturalism.[233] In 2005–06, more than 131,000 people emigrated to Australia, mainly from Asia and Oceania.[234] The migration target for 2012–13 is 190,000,[ Sony PCG-51311L Battery

Sony PCG-51312L Battery


Sony PCG-81313L Battery235] compared to 67,900 in 1998–99.[236]



The Barossa Valley is a wine-producing region in South Australia. Fewer than 15 per cent of Australians live in rural areas.

The Indigenous population—mainland Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders—was counted at 548,370 (2.5 per cent of the total population) in 2011,[237Sony PCG-51411L Battery

Sony PCG-51412L Battery

Sony PCG-51511L Battery


Sony PCG-81312L Battery] a significant increase from 115,953 in the 1976 census.[238] The increase is partly due to many people with Indigenous heritage previously having been overlooked by the census due to undercount and cases where their Indigenous status had not been recorded on the form. Sony PCG-51513L Battery


Sony PCG-81311L Battery

Indigenous Australians experience higher than average rates of imprisonment and unemployment,[23Sony PCG-61412L Battery

Sony PCG-71111L Battery


Sony PCG-81214L Battery9] lower levels of education, and life expectancies for males and females that are 11–17 years lower than those of non-indigenous Australians.[221][240][241] Some remote Indigenous communities have been described as having "failed state"-like conditions.[242][243][244][245][246] Sony PCG-81111L Battery


In common with many other developed countries, Australia is experiencing a demographic shift towards an older population, with more retirees and fewer people of working age. In 2004, the average age of the civilian population was 38.8 years.[247] A large number of Australians (759,849 for the period 2002–03;[24Sony PCG-81112L Battery

Sony PCG-81113L Battery

Sony PCG-81114L Battery8] 1 million or 5% of the total population in 2005[249]) live outside their home country.

Although Australia has no official language, English has always been entrenched as the de facto national language.[1] Australian English is a major variety of the language with a distinctive accent and lexicon,[ Sony VGP-BPS13 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21B battery251] Sony PCG-61412L Battery
and differs slightly from other varieties of English in grammar and spelling.[252] General Australian serves as the standard dialect. According to the 2011 census, English is the only language spoken in the home for close to 81% of the population. The next most common languages spoken at home are Mandarin (1.7%), Sony PCG-71111L Battery
Sony PCG-81111L Battery

Sony PCG-81411L BatteryItalian (1.5%), Arabic (1.4%), Cantonese (1.3%), Greek (1.3%), and Vietnamese (1.2%);[Sony PCG-81112L Battery

Sony PCG-81314L Battery232] a considerable proportion of first- and second-generation migrants are bilingual. Sony VGP-BPS13B/Q battery


Sony VGP-BPS21A batteryA 2010–2011 study by the Australia Early Development Index found the most common language spoken by children after English was Arabic, followed by Vietnamese, Greek, Chinese, and Hindi.[253][254] Sony PCG-81113L Battery

Sony PCG-81313L Battery

Between 200 and 300 Indigenous Australian languages are thought to have existed at the time of first European contact, of which only about 70 have survived. Many of these are exclusively spoken by older people; Sony PCG-81114L Battery
only 18 Indigenous languages are still spoken by all age groups.[255] At the time of the 2006 census, 52,000 Indigenous Australians, representing 12 per cent of the Indigenous population, reported that they spoke an Indigenous language at home. Sony PCG-81214L Battery
Sony PCG-81311L Battery
Sony PCG-81312L Battery [256] Australia has a sign language known as Auslan, which is the main language of about 5,500 deaf people.[25Sony VGP-BPS13/Q battery

Sony VGP-BPS13A/B battery


Sony VGP-BPL21 battery

Sony VGP-BPS21 battery7]


Main article: Religion in Australia



WR Thomas, A South Australian Corroboree, 1864, Art Gallery of South Australia. Aboriginal Australians developed the animist religion of the Dreamtime. Sony VGP-BPS13/S battery

Sony VGP-BPS13/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS13B/B battery

Australia has no state religion; Section 116 of the Australian Constitution prohibits the federal government from making any law to establish any religion, impose any religious observance, or prohibit the free exercise of any religion.[258Sony PCG-9Z1L Battery

Sony PCG-8141L Battery
] In the 2011 census, 61.1 per cent of Australians were counted as Christian, including 25.3 per cent as Roman Catholic and 17.1 per cent as Anglican. 22.3 per cent of the population reported having "no religion" (which includes humanism, atheism, Sony PCG-9Z2L Battery

Sony PCG-813L Batteryagnosticism and rationalism). 7.2 per cent identify with non-Christian religions, the largest of these being Buddhism (2.5 per cent), followed by IslamSony VGP-BPS13B/S battery

Sony VGP-BPS13A battery

Sony VGP-BPS13A/S battery


Sony VGP-BPS13B battery  (2.2 per cent), Hinduism (1.3 per cent) and Judaism (0.5 per cent). The remaining 9.4 per cent of the population did not provide an answer.[232] Sony PCG-7142L Battery
Sony PCG-7151L Battery



St Mary's Catholic Cathedral, Sydney, built to a design by William Wardell. About a quarter of Australians are Roman Catholic.

Prior to European settlement in Australia, the animist beliefs of Australia's indigenous people had been practised for millennia. In the case of mainland Aboriginal Australians, Sony PCG-7152L Battery

Sony PCG-7185L Batterytheir spirituality is known as the Dreamtime and it places a heavy emphasis on belonging to the land. The collection of stories that it contains shaped Aboriginal law and customs. Aboriginal art, story and dance continue to draw on these spiritual traditions. Sony VGP-BPS13AS battery


Sony VGP-BPS13AB battery
Sony PCG-7184L BatteryIn the case of the Torres Strait Islanders who inhabit the islands between Australia and New Guinea, spirituality and customs reflected their Melanesian origins and dependence on the sea. The 1996 Australian census counted more than 7000 respondents as followers of a traditional Aboriginal religion.[259] Sony PCG-7153L Battery

Sony PCG-7183L Battery

Since the arrival of the First Fleet of British ships in 1788, Christianity has grown to be the major religion. Consequently, the Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter are public holidays, the skylines of Australian cities and towns are marked by church and cathedral spires, Sony PCG-7154L Battery

Sony PCG-7182L Batteryand the Christian churches have played an integral role in the development of education, health and welfare services in Australia. Sony VGP-BPS13S battery

Sony VGP-BPS13A/Q battery

Sony VGP-BPS13A/R battery The Catholic education system operates as the largest non-government educator, accounting for about 21 per cent of all secondary enrolments as of 2010, Sony PCG-7161L Battery

Sony PCG-7181L Battery with Catholic Health Australia similarly being the largest non-government provider. Christian welfare organisations also play a prominent role in national life, with organisations such as the Salvation Army, Sony PCG-7162L Battery
St Vincent de Paul Society and Anglicare having widespread support. Such contributions are recognised on Australia's currency, with the presence of Christian ministers such as Aboriginal writer David Unaipon ($50); Sony PCG-7171L Battery

Sony PCG-7174L Batteryfounder of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, John Flynn ($20); and Catherine Helen Spence ($5) who was Australia's first female candidate for political office. Other significant Australian religious figures have included Mary MacKillop, Sony PCG-7172L Battery
Sony PCG-7173L Battery who in 2010 became the first Australian to be recognised as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church and Church of Christ pastor Sir Douglas Nicholls who, like Martin Luther King in the United States, led a movement against racial inequality in Australia and was also the first indigenous Australian to be appointed as a state governor. Sony PCG-8151L Battery

For much of Australian history the Church of England (now known as the Anglican Church of Australia) was the largest religious affiliation, however multicultural immigration has contributed to a decline in its relative position, Dell Latitude E5500 Battery


Dell Latitude E5430 Battery

 with the Roman Catholic Church benefiting from the opening of post-war Australia to multicultural immigration and becoming the largest group. Similarly, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism have all been expanding in the post war decades.[2Dell Latitude E5400 Battery

Dell Latitude E5410 Battery


Dell Latitude E5420M Battery60] To a lesser extent, smaller affiliations including the Bahá'í Faith, Sikhism, Wicca and Paganism have also seen a significant increase in numbers. In the 2001 census there were, 17,381 Sikhs, 11,037 Bahá'ís, 10,632 Pagans and 8,755 Wiccans in Australia.[261] Dell Latitude E5510 Battery

Dell latitude e6400 Battery


An international survey, made by the private and not-for profit German think-tank, the Bertelsmann Foundation, found that "Australia is one of the least religious nations in the western world, coming in 17th out of 21 [countries] Dell latitude e6500 Battery

Dell Latitude E5220 Batterysurveyed" and that "Nearly three out of four Australians say they are either not at all religious or that religion does not play a central role in their lives."[262] While weekly attendance at church services in 2001 was about 1.5 million[263] (about 7.8 per cent of the population),[264Dell Latitude E6400 ATG Battery


Dell Latitude E6530 Battery

] a survey of 1,718 Australians by the Christian Research Association at the end of 2009 suggested that the number of people attending religious services per month in Australia has dropped from 23 per cent in 1993 to 16 per cent in 2009, Dell Latitude E6400 XFR Battery

Dell Latitude E6410 Battery

Dell Latitude E6410 ATG Battery


Dell Latitude E6520N Battery and while 60 per cent of 15 to 29-year-old respondents in 1993 identified with Christian denominations, 33 per cent did in 2009.[265]


Main article: Education in Australia

School attendance is compulsory throughout Australia. Education is the responsibility of the individual states and territories[266] so the rules vary between states, but in general children are required to attend school from the age of about 5 up until about 16.[267][268] In some states (e.g., WA,[269] NT[270] & NSW[271][ Dell Latitude E6510 Battery

Dell Precision M2400 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Battery272]), children aged 16–17 are required to either attend school or participate in vocational training, such as an apprenticeship.

Australia has an adult literacy rate that is assumed to be 99 per cent. In the Programme for International Student Assessment, Australia regularly scores among the top five of thirty major developed countries (member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). Catholic education accounts for the largest non-government sector. Dell Precision M4400 Battery

Dell Precision M4500 Battery

Dell Latitude E6430S Battery

Australia has 37 government-funded universities and two private universities, as well as a number of other specialist institutions that provide approved courses at the higher education level.[273] The University of Sydney is Australia's oldest university, having been founded in 1850, followed by the University of Melbourne three years later. Dell Precision M6400 Battery

Dell Precision M6500 Battery


Other notable universities include those of the Group of Eight leading tertiary institutions, including the University of Adelaide (which boasts an association with five Nobel Laureates), the Australian National University located in the national capital of Canberra, Monash University and the University of New South Wales. Dell Latitude E4310 Battery

Dell Latitude E4320 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Battery

The OECD places Australia among the most expensive nations to attend university.[274] There is a state-based system of vocational training, known as TAFE, and many trades conduct apprenticeships for training new tradespeople.[ Dell Latitude E4200 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430 Battery275] Approximately 58 per cent of Australians aged from 25 to 64 have vocational or tertiary qualifications,[ Dell Latitude E5420 Battery

Dell Latitude E5520 Battery

221] and the tertiary graduation rate of 49 per cent is the highest among OECD countries. The ratio of international to local students in tertiary education in Australia is the highest in the OECD countries.[276] Dell Latitude E4300 Battery


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG Battery


See also: Health care in Australia

Australia has the fourth highest life expectancy in the world after Iceland, Japan and Hong Kong.[277] Life expectancy in Australia in 2010 was 79.5 years for males and 84.0 years for females.[278] Australia has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world,[27Dell Latitude E6420 Battery


Dell Latitude E6330 Battery9] while cigarette smoking is the largest preventable cause of death and disease, responsible for 7.8 per cent of the total mortality and disease. Ranked second in preventable causes is hypertension at 7.6 per cent, with obesity third at 7.5 per cent.[280][2Dell Latitude E6520 Battery


Dell Latitude E6230 Battery81] Australia ranks 35th in the world[282] and near the top of developed nations for its proportion of obese adults.[283]

Total expenditure on health (including private sector spending) is around 9.8 per cent of GDP.[284] Australia introduced universal health care in 1975.[28Dell Latitude E5530 Battery

Dell Latitude E6120 Battery

Dell Latitude E6220 Battery5] Known as Medicare, it is now nominally funded by an income tax surcharge known as the Medicare levy, currently set at 1.5 per cent.[286] The states manage hospitals and attached outpatient services, while the Commonwealth funds the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (subsidising the costs of medicines) and general practice.[285] Dell XPS 14 Battery

Dell XPS 14D Battery


Dell Inspiron 14R Battery




Main article: Culture of Australia



The Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne was the first building in Australia to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004.[287]

Since 1788, the basis of Australian culture has been strongly influenced by Anglo-Celtic Western culture.[288][289] Distinctive cultural features have also arisen from Australia's natural environment and Indigenous cultures.[290][29Dell XPS 14D-L401X Battery


Dell Inspiron 13R Battery1] Since the mid-20th century, American popular culture has strongly influenced Australia, particularly through television and cinema.[292] Other cultural influences come from neighbouring Asian countries, and through large-scale immigration from non-English-speaking nations.[292][293] Dell XPS 15 Battery

Dell XPS 15D Battery

Dell Inspiron N4110 Battery


Main articles: Australian art, Theatre of Australia, and Dance in Australia



Bailed up by Tom Roberts depicts the robbing of a coach from the gold fields by bushrangers.

Australian visual arts are thought to have begun with the cave paintings, rock engravings and body painting of its Indigenous peoples. The traditions of Indigenous Australians are largely transmitted orally, through ceremony and the telling of Dreamtime stories.[29Dell XPS 15-L501X Battery

Dell XPS 15-L502X Battery


Dell Inspiron N5010 Battery

4] From the time of European settlement, a theme in Australian art has been the natural landscape,[290] seen for example in the works of Albert Namatjira,[295] Arthur Streeton and others associated with the Heidelberg School,[290] and Arthur Boyd.[296]

The country's landscape remains a source of inspiration for Australian modernist artists; it has been depicted in acclaimed works by the likes of Sidney Nolan,[29Dell XPS 15Z Battery

Dell XPS 17 Battery


Dell Inspiron N5010D Battery7] Fred Williams,[298] Sydney Long,[299] and Clifton Pugh.[300] Australian artists influenced by modern American and European art include cubist Grace Crowley,[301] surrealist James Gleeson,[302] and pop artist Martin Sharp.[303] Contemporary Indigenous Australian art is the only art movement of international significance to emerge from Australia[304][305Dell XPS L702X Battery

Dell XPS 17-L701X Battery


Dell Inspiron 15R Battery] and "the last great art movement of the 20th century";[306] its exponents have included Emily Kngwarreye.[307][308] Art critic Robert Hughes has written several influential books about Australian history and art, and was described as the "world's most famous art critic" by The New York Times.[309] Dell XPS 17-L702X Battery


Dell Inspiron 17R Battery The National Gallery of Australia and state galleries maintain Australian and overseas collections.[310] Australia has one of the world's highest attendances of art galleries and museums per head of population—far more than Britain or America.[311]

Many of Australia's performing arts companies receive funding through the federal government's Australia Council.[31Dell XPS L501X Battery

Dell XPS L502X Battery


Dell Inspiron N7010 Battery2] There is a symphony orchestra in each state,[313] and a national opera company, Opera Australia,[314] well-known for its famous soprano Joan Sutherland.[315] At the beginning of the 20th century, Nellie Melba was one of the world's leading opera singers.[316] Ballet and dance are represented by The Australian Ballet and various state companies. Each state has a publicly funded theatre company.[317][ Dell XPS L701X Battery

Dell Inspiron 14V Battery


Dell Inspiron N4010R Battery318][319]



Performance of Aboriginal song and dance in the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney

Australian literature has also been influenced by the landscape; the works of writers such as Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson, and Dorothea Mackellar captured the experience of the Australian bush.[320] The character of the nation's colonial past, as represented in early literature, is popular with modern Australians.[2Dell Inspiron N4020 Battery


Dell Inspiron N4010D Battery90] In 1973, Patrick White was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature,[321] the first Australian to have achieved this.[322] Australian winners of the Man Booker Prize have included Peter Carey and Thomas Keneally;[32Dell Inspiron N4030 Battery


Dell Inspiron N4010 Battery3] David Williamson, David Malouf, and J. M. Coetzee, who recently became an Australian citizen, are also renowned writers,[324] and Les Murray is regarded as "one of the leading poets of his generation".[325] Dell Inspiron N7110 Battery


Dell Inspiron N3010 Battery


Main articles: Television in Australia, Media of Australia, and Music of Australia

The Australian cinema industry began with the 1906 release of The Story of the Kelly Gang, which is regarded as being the world's first feature-length film;[3Dell Inspiron N7010R Battery


Dell Inspiron N3010R Battery26] but both Australian feature film production and the distribution of British-made features declined dramatically after World War I as American studios and distributors monopolised the industry,[327] Dell Inspiron N7010D Battery


Dell Inspiron N5010R Battery and by the 1930s around 95 per cent of the feature films screened in Australia were produced in Hollywood. By the late 1950s feature film production in Australia had effectively ceased and there were no all-Australian feature films made in the decade between 1959 and 1969.[328] Dell Inspiron N5110 Battery

Dell Inspiron N5030 Battery

Thanks to initiatives by the Gorton and Whitlam federal governments, the New Wave of Australian cinema of the 1970s brought provocative and successful films, some exploring the nation's colonial past, such as Picnic at Hanging Rock and Breaker Morant,[3Dell Latitude E4200 Battery


Dell Latitude E6530 Battery29] while the so-called "Ocker" genre produced several highly successful urban-based comedy features including The Adventures of Barry McKenzie and Alvin Purple.[330][331][332] Later hits included Mad Max and Gallipoli.[333][334] More recent successes included Shine and Rabbit-Proof Fence.[335][ Dell Latitude E4300 Battery

Dell Latitude E4310 Battery


Dell Latitude E6520N Battery336] Notable Australian actors include Judith Anderson,[337] Errol Flynn,[338] Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts,[339] Hugh Jackman, Heath Ledger, Geoffrey Rush, and Cate Blanchett—current joint director of the Sydney Theatre Company.[340][341] Dell Latitude E5400 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430S XFR Battery

Australia has two public broadcasters (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the multicultural Special Broadcasting Service), three commercial television networks, several pay-TV services,[342] and numerous public, non-profit television and radio stations. Each major city has at least one daily newspaper,[34Dell Latitude E5420 Battery

Dell Latitude E5500 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430 ATG Battery2] and there are two national daily newspapers, The Australian and The Australian Financial Review.[342] In 2010, Reporters Without Borders placed Australia 18th on a list of 178 countries ranked by press freedom, behind New Zealand (8th) but ahead of the United Kingdom (19th) and United States (20th).[ Dell Latitude E5520 Battery

Dell Latitude E6120 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430 Battery343] This relatively low ranking is primarily because of the limited diversity of commercial media ownership in Australia;[344] most print media are under the control of News Corporation and Fairfax Media.[345] Dell Latitude E6220 Battery

Dell Latitude E6320 Battery


Dell Latitude E5530 Battery


Main article: Australian cuisine



The Pavlova has been consumed in Australia since the 20th century.

The food of Indigenous Australians was largely influenced by the area in which they lived. Most tribal groups subsisted on a simple hunter-gatherer diet, hunting native game and fish and collecting native plants and fruit. The general term for native Australian flora and fauna used as a source of food is bush tucker.[346][ Dell Latitude E6400 Battery

Dell Latitude E6410 Battery

347] The first settlers introduced British food to the continent[348] which much of what is now considered typical Australian food is based on the Sunday roast has become an enduring tradition for many Australians.[34Dell Latitude E6420 Battery

9] Since the beginning of the 20th century, food in Australia has increasingly been influenced by immigrants to the nation, particularly from Southern European and Asian cultures.[348][349] Australian wine is produced in 60 distinct production areas totalling approximately 160,000 hectares, mainly in the southern, cooler parts of the country. Dell Latitude E6420 ATG Battery

Dell Latitude E6500 Battery


Dell Latitude E5430 Battery The wine regions in each of these states produce different wine varieties and styles that take advantage of local climates and soil types. The predominant varieties are Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Sémillon, Pinot noir, Riesling, and Sauvignon blanc.[350][351][352][222][3Dell Latitude E6510 Battery

Dell Latitude E6520 Battery

53][354] In 1995, an Australian red wine, Penfolds Grange, won the Wine Spectator award for Wine of the Year, the first time a wine from outside France or California achieved this distinction.[355] Dell Latitude E6400 ATG Battery


Dell Latitude E5420M Battery


Main article: Sport in Australia



Cricket has been an important part of Australia's sporting culture since the 19th century.[356]

Around 24 per cent of Australians over the age of 15 regularly participate in organised sporting activities in Australia.[221Dell Latitude E6400 XFR Battery


Dell Latitude E5520 Battery] Australia has strong international teams in cricket, field hockey, netball, rugby league, and rugby union, having been Olympic or world champions at least twice in each sport in the last 25 years for both men and women where applicable.[357][358][359][360][36


Dell Latitude E6330 Battery1][362][363][364] Australia is also powerful in track cycling, rowing, and swimming, having consistently been in the top-five medal-winners at Olympic or World Championship level since 2000.[365][366Dell Latitude E6410 ATG Battery

Dell Latitude E6210 Battery

Dell Latitude E6230 Battery][367] Swimming is the strongest of these sports; Australia is the second-most prolific medal winner in the sport in Olympic history.[368][369][370]

Some of Australia's most internationally well-known and successful sportspeople are swimmers Dawn Fraser, Murray Rose, Shane Gould, and Ian Thorpe; sprinters Shirley Strickland, Betty Cuthbert, and Cathy Freeman;[37Sony PCG-3B2L Battery

Sony PCG-5T3L Battery
1] tennis players Rod Laver, Roy Emerson, Ken Rosewall, Evonne Goolagong, and Margaret Court; cricketers Donald Bradman and Shane Warne; three-time Formula One world champion Jack Brabham; five-time motorcycle grand prix world champion Mick Doohan; golfers Greg Norman and Karrie Webb;[37Sony PCG-3B3L Battery
Sony PCG-5T2L Battery2] cyclist Hubert Opperman, prodigious billiards player Walter Lindrum[373] and basketball players Andrew Bogut[374] and Lauren Jackson. Nationally, other popular sports include Australian rules football, horse racing, squash, surfing, soccer, and motor racing. The annual Melbourne Cup horse race and the Sydney to Hobart yacht race attract intense interest. Sony PCG-3B4L Battery


Australia has participated in every summer Olympics of the modern era,[375] and every Commonwealth Games.[376] Australia hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne and the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney,[377] and ranked among the top six medal-takers for the games of 2000, 2004 and 2008.[378Sony PCG-3C2L Battery

Sony PCG-5T1L Battery] In the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Australia was placed 10th in the medal table.[379] Australia has also hosted the 1938, 1962, 1982, 2006 Commonwealth Games and will host the 2018 Commonwealth Games.[ Sony PCG-3C3L Battery

Sony PCG-5S3L Battery380] Other major international events held in Australia include the Australian Open tennis grand slam tournament, international cricket matches, and the Australian Formula One Grand Prix. Australia hosted the 2003 Rugby World Cup and the annual Australia–New Zealand Bledisloe Cup is keenly watched. Sony PCG-3D3L Battery

Sony PCG-5S2L BatteryThe highest-rating television programs include sports telecasts such as the summer Olympics, FIFA World Cup, Rugby League State of Origin, and the grand finals of the National Rugby League and Australian Football League.[3Sony PCG-3D4L Battery
Sony PCG-3E3L Battery

Sony PCG-5S1L Battery81] Skiing in Australia began in the 1860s and snow sports take place in the Australian Alps and parts of Tasmania.


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The Second Boer War

28/06/2013 15:59


The Second Boer War

The Second Boer War (Dutch: Tweede Boerenoorlog, Afrikaans: Tweede Vryheidsoorlog or Tweede Boereoorlog) was fought from 11 October 1899 until 31 May 1902 between the British Empire and the Afrikaans-speaking Dutch settlers of two independent Boer republics, the South African Republic (Transvaal Republic) Levono Ideapad G560 Keyboard

and the Orange Free State. It ended with a British victory and the annexation of both republics by the British Empire; both would eventually be incorporated into the Union of South Africa, a dominion of the British Empire, in 1910. Levono Ideapad Z570 Keyboard

Levono Ideapad Z560 Keyboard


The conflict is commonly referred to as The Boer War but is also known as the South African War outside South Africa, the Anglo-Boer War among most South Africans, and in Afrikaans as the Anglo-Boereoorlog or Tweede Vryheidsoorlog ("Second War of Liberation" or lit. "Second Freedom War") or the Engelse oorlog (English War).[7] Levono Ideapad Y560P Keyboard


Levono Ideapad Y570D Keyboard

The Second Boer War and the earlier, much less well known, First Boer War (December 1880 to March 1881) are collectively known as the Boer Wars.

The complex origins of the war resulted from more than a century of conflict between the Boers and the British Empire, Levono Ideapad Y560 Keyboard


Levono Ideapad Z575 Keyboard but of particular immediate importance was the question as to which white nation would control and benefit most from the very lucrative Witwatersrand gold mines.[8] During the Napoleonic Wars, Levono Ideapad V570A Keyboard


Levono Ideapad Z565 Keyboarda British military expedition landed in the Cape Colony and defeated the defending Dutch forces at the Battle of Blaauwberg (1806).[9] After the war, the British formally acquired the colony (1814), Levono Ideapad V570 Keyboard


Levono Ideapad Y570 Keyboard and encouraged immigration by British settlers who were largely at odds with the Dutch settlers. Many Boers who were dissatisfied with aspects of British administration, in particular with Britain's abolition of slavery on 1 December 1834, elected to migrate away from British rule in what became known as the Great Trek.[9] Levono Ideapad V570C Keyboard


The Trekkers initially followed the eastern coast towards Natal and then, after Britain annexed the Natal in 1843, journeyed northwards towards the interior. There they established two independent Boer republics: the South African Republic (1852;


Levono Ideapad V570A Keyboardalso known as the Transvaal Republic) and the Orange Free State (1854). The British recognised the two Boer republics in 1852 and 1854, but attempted British annexation of the Transvaal in 1877 led to the First Boer War in 1880–81. Levono Ideapad B570 Keyboard


Levono Ideapad G575 KeyboardAfter the British suffered defeats, particularly at the Battle of Majuba Hill (1881), the independence of the two republics was restored subject to certain conditions; relations, however, remained uneasy. Levono Ideapad B575 Keyboard


In 1866 Erasmus Jacobs discovered diamonds at Kimberley, prompting a diamond rush and a massive influx of foreigners to the borders of the Orange Free State. Then in 1886, an Australian discovered gold in the Witwatersrand area of the South African Republic. Levono Ideapad B570A Keyboard

Levono Ideapad B570G KeyboardGold made the Transvaal the richest and potentially the most powerful nation in southern Africa; however, the country had neither the manpower nor the industrial base to develop the resource on its own. HP Pavilion dm4-3002ea keyboard


HP Pavilion dm4-3000 keyboardAs a result, the Transvaal reluctantly acquiesced to the immigration of uitlanders (foreigners), mainly from Britain, who came to the Boer region in search of fortune and employment.


HP Pavilion dm4-3000ea keyboardThis resulted in the number of uitlanders in the Transvaal potentially exceeding the number of Boers, and precipitated confrontations between the earlier-arrived Boer settlers and the newer, non-Boer arrivals. HP Pavilion dm4-3002sa keyboard

HP Pavilion dm4-3000sa keyboard

British expansionist ideas (notably propagated by Cecil Rhodes) as well as disputes over uitlander political and economic rights resulted in the failed Jameson Raid of 1895. Dr. Leander Starr Jameson, who led the raid, intended to encourage an uprising of the uitlanders in Johannesburg.


HP Probook 5330M Keyboard

However, the uitlanders did not take up arms in support, and Transvaal government forces surrounded the column and captured Jameson's men before they could reach Johannesburg.[10]

As tensions escalated, HP Probook 4320S Keyboard


HP Probook 5320M Keyboardpolitical manoeuvrings and negotiations attempted to reach compromise on the issues of the rights of the uitlanders within the South African Republic, control of the gold mining industry, and the British desire to incorporate the Transvaal and the Orange Free State into a federation under British control. HP Probook 4321S Keyboard

HP Probook 4325S Keyboard

Given the British origins of the majority of uitlanders and the ongoing influx of new uitlanders into Johannesburg, the Boers recognised that granting full voting rights to the uitlanders would eventually result in the loss of ethnic Boer control in the South African Republic. HP Probook 4326S Keyboard


To the satisfaction of Lord Milner, British High Commissioner for South Africa, the June 1899 negotiations in Bloemfontein failed, and in September 1899 British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain demanded full voting rights and representation for the uitlanders residing in the Transvaal. Paul Kruger, the President of the South African Republic, HP Probook 4329S Keyboard


HP Probook 5310M Keyboardissued an ultimatum on 9 October 1899, giving the British government 48 hours to withdraw all their troops from the borders of both the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, failing which the Transvaal, HP Probook 4410 Keyboard


HP Probook 4730S Keyboard allied to the Orange Free State, would declare war on the British government. The British government rejected the South African Republic's ultimatum, resulting in the South African Republic and Orange Free State declaring war on Britain.

Phases[edit] HP Probook 4410S Keyboard



The war had three distinct phases. In the first phase, the Boers mounted pre-emptive strikes into British-held territory in Natal and the Cape Colony, besieging the British garrisons of Ladysmith, Mafeking and Kimberley. HP Probook 4410T Keyboard


HP Probook 4725S KeyboardThe Boers then won a series of tactical victories at Colenso, Magersfontein and Spionkop against a failed British counteroffensive to relieve the sieges.

In the second phase, after the introduction of greatly increased British troop numbers under the command of Lord Roberts, the British launched another offensive in 1900 to relieve the sieges, this time achieving success. HP Probook 4411S Keyboard


HP Probook 4720S Keyboard After Natal and the Cape Colony were secure, the British were able to invade the Transvaal, and the republic's capital, Pretoria, was ultimately captured in June 1900.

In the third and final phase, HP Probook 4413S Keyboard


HP Probook 4715S Keyboard beginning in March 1900, the Boers launched a protracted hard-fought guerrilla war against the British forces, lasting a further two years, during which the Boers raided targets such as British troop columns, telegraph sites, HP Probook 4414S Keyboard


HP Probook 4535S Keyboard railways and storage depots. In an effort to cut off supplies to the raiders, the British, now under the leadership of Lord Kitchener, responded with a scorched earth policy of destroying Boer farms and moving civilians into concentration camps.[11] HP Probook 4416S Keyboard


HP Probook 4530S Keyboard

Some parts of the British press and British government expected the campaign to be over within months, and the protracted war gradually became less popular, especially after revelations about the conditions in the concentration camps (where as many as 26,000 Afrikaner women and children died of disease and malnutrition). HP Probook 4510S Keyboard

HP Probook 4525S Keyboard The Boer forces finally surrendered on Saturday, 31 May 1902, with 54 of the 60 delegates from the Transvaal and Orange Free State voting to accept the terms of the peace treaty.[12] This was known as the Treaty of Vereeniging, Sony PCG-61A11L Battery

Sony PCG-71318L Battery  and under its provisions, the two republics were absorbed into the British Empire, with the promise of self-government in the future. This promise was fulfilled with the creation of the Union of South Africa in 1910.

Sony PCG-71316L Battery


The war had a lasting effect on the region and on British domestic politics. For Britain, the Second Boer War was the longest, the most expensive (£200 million), and the bloodiest conflict between 1815 and 1914,[1Sony PCG-61A12L Battery

Sony PCG-71315L Battery3] lasting three months longer and resulting in higher British casualties than the Crimean War (1853–56) (although more soldiers died from disease in the Crimean War).


Sony PCG-71314L Battery


This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2012)

Sony PCG-61A13L Battery
Sony PCG-61A14L Battery

The geography of the region; the South African Republic/Transvaal (green), with the Orange Free State (orange), the British Cape Colony (blue), and the Natal (red)

The southern part of the African continent was dominated in the 19th century by a set of struggles to create within it a single unified state. Sony PCG-61911L Battery

Sony PCG-71313L Battery


While the Berlin Conference of 1884–5 sought to draw boundaries between the European powers' African possessions, it also set the stage for further scrambles. The British attempted to annexe first the South African Republic in 1880, and then, Sony PCG-61913L Battery

Sony PCG-71312L Battery in 1899, both the South African Republic and the Orange Free State. In 1868, the British annexed Basutoland in the Drakensberg Mountains following an appeal from Moshesh, the leader of a mixed group of African refugees from the Zulu wars, who sought British protection against the Boers. Sony PCG-71911L Battery

Sony PCG-71311L BatteryIn the 1880s, Bechuanaland (modern Botswana, located north of the Orange River) became the object of a dispute between the Germans to the west, the Boers to the east, and the British Cape Colony to the south. Sony PCG-71912L Battery

Sony PCG-71213L Battery Although Bechuanaland had no economic value, the "Missionaries Road" passed through it towards territory farther north. After the Germans annexed Damaraland and Namaqualand (modern Namibia) in 1884, the British annexed Bechuanaland in 1885.

Sony PCG-71212L Battery

In the First Boer War of 1880–81 the Boers of the Transvaal Republic had proved skilful fighters in resisting the British attempt at annexation, in causing in a series of British defeats. The British government of William Ewart Gladstone had been unwilling to become bemired in a distant war,

Sony PCG-71211L Batterywhich required substantial troop reinforcement and expense, for what was at the time perceived to be a minimal return. An armistice followed, ending the war, and subsequently a peace treaty was signed with the Transvaal President Paul Kruger. Sony PCG-71913L Battery
Sony PCG-71914L Battery

However, when, in 1886, a major gold field was discovered at an outcrop on a large ridge some sixty kilometres south of the Boer capital at Pretoria, it reignited British imperial interests. The ridge, known locally as the "Witwatersrand" (literally "white water ridge"–a watershed) contained the world's largest deposit of gold-bearing ore. Sony PCG-71811L Battery
Sony PCG-91211L Battery

Sony PCG-61317L BatteryAlthough it was not as rich as gold finds in Canada and Australia, its consistency made it especially well-suited to industrial mining methods. With the 1886 discovery of gold in the Transvaal, Sony PCG-91311L Battery

Sony PCG-61316L Battery the resulting gold rush brought thousands of British and other prospectors and settlers from across the globe and over the border from the Cape Colony (under British control since 1806). Sony PCG-71C11L Battery

The city of Johannesburg sprang up as a shanty town nearly overnight as the uitlanders ("foreigners," meaning non-Boer whites) poured in and settled around the mines. The influx was such that the uitlanders quickly outnumbered the Boers in Johannesburg and along the Rand, although they remained a minority in the Transvaal as a whole. Sony PCG-71C12L Battery

Sony PCG-61315L Battery The Boers, nervous and resentful of the uitlanders' growing presence, sought to contain their influence through requiring lengthy residential qualifying periods before voting rights could be obtained, Sony PCG-71411L Battery

Sony PCG-71317L Batteryby imposing taxes on the gold industry, and by introducing controls through licensing, tariffs and administrative requirements. Among the issues giving rise to tension between the Transvaal government on the one hand, and the Uitlanders and British interests on the other, were:
Sony PCG-61215L Battery

Established uitlanders, including the mining magnates, wanted political, social, and economic control over their lives. These rights included a stable constitution, a fair franchise law, an independent judiciary, and a better educational system. Sony PCG-71511L Battery

Sony PCG-61313L BatteryThe Boers, for their part, recognised that the more concessions they made to the uitlanders the greater the likelihood–with approximately 30,000 white male Boer voters and potentially 60,000 white male uitlanders–Sony PCG-61611L Battery
that their independent control of the Transvaal would be lost and the territory absorbed into the British Empire.

The uitlanders resented the taxes levied by the Transvaal government, particularly when this money was not spent on Johannesburg or uitlander interests, Sony PCG-61511L Battery

Sony PCG-61312L Battery but diverted to projects elsewhere in the Transvaal. For example, as the gold-bearing ore sloped away from the outcrop underground to the south, more and more blasting was necessary for extraction, Sony PCG-61211L Battery
Sony PCG-61311L Battery and mines consumed vast quantities of explosives. A box of dynamite costing five pounds included five shillings tax. Not only was this tax perceived as exorbitant, but British interests were offended when President Paul Kruger gave monopoly rights for the manufacture of the explosive to a non-British branch of the Nobel company, which infuriated the British.[14] Sony PCG-41112L Battery

Sony PCG-81411L Battery  The so-called "dynamite monopoly" became a major pretext for war.

British imperial interests were alarmed when in 1894–95 Kruger proposed building a railway through Portuguese East Africa to Delagoa Bay, bypassing British controlled ports in Natal and Cape Town and avoiding British tariffs.[15Sony PCG-51311L Battery

Sony PCG-81312L Battery ] At the time the Prime Minister of the Cape Colony was Cecil Rhodes, a man driven by a vision of a British controlled Africa extending from Cape to Cairo. Sony PCG-51312L Battery
Sony PCG-51411L Battery

Certain self-appointed uitlanders representatives and British mine owners became increasingly angered and frustrated by their dealings with the Transvaal government. A Reform Committee (Transvaal) was formed to represent the uitlanders. Sony PCG-51412L Battery

Jameson Raid[edit]

Main article: Jameson Raid



A sketch showing the arrest of Jameson after the failed raid, in 1896

In 1895, a plan was hatched with the connivance of the Cape Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes and Johannesburg gold magnate Alfred Beit to take Johannesburg, ending the control of the Transvaal government.
Sony PCG-81311L Battery A column of 600 armed men (mainly made up of his Rhodesian and Bechuanaland policemen) was led by Dr. Leander Starr Jameson (the Administrator in Rhodesia of the British South Africa Company (or "Chartered Company") of which Cecil Rhodes was the Chairman) over the border from Bechuanaland towards Johannesburg. Sony PCG-51111L Battery

Sony PCG-81214L Battery The column was equipped with Maxim machine guns, and some artillery pieces. The plan was to make a three-day dash to Johannesburg before the Boer commandos could mobilise, and once there, trigger an uprising by the primarily British expatriate workers (uitlanders) organised by the Reform Committee. Sony PCG-51113L Battery
However, the Transvaal authorities had advance warning of the Jameson Raid and tracked it from the moment it crossed the border. Four days later, the weary and dispirited column was surrounded near Krugersdorp within sight of Johannesburg. Sony PCG-51211L Battery

Sony PCG-81115L Battery After a brief skirmish in which the column lost 65 killed and wounded—while the Boers lost but one man—Jameson's men surrendered and were arrested by the Boers.[10]
Sony PCG-81114L Battery

The botched raid resulted in repercussions throughout southern Africa and in Europe. In Rhodesia, the departure of so many policemen enabled the Matabele and Mashona tribes to rise up against the Chartered Company, and the rebellion, known as the Second Matabele War, was suppressed only at great cost.
Sony PCG-81113L Battery

A few days after the raid, the German Kaiser sent a telegram ("Kruger telegram") congratulating President Kruger and the government of the South African Republic on their success, and when the text of this telegram was disclosed in the British press, Sony PCG-51511L Battery
Sony PCG-51513L Battery  it generated a storm of anti-German feeling. In the baggage of the raiding column, to the great embarrassment of the British, the Boers found telegrams from Cecil Rhodes and the other plotters in Johannesburg. Sony PCG-7191L Battery

Sony PCG-7162L Battery
 Joseph Chamberlain, the British Colonial Secretary, quickly moved to condemn the raid, despite previously having approved Rhodes' plans to send armed assistance in the case of a Johannesburg uprising. Subsequently, Sony PCG-7192L Battery

Sony PCG-7161L Battery  Rhodes was severely censured at the Cape inquiry and the London parliamentary inquiry, and forced to resign as Prime Minister of the Cape and as Chairman of the Chartered Company for having sponsored the failed coup d'état. Sony PCG-7173L Battery

Sony PCG-7154L Battery

The Boer government handed their raid prisoners over to the British for trial. Dr. Jameson was tried in England for leading the raid. However, the British press and London society inflamed by anti-Boer and anti-German feeling and in a frenzy of jingoism, Sony PCG-7172L Battery
lionised Dr. Jameson and treated him as a hero. Although sentenced to 15 months imprisonment (which he served in Holloway), Jameson was later rewarded by being named Prime Minister of the Cape Colony (1904–08) and ultimately anointed as one of the founders of the Union of South Africa. For conspiring with Jameson, Sony PCG-7174L Battery

Sony PCG-7153L Battery  the uitlander members of the Reform Committee (Transvaal) were tried in the Transvaal courts and found guilty of high treason. The four leaders were sentenced to death by hanging, but this sentence was next day commuted to 15 years' imprisonment; Sony PCG-7181L Battery  
Sony PCG-7152L Battery and in June 1896, the other members of the Committee were released on payment of £2,000 each in fines, all of which were paid by Cecil Rhodes. One Reform Committee member, Frederick Gray, had committed suicide while in Pretoria gaol,
Sony PCG-7182L Battery

Sony PCG-7171L Battery  on 16 May, and his death was a factor in softening the Transvaal government's attitude to the remaining prisoners.

Jan C. Smuts wrote in 1906, "The Jameson Raid was the real declaration of war. . . . And that is so in spite of the four years of truce that followed . Sony PCG-7183L Battery
Sony PCG-7184L Battery
Sony PCG-7185L Battery . .[the] aggressors consolidated their alliance . . . the defenders on the other hand silently and grimly prepared for the inevitable."[16]

Escalation and war[edit]

Sony PCG-41111M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-51211M CPU cooling fan


Paul Kruger, leader of the South African Republic, (Transvaal), issued an ultimatum of withdrawal in response to the British ultimatum by Joseph Chamberlain for uitlander rights, which escalated the situation to a state of war Sony PCG-41112M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-51112M CPU cooling fan

The Jameson Raid alienated many Cape Afrikaners from the British, and united the Transvaal Boers behind President Kruger and his government. It also had the effect of drawing the Transvaal and the Orange Free State (led by President Martinus Theunis Steyn) Sony PCG-81111M CPU cooling fan 
together in opposition to perceived British imperialism. In 1897, a military pact was concluded between the two republics. President Paul Kruger proceeded to re-equip the Transvaal army, and imported 37,000 of the latest magazine Mauser rifles, Sony PCG-81112M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-51111M CPU cooling fanand some 40 to 50 million rounds of ammunition.[17] The best modern European artillery was also purchased.

By October 1899 the Transvaal State Artillery had 73 guns, of which 59 were new, including four 155-mm Creusot fortress guns, and 25 37mm Maxim Nordenfeldt guns.[1Sony PCG-81212M CPU cooling fan 
8] The Transvaal army had been transformed; approximately 25,000 men equipped with modern rifles and artillery could mobilise within two weeks. However, President Kruger's victory in the Jameson Raid incident did nothing to resolve the fundamental problem; Sony PCG-81113M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-51212M CPU cooling fan the impossible dilemma continued, namely how to make concessions to the uitlanders without surrendering the independence of the Transvaal.

The failure to gain improved rights for uitlanders became a pretext for war and a justification for a major military buildup in the Cape Colony. The case for war was developed and espoused as far away as the Australian colonies.[1Sony PCG-81313M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-51512M CPU cooling fan9] Several key British colonial leaders favoured annexation of the independent Boer republics. These figures included Cape Colony Governor Sir Alfred Milner, Cape Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes, British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain, and mining syndicate owners or Randlords (nicknamed the gold bugs), Sony PCG-21313M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-31311M CPU cooling fan such as Alfred Beit, Barney Barnato, and Lionel Phillips. Confident that the Boers would be quickly defeated, they planned and organised a short war, citing the uitlanders' grievances as the motivation for the conflict. Sony PCG-7195M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-7196M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-61212M CPU cooling fan

Their influence with the British government was, however, limited. Lord Salisbury, the Prime Minister, despised jingoism and jingoists. He also distrusted the abilities of the British army. Yet he led Britain into war for three main reasons: Sony PCG-7192M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-71313M CPU cooling fanbecause he believed the British government had an obligation to British South Africans; because he thought that the Transvaal, the Orange Free State, and the Cape Boers aspired to a Dutch South Africa, and that the achievement of such a state would damage Britain's imperial prestige around the world; Sony PCG-7194M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-71311M CPU cooling fanand because of the Boers' treatment of black South Africans.[20] (Salisbury had referred to the London Convention of 1884, after the British defeat, as an agreement 'really in the interest of slavery'.)[21] Sony PCG-7144M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-71312M CPU cooling fan Salisbury was not alone in this concern over the treatment of black South Africans; Roger Casement, already well on the way to becoming an Irish Nationalist, was nevertheless happy to gather intelligence for the British against the Boers because of their treatment of black Africans.[22] Sony PCG-7141M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-71212M CPU cooling fan

Given this sense of caution among key members of the British cabinet and of the army, it is even harder to understand why the British government went against the advice of its generals (such as Wolsely) to send substantial reinforcements to South Africa before war broke out. One strong argument is that Lansdowne, Sony PCG-7151M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-7153M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-71213M CPU cooling fanSecretary of State for War, did not believe the Boers were preparing for war, and also believed that if Britain were to send large numbers of troops, it would strike too aggressive a posture and so prevent a negotiated settlement being reached or even encourage a Boer attack.[23] 
Sony PCG-71211M CPU cooling fan

President Steyn of the Orange Free State invited Milner and Kruger to attend a conference in Bloemfontein. The conference started on 30 May 1899, but negotiations quickly broke down, despite Kruger's offer of concessions. Sony PCG-7154M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-61211M CPU cooling fan In September 1899, Chamberlain sent an ultimatum demanding full equality for British citizens resident in Transvaal. Kruger, seeing that war was inevitable, simultaneously issued his own ultimatum prior to receiving Chamberlain's. Sony PCG-7162M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-3G2M CPU cooling fan This gave the British 48 hours to withdraw all their troops from the border of Transvaal; otherwise the Transvaal, allied with the Orange Free State, would declare war. 
Sony PCG-3E1M CPU cooling fan

News of the ultimatum reached London on the day it expired. Outrage and laughter were the main responses. The editor of the Times laughed out loud when he read it, saying 'an official document is seldom amusing and useful yet this was both.' Sony PCG-7143M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-3C1M CPU cooling fanThe Times denounced the ultimatum as an 'extravagant farce.' The Globe denounced this 'trumpery little state.' Most editorials were similar to the Daily Telegraph, which declared: 'of course there can only be one answer to this grotesque challenge. Kruger has asked for war and war he must have!'Sony PCG-7151M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-3J1M CPU cooling fan

Such views were far from those of the British government, and from those in the army. To most sensible observers, army reform had been a matter of pressing concern from the 1870s, constantly put off because the British public did not want the expense of a larger, Sony PCG-7161M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-3H1M CPU cooling fanmore professional army, and because a large home army was not politically welcome. Lord Salisbury, the Prime Minister, then had to explain to a surprised Queen Victoria that: 'We have no army capable of meeting even a second-class Continental Power.'[24]

First phase: The Boer offensive (October – December 1899)[edit]

Sony PCG-7181M CPU cooling fan 

War was declared on 11 October 1899 with a Boer offensive into the British-held Natal and Cape Colony areas. The Boers had no problems with mobilisation, since the fiercely independent Boers had no regular army units, apart from the Staatsartillerie Sony PCG-7186M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-3F1M CPU cooling fan (Afrikaans for 'States Artillery') of both republics. As with the First Boer War, since the Boers were civilian militia, each man wore what he wished, usually his everyday dark-grey, light-grey, neutral-coloured, Sony PCG-7181M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-7171M CPU cooling fan  or earthtone khaki farming clothes—often a jacket, trousers and slouch hat. Only the members of the Staatsartillerie wore light green uniforms.

When danger loomed, all the burghers (citizens) in a district would form a military unit called a commando and would elect officers. Sony PCG-7182M CPU cooling fan  
Sony PCG-7186M CPU cooling fanA full-time official titled a Veldkornet maintained muster rolls, but had no disciplinary powers. Each man brought his own weapon, usually a hunting rifle, and his own horse. Those who could not afford a gun were given one by the authorities.[1Sony PCG-7183M CPU cooling fan 
8] (See also the arms procurement mentioned above.) The Presidents of the Transvaal and Orange Free State simply signed decrees to concentrate within a week and the Commandos could muster between 30,000–40,000 men.[25] Sony PCG-7184M CPU cooling fan 
Sony PCG-7185M CPU cooling fan



Mafeking, 1899

The average Boer nevertheless was not thirsty for war. Many did not look forward to fighting against fellow Christians and, by and large, fellow Christian Protestants. Many may have had an overly optimistic sense of what the war would involve, Sony VPCF11C4E/B CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF11C5E CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF12E1E/H CPU cooling fan imagining that victory could be won as easily as in the First South African War.[26] Many, including many generals, also had a sense that their cause was holy and just, and blessed by God.[27] Sony VPCF11D4E CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF11Z1E/BI CPU cooling fan

It rapidly became clear that the Boer forces presented the British forces with a severe tactical challenge. What the Boers presented was a mobile and innovative approach to warfare, drawing on their experiences from the First Boer War. Sony VPC-F11M1E/H CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF11C4E/B CPU cooling fanThe average Boers who made up their Commandos were farmers who had spent almost all their working life in the saddle, both as farmers and hunters. They depended on the pot, horse and rifle were skilled stalkers and marksmen. As hunters they had learned to fire from cover, Sony VPCF11S1E/B CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF11S1E CPU cooling fan from a prone position and to make the first shot count, knowing that if they missed, the game would either be long gone or could charge and potentially kill them.

At community gatherings, target shooting was a major sport, Sony VPC-F2 CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPC-F21Z1E CPU cooling fan 
and they practised shooting at targets such as hens' eggs perched on posts 100 metres (100 yd) away. They made expert mounted infantry, using every scrap of cover, from which they could pour in a destructive fire using their modern, Sony VPCF22J1E CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF22L1E CPU cooling fan 
smokeless, Mauser rifles. Furthermore, in preparation for hostilities, the Boers had acquired around one hundred of the latest Krupp field guns, all horse-drawn and dispersed among the various Commando groups, and several Le Creusot "Long Tom"Sony VPCF22M1E CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF22S1E CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF24M1E CPU cooling fan siege guns. The Boers' skill in adapting themselves to becoming first-rate artillerymen shows them to have been a versatile adversary.[28] The Transvaal also had an intelligence service that stretched across South Africa, and of whose extent and efficiency the British were unaware.[29]

Sony VPCF23S1E CPU cooling fan


The Siege of Mafeking was to last 217 days. Robert Baden-Powell (pictured) commanded the defence of the town against the Boers' offensive

The Boers struck first on 12 October at Kraaipan, an attack that heralded the invasion of the Cape Colony and Colony of Natal between October 1899 and January 1900. Sony VPCF22S8E CPU cooling fan  With elements of both speed and surprise the Boer drove quickly towards the major British garrison at Ladysmith and the smaller ones at Mafeking and Kimberley. The quick Boer mobilisation resulted in early military successes against the scattered British forces.
Sony VPCF231S1E CPU cooling fan

Sir George Stuart White, commanding the British division at Ladysmith, had unwisely allowed Major-General Penn Symons to throw a brigade forward to the coal-mining town of Dundee (also reported as Glencoe), Sony VPCF23M1E CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF23Q1E CPU cooling fan which was surrounded by hills. This became the site of the first engagement of the war, the Battle of Talana Hill. Boer guns began shelling the British camp from the summit of Talana Hill at dawn on 20 October. Sony VPCF12F4E/H CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF13M0E/B CPU cooling fan

 Penn Symons immediately counter-attacked. His infantry drove the Boers from the hill, but at the cost of 446 British casualties including Penn Symons himself.

Another Boer force occupied Elandslaagte, which lay between Ladysmith and Dundee. The British under Major General John French and Colonel Ian Hamilton attacked to clear the line of communications to Dundee. Sony VPCF12M1E/H CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF13Z0E/B CPU cooling fanThe resulting Battle of Elandslaagte was a clear-cut British tactical victory, but Sir George White feared that more Boers were about to attack his main position and ordered a chaotic retreat from Elandslaagte, Sony VPCF13E4E CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF13M8E/B CPU cooling fanthrowing away any advantage gained. The detachment from Dundee was compelled to make an exhausting cross-country retreat to rejoin White's main force.

As Boers surrounded Ladysmith and opened fire on the town with siege guns, Sony VPCF13E8E CPU cooling fan  White ordered a major sortie against the Boer artillery positions. The result was a disaster, with 140 men killed and over 1,000 captured. The Siege of Ladysmith began, and was to last several months.
Sony VPCF13J0E/H CPU cooling fan 

Meanwhile to the north-west at Mafeking, on the border with Transvaal, Colonel Robert Baden-Powell had raised two regiments of local forces amounting to some 1,200 men in order to attack and create diversions if things further south went amiss. Mafeking, Sony VPCF1318E/H CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF12M0E/B CPU cooling fan being a railway junction, provided good supply facilities and was the obvious place for Baden-Powell to fortify in readiness for such attacks. However, instead of being the aggressor Baden-Powell and Mafeking were forced to defend when 6,000 Boer, Sony VPCF13M1E/B CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF12S1E/B CPU cooling fancommanded by Piet Cronje, attempted a determined assault on the town. But this quickly subsided into a desultory affair with the Boers prepared to starve the stronghold into submission, and so, on 13 October, began the 217-day Siege of Mafeking.

Lastly, over 360 kilometres (220 mi) to the south of Mafeking lay the diamond mining city of Kimberley, which was also subjected to a siege. Sony VPCF11C4E/B CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF12Z1E CPU cooling fan Although not militarily significant, it nonetheless represented an enclave of British imperialism on the borders of the Orange Free State and was hence an important Boer objective. From early November about 7,500 Boer began their siege, again content to starve the town into submission. Despite Boer shelling, Sony VPCF13Z8E CPU cooling fan 
the 40,000 inhabitants, of which only 5,000 were armed, were under little threat as the town was well-stocked with provisions. The garrison was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Kekewich, although Cecil Rhodes was also a prominent figure in the defence. Sony VPCF13Z8E/BI CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF13S0E/B CPU cooling fan

Siege life took its toll on both the defending soldiers and the civilians in the cities of Mafeking, Ladysmith, and Kimberley as food began to grow scarce after a few weeks. In Mafeking, Sol Plaatje wrote, 
Sony VPCF13S1E/B CPU cooling fan "I saw horseflesh for the first time being treated as a human foodstuff." The cities under siege also dealt with constant artillery bombardment, making the streets a dangerous place. Near the end of the siege of Kimberley, it was expected that the Boers would intensify their bombardment, Sony VPCF12S1E/B CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCF22M0E CPU cooling fan so Rhodes displayed a notice encouraging people to go down into shafts of the Kimberley Mine for protection. The townspeople panicked, and people surged into the mine-shafts constantly for a 12-hour period. Sony VPCF12Z1E/BI CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF13M1E/H CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCY21S1E/G CPU cooling fanAlthough the bombardment never came, this did nothing to diminish the distress of the civilians. The most well-heeled of the townspeople, such as Cecil Rhodes, sheltered in the Sanatorium, site of the present-day McGregor Museum; the poorer residents, notably the black population, Sony VPCF21Z1E/BI CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF24Q1E CPU cooling fan  
Sony VPCY21S1E/L CPU cooling fan did not have any shelter from the shelling.

In retrospect, the Boer decision to commit themselves to sieges (Sitzkrieg) was a mistake, and one of the best illustrations of the Boers' lack of strategic vision. Historically, it had little in its favour. Of the seven sieges in the First Boer War, Sony VPCF23P1E CPU cooling fan 
Sony VPCF23N1E CPU cooling fanthe Boers had won none. More importantly, it handed the initiative back to the British and allowed them time to recover, which they then did. Generally speaking, throughout the campaign, the Boers were too defensive and passive, HP Pavilion DV7-1105EA Battery

HP Pavilion DV7-2215SA Battery wasting the opportunities they had for victory. Yet that passiveness also testified to the fact that they had no desire to conquer British territory, but only to preserve their ability to rule in their own territory.[30] HP Pavilion DV7-1210EA Battery

HP Pavilion DV7-3115EA Battery

First British relief attempts[edit]



General Redvers Henry Buller (pictured) launched an offensive against the Boers in the early phases of the war, but after a series of defeats, culminating at Colenso, he was replaced by Earl Roberts
HP Pavilion DV7-3112EA Battery

It was at this point that General Sir Redvers Henry Buller, a much respected commander, arrived in South Africa with major British reinforcements (including an army corps of three divisions). Buller originally intended an offensive straight up the railway line leading from Cape Town through Bloemfontein to Pretoria. HP Pavilion DV7-1135EA Battery

HP Pavilion DV7-3110EA Battery Finding on arrival that the British troops already in South Africa were under siege, he split his army corps into several widely spread detachments, to relieve the besieged garrisons. One division, HP Pavilion DV7-1130EA Battery
HP Pavilion DV7-1125EA Battery

HP Pavilion DV7-3105EA Batteryled by Lieutenant General Lord Methuen, was to follow the Western Railway to the north and relieve Kimberley and Mafeking. A smaller force of about 3,000 led by Major General William Gatacre, HP Pavilion DV7-1213EA Battery

HP Pavilion DV7-3101SA Batterywas to push north toward the railway junction at Stormberg, to secure the Cape Midlands district from Boer raids and local rebellions by Boer inhabitants. Finally, Buller himself would lead the major part of the army corps to relieve Ladysmith to the east. HP Pavilion DV7-1211EA Battery

The initial results of this offensive were mixed, with Methuen winning several bloody skirmishes at Belmont on 23 November, at Graspan on 25 November, and at a larger conflict, Modder River on 28 November resulting in British losses of 71 dead and over 400 wounded. British commanders had trained on the lessons of the Crimean War, HP Pavilion DV7-1212EA Battery
HP Pavilion DV7-1214EA Battery
and were adept at battalion and regimental set pieces with columns manoeuvring in jungles, deserts and mountainous regions. What they entirely failed to comprehend, however, was both the impact of destructive fire from trench positions and the mobility of cavalry raids, HP Pavilion DV7-2110SA Battery

HP Pavilion DV7-3020EA Batteryboth of which had been developed in the American Civil War. The British troops went to war with what would prove to be antiquated tactics, and in some cases antiquated weapons,[ HP Pavilion DV7-2120SA Battery
31] against the mobile Boer forces with the destructive fire of their modern Mausers, the latest Krupp field guns, and their innovative tactics.

The middle of December was disastrous for the British army. In a period known as Black Week (10 – 15 December 1899), the British suffered a series of losses on each of the three major fronts.
HP Pavilion DV7-3001EA Battery

On 10 December, General Gatacre tried to recapture Stormberg railway junction about 50 miles (80 km) south of the Orange River. Gatacre's attack was marked by administrative and tactical blunders, and the Battle of Stormberg ended in a British defeat, with 135 killed and wounded, and two guns and over 600 troops captured. HP Pavilion DV7-2230SA Battery
HP Pavilion DV7-3000 Battery

At the Battle of Magersfontein on 11 December, Methuen's 14,000 British troops attempted to capture a Boer position in a dawn attack to relieve Kimberley. This too turned into a disaster when the Highland Brigade became pinned down by accurate Boer fire. Sony VPCSA2Z9E Battery


Sony VPCSB2M9E Battery After suffering from intense heat and thirst for nine hours, they eventually broke in ill-disciplined retreat. The Boer commanders, Koos de la Rey and Piet Cronje, had ordered trenches to be dug in an unconventional place to fool the British and to give their riflemen a greater firing range. Sony VPCSA3N9E Battery

Sony VPCSA3S9E Battery


Sony VPCSB1Z9R BatteryThe plan worked and this tactic helped write the doctrine of the supremacy of the defensive position, using modern small arms and trench fortifications.[32] The British lost 120 killed and 690 wounded and were prevented from relieving Kimberley and Mafeking. A British soldier encapsulated the soldiers' view of the defeat: Sony VPCSA3X9E Battery

Sony VPCSA3Z9E Battery


However, the nadir of Black Week was the Battle of Colenso on 15 December where 21,000 British troops commanded by Buller himself, attempted to cross the Tugela River to relieve Ladysmith where 8,000 Transvaal Boers, under the command of Louis Botha, were awaiting them. Through a combination of artillery and accurate rifle fire, Sony VPCSA4W9E Battery


Sony VPCSB1Z9E Battery and a better use of the ground, the Boers repelled all British attempts to cross the river. After his first attacks failed, Buller broke off the battle and ordered a retreat, abandoning many wounded men, Sony VPCSB Battery


Sony VPCSB1X9E Battery several isolated units and ten field guns to be captured by Botha's men. Buller's forces lost 145 men killed and 1,200 missing or wounded. The Boers suffered 40 casualties, including only 8 killed.[34]

Second phase: The British offensive of January to September 1900[edit]

Sony VPCSB1A7E Battery




British casualties lie dead on the battlefield after the Battle of Spion Kop, 24 Jan. 1900

The British government took these defeats badly and with the sieges still continuing was compelled to send two more divisions plus large numbers of colonial volunteers. Sony VPCSB1A9E Battery


Sony VPCSB1V9R Battery By January 1900 this would become the largest force Britain had ever sent overseas, amounting to some 180,000 men with further reinforcements being sought.

While watching for these reinforcements, Buller made another bid to relieve Ladysmith by crossing the Tugela west of Colenso. Buller's subordinate, Sony VPCSB1B7E Battery

Sony VPCSB1B9E Battery

Major General Charles Warren, successfully crossed the river, but was then faced with a fresh defensive position centred on a prominent hill known as Spion Kop. In the resulting Battle of Spion Kop, British troops captured the summit by surprise during the early hours of 24 January 1900,


Sony VPCSB1V9E Battery but as the early morning fog lifted they realised too late that they were overlooked by Boer gun emplacements on the surrounding hills. The rest of the day resulted in a disaster caused by poor communication between Buller and his commanders. Sony VPCSB1C5E Battery


Sony VPCSB1S1E BatteryBetween them they issued contradictory orders, on the one hand ordering men off the hill, while other officers ordered fresh reinforcements to defend it. The result was 350 men killed and nearly 1,000 wounded and a retreat back across the Tugela River into British territory. There were nearly 300 Boer casualties. Sony VPCSB1C7E Battery

Sony VPCSB1D7E Battery

Buller attacked Louis Botha again on 5 February at Vaal Krantz and was again defeated. Buller withdrew early when it appeared that the British would be isolated in an exposed bridgehead across the Tugela, and was nicknamed "Sir Reverse" by some of his officers. Sony VPCSB3N9E Battery

Sony VPCSB3S9E Battery


Boer General Peter De Wet, 1900

By taking command in person in Natal, Buller had allowed the overall direction of the war to drift. Because of concerns about his performance and negative reports from the field, he was replaced as Commander in Chief by Field Marshal Lord Roberts. Sony VPCSB3T9E Battery

Sony VPCCB4Z1E Battery


 Like Buller, Roberts first intended to attack directly along the Cape Town – Pretoria railway but, again like Buller, was forced to relieve the beleaguered garrisons. Leaving Buller in command in Natal, Sony VPCSE1E1E Battery

Sony VPCSE1J1E Battery


Roberts massed his main force near the Orange River and along the Western Railway behind Methuen's force at the Modder River, and prepared to make a wide outflanking move to relieve Kimberley. Sony VPCSE1L1E Battery


Sony VPCCB4X1E Battery

Except in Natal, the war had stagnated. Other than a single attempt to storm Ladysmith, the Boers made no attempt to capture the besieged towns. In the Cape Midlands, the Boers did not exploit the British defeat at Stormberg, Sony VPCSE1V9E Battery


Sony VPCCB3S1E Battery and were prevented from capturing the railway junction at Colesberg. In the dry summer, the grazing on the veld became parched, weakening the Boers' horses and draught oxen, and many Boer families joined their menfolk in the siege lines and laagers (encampments), fatally encumbering Cronje's army. Sony VPCSE1Z9E Battery


Sony VPCCB3PQE Battery

Roberts launched his main attack on 10 February 1900 and although hampered by a long supply route, managed to outflank the Boers defending Magersfontein. On 14 February, a cavalry division under Major General John French launched a major attack to relieve Kimberley. Sony VPCSE2E1E Battery


Sony VPCCB3 Battery Although encountering severe fire, a massed cavalry charge split the Boer defences on 15 February, opening the way for French to enter Kimberley that evening, ending its 124 days’ siege.


Sony VPCCB2S1E Battery


The Surrender Hill Monument

Meanwhile, Roberts pursued Piet Cronje’s 7,000-strong force, which had abandoned Magersfontein to head for Bloemfontein. General French’s cavalry was ordered to assist in the pursuit by embarking on an epic 30-mile drive towards Paardeberg where Cronje was attempting to cross the Modder River. Sony VPCSE2J9E Battery


Sony VPCCB2M0E BatteryAt the Battle of Paardeberg from 18 to 27 February, Roberts then surrounded General Piet Cronje's retreating Boer army. On 17 February, a pincer movement involving both French’s cavalry and the main British force attempted to take the entrenched position, Sony VPCSE2L9E Battery

but the frontal attacks were uncoordinated and so were easily repulsed by the Boers. Finally, Roberts resorted to bombarding Cronje into submission, Sony VPCSE2M9E Battery


Sony VPCCB2 Batterybut it took a further ten precious days and with the British troops using the polluted Modder River as water supply, resulting in a typhoid epidemic killing many troops. General Cronje was forced to surrender at Surrender Hill with 4000 men.



Sony VPCCB Battery

The Relief of Ladysmith. Sir George Stuart White greets Major Hubert Gough on 28 February. Painting by John Henry Frederick Bacon (1868–1914)

In Natal, the Battle of the Tugela Heights, which started on 14 February was Buller's fourth attempt to relieve Ladysmith. Despite reinforcements his progress was painfully slow against stiff opposition. However, on 26 February, Sony VPCSE2S1E Battery

Sony VPCCA Battery


Sony VPCCA3S1E Batteryafter much deliberation, Buller used all his forces in one all-out attack for the first time and at last succeeded in forcing a crossing of the Tugela, and defeated Botha's outnumbered forces north of Colenso. After a siege lasting 118 days, Sony VPCCA1C5E Battery


Sony VPCCA3E1E Battery the Relief of Ladysmith was effected, the day after Cronje surrendered, but at a total cost of 7,000 British casualties.

After a succession of defeats, the Boers realised that against such overwhelming superiority of troops, they had little chance of defeating the British and so became demoralised. Roberts then advanced into the Orange Free State from the west, Sony VPCCA1S1E Battery

putting the Boers to flight at the Battle of Poplar Grove and capturing Bloemfontein, the capital, unopposed on 13 March with the Boer defenders escaping and scattering. Meanwhile, he detached a small force to relieve Baden-Powell, and the Relief of Mafeking on 18 May 1900 provoked riotous celebrations in Britain. Sony VPCCA2 Battery


Sony VPCCA3 Battery

On 28 May, the Orange Free State was annexed and renamed the Orange River Colony.

After being forced to delay for several weeks at Bloemfontein due to a shortage of supplies and enteric fever (caused by poor hygiene, drinking bad water at Paardeburg and appalling medical care),[35] Roberts resumed his advance. Sony VPCCA2C5E Battery


Sony VPCCA2Z0E BatteryHe was forced to halt again at Kroonstad for 10 days, due once again to the collapse of his medical and supply systems, but finally captured Johannesburg on 31 May and the capital of the Transvaal, Pretoria, on 5 June. Sony VPCCA2S0E Battery

Sony VPCCA2S1E Battery The first into Pretoria, was Lt. William Watson of the New South Wales Mounted Rifles, who persuaded the Boers to surrender the capital.[36] (Before the war, the Boers had constructed several forts south of Pretoria, but the artillery had been removed from the forts for use in the field, and in the event the Boers abandoned Pretoria without a fight).


Sony SVE1712Z1E Keyboard

This allowed the Roberts to declare the war over, having won the principal cities and so, on 3 September 1900, the South African Republic was formally annexed.

British observers believed the war to be all but over after the capture of the two capital cities. However, Sony SVE1511A1EW Keyboard


Sony SVE1712Q1E Keyboard the Boers had earlier met at the temporary new capital of the Orange Free State, Kroonstad, and planned a guerrilla campaign to hit the British supply and communication lines. The first engagement of this new form of warfare was at Sanna's Post on 31 March where 1,500 Boers under the command of Christiaan De Wet attacked Bloemfontein's Sony SVE1511F1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1711X1E Keyboardwaterworks about 23 miles (37 km) east of the city, and ambushed a heavily escorted convoy, which caused 155 British casualties and the capture of seven guns, 117 wagons, and 428 British troops.[37]


Sony SVE1511K1E Keyboard


General Piet Cronjé as a prisoner of war in Saint Helena, 1900–02. He was captured, with 4000 men, after the loss of the Battle of Paardeberg.

After the fall of Pretoria, one of the last formal battles was at Diamond Hill on 11 – 12 June, where Roberts attempted to drive the remnants of the Boer field army beyond striking distance of Pretoria. Although Roberts drove the Boers from the hill, Sony SVE1511L1E Keyboard

Sony SVE1511M1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1711F1E Keyboardthe Boer commander, Louis Botha, did not regard it as a defeat, for he inflicted more casualties on the British (totalling 162 men) while suffering around 50 casualties.

The set-piece period of the war now largely gave way to a mobile guerrilla war, Sony SVE1511P1E Keyboard

Sony SVE1511Q1E Keyboard

but one final operation remained. President Kruger and what remained of the Transvaal government had retreated to eastern Transvaal. Roberts, joined by troops from Natal under Buller, advanced against them, and broke their last defensive position at Bergendal on 26 August. As Roberts and Buller followed up along the railway line to Komatipoort, Sony SVE1511V1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1711R1E Keyboard Kruger sought asylum in Portuguese East Africa (modern Mozambique). Some dispirited Boers did likewise, and the British gathered up much war material. However,


Sony SVE1513Q1E Keyboard the core of the Boer fighters under Botha easily broke back through the Drakensberg mountains into the Transvaal highveld after riding north through the bushveld. Under the new conditions of the war, heavy equipment was no use to them, and therefore no great loss. Sony SVE1511W1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1513H1E Keyboard

As Roberts's army occupied Pretoria, the Boer fighters in the Orange Free State had been driven into a fertile area known as the Brandwater Basin in the north east of the Republic. This offered only temporary sanctuary, Sony SVE1512B1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1513E9E Keyboardas the mountain passes leading to it could be occupied by the British, trapping the Boers. A force under General Archibald Hunter set out from Bloemfontein to achieve this in July 1900. The hard core of the Free State Boers under Christiaan De Wet, accompanied by President Steyn, left the basin early. Sony SVE1512C6E Keyboard


Sony SVE1513D1E Keyboard Those remaining fell into confusion and most failed to break out before Hunter trapped them. 4,500 Boers surrendered and much equipment was captured but as with Roberts's drive against Kruger at the same time, Sony SVE1512J1E Keyboard


Sony SVE1513C5E Keyboard these losses were of relatively little consequence, as the hardcore of the Boer armies and their most determined and active leaders remained at large.

From the Basin, Christiaan De Wet headed west. Although hounded by British columns, he succeeded in crossing the Vaal into western Transvaal, to allow Steyn to travel to meet the Transvaal leaders.


Sony SVE1513C4E Keyboard

There was much sympathy for the Boers on mainland Europe and in October, President Kruger and members of the Transvaal government left Portuguese East Africa on the Dutch warship De Gelderland, sent by the Queen of the Netherlands Wilhelmina, who had simply ignored the British naval blockade of South Africa. Sony SVE1512K1E Keyboard

Sony SVE1512M1E KeyboardPaul Kruger's wife, however, was too ill to travel and remained in South Africa where she died on 20 July 1901 without seeing her husband again. President Kruger first went to Marseille and then on to The Netherlands where he stayed for a while before moving finally to Clarens, Switzerland, where he died in exile on 14 July 1904. Sony SVE14 Keyboard

Sony SVE14A1S1E Keyboard

POWs sent overseas[edit]

The first sizeable batch of Boer prisoners of war taken by the British consisted of those captured at the Battle of Elandslaagte on 21 October 1899. At first, many were put on ships, but as numbers grew, Sony SVE14A3C5E Keyboard

Sony SVE15 Keyboard

the British decided they did not want them kept locally. The capture of 400 POWs in February 1900 was a key event, which made the British realise they could not accommodate all POWs in South Africa.[3Sony SVE1511A1E Keyboard



8] The British feared they could be freed by sympathetic locals. Moreover, they already had trouble supplying their own troops in South Africa, and did not want the added burden of sending supplies for the POWs. Britain therefore chose to send many POWs overseas.

Sony SVE1511R9E Keyboard



A Transit camp for Prisoners of War near Cape Town during the war. Prisoners were then transferred for internment in other parts of the British Empire.

The first overseas (off African mainland) camps were opened in Saint Helena, which ultimately received about 5,000 POWs. About 5,000 POWs were sent to Ceylon.[3Sony SVE1512X9E Keyboard


Sony VPCF13E1E Keyboard9] Other POWs were sent to Bermuda and India. No evidence exists of Boer POWs being sent to the Dominions of the British Empire such as Australia, Canada or New Zealand.[38]

In all, about 26,000 POWs were sent overseas.[40]

Third phase: Guerrilla war (September 1900 – May 1902)[edit] Sony SVE1513A4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF13D4E Keyboard


By September 1900, the British were nominally in control of both Republics, with the exception of the northern part of Transvaal. However, they soon discovered that they only controlled the territory their columns physically occupied. Sony SVE1513B1E Keyboard


Sony VPCF13C5E KeyboardDespite the loss of their two capital cities and half of their army, the Boer commanders adopted guerrilla warfare tactics, primarily conducting raids against infrastructure, resource and supply targets, all aimed at disrupting the operational capacity of the British army. Sony SVE1513B4E Keyboard


Each Boer commando unit was sent to the district from which its members had been recruited, which meant that they could rely on local support and personal knowledge of the terrain and the towns within the district thereby enabling them to live off the land. Their orders were simply to act against the British whenever possible. Sony SVE1513M1E Keyboard


Sony VPCF13C4E Keyboard Their tactics were to strike fast and hard causing as much damage to the enemy as possible, and then to withdraw and vanish before enemy reinforcements could arrive. The vast distances of the Republics allowed the Boer commandos considerable freedom to move


Sony VPCF13B4E Keyboard about and made it nearly impossible for the 250,000 British troops to control the territory effectively using columns alone. As soon as a British column left a town or district, British control of that area faded away.

Sony SVE1513V1E Keyboard


Sony VPCF13K4E Keyboard


A surviving blockhouse in South Africa. Blockhouses were constructed by the British to secure supply routes from Boer raids during the war.

The Boer commandos were especially effective during the initial guerrilla phase of the war because Roberts had assumed that the war would end with the capture of the Boer capitals and the dispersal of the main Boer armies. Sony SVE1713Z1E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12K4E KeyboardMany British troops were therefore redeployed out of the area, and had been replaced by lower-quality contingents of Imperial Yeomanry and locally raised irregular corps.

From late May 1900, the first successes of the Boer strategy were at Lindley (where 500 Yeomanry surrendered), and at Heilbron (where a large convoy and its escort were captured) and other skirmishes resulting in 1,500 British casualties in less than ten days. In December 1900, Sony SVE17 batteryKeyboard

Sony SVE1713Z1E Keyboard De la Rey and Christiaan Beyers mauled a British brigade at Nooitgedacht. As a result of these and other Boer successes, the British, led by Lord Kitchener, mounted three extensive searches for De Wet, but without success. Sony VPCF13F4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12B4E Keyboard

However, by the very nature of the Boer guerrilla war was sporadic, poorly planned, and with little overall objective in mind except to harass the British. This led to a disorganised pattern of scattered engagements throughout the region. Sony VPCF13G4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13H4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF12A4E Keyboard

British response[edit]

The British were forced to quickly revise their tactics. They concentrated on restricting the freedom of movement of the Boer commandos and depriving them of local support. The railway lines had provided vital lines of communication and supply, and as the British had advanced across South Africa, Sony VPCF13J4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11M4E Keyboardthey had used armoured trains and had established fortified blockhouses at key points.[41] They now built additional blockhouses (each housing 6–8 soldiers) and fortified these to protect supply routes against Boer raiders. Eventually some 8,000 such blockhouses were built across the two South African republics, Sony VPCF13J8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13K4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11K4E Keyboard radiating from the larger towns. Each blockhouse cost between £800 to £1,000 and took about three months to build. However, they proved very effective. Not one bridge where one of these blockhouses was sited and manned was blown.[41] Sony VPCF13L0E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J4E Keyboard

The blockhouse system required an enormous number of troops to maintain. Well over 50,000 British troops, or 50 battalions, were involved in blockhouse duty, greater than the approximately 30,000 Boers in the field during the guerrilla phase. In addition, up to 16,000 Africans were used both as armed guards and to patrol the line at night.[41] Sony VPCF13S8E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J1E/B Keyboard The Army linked the blockhouses with barbed wire fences to parcel up the wide veld into smaller areas. "New Model" drives were mounted under which a continuous line of troops could sweep an area of veld bounded by blockhouse lines, unlike the earlier inefficient scouring of the countryside by scattered columns. Sony VPCF13Z1E/B Keyboard


Sony VPCF11J04E/H Keyboard



One British response to the guerrilla war was a 'scorched earth' policy to deny the guerrillas supplies and refuge. In this image Boer civilians watch their house as it is burned.

The British also implemented a "scorched earth" policy under which they targeted everything within the controlled areas that could give sustenance to the Boer guerrillas with a view to making it harder and harder for the Boers to survive. Sony VPCF22M0E Keyboard

Sony VPCF22C5E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11H4E Keyboard As British troops swept the countryside, they systematically destroyed crops, burned homesteads and farms, poisoned wells, and interned Boer and African women, children and workers in concentration camps. Sony VPCF12D4E Keyboard

Finally, the British also established their own mounted raiding columns in support of the sweeper columns. These were used to rapidly follow and relentlessly harass the Boers with a view to delaying them and cutting off escape, while the sweeper units caught up. Sony VPCF12E4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11G4E KeyboardMany of the 90 or so mobile columns formed by the British to participate in such drives were a mixture of British and colonial troops, but they also had a large minority of armed Africans. The total number of armed Africans serving with these columns has been estimated at approximately 20,000. Sony VPCF12H4E Keyboard


Sony VPCF11F4E Keyboard

The British Army also made use of Boer auxiliaries who had been persuaded to change sides and enlist as "National Scouts". Serving under the command of General Andries Cronje, the National Scouts were despised as hensoppers (collaborators) but came to number a fifth of the fighting Afrikaners by the end of the War.[42] Sony VPCF11J4E Keyboard


The British utilised armoured trains throughout the War to deliver rapid reaction forces much more quickly to incidents (such as Boer attacks on blockhouses and columns) or to drop them off ahead of retreating Boer columns. Sony VPCF11A4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF11B4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF11E4E Keyboard

The Orange Free State[edit]



Christiaan De Wet (pictured) was considered the most formidable leader of the Boer guerrillas. He successfully evaded capture on numerous occasions and was later involved in the negotiations for a peace settlement. Dell Latitude E4310 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E4320 Keyboard


After having conferred with the Transvaal leaders, De Wet returned to the Orange Free State, where he inspired a series of successful attacks and raids from the hitherto quiet western part of the country, though he suffered a rare defeat at Bothaville in November 1900. Many Boers who had earlier returned to their farms, sometimes giving formal parole to the British, took up arms again. In late January 1901, Dell Latitude E4200 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Keyboard De Wet led a renewed invasion of Cape Colony. This was less successful, because there was no general uprising among the Cape Boers, and De Wet's men were hampered by bad weather and relentlessly pursued by British forces. They narrowly escaped across the Orange River. Dell Latitude E4300 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430S Keyboard

From then until the final days of the war, De Wet remained comparatively quiet, partly because the Orange Free State was effectively left desolate by British sweeps. In late 1901, De Wet overran an isolated British detachment at Groenkop, Dell Latitude E6500 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Keyboard inflicting heavy casualties. This prompted Kitchener to launch the first of the "New Model" drives against him. De Wet escaped the first such drive, but lost 300 of his fighters. This was a severe loss, and a portent of further attrition, although the subsequent attempts to round up De Wet were badly handled, and De Wet's forces avoided capture. Dell Latitude E5400 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6430 Keyboard

Western Transvaal[edit]

The Boer commandos in the Western Transvaal were very active after September 1901. Several battles of importance were fought here between September 1901 and March 1902. At Moedwil on 30 September 1901 and again at Driefontein on 24 October, General Koos De La Rey’s forces attacked the British, but were forced to withdraw after the British offered strong resistance. Dell Latitude E5410 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG Keyboard

A time of relative quiet descended thereafter on the western Transvaal. February 1902 saw the next major battle in that region. On 25 February, Koos De La Rey attacked a British column under Lieutenant-Colonel S. B. Von Donop at Ysterspruit near Wolmaransstad. Dell Latitude E5500 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6330 Keyboard  De La Rey succeeded in capturing many men and a large amount of ammunition. The Boer attacks prompted Lord Methuen, the British second-in-command after Lord Kitchener, to move his column from Vryburg to Klerksdorp to deal with De La Rey. On the morning of 7 March 1902, Dell Latitude E5510 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E6230 Keyboard the Boers attacked the rear guard of Methuen’s moving column at Tweebosch. Confusion reigned in British ranks and Methuen was wounded and captured by the Boers.


Dell Latitude E6220 Keyboard

The Boer victories in the west led to stronger action by the British. In the second half of March 1902, large British reinforcements were sent to the Western Transvaal under the direction of Ian Hamilton.


Dell Latitude E6120 Keyboard The opportunity the British were waiting for arose on 11 April 1902 at Rooiwal, where a commando led by General Jan Kemp and Commandant Potgieter attacked a superior force under Kekewich. Dell Latitude E5420 Keyboard


Dell Latitude E5530 Keyboard The British soldiers were well positioned on the hillside and inflicted severe casualties on the Boers charging on horseback over a large distance, beating them back. This was the end of the war in the Western Transvaal and also the last major battle of the war.

Eastern Transvaal[edit]


Dell Latitude E6520 Keyboard

Two Boer forces fought in this area, one under Botha in the south east and a second under Ben Viljoen in the north east around Lydenburg. Botha's forces were particularly active, raiding railways and British supply convoys, Dell Latitude E5520 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6420 Keyboard  and even mounting a renewed invasion of Natal in September, 1901. After defeating British mounted infantry in the Battle of Blood River Poort near Dundee, Botha was forced to withdraw by heavy rains that made movement difficult and crippled his horses. Back on the Transvaal territory around his home district of Vryheid, Dell Latitude E6520N Keyboard


Dell Precision M4400 Keyboard Botha attacked a British raiding column at Bakenlaagte, using an effective mounted charge. One of the most active British units was effectively destroyed in this engagement. This made Botha's forces the target of increasingly large and ruthless drives by British forces, in which the British made particular use of native scouts and informers. Dell Latitude E6530 Keyboard


Dell Precision M6500 Keyboard  Eventually, Botha had to abandon the high veld and retreat to a narrow enclave bordering Swaziland.

To the north, Ben Viljoen grew steadily less active. His forces mounted comparatively few attacks and as a result, the Boer enclave around Lydenburg was largely unmolested. Viljoen was eventually captured. Dell Latitude E5220 Keyboard


Dell Precision M6400 Keyboard

Cape Colony[edit]

In parts of Cape Colony, particularly the Cape Midlands district where Boers formed a majority of the white inhabitants, the British had always feared a general uprising against them. In fact, no such uprising took place, Dell Latitude E5420M Keyboard


Dell Precision M4500 Keyboard  even in the early days of the war when Boer armies had advanced across the Orange. The cautious conduct of some of the elderly Orange Free State generals had been one factor that discouraged the Cape Boers from siding with the Boer republics. Nevertheless, there was widespread pro-Boer sympathy. Dell Latitude E6400 Keyboard


Dell Precision M6600 Keyboard

After he escaped across the Orange in March 1901, De Wet had left forces under Cape rebels Kritzinger and Scheepers to maintain a guerrilla campaign in the Cape Midlands. The campaign here was one of the least chivalrous of the war, with intimidation by both sides of each other's civilian sympathizers. In one of many skirmishes, Dell Latitude E6500 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6400-ATG Keyboard


Dell Precision M4600 Keyboard Commandant Lotter's small commando was tracked down by a much-superior British column and wiped out at Groenkloof. Several captured rebels, including Lotter and Scheepers, who was captured when he fell ill with appendicitis, were executed by the British for treason or for capital crimes such as the murder of prisoners or of unarmed civilians.


Dell Precision M2400 Keyboard Some of the executions took place in public, to deter further disaffection. Since the Cape Colony was Imperial territory, its authorities forbade the British army to burn farms or to force Boers into concentration camps. Dell Latitude E6400-XFR Keyboard


Dell Latitude E5430 Keyboard

Fresh Boer forces under Jan Christiaan Smuts, joined by the surviving rebels under Kritzinger, made another attack on the Cape in September 1901. They suffered severe hardships and were hard pressed by British columns, Dell Latitude E6410 Keyboard

Dell Latitude E6410-ATG Keyboard but eventually rescued themselves by routing some of their pursuers at the Battle of Elands River and capturing their equipment. From then until the end of the war, Smuts increased his forces from among Cape rebels until they numbered 3,000. However, no general uprising took place, and the situation in the Cape remained stalemated. Dell Latitude E4310 Battery

In January 1902, Boer leader Manie Maritz was implicated in the Leliefontein massacre in the far Northern Cape.

Surgery and medicine during the war[edit]


Main article: Treatment of the wounded in the Second Boer War

More than half of British casualties during the war were caused by illness, especially typhoid fever, rather than enemy action.[43][44] Dell Latitude E4320 Battery


Dell Latitude E6520N Battery



Concentration camps (1900–1902)[edit]


 Media related to Second Boer War concentration camps at Wikimedia Commons



Tents in the Bloemfontein concentration camp



Boer women and children in a concentration camp

The term "concentration camp" was used to describe camps operated by the British in South Africa during this conflict, and the term grew in prominence during this period.

The camps had originally been set up by the British army as "refugee camps" to provide refuge for civilian families who had been forced to abandon their homes for whatever reason related to the war. However, Dell Latitude E4200 Battery

Dell Latitude E4300 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430-XFR Battery when Kitchener succeeded Roberts as commander-in-chief in South Africa on 29 November 1900, the British army introduced new tactics in an attempt to break the guerrilla campaign and the influx of civilians grew dramatically as a result. Kitchener initiated plans to


Dell Latitude E6430S Battery

flush out guerrillas in a series of systematic drives, organised like a sporting shoot, with success defined in a weekly 'bag' of killed, captured and wounded, and to sweep the country bare of everything that could give sustenance to the guerrillas, including women and children.... It was the clearance of civilians—uprooting a whole nation—that would come to dominate the last phase of the war.[45] Dell Latitude E6500 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430-ATG Battery



Lizzie van Zyl, visited by Emily Hobhouse in a British concentration camp

As Boer farms were destroyed by the British under their "Scorched Earth" policy—including the systematic destruction of crops and slaughtering of livestock, the burning down of homesteads and farms, and the poisoning of wells and salting of fields—to prevent the Boers from resupplying from a home base many tens of thousands of women and children were forcibly moved into the concentration camps. Dell Latitude E5400 Battery


Dell Latitude E6430 BatteryThis was not the first appearance of internment camps. The Spanish had used internment in the Ten Years' War that led to the Spanish-American War, and the United States had used them to devastate guerrilla forces during the Philippine-American War. Dell Latitude E5410 Battery


Dell Latitude E6420-ATG BatteryBut the Boer War concentration camp system was the first time that a whole nation had been systematically targeted, and the first in which some whole regions had been depopulated.


Dell Latitude E6330 Battery

Eventually, there were a total of 45 tented camps built for Boer internees and 64 for black Africans. Of the 28,000 Boer men captured as prisoners of war, 25,630 were sent overseas. The vast majority of Boers remaining in the local camps were women and children. Over 26,000 women and children were to perish in these concentration camps.[46] Dell Latitude E5500 Battery


Dell Latitude E6230 Battery

The camps were poorly administered from the outset and became increasingly overcrowded when Kitchener's troops implemented the internment strategy on a vast scale. Conditions were terrible for the health of the internees, mainly due to neglect, poor hygiene and bad sanitation. The supply of all items was unreliable, Dell Latitude E5510 Battery


Dell Latitude E6220 Battery partly because of the constant disruption of communication lines by the Boers. The food rations were meager and there was a two-tier allocation policy, whereby families of men who were still fighting were routinely given smaller rations than others. The inadequate shelter, poor diet,


Dell Latitude E6120 Battery inadequate hygiene and overcrowding led to malnutrition and endemic contagious diseases such as measles, typhoid and dysentery to which the children were particularly vulnerable. An additional problem was the Boers' use of traditional medicines like a cow-dung poultice for skin diseases and crushed insects for convulsions.[4Dell Latitude E5420 Battery


Dell Latitude E5530 Battery7] Coupled with a shortage of modern medical facilities, many of the internees died.

As the war raged across their farms and their homes were destroyed, many Africans became refugees and they, like the Boers, moved to the towns where the British army hastily created internment camps. Subsequently, Dell Latitude E5520 Battery

Dell Latitude E6420 Battery

Dell Latitude E6520 Batterythe "Scorched Earth" policy was ruthlessly applied to both Boers and Africans. Although most black Africans were not considered by the British to be hostile, many tens of thousands were also forcibly removed from Boer areas and also placed in concentration camps. Dell Latitude E6530 Battery



Africans were held separately from Boer internees. Eventually there were a total of 64 tented camps for Africans. Conditions were as bad as in the camps for the Boers, but even though, after the Fawcett Commission report, conditions improved in the Boer camps, "improvements were much slower in coming to the black camps." Dell Latitude E5220 Battery


Dell Precision M4400 Battery

Public opinion and political opposition[edit]

Although the 1900 UK general election, also known as the "Khaki election," had resulted in a victory for the Conservative government on the back of recent British victories against the Boers, public support quickly waned as it became apparent that the war would not be easy and further unease developed following reports about the treatment by the British army of the Boer civilians. Dell Latitude E5420M Battery


Dell Precision M6500 BatteryPublic and political opposition to government policies in South Africa regarding Boer civilians was first expressed in Parliament in February, 1901 in the form of an attack on the policy, the government, and the army by the radical Liberal MP David Lloyd George.

Dell Latitude E6400 Battery

Emily Hobhouse (pictured) campaigned for improvement to the appalling conditions of the concentration camps. She helped to alter public opinion and to force the government to improve conditions in the camps, resulting in the Fawcett Commission. Dell Latitude E6500 Battery


Dell Precision M6400 Battery



Emily Hobhouse, a delegate of the South African Women and Children's Distress Fund, visited some of the camps in the Orange Free State from January, 1901, and in May, 1901 she returned to England on board the ship, the Saxon. Alfred Milner, Dell Latitude E6400-ATG Battery


Dell Precision M4500 Battery High Commissioner in South Africa, also boarded the Saxon for holiday in England but, unfortunately for both the camp internees and the British government, he had no time for Miss Hobhouse, regarding her as a Boer sympathiser and "trouble maker."[48Dell Latitude E6400-XFR Battery


Dell Precision M6600 Battery] On her return, Emily Hobhouse did much to publicise the distress of the camp inmates. She managed to speak to the Liberal Party leader, Henry Campbell-Bannerman who professed to be suitably outraged but was disinclined to press the matter, as his party was split between the imperialists and the pro-Boer factions.

Dell Latitude E6410 Battery


Dell Precision M4600 Battery

The more radical Liberals however such as David Lloyd George and John Ellis were prepared to raise the matter in Parliament and to harass the government on the issue, which they duly did. St John Brodrick,


Dell Precision M2400 Battery

the Conservative secretary of state for war, first defended the government's policy by arguing that the camps were purely "voluntary" and that the interned Boers were "contented and comfortable," Dell Latitude E6410-ATG Battery

Dell Latitude E5430 Batterybut was somewhat undermined as he had no firm statistics to back up his argument, so when his "voluntary" argument proved untenable, he resorted to the "military necessity" argument and stated that everything possible was being done to ensure satisfactory conditions in the camps. Dell XPS 14 Battery


Dell XPS L701X Battery

Hobhouse published a report in June, 1901 that contradicted Brodrick's claim, and Lloyd George then openly accused the government of "a policy of extermination" directed against the Boer population. In June, 1901, Dell XPS 14D Battery


Dell XPS L502X Battery Liberal opposition party leader Campbell-Bannerman took up the assault and answered the rhetorical question "When is a war not a war?" with his own rhetorical answer "When it is carried on by methods of barbarism in South Africa," Dell XPS 14D-L401X Battery


Dell XPS L501X Battery  referring to those same camps and the policies that created them. The Hobhouse report caused uproar both domestically and in the international community. It should be noted however that there was very little public sympathy for the highly reactionary Boer president Kruger.


Dell XPS 17-L702X Battery

The Fawcett Commission[edit]

Although the government had comfortably won the parliamentary debate by a margin of 252 to 149, it was stung by the criticism and concerned by the escalating public outcry, and called on Kitchener for a detailed report. Dell XPS 15 Battery

Dell XPS 15D Battery


Dell XPS 17-L701X Battery In response, complete statistical returns from camps were sent in July 1901. By August 1901, it was clear to government and opposition alike that Miss Hobhouse's worst fears were being confirmed –Dell XPS 15-L501X Battery


Dell XPS L702X Battery  93,940 Boers and 24,457 black Africans were reported to be in "camps of refuge" and the crisis was becoming a catastrophe as the death rates appeared very high, especially among the children. Dell XPS 15-L502X Battery


The government responded to the growing clamour by appointing a commission.[49] The Fawcett Commission, as it became known was, Dell XPS 15Z Battery

Dell XPS 17 Battery  uniquely for its time, an all-woman affair headed by Millicent Fawcett who despite being the leader of the women's suffrage movement was a Liberal Unionist and thus a government supporter and considered a safe pair of hands. Dell Inspiron 14V battery

Dell Inspiron N4020 battery


Dell Inspiron 14R battery Between August and December, 1901, the Fawcett Commission conducted its own tour of the camps in South Africa. While it is probable that the British government expected the Commission to produce a report that could be used to fend off criticism, in the end it confirmed everything that Emily Hobhouse had said. Dell Inspiron N4030 battery


Dell Inspiron 13R batteryIndeed, if anything the Commission's recommendations went even further. The Commission insisted that rations should be increased and that additional nurses be sent out immediately, and included a long list of other practical measures designed to improve conditions in the camp. Dell Inspiron N7110 battery


Dell Inspiron N4110 batteryMillicent Fawcett was quite blunt in expressing her opinion that much of the catastrophe was owed to a simple failure to observe elementary rules of hygiene.

In November 1901, the Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain ordered Alfred Milner to ensure that "all possible steps are being taken to reduce the rate of mortality." Dell Inspiron N7010R battery


Dell Inspiron N5010 battery The civil authority took over the running of the camps from Kitchener and the British command and by February 1902 the annual death-rate in the concentration camps for white inmates dropped to 6.9 percent and eventually to 2 percent, which was a lower rate than pertained in many British cities at the time. However, Dell Inspiron N7010D battery


Dell Inspiron N5010D batteryby then the damage had been done. A report after the war concluded that 27,927 Boers (of whom 24,074 [50 percent of the Boer child population] were children under 16) had died of starvation, disease and exposure in the concentration camps. In all, about one in four (25 percent) of the Boer inmates, mostly children, died. Dell Inspiron N5110 battery


Dell Inspiron 15R battery

"Improvements [however] were much slower in coming to the black camps."[50] It is thought that about 12 percent of black African inmates died (about 14,154) but the precise number of deaths of black Africans in concentration camps is unknown as little attempt was made to keep any records of the 107,000 black Africans who were interned. Dell Inspiron N5030 battery

Dell Inspiron N5010R battery


The main decisions (or their absence) had been left to the soldiers, to whom the life or death of the 154,000 Boer and African civilians in the camps rated as an abysmally low priority. [It was only] ... ten months after the subject had first been raised in Parliament . Dell Inspiron N3010R battery


Dell Inspiron 17R battery.. [and after public outcry and after the Fawcett Commission that remedial action was taken and] ... the terrible mortality figures were at last declining. In the interval,


Dell Inspiron N7010 battery at least twenty thousand whites and twelve thousand coloured people had died in the concentration camps, the majority from epidemics of measles and typhoid that could have been avoided.[51] Dell Inspiron N3010 battery


Dell Inspiron N4010R battery

Somewhat higher figures for total deaths in the concentration camps are given by S.B. Spies.[52]

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had served as a volunteer doctor in the Langman Field Hospital at Bloemfontein between March and June 1900. Dell Inspiron N4010 battery

Dell Inspiron N4010D batteryIn his widely distributed and translated pamphlet 'The War in South Africa: Its Cause and Conduct' he justified both the causes of the war and its conduct.


HP 650797-001 Fan He also pointed out that over 14,000 British soldiers had died of disease during the conflict (as opposed to 8000 killed in combat) and at the height of epidemics he was seeing 50–60 British soldiers dying each day in a single ill-equipped and overwhelmed military hospital.


HP 650057-001 Fan

Kitchener's policy and the post-war debate[edit]

It has been argued that "this was not a deliberately genocidal policy; rather it was the result of [a] disastrous lack of foresight and rank incompetence on [the] part of the [British] military."[53] HP 640426-001 Fan

British historian Niall Ferguson also argues that "Kitchener no more desired the deaths of women and children in the camps than of the wounded Dervishes after Omdurman, or of his own soldiers in the typhoid stricken hospitals of Bloemfontein."[54] HP 640903-001 Fan




Lord Kitchener (pictured) was one of the most controversial British generals in the war. Kitchener took over control of British forces from Lord Roberts and was responsible for expanding the British response to the Boers' guerrilla tactics. HP 641477-001 Fan


However, to Kitchener and the British Command "the life or death of the 154,000 Boer and African civilians in the camps rated as an abysmally low priority" against military objectives. As the Fawcett Commission was delivering its recommendations,


HP 666391-001 FanKitchener wrote to St John Brodrick defending his policy of sweeps, and emphasising that no new Boer families were being brought in unless they were in danger of starving. This was disingenuous as the countryside had by then been devastated under the "Scorched Earth" policy (the Fawcett Commission in December 1901 in its recommendations commented that: HP 650848-001 Fan

HP 665309-001 Fan"to turn 100,000 people now being held in the concentration camps out on the veldt to take care of themselves would be cruelty") and now that the New Model counter insurgency tactics were in full swing, HP 653627-001 Fan

 it made cynical military sense to leave the Boer families in desperate conditions in the countryside.


According to writer S.B. Spies, "at [the Vereeniging negotiations in May, 1902] Boer leader Louis Botha stated that he had tried to send [Boer] families to the British, but they had refused to receive them." Spies quotes a Boer commandant referring to Boer women and children made refugees by Britain's scorched-earth policy as saying, HP 634139-031 Keyboard


HP 634139-001 Keyboard

 "Our families are in a pitiable condition and the enemy uses those families to force us to surrender." Spies adds, "and there is little doubt that that was indeed the intention of Kitchener when he had issued instructions that no more families were to be brought into the concentration camps." Thomas Pakenham writes of Kitchener's policy U-turn, HP 644363-031 Keyboard



No doubt the continued 'hullabaloo' at the death-rate in these concentration camps, and Milner's belated agreement to take over their administration, helped change Kitchener's mind [some time at the end of 1901] HP 640436-031 Keyboard

HP 665326-031 Keyboard

. ... By mid-December at any rate, Kitchener was already circulating all column commanders with instructions not to bring in women and children when they cleared the country, but to leave them with the guerrillas. .. Sony PCG-41111M Keyboard

Sony PCG-51211M Keyboard
. Viewed as a gesture to Liberals, on the eve of the new session of Parliament at Westminster, it was a shrewd political move. It also made excellent military sense, as it greatly handicapped the guerrillas, now that the drives were in full swing. .. Sony PCG-41112M Keyboard

Sony PCG-51112M Keyboard. It was effective precisely because, contrary to the Liberals' convictions, it was less humane than bringing them into camps, though this was of no great concern to Kitchener.[55]

Sony PCG-51111M Keyboard

The end of the war[edit]


Towards the end of the war, British tactics of containment, denial, and harassment began to yield results against the guerrillas. The sourcing and coordination of intelligence became increasingly efficient with regular reporting from observers in the blockhouses, from units patrolling the fences and conducting "sweeper" operations, Sony PCG-81111M Keyboard
Sony PCG-81112M Keyboard


Sony PCG-51212M Keyboard and from native Africans in rural areas who increasingly supplied intelligence, as the Scorched Earth policy took effect and they found themselves competing with the Boers for food supplies. Kitchener's forces at last began to seriously affect the Boers' fighting strength and freedom of manoeuvre, and made it harder for the Boers and their families to survive.


Sony PCG-51512M Keyboard

The Boers and the British both feared the consequences of arming Africans. The memories of the Zulu and other tribal conflicts were still fresh, and they recognised that whoever won would have to deal with the consequences of a mass militarisation of the tribes. Sony PCG-81212M Keyboard

Sony PCG-81113M Keyboard

There was therefore an unwritten agreement that this war would be a “white man's war.” At the outset, British officials instructed all white magistrates in the Natal Colony to appeal to Zulu ama-khosi to remain neutral, Sony PCG-81313M Keyboard

Sony PCG-21313M Keyboard

Sony PCG-31311M Keyboard and President Kruger sent emissaries asking them to stay out of it. However, in some cases there were old scores to be settled, and some Africans, such as the Swazis, were eager to enter the war with the specific aim of reclaiming land confiscated by the Boers. Sony PCG-5S1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-3G2M Keyboard As the war went on there was greater involvement of Africans, and in particular large numbers became embroiled in the conflict on the British side, either voluntarily or involuntarily. By the end of the war, many blacks had been armed and had shown conspicuous gallantry in roles such as scouts, messengers, watchmen in blockhouses, and auxiliaries.

Sony PCG-3E1M Keyboard


C Company returns from Boer War, King Street in Toronto, Canada

And there were more flash-points outside of the war. On 6 May 1902 at Holkrantz in the southeastern Transvaal, a Zulu faction had their cattle stolen and their people mistreated by the Boers as a punishment for helping the British. Sony PCG-7171M Keyboard
Sony PCG-5P1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-3C1M KeyboardThe local Boer officer then sent an insulting message to the tribe, challenging them to take back their cattle. The Zulus attacked at night, and in a mutual bloodbath, the Boers lost 56 killed and 3 wounded, while the Africans suffered 52 killed and 48 wounded.[56] Sony PCG-5N2M Keyboard
The official statistics of blacks who had served as combatants or non-combatants or who died in the concentration camps are unreliable. Many black combatants were dumped in unmarked graves, and most of the superintendents of the concentration camps did not record the deaths of black inmates. Sony PCG-3C2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-3J1M Keyboard

After the war the British government went to great lengths to attempt to conciliate Boer opinion to the extent of refusing to officially recognise the military contribution made by blacks by issuing campaign medals. Sony PCG-7195M Keyboard

Sony PCG-3H1M Keyboard It was felt that the Boers would already feel insecure and angry at the arming of blacks, and granting medals would have prejudiced the stability of the region. Boer insecurity and the British government’s favouring of Boer over African interests caused much bitterness, and did much to shape the racial politics of the region. Sony PCG-7196M Keyboard

Sony PCG-3F1M Keyboard

The British offered terms of peace on various occasions, notably in March, 1901, but were rejected by Botha. The last of the Boers surrendered in May, 1902 and the war ended with the Treaty of Vereeniging signed on 31 May 1902. Sony PCG-7192M Keyboard
Sony PCG-7194M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7186M Keyboard Although the British had won, this came at a cost; the Boers were given £3,000,000 for reconstruction and were promised eventual limited self-government, which was granted in 1906 and 1907. Sony PCG-7144M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7181M KeyboardThe treaty ended the existence of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State as independent Boer republics and placed them within the British Empire. The Union of South Africa was established as a member of the Commonwealth in 1910. Sony PCG-7141M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7161M Keyboard

In all, the war had cost around 75,000 lives; 22,000 British and allied soldiers (7,792 killed in battle, the rest through disease), between 6,000 and 7,000 Boer fighters, and, mainly in the concentration camps, between 20,000 to 28,000 Boer civilians (mainly women and children) and perhaps 20,000 black Africans Sony PCG-7151M Keyboard
(both on the battlefield and in the concentration camps). During the conflict, 78 Victoria Crosses (VC) – the highest and most prestigious award in the British armed forces for bravery in the face of the enemy – were awarded to British and colonial soldiers. See List of Boer War Victoria Cross recipients. Sony PCG-7153M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7151M Keyboard

Aftermath and analysis[edit]




Memorial to soldiers from Quebec who fell in the Second Boer War, Quebec City

The Second Boer War cast long shadows over the history of the South African region. The predominantly agrarian society of the former Boer republics was profoundly and fundamentally affected by the scorched earth policy of Roberts and Kitchener. Sony PCG-7154M Keyboard
Sony PCG-7162M Keyboard
Sony PCG-7143M Keyboard The devastation of both Boer and black African populations in the concentration camps and through war and exile were to have a lasting effect on the demography and quality of life in the region. Sony PCG-61211M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71911M Keyboard
Many exiles and prisoners were unable to return to their farms at all; others attempted to do so but were forced to abandon the farms as unworkable given the damage caused by farm burning and salting of the fields in the course of the scorched earth policy. Sony PCG-71211M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71811M KeyboardDestitute Boers and black Africans swelled the ranks of the unskilled urban poor competing with the "uitlanders" in the mines.[57]

The postwar reconstruction administration was presided over by Lord Milner and his largely Oxford trained Milner's Kindergarten. This small group of civil servants had a profound effect on the region, eventually leading to the Union of South Africa. Sony PCG-71213M Keyboard


Sony PCG-61611M Keyboard “In the aftermath of the war, an imperial administration freed from accountability to a domestic electorate set about reconstructing an economy that was by then predicated unambiguously on gold. At the same time, British civil servants, Sony PCG-71212M Keyboard


Sony PCG-61511M Keyboard municipal officials, and their cultural adjuncts were hard at work in the heartland of the former Boer Republics helping to forge new identities – first as 'British South Africans' and then, later still, as 'white South Africans'." Sony PCG-71312M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71D14M Keyboard Some scholars, for good reasons, identify these new identities as partly underpinning the act of union that followed in 1910. Although challenged by a Boer rebellion only four years later, they did much to shape South African politics between the two world wars and right up to the present day.”[58] Sony PCG-71311M Keyboard




Lord Alfred Milner was the British High Commissioner of Southern Africa. He was partly responsible for the start of the war and also had a role in the eventual peace process and the future creation of the Union of South Africa. Sony PCG-71313M Keyboard


Sony PCG-71511M Keyboard

The counterinsurgency techniques and lessons (the restriction of movement, the containment of space, the ruthless targeting of anything, everything and anyone that could give sustenance to guerrillas, the relentless harassment through sweeper groups coupled with rapid reaction forces, the sourcing and coordination of intelligence, Sony PCG-61212M Keyboard

Sony PCG-71411M Keyboard and the nurturing of native allies) learned during the Boer War were used by the British (and other forces) in future guerrilla campaigns including to counter Malayan communist rebels during the Malayan Emergency. Sony PCG-5P2m Keyboard

Sony PCG-7171M Keyboard

 In World War II the British also adopted some of the concepts of raiding from the Boer commandos when, after the fall of France, they set up their special raiding forces, and in acknowledgement of their erstwhile enemies, chose the name British Commandos. Sony PCG-5R1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7186M Keyboard

Many of the Boers referred to the war as the second of the Freedom Wars. The most resistant of Boers wanted to continue the fight and were known as "bittereinders" (or irreconcilables) and at the end of the war a number of Boer fighters such as Deneys Reitz chose exile rather than sign an oath, such as the following, to pledge allegiance to Britain:[59] Sony PCG-5R2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7185M Keyboard

The bearer, <prisoner name> has been released from prison of war camp <Camp name> on signing that he acknowledge terms of surrender and becomes a British subject. Sony PCG-5T1M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7184M Keyboard

Over the following decade, many returned to South Africa and never signed the pledge. Some, like Reitz, eventually reconciled themselves to the new status quo, but others could not. Sony PCG-5T2M Keyboard

Sony PCG-7183M Keyboard

Union of South Africa[edit]

Main article: Union of South Africa

One of the most important events in the decade after the end of the war was the creation of the Union of South Africa (later the Republic of South Africa). It proved a key ally to Britain as a Dominion of the British Empire during the World Wars. Sony PCG-7181M Keyboard
Sony PCG-7182M Keyboard At the start of First World War a crisis ensued when the South African government led by Louis Botha and other former Boer fighters, such as Jan Smuts, declared support for Britain and agreed to send troops to take over the German colony of German South-West Africa (Namibia). Sony VGN-NS10E keyboard



Many Boers were opposed to fighting for Britain, especially against Germany, which had been sympathetic to their struggle. A number of bittereinders and their allies took part in a revolt known as the Maritz Rebellion. Sony VGN-NS10L keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20EF/W keyboardThis was quickly suppressed and in 1916, the leading Boer rebels in the Maritz Rebellion got off lightly (especially compared with the fate of leading Irish rebels of the Easter Rising), with terms of imprisonment of six and seven years and heavy fines. Two years later, they were released from prison, Sony VGN-NS11J keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20EF keyboard as Louis Botha recognised the value of reconciliation. Thereafter the bittereinders concentrated on political organisation within the constitutional system and built up what later became the National Party, which took power in 1948 and dominated the politics of South Africa from the late 1940s until the early 1990s, under the apartheid system. Sony VGN-NS20E keyboard


Sony VGN-NS20EF/P keyboard

Many Irish nationalists sympathised with the Boers, viewing them to be a people oppressed by British imperialism, much like, in their opinion, themselves. Irish miners already in the Transvaal at the start of the war formed the nucleus of two Irish commandos. The Second Irish Brigade was headed up by an Australian of Irish parents, Colonel Arthur Lynch. Sony VGN-NS20J keyboard


Sony VGN-NS30Z keyboardIn addition, small groups of Irish volunteers went to South Africa to fight with the Boers – this despite the fact that there were many Irish troops fighting in the British army.[62] In Britain, the "Pro-Boer" campaign expanded,[63Sony VGN-NW24JG Keyboard
Sony VGN-NW24MG Keyboard] with writers often idealising the Boer society. Sony VGN-NS20M keyboard

Sony VGN-NS30E keyboard

The war also highlighted the dangers of Britain's policy of non-alignment and deepened her isolation. The 1900 UK general election, also known as the "Khaki election", was called by the Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, on the back of recent British victories. Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard
Sony VPCF11C5E Keyboard

There was much enthusiasm for the war at this point, resulting in a victory for the Conservative government.

However, public support quickly waned as it became apparent that the war would not be easy and it dragged on, partially contributing to the Conservatives' spectacular defeat in 1906. There was public outrage at the use of scorched earth tactics Sony VPCF11D4E Keyboard
Sony VPC-F11M1E/H Keyboard
– the forced clearance of women and children, the destruction of the countryside, burning of Boer homesteads and poisoning of wells, for example – and the conditions in the concentration camps. It also became apparent that there were serious problems with public health in Britain: Sony VPCF11S1E/B Keyboard
Sony VPC-F2 Keyboard

Sony VPCF12M1E/H Keyboardup to 40% of recruits in Britain were unfit for military service, suffering from medical problems such as rickets and other poverty-related illnesses. This came at a time of increasing concern for the state of the poor in Britain. Sony VPC-F21Z1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF12F4E/H Keyboard

Having taken the country into a prolonged war, the Conservative government was rejected by the electorate at the first general election after the war was over. Balfour, succeeding his uncle Lord Salisbury in 1903 immediately after the war, took over a Conservative party that had won two successive landslide majorities but led it to a landslide defeat in 1906. Sony VPCF22J1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF12E1E/H Keyboard




A horse destined to serve in the war, being off-loaded in Port Elizabeth

The number of horses killed in the war was at the time unprecedented in modern warfare. For example, in the Relief of Kimberley, Sony VPCF22L1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF22M1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF11Z1E/BI Keyboard French's cavalry rode 500 horses to their deaths in a single day. The wastage was particularly heavy among British forces for several reasons: overloading of horses with unnecessary equipment and saddlery, failure to rest and acclimatise horses after long sea voyages and, later in the war, poor management by inexperienced mounted troops and distant control by unsympathetic staffs.[ Sony VPCF22S1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard64] The average life expectancy of a British horse, from the time of its arrival in Port Elizabeth, was around six weeks.[65]

Horses were on occasion slaughtered for their meat. During the Siege of Kimberley and Siege of Ladysmith, horses were consumed as food once the regular sources of meat were depleted.[66] The besieged British forces in Ladysmith also produced chevril, Sony VPCF22S8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF11S1E Keyboard a Bovril-like paste, by boiling down the horse meat to a jelly paste and serving it like beef tea.[67][68]

The Horse Memorial in Port Elizabeth is a tribute to the 300,000 horses that died during the conflict.[69]

British Empire involvement[edit]

Sony VPCF24M1E Keyboard

See also History of the British Army



Stretcher-bearers of the Indian Ambulance Corps during the war, including the future leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Middle row, 5th from left).

The vast majority of troops fighting for the British army came from the United Kingdom. However, a large number did come from other parts of the British Empire. These countries had their own internal disputes over whether they should remain tied to the United Kingdom, Sony VPCF23M1E Keyboard

Sony VPCF23S1E Keyboard or have full independence, which carried over into the debate around the sending of forces to assist the United Kingdom. Though not fully independent on foreign affairs, these countries did have local say over how much support to provide, and the manner it was provided. Ultimately, Canada, Australia, Sony VPCF23Q1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF231S1E Keyboardand New Zealand all sent volunteers to aid the United Kingdom. Australia provided the largest number of troops followed by Canada. Troops were also raised to fight with the British from the Cape Colony and the Colony of Natal. Some Boer fighters, Sony VPCF13E4E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13M0E/B Keyboard such as Jan Smuts and Louis Botha, were technically British subjects[citation needed] as they came from the Cape Colony and Colony of Natal, respectively.

There were also many volunteers from the Empire who were not selected for the official contingents from their countries and travelled privately to South Africa to form private units,
Sony VPCF13Z0E/B Keyboardsuch as the Canadian Scouts and Doyle’s Australian Scouts. There were also some European volunteer units from British India and British Ceylon, though the British Government refused offers of non-white troops from the Empire. Sony VPCF13E8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF13M8E/B Keyboard Some Cape Coloureds also volunteered early in the war, but later some of them were effectively conscripted and kept in segregated units. As a community, they received comparatively little reward for their services. In many ways, the war set the pattern for the Empire's later involvement in the two World Wars. Sony VPCF13J0E/H Keyboard
Sony VPCF1318E/H Keyboard

Sony VPCF12M0E/B KeyboardSpecially raised units, consisting mainly of volunteers, were dispatched overseas to serve with forces from elsewhere in the British Empire.

Technically the United States stayed neutral in the conflict, but some American citizens were asked to participate. Sony VPCF13M1E/B Keyboard

Sony VPCF12S1E/B Keyboard Early in the war Lord Roberts cabled the American Frederick Russell Burnham, a veteran of both Matabele wars but at that very moment prospecting in the Klondike, to serve on his personal staff as Chief of Scouts. Burnham went on to receive the highest awards of any American who served in the war, but American mercenaries participated on both sides.[70]
Sony VPCF13S1E/B Keyboard
Sony VPCF13S0E/B Keyboard
Sony VPCF12Z1E Keyboard




British and Australian officers in South Africa, ca. 1900



A memorial in Queanbeyan New South Wales unveiled in 1903, dedicated to Australians who served in the conflict (over 20,000).

See also History of the Australian Army

From 1899 to 1901 the six separate self-governing colonies in Australia sent their own contingents to serve in the Boer War. Much of the population of the colonies had originated from what was then the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland) and the desire to support Britain during the conflict appealed to many. Sony VPCF11C4E/B Keyboard
After the colonies formed the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901, the new Government of Australia sent "Commonwealth" contingents to the war.[71] The Boer War was thus the first war in which the Commonwealth of Australia fought. However it must also be noted that a few Australians fought on the Boer side.[7Sony VPCF13Z8E Keyboard

Sony VPCF22M0E Keyboard2] The most famous and colourful character was Colonel Arthur Alfred Lynch, formerly of Ballarat, Victoria, who raised the Second Irish Brigade.

The Australian climate and geography were far closer to that of South Africa than most other parts of the empire, so Australians adapted quickly to the environment, Sony VPCF13Z8E/BI Keyboard

Sony VPCY21S1E/G Keyboardwith troops serving mostly among the army's "mounted rifles." Enlistment in all official Australian contingents totalled 16,463.[73] Another five to seven thousand Australians served in "irregular" regiments raised in South Africa. Perhaps five hundred Australian irregulars were killed. In total, Sony VPCF12S1E/B Keyboard
Sony VPCF12Z1E/BI Keyboard

Sony VPCY21S1E/L Keyboard20,000 or more Australians served and about 1,000 were killed. A total of 267 died from disease, 251 were killed in action or died from wounds sustained in battle. A further 43 men were reported missing.[74] Sony VPCF13M1E/H Keyboard
Sony VPCF21Z1E/BI Keyboard

When the war began some Australians, like some Britons, opposed it. As the war dragged on some Australians became disenchanted, in part because of the sufferings of Boer civilians reported in the press. In an interesting twist (for Australians), Sony VPCF24Q1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF23P1E Keyboard
Sony VPCF23N1E Keyboardwhen the British missed capturing President Paul Kruger, as he escaped Pretoria during its fall in June 1900, a Melbourne Punch, 21 June 1900, cartoon depicted how the War could be won, using the Kelly Gang.[75] Sony VPCEB1B4E Keyboard

Sony VPCEB1C5E Keyboard



The convictions and executions of two Australian lieutenants, Breaker Morant and Peter Handcock in 1902, and the imprisonment of a third, George Witton, had little impact on the Australian public at the time despite later legend. The controversial court-martial saw the three convicted of executing Boer prisoners under their authority. Sony VPCEB1E0E Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2S1R KeyboardAfter the war, though, Australians joined an empire-wide campaign that saw Witton released from jail. Much later, some Australians came to see the execution of Morant and Handcock as instances of wrongfully executed Australians, as illustrated in the 1980 Australian film Breaker Morant. Sony VPCEB1E8E Keyboard

Sony VPCEB1E9E Keyboard



         Wikisource has original text related to this article:

Canadian Appeal for the Widows and Orphans of the South African War

See also Military history of Canada



The unveiling of the South African War Memorial in Toronto Canada in 1908

Over 7,000 Canadian soldiers and support personnel were involved in the second Boer war from October 1899 to May 1902.[76] With approximately 7,368[7Sony VPCEB1E9J Keyboard

7] soldiers in a combat situation, the conflict became the largest military engagement involving Canadian soldiers from the time of Confederation until the Great War.[76] Eventually, 270 soldiers died in the course of the Boer War.[7Sony VPCEB1E9R Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2M1R Keyboard6] The Canadian public was initially divided on the decision to go to war as some citizens did not want Canada to become Britain's 'tool' for engaging in armed conflicts. Many Anglophone citizens were pro-Empire, and wanted the Prime Minister, Sir Wilfred Laurier, to support the British in their conflict. On the other hand, Sony VPCEB1J8E Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2M0E Keyboardmany Francophone citizens felt threatened by the continuation of British Imperialism to their national sovereignty.[78] In the end, in order to appease the citizens who wanted war and avoid angering those who didn't, Laurier sent 1,000 volunteers under the command of Lt.-Col. William D. Otter to aid the confederation in its war to 'liberate' the peoples of the Boer controlled states in South Africa. The volunteers were provided to the British with the stipulation that the British pay costs of the battalion after it arrived in South Africa.[ Sony VPCEB1M0E Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2L9E Keyboard79] The supporters of the war claimed that it "pitted British Freedom, justice and civilization against Boer backwardness".[80] The French Canadians opposition to the Canadian involvement in a British ‘colonial venture’ eventually led to a three day long riot in various areas of Quebec.[77] Sony VPCEB1M1R Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2F4E Keyboard

Sony VPCEB2G4E Keyboard



Harold Lothrop Borden - son of the National Minister of Defence and the most famous Canadian casualty of the war

The Boer war can be summarized into three parts. The first part (October 1899–December 1899) was characterized by questionable decisions and blunders from the Commonwealth leadership which affected its soldiers greatly. Sony VPCEB1S0E Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2E9R KeyboardThe soldiers of the Commonwealth were shocked at the number of Afrikaner soldiers who were willing to oppose the British. The Afrikaner troops were very willing to fight for their country, and were armed with modern weaponry and were highly mobile soldiers.[78] This was one of the best examples of Guerilla style warfare, Sony VPCEB1S1R Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2E4E Keyboard which would be employed throughout the twentieth century after set piece fighting was seen as a hindrance by certain groups.[76] The Boer soldiers would evade capture and secure provisions from their enemies therefore they were able to exist as a fighting entity for an indeterminate period of time.[ Sony VPCEB1S8E Keyboard

81] The end of the First part was the period in mid-December which is referred to as the "Black Week". During the week of 10–17 December 1899, the British suffered three major defeats at the hands of the Boers at the battlefields of Stormberg, Sony VPCEB1Z0E Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2E1R Keyboard Magersfontein and Colenso. Afterwards, the British called upon more volunteers to take part in the war from the Commonwealth.[82] The second part of the war (February–April 1900) was the opposite of the first. Sony VPCEB1Z1E Keyboard


Sony VPCEB2C5E KeyboardAfter the British reorganized and reinforced under new leadership, they began to experience success against the Boer soldiers. Commonwealth soldiers resorted to using blockhouses, farm burning and concentration camps to 'persuade' the resisting Boers into submission.[83


Sony VPCEB2C4E Keyboard] The final phase of the war was the guerrilla phase where many Boer soldiers turned to Guerrilla tactics such as raiding infrastructure or communications lines. Many Canadian soldiers did not actually see combat after getting shipped over to South Africa as many arrived around the time of the signing of the Treaty of Vereeniging on 31 May 1902.[84] Sony VPCEB2A4E Keyboard

Sony VPCEB2B4E Keyboard

Notable Canadian Conflicts[edit]


Paardeburg - A British lead attack trapped a Boer Army in Central South Africa on the banks of the Modder River from 18–27 February 1900. Over 800 Canadian Soldiers from Otter's 2nd Special Service Battalion were attached to the British attack force. Sony VPCEB3A4E Keyboard

Sony VPCEB3A4R Keyboard

This was the first major attack involving the Canadians in the Boer War as well as the first major victory for Commonwealth soldiers. The Canadian soldiers perched on a hill above the Boer camp and were credited with being the main reason that the Boers under General Cronje surrendered.[79] Sony VPCEB3B4E Keyboard


Sony VPCEB1A4E Keyboard

Zand River - On 6 May 1900, the Commonwealth's northwardly advance to the capital of Pretoria was well on its way. However, the British soldiers encountered a position of Boer soldiers on the Zand River. The British commander felt that the best course of action was to use cavalry to envelop the Boers on their left flank and infantry would therefore march on the Boer right flank to secure a crossing. Sony VPCEB3B4R Keyboard


Sony VPCEB4B4E Keyboard The Canadian 2nd Battalion was the lead unit advancing on the right flank. However, due to disease and casualties from earlier encounters, the 2nd battalion was reduced to approximately half of its initial strength. Sony VPCEB3C4E Keyboard


Sony VPCEB4J1R Keyboard The Canadian battalion came under fire from the Boers who were occupying protected positions. The battle continued for several hours until the British cavalry was able to flank the Boers and force a retreat. Sony VPCEB3C4R Keyboard


Sony VPCEB4E0E KeyboardCanadian casualties were two killed and two wounded. The skirmishes around the Zand River would continue and more soldiers from various Commonwealth countries would become involved.[85] Sony VPCEB3D4E Keyboard


Doornkop - On the days of 28–29 May 1900, both the Canadian 2nd battalion and the 1st Mounted Infantry Brigade fought together on the same battlefield for the first, and only, time. The Mounted Brigade, which encompassed units such as the Canadian Mounted Rifles and the Royal Canadian Dragoons were given the task to establish a beachhead across a river which the Boers had fortified in an attempt to halt the advancing Commonwealth before they could reach the city of Johannesburg.[86Sony VPCEB3D4R Keyboard


Sony VPCEB4D4E Keyboard] Since the Boers were mounting a heavy resistance to the advancing mounted units, the Commonwealth infantry units were tasked with holding the Boer units while the mounted units found another route across the river with less resistance.[86] Sony VPCEB3E1R Keyboard


Sony VPCEB4C4E Keyboard Even after the cavalry made it across to the other side of the river further down the line, the infantry had to advance onto the town of Doornkop as they were the ones who were tasked with its capture. Sony VPCEB3E4R Keyboard


Sony VPCEB4A4E Keyboard The Canadians suffered very minimal casualties and achieved their objective after the Boer soldiers retreated from their positions.[86] Although the Canadians suffered minimal casualties, it should be noted that the lead British unit in the infantry advance, the Gordon Highlanders, did sustain heavy casualties in their march from the rifleman of the Boer force.[87]


Sony VPCEB3S1R Keyboard


Leliefontein - On 7 November 1900, a British-Canadian force was searching for a unit of Boer commandos which were known to be operating around the town of Belfast, South Africa. After the British Commander reached the farm of Leliefontein, Sony VPCEB3F4E Keyboard

Sony VPCEB3G4E Keyboard

Sony VPCEB3H4E Keyboardhe began to fear that his line had expanded too far and ordered a withdrawal of the front line troops. The rear guard, consisting of the Royal Canadian Dragoons and two 12 pound guns from D section of the Canadian artillery, were tasked with covering the retreat.[8Sony VGN-FW21E Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW51MF/H Keyboard 8] The Boers mounted a heavy assault against the Canadians with the intention of capturing the two 12 pound artillery pieces. During this battle, the Afrikaners outnumbered the Canadians almost three to one.[89] A small group of the Dragoons interposed themselves between the Boers and the artillery in order to allow the guns and their crews time to escape. Sony VGN-FW21L Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW51ZF/H Keyboard The Dragoons won three Victoria Crosses [88] for their actions during the battle of Leliefontein, the most in any battle with the exception of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in World War I.[89]

Notable People involved in the Boer War[edit]

Sony VGN-FW51 Keyboard

Sam Hughes - Senior Militia officer and later a Federally elected cabinet minister. As a very patriotic individual, Hughes became involved in the Boer war as a member of Brigadier-General Herbert Settle's expedition after Hughes unsuccessfully tried to raise his own brigade of soldiers.[8Sony VGN-FW21Z Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW51ZF/H Keyboard3] Hughes was noted by his colleagues for having a dislike of professional soldiers and he was noted for being an exceptional leader of irregular soldiers, whom he preferred to lead in combat.[9Sony VGN-FW21M Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW31M Keyboard
0] However, Hughes was dismissed and was sent home in the summer of 1900 for; sending letters back home which were published outlining British command incompetence, his impatience and boastfulness and his providing surrendering enemies favourable conditions. When he arrived back in Canada, Sony VGN-FW11J Keyboard
Hughes became very active politically, and he would eventually start his political career with the Conservatives. When he became a member of parliament, Hughes would be in the position to become the Canadian Minister of Defence and Militia in 1911, Sony VGN-FW11Z Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW51 Keyboardjust prior the outbreak of World War I. This was a position that Hughes would be dismissed from in 1916, due once again to his impatience, among other reasons.[90]

John McCrae - Best known as the author of the World War I poem In Flanders Fields, Sony VGN-FW11ZRU Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW4ZTJ/H Keyboard McCrae started his active military service in the Boer War as an artillery officer. After completing several major campaigns, McCrae's artillery unit was sent home to Canada in 1901 with what would be referred to today as an 'honourable discharge'.
Sony VGN-FW46M KeyboardMcCrae ended up becoming a special professor in the University of Vermont for pathology and he would later serve in World War I as a Medical officer until his death in 1918 while on active duty due to pneumonia.[91] Sony VGN-FW11ZU Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW41ZJ/H Keyboard

Harry "Breaker" Morant - Anglo-Australian poet and soldier who allegedly participated in the summary execution of several Boer (Afrikaner) prisoners and the killing of a German missionary, Daniel Heese, who had been a witness to the shootings. Court-martialed and executed for murder.
Sony VGN-FW41M/H Keyboard

Winston Churchill - Best known as the prime minister of Britain during the main part of the Second World War worked as a war correspondent for The Morning Post. He was captured and held prisoner in a camp in Pretoria from which he escaped and rejoined the British army. Sony VGN-FW21J Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW41J/H Keyboard He received a commission in the South African Light Horse (still working as a correspondent) and witnessed the capture of Ladysmith and Pretoria.[92]

Victoria Cross recipients[edit]

Four Canadian soldiers in the Second Boer War received a Victoria Cross, which is the highest military medal available to soldiers of the Commonwealth and former British Territories. It is awarded based on exemplary bravery and valour in the presence of danger.[93] Sony VGN-FW21ZR Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW3ZJ Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW41E/H Keyboard

Sergeant Arthur Herbert Lindsay Richardson - Soldier of Lord Strathcona's Horse, Richardson rode a wounded horse, while wounded himself, back into enemy fire to retrieve a wounded comrade whose horse had been killed at Wolve Spruit on 5 July 1900.[93] Sony VGN-FW56M Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW56E Keyboard

Lieutenant Hampden Zane Churchill Cockburn - Soldier of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, Cockburn received his Victoria Cross on 7 November 1900 when his unit was the rear guard at Leliefontein. Cockburn, along with fellow Victoria Cross recipient Lieutenant R.E.W. Turner, Sony VGN-FW56J Keyboard

 held off an advancing group of Boer soldiers in order to allow two Canadian Field guns to escape along with their crews. Cockburn was wounded and captured by the Boer soldiers.[89]

Lieutenant Richard Ernest William Turner- Soldier of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, Turner received his Victoria Cross during the same portion of the conflict as Cockburn.[8Sony VGN-FW31E Keyboard


9] Turner was wounded in the conflict, however unlike Cockburn, Turner escaped. Turner would later became a high-ranking officer in the Canadian army in World War I.

Sergeant Edward James Gibson Holland - Soldier of the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Holland received his Victoria Cross from the same rear guard conflict at Leliefontein on 7 November 1900 as Cockburn and Turner. However, Holland received his medal for a different reason than the two aforementioned Lieutenants. During the Boer advance, Sony VGN-FW31J Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW44MR Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW56Z Keyboard

 Holland kept the Boer soldiers at bay with his carriage mounted Colt machine gun despite the position becoming increasingly dangerous due to the proximity of the enemy. With his gun jammed and in danger of falling into enemy hands, Holland removed the Colt from its carriage and rode away on his horse with the gun in hand.[89] Sony VGN-FW11MR Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW11S Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW54S Keyboard

Final overview[edit]


The Second Boer War was the harbinger for a new type of combat which would persevere throughout the twentieth century, guerilla warfare.[76] After the war was over, the entire British army underwent a period of reform which was focused on lessening the emphasis placed on mounted units in combat.[94] Sony VGN-FW11SR Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW54J Keyboard It was determined that the idea of Cavalry was antiquated and improperly used on the battlefield in the modern warfare of the Boer War, and that the First World War was the final proof that cavalry had no place in twentieth century combat.[9Sony VGN-FW11Z Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW56ZR Keyboard4] Yet some British soldiers held dear to the fact that cavalry was put to better use after the reforms in the theatres of the Middle East and World War I, and that the idea of mounted infantry was useful in the times where the war was more mobile.[94]
Sony VGN-FW51E/H KeyboardAn example of this was in the First World War during the battle of Mons where the British cavalry held the Belgian town against an initial German assault.[95] The Canadian units of the Royal Canadian Dragoons and the Royal Canadian Mounted Rifles fought in the first world war in the same role as the Boer war. However, Sony VGN-FW11ZRU Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW48E/H Keyboard during, and after, the Second World War the regiments swapped their horses for mechanized vehicles.[96] The second Boer War was also the beginning of types of conflict involving machine guns, shrapnel and observation balloons which were all used extensively in the First World War.[76] Sony VGN-FW11ZU Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW46Z Keyboard To the Canadians however, attrition was the leading cause of death in the second Boer war, with disease being the cause of approximately half of the Canadian deaths.[97] Canadians ended the war with four Victoria Crosses to its soldiers and two more Victoria Crosses were given to Canadian doctors attached to British Medical Corps units, Sony VGN-FW21MR Keyboard

Sony VGN-FW46S Keyboard Lieutenant H.E.M. Douglas (1899, Magersfontein) and Lieutenant W.H.S. Nickerson (1900, Wakkerstroom).[83] Not all soldiers saw action since many landed in South Africa after the hostilities ended while others (including the 3rd Special Service Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment) performed garrison duty in Halifax, Sony VGN-FW21SR Keyboard
Sony VGN-FW21ZR KeyboardNova Scotia so that their British counterparts could join at the front lines. Later on, contingents of Canadians served with the paramilitary South Africa Constabulary. The war also had its fair share of controversy, as Commonwealth soldiers used a scorched Earth policy as well as concentration camps to subdue the Boers.[7Sony VGN-NW20ZF Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW20SF Keyboard8] A total of 116 000 women, children and Boer soldiers were confined to the Commonwealth concentration camps, of which at least 28 000, mainly women and children, would die.[89] The British saw their tactics of Scorched Earth and concentration as ways of controlling the Boers by "eliminating the decay and deterioration of the national character" and as a way of reinforcing the values, Sony VGN-NW24S Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW26JG Keyboardthrough subjugation of citizens and the destruction of the means for the Boer soldiers to continue fighting, of British society that the Boers were rejecting by engaging in a war against the Commonwealth. Sony VGN-NW26M Keyboard
Sony VGN-NW20EF Keyboard
[80] The Boers saw it as a British ploy designed to coerce the Boer soldiers into a surrender. With approximately 10% [9Sony VGN-NW24EG Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW24MR Keyboard8] of their population confined, many of whom were women and children, the Boers suggested that the British were forcing the Afrikaners to return to their homes and protect their families who were in danger of internment.[99Sony VGN-NW20SF Keyboard

Sony VGN-NW26EG Keyboard]

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Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

27/06/2013 15:02


Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Xhosa pronunciation: [xoˈliːɬaɬa manˈdeːla]; born 18 July 1918) is a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. HP Pavilion DV6-6B75CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6195CA BatteryHe was the first black South African to hold the office, and the first elected in a fully representative, multiracial election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid through tackling institutionalised racism, HP Pavilion DV6-6B83CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6193CA Battery poverty and inequality, and fostering racial reconciliation. Politically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as the President of the African National Congress (ANC) from 1991 to 1997. HP Pavilion DV6-6C40CA Battery

HP Pavilion DV6-6C50CA Battery

Internationally, Mandela was the Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999.

A Xhosa born to the Thembu royal family, Mandela attended Fort Hare University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics, HP Pavilion DV6-6C51CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6188CA Batteryjoining the ANC and becoming a founding member of its Youth League. After the Afrikaner nationalists of the National Party came to power in 1948 and began implementing the policy of apartheid, HP Pavilion DV6-6C73CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6184CA Battery he rose to prominence in the ANC's 1952 Defiance Campaign, was elected President of the Transvaal ANC Branch and oversaw the 1955 Congress of the People. Working as a lawyer, he was repeatedly arrested for seditious activities and, with the ANC leadership, HP Pavilion DV6-6040CA Battery

was prosecuted in the Treason Trial from 1956 to 1961 but was found not guilty. Although initially committed to non-violent protest, in association with the South African Communist Party he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, HP Pavilion DV6-6070CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6178CA Batteryleading a bombing campaign against government targets. In 1962 he was arrested, convicted of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rivonia Trial. HP Pavilion DV6-6104CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6175CA Battery

Mandela served 27 years in prison, first on Robben Island, and later in Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. An international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990 amid escalating civil strife. Becoming ANC President, Mandela published his autobiography and led negotiations with President F.W. de Klerk to abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, HP Pavilion DV6-6124CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6155CA Battery in which he led the ANC to victory. He was elected President and formed a Government of National Unity in an attempt to diffuse ethnic tensions. As President, he established a new constitution and initiated the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses. HP Pavilion DV6-6130CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6153CA Battery Continuing the former government's liberal economic policy, his administration introduced measures to encourage land reform, combat poverty and expand healthcare services. Internationally, HP Pavilion DV6-6135CA Battery


HP Pavilion DV6-6148CA Battery he acted as mediator between Libya and the United Kingdom in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial, and oversaw military intervention in Lesotho. He declined to run for a second term, and was succeeded by his deputy Thabo Mbeki, HP Pavilion DV6-6144CA Battery

HP Pavilion DV6-6145CA Batterysubsequently becoming an elder statesman, focusing on charitable work in combating poverty and HIV/AIDS through the Nelson Mandela Foundation. HP Pavilion dm4-1050ca Battery


HP Pavilion dm4-3090ca Battery

Controversial for much of his life, right-wing critics denounced Mandela as a terrorist and communist sympathiser. He has nevertheless received international acclaim for his anti-colonial and anti-apartheid stance, HP Pavilion dm4-1150ca Battery


HP Pavilion dm4-3070ca Battery having received over 250 awards, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Soviet Order of Lenin. He is held in deep respect within South Africa,


HP Pavilion dm4-2058ca Battery where he is often referred to by his Xhosa clan name of Madiba or as tata; he is often described as "the father of the nation".

Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in the village of Mvezo in Umtatu, then a part of South Africa's Cape Province.[1] Given the forename Rolihlahla, a Xhosa term colloquially meaning "troublemaker",[1]


HP Pavilion dm4-2055ca Battery in later years he became known by his clan name, Madiba.[2] His patrilineal great-grandfather, Ngubengcuka, was ruler of the Thembu people in the Transkeian Territories of South Africa's modern Eastern Cape province.[ HP Pavilion dm4-1273ca Battery

3] One of this king's sons, named Mandela, became Nelson's grandfather and the source of his surname.[4] Because Mandela was only the king's child by a wife of the Ixhiba clan, a so-called "Left-Hand House", HP Pavilion dm4-1275ca Battery

HP Pavilion dm4-2053ca Batterythe descendants of his cadet branch of the royal family were morganatic, ineligible to inherit the throne but recognized as hereditary royal councillors.[


Sony VAIO VPCCB48FN Battery4] Nonetheless, his father, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa, was a local chief and councillor to the monarch; he had been appointed to the position in 1915, after his predecessor was accused of corruption by a governing white magistrate.[5] In 1926, Gadla, too, was sacked for corruption, Sony VAIO VPCCB32FDL Battery


Sony VAIO VPCCB48FJ Battery but Nelson would be told that he had lost his job for standing up to the magistrate's unreasonable demands.[6] A devotee of the god Qamata,[7] Gadla was a polygamist, having four wives, four sons and nine daughters, Sony VAIO VPCCB35FG Battery

Sony VAIO VPCCB36FG Battery


Sony VAIO VPCC47FDB Battery who lived in different villages. Nelson's mother was Gadla's third wife, Nosekeni Fanny, who was daughter of Nkedama of the Right Hand House and a member of the amaMpemvu clan of Xhosa.[8] Sony VAIO VPCCB36FW Battery


Sony VAIO VPCCB46FG Battery

"No one in my family had ever attended school [...] On the first day of school my teacher, Miss Mdingane, gave each of us an English name. This was the custom among Africans in those days and was undoubtedly due to the British bias of our education. Sony VAIO VPCCB37FDD Battery


Sony VAIO VPCCB46FA BatteryThat day, Miss Mdingane told me that my new name was Nelson. Why this particular name I have no idea."

— Mandela, 1994.[9]


Sony VAIO VPCCB45FN Battery

Later stating that his early life was dominated by "custom, ritual and taboo",[10] Mandela grew up with two sisters in his mother's kraal in the village of Qunu, where he tended herds as a cattle-boy, spending much time outside with other boys.[11 Sony VAIO VPCCB37FH Battery


Sony VAIO VPCCB45FG Battery] Both his parents were illiterate, but being a devout Christian, his mother sent him to a local Methodist school when he was about seven. Baptised a Methodist, Mandela was given the English forename of "Nelson" by his teacher.[12Sony VAIO VPCCB38FJ Battery

Sony VAIO VPCCB38FN Battery] When Mandela was about nine, his father came to stay at Qunu, where he died of an undiagnosed ailment which Mandela believed to be lung disease.[ HP MU06 Battery


HP HA06 Battery

13] Feeling "cut adrift", he later said that he inherited his father's "proud rebelliousness" and "stubborn sense of fairness".[14]

His mother took Mandela to the "Great Place" palace at Mqhekezweni, where he was entrusted under the guardianship of Thembu regent, Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo. Although he would not see his mother again for many years, HP MU09 Battery


HP HA03 BatteryMandela felt that Jongintaba and his wife Noengland treated him as their own child, raising him alongside their son Justice and daughter Nomafu.[15HP RM08 Battery

HP RS06 Battery


HP MT06 Battery] As Mandela attended church services every Sunday with his guardians, Christianity became a significant part of his life.[16] He attended a Methodist mission school located next to the palace, studying English, Xhosa, history and geography.[1HP BS06 Battery

HP VE06 Battery


HP BX06 Battery 7] He developed a love of African history, listening to the tales told by elderly visitors to the palace, and becoming influenced by the anti-imperialist rhetoric of Chief Joyi.[18] At the time he nevertheless considered the European colonialists as benefactors, not oppressors.[19HP VE12 Battery

] Aged 16, he, Justice and several other boys travelled to Tyhalarha to undergo the circumcision ritual that symbolically marked their transition from boys to men; the rite over, he was given the name "Dalibunga".[20] HP GA08 Battery


HP PT06 Battery

Clarkebury, Healdtown and Fort Hare: 1936–1940



Mandela, around 1937

Intending to gain skills needed to become a privy councillor for the Thembu royal house, Mandela began his secondary education at Clarkebury Boarding Institute in Engcobo, a Western-style institution that was the largest school for black Africans in Thembuland. HP MO06 Battery


HP MN06 Battery [21] Made to socialise with other students on an equal basis, he claimed that he lost his "stuck up" attitude, becoming best friends with a girl for the first time; he began playing sports and developed his lifelong love of gardening.[22] Completing his Junior Certificate in two years,[23


HP GB06 Battery] in 1937 he moved to Healdtown, the Methodist college in Fort Beaufort attended by most Thembu royalty, including Justice.[2


HP LU06 Battery4] The headmaster emphasised the superiority of English culture and government, but Mandela became increasingly interested in native African culture, making his first non-Xhosa friend, a Sotho language-speaker, and coming under the influence of one of his favourite teachers, a Xhosa who broke taboo by marrying a Sotho.[2HP MO09 Battery


HP CL09 Battery5] Spending much of his spare time long-distance running and boxing, in his second year Mandela became a prefect.[26] HP EV06 Battery

HP EV12 Battery

With Jongintaba's backing, Mandela began work on a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree at the University of Fort Hare, an elite black institution in Alice, Eastern Cape with around 150 students. There he studied English, anthropology, politics, HP Pavilion dv7-1027ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2078ca batterynative administration and Roman Dutch law in his first year, desiring to become an interpreter or clerk in the Native Affairs Department.[27] Mandela stayed in the Wesley House dormitory, HP Pavilion dv7-1014ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2044ca battery befriending Oliver Tambo and his own kinsman, K.D. Matanzima.[28] Continuing his interest in sport, Mandela took up ballroom dancing,[29] and performed in a drama society play about Abraham Lincoln.[3HP Pavilion dv7-1034ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2173ca battery0] A member of the Students Christian Association, he gave Bible classes in the local community,[31] and became a vocal supporter of the British war effort when the Second World War broke out.[32HP Pavilion dv7-1038ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-1123ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2170us battery] Although having friends connected to the African National Congress (ANC) and the anti-imperialist movement, Mandela avoided any involvement.[33] Helping found a first-year students' House Committee which challenged the dominance of the second-years,[3HP Pavilion dv7-1128ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2157ca battery4] at the end of his first year he became involved in a Students' Representative Council (SRC) boycott against the quality of food, for which he was temporarily suspended from the university; he left without receiving a degree.[3HP Pavilion dv7-3098ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-3074ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2111us battery5]

Arriving in Johannesburg: 1941–1943

Returning to Mqhekezweni in December 1940, Mandela found that Jongintaba had arranged marriages for him and Justice; dismayed, they fled to Johannesburg via Queenstown, arriving in April 1941.[3HP Pavilion dv7-3178ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-3180us battery


HP Pavilion dv7-3028ca battery6] Mandela found work as a night watchman at Crown Mines, his "first sight of South African capitalism in action", but was fired when the induna (headman) discovered he was a runaway.[ HP Pavilion dv7-3128ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-3148ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-1253ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-3024ca battery37] Staying with a cousin in George Goch Township, Mandela was introduced to the realtor and ANC activist Walter Sisulu, who secured him a job as an articled clerk at law firm Witkin, Sidelsky and Edelman. The company was run by a liberal Jew, Lazar Sidelsky, who was sympathetic to the ANC's cause.[ HP Pavilion dv7-3173ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-3152ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-1448ca battery38] At the firm, Mandela befriended Gaur Redebe, a Xhosa member of the ANC and Communist Party, as well as Nat Bregman, a Jewish communist who became his first white friend.[39] HP Pavilion dv7-3153ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-3157ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-1428ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-2174ca battery Attending communist talks and parties, Mandela was impressed that Europeans, Africans, Indians and Coloureds were mixing as equals. However, he stated later that he did not join the Party because its atheism conflicted with his Christian faith, HP Pavilion dv7-3170ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-1270ca batteryand because he saw the South African struggle as being racially based rather than class warfare.[40] HP Pavilion dv7-3160us battery

HP Pavilion dv7-1130us battery


HP Pavilion dv7-1262us batteryBecoming increasingly politicised, in August 1943 Mandela marched in support of a successful bus boycott to reverse fare rises.[41] Continuing his higher education, Mandela signed up to a University of South Africa correspondence course, working on his BA at night.[42] HP Pavilion dv7-3080ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2019ca battery

Earning a small wage, Mandela rented a room in the house of the Xhoma family in the Alexandra township; although rife with poverty, HP Pavilion dv7-1137us battery

HP Pavilion dv7-1153ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2273ca batterycrime and pollution, Alexandra always remained "a treasured place" for him.[43] Although embarrassed by his poverty, he briefly courted a Swazi woman before unsuccessfully courting his landlord's daughter.[4HP Pavilion dv7-3060ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-1174ca battery


HP Pavilion dv7-2270us battery4] Finding the rent cheaper, Mandela moved into the compound of the Witwatersrand Native Labour Association; living among miners of various tribes, in doing so he met the Queen Regent of Basutoland.[45HP Pavilion dv7-1228ca battery

] In late 1941, Jongintaba visited, forgiving Mandela for running away. On returning to Thembuland, the regent died in winter 1942; Mandela and Justice arrived a day late for the funeral.[46]


HP Pavilion dv7-1245ca battery After passing his BA exams in early 1943, Mandela returned to Johannesburg to follow a political path as a lawyer rather than become a privy councillor in Thembuland.[47HP Pavilion dv7-1223ca battery

HP Pavilion dv7-1240us battery] He later stated that he experienced no epiphany, but that he "simply found myself doing so, and could not do otherwise."[48]

Revolutionary activity

Sony SVS13AA11L Battery


Law studies and the ANC Youth League: 1943–1949

Beginning law studies at the University of Witwatersrand, Mandela was the only native African in the faculty, and though facing racism, he befriended a number of liberal and communist European, Jewish, and Indian students, among them Joe Slovo, Sony SVS131A11L Battery


Sony SVS151E1GL BatteryHarry Schwarz and Ruth First.[49] Joining the ANC, Mandela was increasingly influenced by Sisulu, spending much time with other activists at Sisulu's Orlando house, including old friend Oliver Tambo.[5Sony SVS131B11L Battery

Sony SVS151A11L Battery


Sony SVS151C2DL Battery0] In 1943, Mandela met Anton Lembede, an African nationalist virulently opposed to a racially united front against colonialism and imperialism or to an alliance with the communists.[51] Sony SVS151B11L Battery


Sony SVS151C1GL BatteryDespite his friendships with non-blacks and communists, Mandela supported Lembede's views, believing that black Africans should be entirely independent in their struggle for political self-determination.[5Sony SVS151G1GL Battery


Sony SVS131G1DL Battery2] Deciding on the need for a youth wing to mass mobilise Africans in opposition to their subjugation, Mandela was among a delegation that approached ANC President Alfred Bitini Xuma on the subject at his home in Sophiatown; Sony PCG-4121DL Battery

Sony PCG-4121EL Battery


Sony SVS131E1DL Batterythe African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) was founded on Easter Sunday 1944 in the Bantu Men's Social Centre in Eloff Street, with Lembede as President and Mandela as a member of the executive committee.[53]



Sony SVS131C24L Battery



Mandela and Evelyn in 1944

At Sisulu's house, Mandela met Evelyn Mase, an ANC activist and nurse from Engcobo, Transkei. Married on 5 October 1944, after initially living with her relatives, they rented House no. 8115 in Orlando from early 1946.[5Sony PCG-4121FL Battery


Sony SVS131C1DL Battery4] Their first child, Madiba "Thembi" Thembekile, was born in February 1946, while a daughter named Makaziwe was born in 1947, dying nine months later of meningitis.[55] Mandela enjoyed home life, welcoming his mother and sister Leabie to stay with him.[56Sony PCG-4121GL Battery


Sony SVS13AB1GL Battery] In early 1947, his three years of articles ended at Witkin, Sidelsky and Edelman, and he decided to become a full-time student, subsisting on loans from the Bantu Welfare Trust.[57] Sony PCG-41211L Battery


Sony PCG-41414L Battery

In July 1947, Mandela rushed Lembede to hospital, where he died; he was succeeded as ANCYL president by the more moderate Peter Mda, who agreed to co-operate with communists and non-blacks, appointing Mandela ANCYL secretary.[ Sony PCG-41212L Battery


Sony PCG-41413L Battery58] Mandela disagreed with Mda's approach, in December 1947 supporting an unsuccessful measure to expel communists from the ANCYL, considering their ideology un-African.[5


Sony PCG-41412L Battery9] In 1947, Mandela was elected to the executive committee of the Transvaal ANC, serving under regional president C.S. Ramohanoe. When Ramohanoe acted against the wishes of the Transvaal Executive Committee by co-operating with Indians and communists, Mandela was one of those who forced his resignation.[60] Sony PCG-41213L Battery


Sony PCG-41411L Battery

In the South African general election, 1948, in which only whites were permitted to vote, the Afrikaner-dominated Herenigde Nasionale Party under Daniel François Malan took power, soon uniting with the Afrikaner Party to form the National Party. Sony PCG-41214L Battery


Sony PCG-41218L Battery Openly racialist, the party codified and expanded racial segregation with the new apartheid legislation.[61Sony PCG-41215L Battery

] Gaining increasing influence in the ANC, Mandela and his cadres began advocating direct action against apartheid, such as boycotts and strikes, influenced by the tactics of South Africa's Indian community. Sony PCG-41216L Battery

Sony PCG-41217L BatteryXuma did not support these measures and was removed from the presidency in a vote of no confidence, replaced by James Moroka and a more militant cabinet containing Sisulu, Mda, Tambo and Godfrey Pitje; Mandela later related that "We had now guided the ANC to a more radical and revolutionary path."[62Sony PCG-61A11L Battery


Sony PCG-91311L Battery

] Having devoted his time to politics, Mandela failed his final year at Witwatersrand three times; he was ultimately denied his degree in December 1949.[63]

Defiance Campaign and Transvaal ANC Presidency: 1950–1954



Sony PCG-91211L Battery

The tri-colour flag of the African National Congress

Mandela took Xuma's place on the ANC National Executive in March 1950.[64] That month, the Defend Free Speech Convention was held in Johannesburg, bringing together African, Indian and communist activists to call an anti-apartheid general strike. Sony PCG-61A13L Battery


Sony PCG-71914L BatteryMandela opposed the strike because it was not ANC-led, but a majority of black workers took part, resulting in increased police repression and the introduction of the Suppression of Communism Act, 1950, Sony PCG-61A14L Battery


Sony PCG-71913L Battery affecting the actions of all protest groups.[65] In 1950, Mandela was elected national president of the ANCYL; at the ANC national conference of December 1951, he continued arguing against a racially united front, but was outvoted.[6Sony PCG-71C11L Battery


Sony PCG-71912L Battery6] Thenceforth, he altered his entire perspective, embracing such an approach; influenced by friends like Moses Kotane and by the Soviet Union's support for wars of national liberation, Mandela's mistrust of communism also broke down. Sony PCG-71C12L Battery


Sony PCG-71911L BatteryHe became influenced by the texts of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong, and embraced dialectical materialism.[67] In April 1952, Mandela began work at the H.M. Basner law firm,[68Sony PCG-61714L Battery


Sony PCG-71811L Battery] though his increasing commitment to work and activism meant he spent less time with his family.[69]

In 1952, the ANC began preparation for a joint Defiance Campaign against apartheid with Indian and communist groups, founding a National Voluntary Board to recruit volunteers. Deciding on a path of nonviolent resistance influenced by Mohandas Gandhi, Sony PCG-61813L Battery


Sony PCG-71713L Batterysome considered it the ethical option, but Mandela instead considered it pragmatic.[70] At a Durban rally on 22 June, Mandela addressed an assembled crowd of 10,000, initiating the campaign protests, Sony PCG-61911L Battery

Sony PCG-61913L Battery

Sony PCG-71614L Batteryfor which he was arrested and briefly interned in Marshall Square prison.[71] With further protests, the ANC's membership grew from 20,000 to 100,000; the government responded with mass arrests, introducing the Public Safety Act, 1953 to permit martial law.[72


Sony PCG-61317L Battery

] In May, authorities banned Transvaal ANU President J. B. Marks from making public appearances; unable to maintain his position, he recommended Mandela as his successor. Although the ultra-Africanist Bafabegiya group opposed his candidacy, Mandela was elected regional president in October.[73] Sony SVE141C11L Battery


In the early 1950s, Mandela was influenced by left-wing, anti-colonialist thought, including figures like Karl Marx (left) and Jawaharlal Nehru (right). Sony SVE141D11L Battery

Sony SVE141L11L Battery



On 30 July 1952, Mandela was arrested under the Suppression of Communism Act and stood trial as a part of the 21 accused – among them Moroka, Sisulu and Dadoo – in Johannesburg. Found guilty of "statutory communism", their sentence of nine months' hard labour was suspended for two years.[74] Sony SVE151E11L Battery


Sony PCG-61316L Battery In December, Mandela was given a six-month ban from attending meetings or talking to more than one individual at a time, making his Transvaal ANU presidency impractical. The Defiance Campaign meanwhile petered out.[ Sony SVE151G11L Battery


Sony PCG-61315L Battery75] In September 1953, Andrew Kunene read out Mandela's "No Easy Walk to Freedom" speech at a Transvaal ANC meeting; the title was taken from a quote by Indian independence leader Jawaharlal Nehru, Sony SVE151G13L Battery

Sony SVE151J11L Battery

a seminal influence on Mandela's thought. The speech laid out a contingency plan for a scenario in which the ANC was banned. This Mandela Plan, or M-Plan, involved dividing the organisation into a cell structure with a more centralised leadership.[76] Sony SVE171C11L Battery


Sony PCG-61312L Battery

Mandela obtained work as an attorney for the firm Terblanche and Briggish, before moving to the liberal-run Helman and Michel, passing qualification exams to become a full-fledged attorney.[77] In August 1953, Sony SVE171E11L Battery


Sony PCG-61311L Battery Mandela and Oliver Tambo opened their own law firm, Mandela and Tambo, operating in downtown Johannesburg. The only African-run law firm in the country, it was popular with aggrieved blacks, Sony SVE171E12L Battery


Sony PCG-61215L Batteryoften dealing with cases of police brutality. Disliked by the authorities, the firm was forced to relocate to a remote location after their office permit was removed under the Group Areas Act; as a result, their custom dwindled.[78Sony SVE171G112 Battery


Sony PCG-61211L Battery] Though a second daughter, Makaziwe Phumia, was born in May 1954, Mandela's relationship with Evelyn became strained, Sony PCG-61713L Battery

Sony PCG-91111L Battery


Sony PCG-71216L Batteryand she accused him of adultery. Evidence has emerged indicating that he was having affairs with ANC member Lillian Ngoyi and secretary Ruth Mompati; persistent but unproven claims assert that the latter bore Mandela a child. Sony PCG-91112L Battery


Sony PCG-71215L BatteryDisgusted by her son's behaviour, Nosekeni returned to Transkei, while Evelyn embraced the Jehovah's Witnesses and rejected Mandela's obsession with politics.[79]

Congress of the People and the Treason Trial: 1955–1961

"We, the people of South Africa, declare for all our country and the world to know: Sony PCG-71312L Battery


Sony PCG-71212L Battery

That South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the people."

— The opening of the Freedom Charter[80] Sony PCG-71311L Battery


Sony PCG-71211L Battery

Mandela came to the opinion that the ANC "had no alternative to armed and violent resistance" after taking part in the unsuccessful protest to prevent the demolition of the all-black Sophiatown suburb of Johannesburg in February 1955.[81] He advised Sisulu to request weaponry from the People's Republic of China, Sony PCG-71218L Battery

Sony PCG-71217L Battery

but while supporting the anti-apartheid struggle, China's government believed the movement insufficiently prepared for guerilla warfare.[ Sony PCG-71313L Battery

82] With the involvement of the South African Indian Congress, the Coloured People's Congress, the South African Congress of Trade Unions and the Congress of Democrats, Sony PCG-71315L Battery


Sony PCG-71318L Batterythe ANC planned a Congress of the People, calling on all South Africans to send in proposals for a post-apartheid era. Based on the responses, a Freedom Charter was drafted by Rusty Bernstein, calling for the creation of a democratic, Sony PCG-71316L Battery

Sony PCG-71317L Batterynon-racialist state with the nationalisation of major industry. When the charter was adopted at a June 1955 conference in Kliptown attended by 3000 delegates, police cracked down on the event, but it remained a key part of Mandela's ideology.[83] Sony SVS13AA11L Battery

Following the end of a second ban in September 1955, Mandela went on a working holiday to Transkei to discuss the implications of the Bantu Authorities Act, 1951 with local tribal leaders, also visiting his mother and Noengland before proceeding to Cape Town.[84Sony SVS131A11L Battery

Sony SVS151E1GL Battery

] In March 1956 he received his third ban on public appearances, restricting him to Johannesburg for five years, but he often defied it.[8Sony SVS131B11L Battery
Sony SVS151A11L Battery

Sony SVS151C2DL Battery5] His marriage broke down as Evelyn left Mandela, taking their children to live with her brother. Initiating divorce proceedings in May 1956, she claimed that Mandela had physically abused her; he denied the allegations, and fought for custody of their children. She withdrew her petition of separation in November, Sony SVS151B11L Battery

Sony SVS151C1GL Batterybut Mandela filed for divorce in January 1958; the divorce was finalised in March, with the children placed in Evelyn's care.[86] During the divorce proceedings, he began courting and politicising a social worker, Winnie Madikizela, Sony SVS151G1GL Battery

Sony SVS131G1DL Batterywho he married in Bizana on 14 June 1958. She later became involved in ANC activities, spending several weeks imprisoned.[87]



The apartheid system pervaded all areas of life.

On 5 December 1956, Mandela was arrested alongside most of the ANC Executive for "high treason" against the state. Held in Johannesburg Prison amid mass protests, they underwent a preparatory examination in Drill Hall on 19 December, Sony PCG-4121DL Battery
Sony PCG-4121EL Battery

Sony SVS131E1DL Battery before being granted bail.[88] The defence's refutation began on 9 January 1957, overseen by defence lawyer Vernon Berrangé, and continued until adjourning in September. In January 1958, judge Oswald Pirow was appointed to the case, Sony PCG-4121FL Battery

Sony SVS131C24L Batteryand in February he ruled that there was "sufficient reason" for the defendants to go on trial in the Transvaal Supreme Court.[89] The formal Treason Trial began in Pretoria in August 1958, with the defendants successfully applying to have the three judges – all linked to the governing National Party – replaced. In August, Sony PCG-4121GL Battery

Sony SVS131C1DL Batteryone charge was dropped, and in October the prosecution withdrew its indictment, submitting a reformulated version in November which argued that the ANC leadership committed high treason by advocating violent revolution, a charge the defendants denied.[90]
Sony SVS13AB1GL Battery

In April 1959, militant Africanists dissatisfied with the ANC's united front approach founded the Pan-African Congress (PAC); Mandela's friend Robert Sobukwe was elected president, though Mandela thought the group "immature".Sony PCG-41211L Battery

Sony PCG-41414L Battery [91] Both parties campaigned for an anti-pass campaign in May 1960, in which Africans burned the passes that they were legally obliged to carry. One of the PAC-organized demonstrations was fired upon by police, Sony PCG-41212L Battery

Sony PCG-41413L Battery resulting in the deaths of 69 protesters in the Sharpeville massacre. In solidarity, Mandela publicly burned his pass as rioting broke out across South Africa, leading the government to proclaim martial law.[9Sony PCG-41213L Battery

Sony PCG-41412L Battery2] Under the State of Emergency measures, Mandela and other activists were arrested on 30 March, Sony PCG-41214L Battery

Sony PCG-41411L Battery imprisoned without charge in the unsanitary conditions of the Pretoria Local prison, while the ANC and PAC were banned in April.[93] Sony PCG-41215L Battery
This made it difficult for their lawyers to reach them, and it was agreed that the defence team for the Treason Trial should withdraw in protest. Representing themselves in court, the accused were freed from prison when the state of emergency was lifted in late August. Sony PCG-41216L Battery

Sony PCG-41218L Battery [94] Mandela used his free time to organise an All-In African Conference near Pietermaritzburg, Natal, in March, at which 1,400 anti-apartheid delegates met, agreeing on a stay-at home protest to mark 31 May, Sony PCG-41217L Battery the day South Africa became a republic.[95] On 29 March 1961, after a six-year trial, the judges produced a verdict of not guilty, embarrassing the government.[96]

Umkhonto we Sizwe and African tour: 1961–1962



The thatched room at Liliesleaf Farm, where Mandela hid

Disguising himself as a chauffeur, Mandela travelled the country incognito, organising the ANC's new cell structure and a mass stay-at-home strike for 29 May. Sony PCG-61A11L Battery

Sony PCG-61317L BatteryReferred to as the "Black Pimpernel" in the press – a reference to Emma Orczy's 1905 novel The Scarlet Pimpernel – the police put out a warrant for his arrest.[97] Mandela held secret meetings with reporters, and after the government failed to prevent the strike, he warned them that many anti-apartheid activists would soon resort to violence through groups like the PAC's Poqo.[ Sony PCG-61A13L Battery

Sony PCG-61316L Battery98] He believed that the ANC should form an armed group to channel some of this violence, convincing both ANC leader Albert Luthuli – who was morally opposed to violence – and allied activist groups of its necessity.[99] Sony PCG-61A14L Battery
Sony PCG-71C11L Battery

Inspired by Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement in the Cuban Revolution, in 1961 Mandela co-founded Umkhonto we Sizwe ("Spear of the Nation", abbreviated MK) with Sisulu and the communist Joe Slovo. Becoming chairman of the militant group, he gained ideas from illegal literature on guerilla warfare by Mao and Che Guevara. Sony PCG-71C12L Battery

Sony PCG-61315L BatteryOfficially separate from the ANC, in later years MK became the group's armed wing.[100] Most early MK members were white communists; after hiding in communist Wolfie Kodesh's flat in Berea, Mandela moved to the communist-owned Liliesleaf Farm in Rivonia, there joined by Raymond Mhlaba, Slovo and Bernstein, who put together the MK constitution.[101] Sony PCG-61714L Battery
Sony PCG-61813L Battery
Operating through a cell structure, the MK agreed to acts of sabotage to exert maximum pressure on the government with minimum casualties, bombing military installations, power plants, telephone lines and transport links at night, when civilians were not present. Sony PCG-61911L Battery

Sony PCG-61312L Battery Mandela noted that should these tactics fail, MK would resort to "guerilla warfare and terrorism."[102] Soon after ANC leader Luthuli was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the MK publicly announced its existence with 57 bombings on Dingane's Day (16 December) 1961,
Sony PCG-61311L Batteryfollowed by further attacks on New Year's Eve.[103]

The ANC agreed to send Mandela as a delegate to the February 1962 Pan-African Freedom Movement for East, Central and Southern Africa (PAFMECSA) meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.[104] Sony PCG-61913L Battery

Sony PCG-61215L BatteryTraveling there in secret, Mandela met with Emperor Haile Selassie I, and gave his speech after Selaisse's at the conference.[105] After the conference, he travelled to Cairo, Egypt, admiring the political reforms of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, and then went to Tunis,
Sony PCG-71216L Battery
Sony PCG-61211L BatteryTunisia, where President Habib Bourguiba gave him £5000 for weaponry. He proceeded to Morocco, Mali, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Senegal, receiving funds from Liberian President William Tubman and Guinean President Ahmed Sékou Touré.[106] Leaving Africa for London, England, he met anti-apartheid activists, reporters and prominent leftist politicians.[107]
Sony PCG-71215L Battery Returning to Ethiopia, he began a six-month course in guerrilla warfare, but completed only two months before being recalled to South Africa.[108]



Arrest and Rivonia trial: 1962–1964



Monument erected in 1996 marking the site where Mandela was arrested near Howick, KwaZulu-Natal

On 5 August 1962, police captured Mandela along with Cecil Williams near Howick.[109] Jailed in Johannesburg's Marshall Square prison, he was charged with inciting workers' strikes and leaving the country without permission. Representing himself with Slovo as legal advisor, Sony PCG-71614L Battery

Mandela intended to use the trial to showcase "the ANC's moral opposition to racism" while supporters demonstrated outside the court.[110] Moved to Pretoria, where Winnie could visit him, in his cell he began correspondence studies for a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of London.[11Sony SVE151E11L Battery
Sony SVE151G11L Battery

Sony SVE141L11L Battery1] His hearing began on 15 October, but he disrupted proceedings by wearing a traditional kaross, refusing to call any witnesses, and turning his plea of mitigation into a political speech. Found guilty, he was sentenced to five years' imprisonment; as he left the courtroom, supporters sang Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika.[112] Sony SVE151G13L Battery
Sony SVE151J11L Battery

"In a way I had never quite comprehended before, I realized the role I could play in court and the possibilities before me as a defendant. I was the symbol of justice in the court of the oppressor, the representative of the great ideals of freedom, Sony SVE171C11L Battery

Sony SVE141D11L Battery fairness and democracy in a society that dishonoured those virtues. I realized then and there that I could carry on the fight even in the fortress of the enemy."

— Mandela, 1994[113] Sony SVE171E11L Battery

Sony SVE141C11L Battery

On 11 July 1963, police raided Liliesleaf Farm, arresting those they found there and uncovering paperwork documenting MK's activities, some of which mentioned Mandela. The subsequent Rivonia Trial began at Pretoria Supreme Court on 9 October, with Mandela and his comrades charged with four counts of sabotage and conspiracy to violently overthrow the government. Their chief prosecutor was Percy Yutar, who called for them to receive the death penalty.[11Sony SVE171E12L Battery

Sony PCG-91311L Battery4] Judge Quartus de Wet soon threw out the prosecution's case for insufficient evidence, but Yutar reformulated the charges, presenting his new case from December until February 1964, calling 173 witnesses and bringing thousands of documents and photographs to the trial.[115] Sony SVE171G112 Battery

Sony PCG-91211L Battery

With the exception of James Kantor, who was innocent of all charges, Mandela and the accused admitted sabotage but denied that they had ever agreed to initiate guerilla war against the government. They used the trial to highlight their political cause; Sony PCG-61713L Battery

Sony PCG-71914L Batteryone of Mandela's speeches – inspired by Castro's "History Will Absolve Me" speech – was widely reported in the press despite official censorship.[11Sony PCG-91111L Battery

Sony PCG-71913L Battery6] The trial gained international attention, with global calls for the release of the accused from such institutions as the United Nations and World Peace Council. The University of London Union voted Mandela to its presidency, and nightly vigils for him were held in St. Paul's Cathedral, London.[ Sony PCG-91112L Battery

Sony PCG-71912L Battery117] However, deeming them to be violent communist agitators, South Africa's government ignored all calls for clemency, and on 12 June 1964 de Wet found Mandela and two of his co-accused guilty on all four charges, sentencing them to life imprisonment rather than death.[118] Sony PCG-71312L Battery

Sony PCG-71911L Battery

Robben Island: 1962–1982



The lime quarry at Robben Island

Mandela and his co-accused were transferred from Pretoria to the prison on Robben Island, remaining there for the next 18 years.[119] Isolated from non-political prisoners in Section B, Mandela was imprisoned in a damp concrete cell measuring 8 feet (2.4 m) by 7 feet (2.1 m), with a straw mat on which to sleep.[120Sony PCG-71311L Battery
Sony PCG-71713L Battery
Sony PCG-71811L Battery] Verbally and physically harassed by several white prison wardens, the Rivonia Trial prisoners spent their days breaking rocks into gravel, until being reassigned in January 1965 to work in a lime quarry. Mandela was initially forbidden to wear sunglasses, and the glare from the lime permanently damaged his eyesight.[1Sony PCG-71218L Battery

Sony PCG-71212L Battery21] At night, he worked on his LLB degree, but newspapers were forbidden, and he was locked in solitary confinement on several occasions for possessing smuggled news clippings.[122] Classified as the lowest grade of prisoner, Class D, he was permitted one visit and one letter every six months, although all mail was heavily censored.[123] Sony PCG-71217L Battery
Sony PCG-71313L Battery

Sony PCG-71211L Battery

The political prisoners took part in work and hunger strikes – the latter considered largely ineffective by Mandela – to improve prison conditions, viewing this as a microcosm of the anti-apartheid struggle.[12Sony PCG-71315L Battery

Sony PCG-71318L Battery4] ANC prisoners elected him to their four-man "High Organ" along with Sisulu, Govan Mbeki and Raymond Mhlaba, while he also involved himself in a group representing all political prisoners on the island, Ulundi, through which he forged links with PAC and Yu Chi Chan Club members.[12Sony PCG-71316L Battery
Sony PCG-71317L Battery5] Initiating the "University of Robben Island," whereby prisoners lectured on their own areas of expertise, he debated topics such as homosexuality and politics with his comrades, getting into fierce arguments on the latter with Marxists like Mbeki and Harry Gwala.[126] Though attending Christian Sunday services, Mandela studied Islam.[1Sony PCG-3B1L Battery


Sony PCG-5R1L Battery27] He also studied Afrikaans, hoping to build a mutual respect with the warders and convert them to his cause.[1Sony PCG-3B2L Battery


Sony PCG-5P2L Battery28] Various official visitors met with Mandela; most significant was the liberal parliamentary representative Helen Suzman of the Progressive Party, who championed Mandela's cause outside prison.[12Sony PCG-3B3L Battery


Sony PCG-5N4L Battery9] In September 1970 he met British Labour Party MP Dennis Healey.[130] South African Minister of Justice Jimmy Kruger visited in December 1974, but he and Mandela did not get on.[131] Sony PCG-3B4L Battery


Sony PCG-3H4L Battery His mother visited in 1968, dying shortly after, and his firstborn son Thembi died in a car accident the following year; Mandela was forbidden from attending either funeral.[13


Sony PCG-3H3L Battery2] His wife was rarely able to visit, being regularly imprisoned for political activity, while his daughters first visited in December 1975; Winnie got out of prison in 1977 but was forcibly settled in Brandfort, still unable to visit him.[133]



Sony PCG-3H2L Battery

Mandela's cell and the prison yard at Robben Island, where he was imprisoned

From 1967, prison conditions improved, with black prisoners given trousers rather than shorts, games being permitted, Sony PCG-3C2L Battery

Sony PCG-3C3L Battery


Sony PCG-3H1L Battery and food quality increasing.[134] In 1969, an escape plan for Mandela was developed by Gordon Bruce, but it was abandoned after being infiltrated by an agent of the South African Bureau of State Security (BOSS), who hoped to see Mandela shot during the escape.[135] In 1970, Commander Piet Badenhost became commanding officer. Mandela, seeing an increase in the physical and mental abuse of prisoners, complained to visiting judges, who had Badenost reassigned.[136Sony PCG-3D3L Battery


Sony PCG-3G5L Battery] He was replaced by Commander Willie Willemse, who developed a co-operative relationship with Mandela and was keen to improve prison standards.[137] By 1975, Mandela had become a Class A prisoner, Sony PCG-3D4L Battery


Sony PCG-3G3L Battery [138] allowing greater numbers of visits and letters; he corresponded with anti-apartheid activists like Mangosuthu Buthelezi and Desmond Tutu.[139] That year, he began his autobiography, which was smuggled to London, but remained unpublished at the time; prison authorities discovered several pages, Sony PCG-3E3L Battery


Sony PCG-3B1L Batteryand his study privileges were stopped for four years.[140] Instead he devoted his spare time to gardening and reading until he resumed his LLB degree studies in 1980.[141]

By the late 1960s, Mandela's fame had been eclipsed by Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM). Sony PCG-3F1L Battery


Sony PCG-3F4L BatterySeeing the ANC as ineffectual, the BCM called for militant action, but following the Soweto uprising of 1976, many BCM activists were imprisoned on Robben Island.[142] Mandela tried to build a relationship with these young radicals, although he was critical of their racialism and contempt for white anti-apartheid activists.[143Sony PCG-3F2L Battery

Sony PCG-3F3L Battery] Renewed international interest in his plight came in July 1978, when he celebrated his 60th birthday.[14Sony PCG-9Z1L Battery

4] He was awarded an honourary doctorate in Lesotho, the Nehru Prize for International Understanding in India in 1970, and the Freedom of the City of Glasgow, Scotland in 1980.[145] In March 1980 the slogan "Free Mandela!" was developed by journalist Percy Qoboza, sparking an international campaign that led the UN Security Council to call for his release.[1Sony PCG-9Z2L Battery


Sony PCG-8151L Battery46] Despite increasing foreign pressure, the government refused, relying on powerful foreign Cold War allies in US President Ronald Reagan and UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; Thatcher considered Mandela a communist terrorist and supported the suppression of the ANC.[147] Sony PCG-7142L Battery


Sony PCG-8141L Battery

Pollsmoor Prison: 1982–1988

In April 1982 Mandela was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison in Tokai, Cape Town along with senior ANC leaders Walter Sisulu, Andrew Mlangeni, Ahmed Kathrada and Raymond Mhlaba; they believed that they were being isolated to remove their influence on younger activists.[148] Conditions at Pollsmoor were better than at Robben Island, although Mandela missed the camaraderie and scenery of the island.[1Sony PCG-7151L Battery


Sony PCG-813L Battery49] Getting on well with Pollsmoor's commanding officer, Brigadier Munro, Mandela was permitted to create a roof garden,[150] also reading voraciously and corresponding widely, now permitted 52 letters a year.[151] Sony PCG-7152L Battery


Sony PCG-7185L BatteryHe was appointed patron of the multi-racial United Democratic Front (UDF), founded to combat reforms implemented by South African President P.W. Botha. Botha's National Party government had permitted Coloured and Indian citizens to vote for their own parliaments which would have control over education, health, Sony PCG-7153L Battery


Sony PCG-7184L Batteryand housing, but black Africans were excluded from the system; like Mandela, the UDF saw this as an attempt to divide the anti-apartheid movement on racial lines.[152]



Bust of Mandela erected on London's Southbank by the Greater London Council administration of socialist Ken Livingstone in 1985

Violence across the country escalated, with many fearing civil war. Under pressure from an international lobby, multinational banks stopped investing in South Africa, resulting in economic stagnation. Numerous banks and Thatcher asked Botha to release Mandela – then at the height of his international fame – to defuse the volatile situation.[153Sony PCG-7154L Battery


Sony PCG-7183L Battery] Although considering Mandela a dangerous "arch-Marxist",[154] in February 1985 Botha offered him a release from prison on condition that he '"unconditionally rejected violence as a political weapon". Sony PCG-7161L Battery


Sony PCG-7182L BatteryMandela spurned the offer, releasing a statement through his daughter Zindzi stating "What freedom am I being offered while the organisation of the people [ANC] remains banned? Only free men can negotiate. A prisoner cannot enter into contracts."[155]

In 1985 Mandela underwent surgery on an enlarged prostate gland, before being given new solitary quarters on the ground floor.[1Sony PCG-7162L Battery


Sony PCG-7181L Battery56] He was met by "seven eminent persons", an international delegation sent to negotiate a settlement, but Botha's government refused to co-operate, in June calling a state of emergency and initiating a police crackdown on unrest. Sony PCG-7171L Battery


Sony PCG-7174L BatteryThe anti-apartheid resistance fought back, with the ANC committing 231 attacks in 1986 and 235 in 1987. Utilising the army and right-wing paramilitaries to combat the resistance, the government secretly funded Zulu nationalist movement Inkatha to attack ANC members, furthering the violence.[1Sony PCG-7172L Battery

Sony PCG-7173L Battery57] Mandela requested talks with Botha but was denied, instead secretly meeting with Minister of Justice Kobie Coetsee in 1987, having a further 11 meetings over 3 years. Coetsee organised negotiations between Mandela and a team of four government figures starting in May 1988; Sony PCG-71111L Battery


the team agreed to the release of political prisoners and the legalisation of the ANC on the condition that they permanently renounce violence, break links with the Communist Party and not insist on majority rule. Mandela rejected these conditions, insisting that the ANC would only end the armed struggle when the government renounced violence.[158] Sony PCG-81111L Battery


Sony PCG-81411L Battery

Mandela's 70th birthday in July 1988 attracted international attention, with the BBC organising the Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute music gig at London's Wembley Stadium.[159] Although presented globally as a heroic figure, Sony PCG-81112L Battery


Sony PCG-81314L Battery he faced personal problems when ANC leaders informed him that Winnie had set herself up as head of a criminal gang, the "Mandela United Football Club", who had been responsible for torturing and killing opponents – including children – in Soweto. Though some encouraged him to divorce her, he decided to remain loyal until she was found guilty by trial.[160]


Sony PCG-81313L Battery

Victor Verster Prison and release: 1988–1990



Mandela on a 1988 Soviet commemorative stamp

Recovering from tuberculosis caused by dank conditions in his cell,[161] in December 1988 Mandela was moved to Victor Verster Prison near Paarl. Here, he was housed in the relative comfort of a warders house with a personal cook, Sony PCG-81113L Battery


Sony PCG-81312L Batteryusing the time to complete his LLB degree.[162] Allowed many visitors, Mandela organised secret communications with exiled ANC leader Oliver Tambo.[163] In 1989, Botha suffered a stroke, retaining the state presidency but stepping down as leader of the National Party, to be replaced by the conservative F. W. de Klerk.[164] Sony PCG-81114L Battery

Sony PCG-81214L Battery

Sony PCG-81311L Battery In a surprise move, Botha invited Mandela to a meeting over tea in July 1989, an invitation Mandela considered genial.[165] Botha was replaced as state president by de Klerk six weeks later; Sony SVE1511A1EW battery

Sony SVE1513E9E battery the new president believed that apartheid was unsustainable and unconditionally released all ANC prisoners except Mandela.[166] Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, de Klerk called his cabinet together to debate legalising the ANC and freeing Mandela. Although some were deeply opposed to his plans, Sony SVE1511F1E battery

Sony SVE1513D1E batteryde Klerk met with Mandela in December to discuss the situation, a meeting both men considered friendly, before releasing Mandela unconditionally and legalising all formerly banned political parties on 2 February 1990.[167]

Leaving Victor Verster on 11 February, Mandela held Winnie's hand in front of amassed crowds and press; the event was broadcast live across the world.[1Sony SVE1511K1E battery
Sony SVE1511L1E battery

Sony SVE1513C5E battery68] Driven to Cape Town's City Hall through crowds, he gave a speech declaring his commitment to peace and reconciliation with the white minority, but made it clear that the ANC's armed struggle was not over, and would continue as "a purely defensive action against the violence of apartheid." Sony SVE1511M1E battery

Sony SVE1513C4E batteryHe expressed hope that the government would agree to negotiations, so that "there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle", and insisted that his main focus was to bring peace to the black majority and give them the right to vote in national and local elections.[16Sony SVE1511P1E battery

Sony SVE1512M1E battery] Staying at the home of Desmond Tutu, in the following days, Mandela met with friends, activists, and press, giving a speech to 100,000 people at Johannesburg's Soccer City.[170]

The end of apartheid


Main article: Negotiations to end apartheid in South Africa

Early negotiations: 1990–1991



Shell House in Johannesburg, which became ANC headquarters in 1991

Mandela proceeded on an African tour, meeting supporters and politicians in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Libya and Algeria, continuing to Sweden where he was reunited with Tambo, and then London, where he appeared at the Nelson Mandela: Sony SVE1511Q1E battery

Sony SVE1512K1E batteryAn International Tribute for a Free South Africa concert in Wembley Stadium.[171] Encouraging foreign countries to support sanctions against the apartheid government, in France he was welcomed by President François Mitterrand, in the Vatican City by Pope John Paul II, and in England he met Margaret Thatcher. Sony SVE1511V1E battery

Sony SVE1512J1E battery In the United States, he met President George H.W. Bush, addressed both Houses of Congress and visited eight cities, being particularly popular among the African-American community.[17Sony SVE1511W1E battery
Sony SVE1512B1E battery
Sony SVE1512C6E battery2] In Cuba he met President Fidel Castro, whom he had long emulated, with the two becoming friends.[173] In Asia he met President R. Venkataraman in India, President Suharto in Indonesia and Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in Malaysia, Sony SVE1513H1E battery

Sony VPCCA3E1E battery
 before visiting Australia and Japan; he notably did not visit the Soviet Union, a longtime ANC supporter.[174]

In May 1990, Mandela led a multiracial ANC delegation into preliminary negotiations with a government delegation of 11 Afrikaner males. Mandela impressed them with his discussions of Afrikaner history, and the negotiations led to the Groot Schuur Minute, Sony SVE1513Q1E battery

Sony VPCCB4X1E battery in which the government lifted the state of emergency. In August Mandela – recognising the ANC's severe military disadvantage – offered a ceasefire, the Pretoria Minute, for which he was widely criticised by MK activists.[175] He spent much time trying to unify and build the ANC, appearing at a Johannesburg conference in December attended by 1600 delegates, many of whom found him more moderate than expected. Sony SVE1711R1E battery
Sony SVE1711F1E battery

VPCCB3P1E battery [176] At the ANC's July 1991 national conference in Durban, Mandela admitted the party's faults and announced his aim in building a "strong and well-oiled task force" for securing majority rule. At the conference, he was elected ANC President, replacing the ailing Tambo, while a 50-strong multiracial, multi-gendered national executive was elected.[177] Sony SVE1711X1E battery

Sony VPCCB3 battery

Mandela was given an office in the newly purchased ANC headquarters at Shell House, central Johannesburg, while moving with Winnie to her large Soweto home.[178] Their marriage was increasingly strained as he learned of her affair with Dali Mpofu, Sony SVE1712Q1E battery
Sony SVE1712Z1E battery

Sony VPCCB2S1E battery but he supported her during her trial for kidnap and assault. He gained funding for her defence from International Defence and Aid and from Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, but in June 1991 she was found guilty and sentenced to six years, reduced to two on appeal. On 13 April 1992, Sony SVE1713C5E battery
Sony SVE1713S1E battery

Sony VPCCB2M1E batteryMandela publicly announced his separation from Winnie, while the ANC forced her to step down from the national executive for misappropriating ANC funds; Mandela moved into the mostly-white Johannesburg suburb of Houghton.[179] Mandela's reputation was further damaged by the increase in "black-on-black" violence, particularly between ANC and Inkatha supporters in KwaZulu-Natal, in which thousands died. Sony SVE1511A1EB battery
Sony SVE14A1S1EB battery

Sony VPCCB2M0E battery Mandela met with Inkatha leader Buthelezi, but the ANC prevented further negotiations on the issue. Mandela recognised that there was a "third force" within the state intelligence services fuelling the "slaughter of the people" and openly blamed de Klerk – whom he increasingly distrusted – for the Sebokeng massacre.[1Sony SVE14A1S1EP battery
Sony SVE1511Q1EB battery

Sony VPCCB2 battery80] In September 1991 a national peace conference was held in Johannesburg in which Mandela, Buthelezi and de Klerk signed a peace accord, though the violence continued.[181]

The CODESA talks: 1991–1992

The Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) began in December 1991 at the Johannesburg World Trade Center, attended by 228 delegates from 19 political parties. Although Cyril Ramaphosa led the ANC's delegation, Sony SVE1511R9ESI battery

Sony VPCCA3 battery Mandela remained a key figure, and after de Klerk used the closing speech to condemn the ANC's violence, he took to the stage to denounce him as "head of an illegitimate, discredited minority regime". Dominated by the National Party and ANC, little negotiation was achieved.[182] CODESA 2 was held in May 1992, Sony SVE1511V1EW battery
Sony SVE1511W1ESI battery

Sony VPCCA2Z0E batteryin which de Klerk insisted that post-apartheid South Africa must use a federal system with a rotating presidency to ensure the protection of ethnic minorities; Mandela opposed this, demanding a unitary system governed by majority rule.[183] Following the Boipatong massacre of ANC activists by government-aided Inkatha militants, Sony SVE14 battery

Sony VPCCA2S0E batteryMandela called off the negotiations, before attending a meeting of the Organisation of African Unity in Senegal, at which he called for a special session of the UN Security Council and proposed that a UN peacekeeping force be stationed in South Africa to prevent "state terrorism". Sony SVE14A1S1E battery
Sony SVE14A3C5E battery

Sony VPCCA2 batteryThe UN subsequently sent special envoy Cyrus Vance to the country to aid negotiations.[184] Calling for domestic mass action, in August the ANC organised the largest-ever strike in South African history, while supporters marched on Pretoria.[185]

Sony SVE15 battery


De Klerk and Mandela shake hands at the World Economic Forum, 1992

Following the Bisho massacre, in which 28 ANC supporters and one soldier were shot dead by the Ciskei Defence Force during a protest march, Sony SVE1511A1E battery
Sony SVE1511R9E battery

Sony VPCCA1S1E batteryMandela realised that mass action was leading to further violence and resumed negotiations in September. He agreed to do so on the conditions that all political prisoners be released, that Zulu traditional weapons be banned, Sony SVE1512X9E battery

Sony VPCCA1C5E battery and that Zulu hostels would be fenced off, the latter two measures to prevent further Inkatha attacks; under increasing pressure, de Klerk reluctantly agreed. The negotiations agreed that a multiracial general election would be held, Sony SVE1513A4E battery

Sony SVE17 battery resulting in a five-year coalition government of national unity and a constitutional assembly that gave the National Party continuing influence. The ANC also conceded to safeguarding the jobs of white civil servants; Sony SVE1513B1E battery

Sony SVE1513V1E battery
Sony SVE1713Z1E batterysuch concessions brought fierce internal criticism.[186] The duo agreed on an interim constitution, guaranteeing separation of powers, creating a constitutional court, and including a US-style bill of rights; Sony SVE1513B4E battery
Sony SVE1513M1E battery it also divided the country into nine provinces, each with its own premier and civil service, a concession between de Klerk's desire for federalism and Mandela's for unitary government.[187] Sony SVS13A1S9E battery
Sony SVS13A1X9E battery


The democratic process was threatened by the Concerned South Africans Group (COSAG), an alliance of far-right Afrikaner parties and black ethnic-secessionist groups like Inkatha; in June 1993 the white supremacist Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) attacked the Kempton Park World Trade Centre.[188] Following the murder of ANC leader Chris Hani, Sony SVS1312J3E battery

Sony VPCSB1V9E batteryMandela made a publicised speech to calm rioting, soon after appearing at a mass funeral in Soweto for Tambo, who had died from a stroke.[189] In July 1993, both Mandela and de Klerk visited the US, independently meeting President Bill Clinton and each receiving the Liberty Medal.[1Sony SVS1312P9E battery

Sony VPCSB1S1E battery90] Soon after, they were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Norway.[191] Influenced by young ANC leader Thabo Mbeki, Mandela began meeting with big business figures, and played down his support for nationalisation, Sony SVS1312S9E battery
Sony SVS1313C5E battery

Sony VPCSB1S1E battery fearing that he would scare away much-needed foreign investment. Although criticised by socialist ANC members, he was encouraged to embrace private enterprise by members of the Chinese and Vietnamese Communist parties at the January 1992 World Economic Forum in Switzerland.[19Sony SVS1313S9E battery

Sony VPCSB1B9E battery2] Mandela also made a cameo appearance as a schoolteacher reciting one of Malcolm X's speeches in the final scene of the 1992 film Malcolm X.[193]

General election: 1994

Main article: South African general election, 1994

Sony VPCSB1A9E battery


Mandela casting his vote in the 1994 elections.

With the election set for 27 April 1994, the ANC began campaigning, opening 100 election offices and hiring advisor Stanley Greenberg. Greenberg orchestrated the foundation of People's Forums across the country, at which Mandela could appear; Sony SVS1511S9E battery
Sony SVS1512X9E battery

Sony VPCSE2S1E battery though a poor public speaker, he was a popular figure with great status among black South Africans.[194] The ANC campaigned on a Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) to build a million houses in five years, introduce universal free education and extend access to water and electricity. The party's slogan was "a better life for all", although it was not explained how this development would be funded.[ Sony SVS13 battery

Sony VPCSE2M9E battery195] With the exception of the Weekly Mail and the New Nation, South Africa's press opposed Mandela's election, fearing continued ethnic strife, instead supporting the National or Democratic Party.[196] Mandela devoted much time to fundraising for the ANC, touring North America, Europe and Asia to meet wealthy donors, including former supporters of the apartheid regime.[19Sony SVS1511S3R battery
Sony VPCSA battery

Sony VPCSE2L9E battery7] He also urged a reduction in the voting age from 18 to 14; rejected by the ANC, this policy became the subject of ridicule.[198]

Concerned that COSAG would undermine the election, particularly in the wake of the Battle of Bop and Shell House Massacre Sony VPCSA3T9E battery

Sony VPCSE2J9E battery– incidents of violence involving the AWB and Inkatha, respectively – Mandela met with Afrikaner politicians and generals, including P.W. Botha, Pik Botha and Constand Viljoen, persuading many to work within the democratic system, and with de Klerk convinced Inkatha's Buthelezi to enter the elections rather than launch a war of secession.[199]
Sony VPCSE1Z9E batteryAs leaders of the two major parties, de Klerk and Mandela appeared on a televised debate; although de Klerk was widely considered the better speaker at the event, Mandela's offer to shake his hand surprised him, leading some commentators to consider it a victory for Mandela.[200] Sony VPCSB1X9E battery

Sony VPCSE1V9E batteryThe election went ahead with little violence, although an AWB cell killed 20 with car bombs. Mandela voted at the Ohlange High School in Durban, and though he was elected President, he publicly accepted that the election had been marred by instances of fraud and sabotage.[201] Sony VPCSB1Z9E battery
Sony VPCSE1E1E battery
Sony VPCSE1J1E battery Having taken 62% of the national vote, the ANC was just short of the two-thirds majority needed to change the constitution. The ANC was also victorious in 7 provinces, with Inkatha and the National Party each taking another.[202]

Presidency of South Africa: 1994–1999

Sony VPCSE battery

Main article: Presidency of Nelson Mandela

Mandela's inauguration took place in Pretoria on 10 May 1994, televised to a billion viewers globally. The event was attended by 4000 guests, including world leaders from disparate backgrounds.[203] South Africa's first black President, Mandela became head of a Government of National Unity dominated by the ANC – which alone had no experience of governance – but containing representatives from the National Party and Inkatha. In keeping with earlier agreements, de Klerk became first Deputy President, while Thabo Mbeki was selected as second.[204] Although Mbeki had not been his first choice for the job, Mandela would grow to rely heavily on him throughout his presidency, allowing him to organise policy details.[205] Moving into the presidential office at Tuynhuys in Cape Town, Mandela allowed de Klerk to retain the presidential residence in the Groote Schuur estate, Sony VPCSB2C5021B battery
Sony VPCSB2C5023W battery

Sony VPCSB4X9E batteryinstead settling into the nearby Westbrooke manor, which he renamed "Genadendal", meaning "Valley of Mercy" in Afrikaans.[206] Retaining his Houghton home, he also had a house built in his home village of Qunu, which he visited regularly, walking around the area, meeting with locals, and judging tribal disputes.[207] Sony VPCSB2L1E battery

Sony VPCSB4M9E battery



Mandela moved into the Presidential Office of Tuynhuys, Cape Town.

Aged 76, he faced various ailments, and although exhibiting continued energy, he felt isolated and lonely.[208
Sony VPCSB4L1E battery] He often entertained celebrities, such as Michael Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and the Spice Girls, and befriended a number of ultra-rich businessman, like Harry Oppenheimer of Anglo-American, as well as British monarch Elizabeth II on her March 1995 state visit to South Africa, resulting in strong criticism from ANC anti-capitalists.[20Sony VPCSB2M9E battery
Sony VPCSB3X9E battery9] Despite his opulent surroundings, Mandela lived simply, donating a third of his 552,000 rand annual income to the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, which he had founded in 1995.[210
Sony VPCSB3T9E battery] Although speaking out in favour of freedom of the press and befriending many journalists, Mandela was critical of much of the country's media, noting that it was overwhelmingly owned and run by middle-class whites and believing that it focused too much on scaremongering around crime.[2

Sony VPCSB3S9E battery11] Changing clothes several times a day, after assuming the presidency, one of Mandela's trademarks was his use of Batik shirts, known as "Madiba shirts", even on formal occasions.[212]
Sony VPCSB3N9E battery

In December 1994, Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, was finally published.[213] In late 1994 he attended the 49th conference of the ANC in Bloemfontein, at which a more militant National Executive was elected, Sony VPCSB3L9E battery
Sony VPCSB3M9E batteryamong them Winnie Mandela; although she expressed an interest in reconciling, Nelson initiated divorce proceedings in August 1995.[21Sony VPCSA3M9E battery
Sony VPCSA3N9E battery

Sony SVE151C11M battery 4] By 1995 he had entered into a relationship with Graça Machel, a Mozambican political activist 27 years his junior who was the widow of former president Samora Machel. They had first met in July 1990, when she was still in mourning, but their friendship grew into a partnership, with Machel accompanying him on many of his foreign visits. She turned down Mandela's first marriage proposal, wanting to retain some independence and dividing her time between Mozambique and Johannesburg.[215] Sony VPCSA3S9E battery
Sony VPCSA3X9E battery

Sony SVE171A11M battery

National reconciliation

Presiding over the transition from apartheid minority rule to a multicultural democracy, Mandela saw national reconciliation as the primary task of his presidency.[216] Having seen other post-colonial African economies damaged by the departure of white elites, Mandela worked to reassure South Africa's white population that they were protected and represented in "the Rainbow Nation".[Sony VPCSA3Z9E battery
Sony VPCSA4W9E battery

Sony VPCSA2Z9E battery217] Mandela attempted to create the broadest possible coalition in his cabinet, with de Klerk as first Deputy President while other National Party officials became ministers for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, and Minerals and Energy, and Buthelezi was named Minister for Home Affairs.[218Sony VPCSB battery
Sony SVS13A1V9E battery

Sony SVS15 battery] The other cabinet positions were taken by ANC members, many of whom – like Joe Modise, Alfred Nzo, Joe Slovo, Mac Maharaj and Dullah Omar – had long been comrades, although others, such as Tito Mboweni and Jeff Radebe, were much younger.[219] Mandela's relationship with de Klerk was strained; Sony SVS13A1Y9E battery

Sony vgp-bpsc24 battery
Sony VPCSD1S1C batteryMandela thought that de Klerk was intentionally provocative, while de Klerk felt that he was being intentionally humiliated by the president. In January 1995, Mandela heavily chastised him for awarding amnesty to 3,500 police just before the election, and later criticised him for defending former Minister of Defence Magnus Malan when the latter was charged with murder.[220] Sony SVS13A1Z9E battery

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Flag of South Africa, adopted April 1994

Mandela personally met with senior figures of the apartheid regime, including Hendrik Verwoerd's widow Betsie Schoombie and the lawyer Percy Yutar; emphasising personal forgiveness and reconciliation, Sony SVS1311F3E battery
Sony SVS1311G4E battery

Sony VPCSE2E1E battery he announced that "courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace."[221] He encouraged black South Africans to get behind the previously hated national rugby team, the Springboks, as South Africa hosted the 1995 Rugby World Cup. After the Springboks won an epic final over New Zealand, Mandela presented the trophy to captain Francois Pienaar, Sony SVS1311K9E battery

Sony VPCSE2C5E batteryan Afrikaner, wearing a Springbok shirt with Pienaar's own number 6 on the back. This was widely seen as a major step in the reconciliation of white and black South Africans; as de Klerk later put it, Sony SVS1311N9E battery

Sony VPCSE1X9E battery"Mandela won the hearts of millions of white rugby fans."[222] Mandela's efforts at reconciliation assuaged the fears of whites, but also drew criticism from more militant blacks. His estranged wife, Winnie, accused the ANC of being more interested in appeasing whites than in helping blacks.[223] Sony SVS1311Q9E battery
Sony SVS1311S9E battery

Sony SVS1511X9E battery

More controversially, Mandela oversaw the formation of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate crimes committed under apartheid by both the government and the ANC, appointing Desmond Tutu as its chair. Sony SVS1313P9E battery

Sony SVS1511V9E batteryTo prevent the creation of martyrs, the Commission granted individual amnesties in exchange for testimony of crimes committed during the apartheid era. Dedicated in February 1996, it held two years of hearings detailing rapes, Sony SVS1511L3E battery
Sony SVS1511Q9E battery
Sony SVS1511S2C battery
Sony SVS1511T9E battery torture, bombings, and assassinations, before issuing its final report in October 1998. Both de Klerk and Mbeki appealed to have parts of the report suppressed, though only de Klerk's appeal was successful.[22Sony SVS1511L3E battery
Sony SVS1511Q9E battery
Sony SVS1511S2C battery
Sony SVS1511T9E battery4] Mandela praised the Commission's work, stating that it "had helped us move away from the past to concentrate on the present and the future".[225]

Domestic programs

Sony SVS151A12M battery

Mandela on a visit to Brazil in 1998

Mandela's administration inherited a country with a huge disparity in wealth and services between white and black communities. Of a population of 40 million, around 23 million lacked electricity or adequate sanitation,

Sony SVS151A11M battery12 million lacked clean water supplies, with 2 million children not in school and a third of the population illiterate. There was 33% unemployment, and just under half of the population lived below the poverty line.[22Sony SVS13AA11M battery
Sony SVS131B12M battery6] Government financial reserves were nearly depleted, with a fifth of the national budget being spent on debt repayment, meaning that the extent of the promised Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) was scaled back, Sony PCG-4121DM battery

Sony PCG-4121GM battery
 with none of the proposed nationalisation or job creation.[227] Instead, the government adopted liberal economic policies designed to promote foreign investment, adhering to the "Washington consensus" advocated by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.[228]

Under Mandela's presidency, welfare spending increased by 13% in 1996/97, 13% in 1997/98, and 7% in 1998/99.[2Sony PCG-4121EM battery
Sony PCG-41211M battery

Sony PCG-41214M battery29] The government introduced parity in grants for communities, including disability grants, child maintenance grants, and old-age pensions, which had previously been set at different levels for South Africa's different racial groups.[229] Sony PCG-41213M battery
Sony PCG-41414M battery In 1994, free healthcare was introduced for children under six and pregnant women, a provision extended to all those using primary level public sector health care services in 1996.[230] Sony PCG-41218M battery
By the 1999 election, the ANC could boast that due to their policies, 3 million people were connected to telephone lines, 1.5 million children were brought into the education system, 500 clinics were upgraded or constructed, Sony VGP-BPS13 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21B battery2 million people were connected to the electricity grid, water access was extended to 3 million people, and 750,000 houses were constructed, housing nearly 3 million people.[231]


Sony VGP-BPS21A battery

The Land Restitution Act of 1994 enabled people who had lost their property as a result of the Natives Land Act, 1913 to claim back their land, leading to the settlement of tens of thousands of land claims.[232]


Sony VGP-BPS21 battery The Land Reform Act 3 of 1996 safeguarded the rights of labour tenants who live and grow crops or graze livestock on farms. This legislation ensured that such tenants could not be evicted without a court order or if they were over the age of sixty-five.[23


Sony VGP-BPL21 battery3] The Skills Development Act of 1998 provided for the establishment of mechanisms to finance and promote skills development at the workplace.[234] The Labour Relations Act of 1995 promoted workplace democracy, orderly collective bargaining, and the effective resolution of labour disputes.[2Sony VGP-BPS13B/Q battery

Sony VGP-BPS13/Q battery


Sony VGP-BPS13B/B battery35] The Basic Conditions of Employment Act of 1997 improved enforcement mechanisms while extending a "floor" of rights to all workers,[235] while the Employment Equity Act of 1998 was passed to put an end to unfair discrimination and ensure the implementation of affirmative action in the workplace.[23Sony VGP-BPS13A/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS13B battery5]

Many domestic problems however remained. Critics like Edwin Cameron accused Mandela's government of doing little to stem the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the country; by 1999, 10% of South Africa's population were HIV positive. Mandela later admitted that he had personally neglected the issue, leaving it for Mbeki to deal with.[236Sony VGP-BPS13/S battery


Sony VGP-BPS13AB battery] Mandela also received criticism for failing to sufficiently combat crime, with South Africa having one of the world's highest crime rates; this was a key reason cited by the 750,000 whites who emigrating in the late 1990s.[23Sony VGP-BPS13/B battery


Sony VGP-BPS13A/R battery7] Mandela's administration was mired in corruption scandals, with Mandela being perceived as "soft" on corruption and greed.[238]

Foreign affairs



Mandela with US President Bill Clinton. Though publicly criticising him on several occasions, Mandela liked Clinton, and personally supported him during his impeachment proceedings.[239]

Following the South African example, Mandela encouraged other nations to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and reconciliation.[24Sony VGP-BPS13B/S battery


Sony VGP-BPS13A/Q battery0] He echoed Mbeki's calls for an "African Renaissance", and was greatly concerned with issues on the continent; he took a soft diplomatic approach to removing Sani Abacha's military junta in Nigeria but later became a leading figure in calling for sanctions when Abacha's regime increased human rights violations.[2Sony VGP-BPS13A battery


Sony VGP-BPS13S battery41] In 1996 he was appointed Chairman of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and initiated unsuccessful negotiations to end the First Congo War in Zaire.[242] Sony VGP-BPS13A/S battery

Sony VGP-BPS13AS batteryIn South Africa's first post-apartheid military operation, Mandela ordered troops into Lesotho in September 1998 to protect the government of Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili after a disputed election prompted opposition uprisings.[243] Sony VGP-BPL8 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS13A Battery

In September 1998, Mandela was appointed Secretary-General of the Non-Aligned Movement, who held their annual conference in Durban. He used the event to criticise the "narrow, chauvinistic interests" of the Israeli government in stalling negotiations to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and urged India and Pakistan to negotiate to end the Kashmir conflict, for which he was criticised by both Israel and India.[244Sony VGP-BPL9 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS13 Battery] Inspired by the region's economic boom, Mandela sought greater economic relations with East Asia, in particular with Malaysia, although this was scuppered by the 1997 Asian financial crisis.[2Sony VGP-BPL10 Battery

45] He attracted controversy for his close relationship with Indonesian President Suharto, whose regime was responsible for mass human rights abuses, although privately urged him to withdraw from the occupation of East Timor.[246] Sony VGP-BPL11 Battery


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Mandela faced similar criticism from the west for his personal friendships with Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi. Castro visited in 1998, to widespread popular acclaim, while Mandela met Gaddafi in Libya to award him the Order of Good Hope.[247] When western governments and media criticised these visits, Sony VGP-BPL12 Battery


Sony VGP-BPS12 BatteryMandela lambasted the criticisms as having racist undertones.[248] Mandela hoped to resolve the long-running dispute between Libya and the US and Britain over bringing to trial the two Libyans, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi and Lamin Khalifah Fhimah, Sony VGP-BPL13 Battery

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Sony VGP-BPS11 Battery who were indicted in November 1991 and accused of sabotaging Pan Am Flight 103. Mandela proposed that they be tried in a third country, which was agreed to by all parties; governed by Scots law, the trial was held at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands in April 1999, and found one of the two men guilty.[249] Sony VGP-BPL14/B Battery


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Withdrawing from politics

The new Constitution of South Africa was agreed upon by parliament in May 1996, enshrining a series of institutions to check political and administrative authority within a constitutional democracy.[250]


Sony VGP-BPS9 Battery De Klerk however opposed the implementation of this constitution, withdrawing from the coalition government in protest.[25Sony VGP-BPL14B Battery


Sony VGP-BPS8 Battery1] The ANC took over the cabinet positions formerly held by the National Party, with Mbeki becoming sole Deputy President.[252] When both Mandela and Mbkei were out of the country in one occasion, Buthelezi was appointed "Acting President", marking an improvement in his relationship with Mandela.[253] Sony VGP-BPL14/S Battery


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Mandela stepped down as ANC President at the December 1997 conference, and although hoping that Ramaphosa would replace him, the ANC elected Mbeki to the position; Mandela admitted that by then, Sony VGP-BPL15 Battery

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Sony VGP-BPL15/S Battery Mbeki had become "de facto President of the country". Replacing Mbeki as Deputy President, Mandela and the Executive supported the candidacy of Jacob Zuma, a Zulu who had been imprisoned on Robben Island, but he was challenged by Winnie, Sony VGP-BPS13A/B Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21A/B Battery whose populist rhetoric had gained her a strong following within the party; Zuma defeated her in a landslide victory vote at the election.[254]

Mandela's relationship with Machel had intensified; in February 1998 he publicly stated that "I'm in love with a remarkable lady", Sony VGP-BPS13B/B Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21/S Batteryand under pressure from his friend Desmond Tutu, who urged him to set an example for young people, he set a wedding for his 80th birthday, in July.[255] The following day he held a grand party with many foreign dignitaries.[256] Mandela had never planned on standing for a second term in office, and gave his farewell speech on 29 March 1999, after which he retired.[257] Sony VGP-BPS13/B Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21B Battery



Continued activism: 1999–2004



Mandela visiting the London School of Economics in 2000

Retiring in June 1999, Mandela sought a quiet family life, to be divided between Johannesburg and Qunu. He set about authoring a sequel to his first autobiography, to be titled The Presidential Years, but it was abandoned before publication.[2Sony VGP-BPS13B/S Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21A Battery58] Finding such seclusion difficult, he reverted to a busy public life with a daily programme of tasks, meeting with world leaders and celebrities, and when in Johannesburg worked with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, founded in 1999 to focus on combating HIV/AIDS, rural development and school construction.[259] Sony VGP-BPS13B/Q Battery


Sony VGP-BPS21 BatteryAlthough he had been heavily criticised for failing to do enough to fight the pandemic during his presidency, he devoted much of his time to the issue following his retirement, describing it as "a war" that had killed more than "all previous wars", and urged Mbeki's government to ensure that HIV+ South Africans had access to retrovirals.[26


Sony VGP-BPS15/S Battery0] In 2000, the Nelson Mandela Invitational charity golf tournament was founded, hosted by Gary Player.[261] Mandela was successfully treated for prostate cancer in July 2001.[262] Sony VGP-BPS13/Q Battery


Sony VGP-BPS15/B Battery

In 2002, Mandela inaugurated the Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture, and in 2003 the Mandela Rhodes Foundation was created at Rhodes House, University of Oxford, to provide postgraduate scholarships to African students. These projects were followed by the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and the 46664 campaign against HIV/AIDS. Sony VGP-BSP13/S Battery


Sony VGP-BPS15 Battery [263] He gave the closing address at the XIII International AIDS Conference in Durban in 2000,[264] and in 2004, spoke at the XV International AIDS Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.[265]


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Publicly, Mandela became more vocal in criticising Western powers. He strongly opposed the 1999 NATO intervention in Kosovo and called it an attempt by the world's powerful nations to police the entire world.[26

Sony VGP-BPS14B Battery6] In 2003 he spoke out against the plans for the US and UK to launch the War in Iraq, describing it as "a tragedy" and lambasting US President George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair for undermining the UN. Sony VGP-BPS14 Battery

Sony VGP-BPS14/B Battery

He attacked the US more generally, asserting that it had committed more "unspeakable atrocities" across the world than any other nation, citing the atomic bombing of Japan; this attracted international controversy, Sony SVS13A1S9E battery

Sony VPCSB1X9E battery although he would subsequently reconcile his relationship with Blair.[267] Retaining an interest in Libyan-UK relations, he visited Megrahi in Barlinnie prison, and spoke out against the conditions of his treatment, referring to them as "psychological persecution."[268]

"Retiring from retirement": 2004–presentSony SVS13A1X9E battery

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In June 2004, aged 85 and amid failing health, Mandela announced that he was "retiring from retirement" and retreating from public life, remarking "Don't call me, I will call you."[269Sony SVS1312J3E battery

Sony SVS1511S3R battery] Although continuing to meet with close friends and family, the Foundation discouraged invitations for him to appear at public events and denied most interview requests.[270]
Sony SVS13 battery He retained some involvement in international affairs and encouraged Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe to resign over growing human rights abuses in the country. When this proved ineffective, he spoke out publicly against Mugabe in 2007, asking him to step down "with residual respect and a modicum of dignity."[ Sony SVS1312P9E battery

Sony SVS1512X9E battery271] That year, Mandela, Machel, and Desmond Tutu convened a group of world leaders in Johannesburg to contribute their wisdom and independent leadership to some of the world's toughest problems. Mandela announced the formation of this new group, The Elders, in a speech delivered on his 89th birthday.[272] Sony SVS1312S9E battery

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Mandela with wife Graça Machel and Indian guru Sri Chinmoy

Mandela's 90th birthday was marked across the country on 18 July 2008, with the main celebrations held at Qunu,[273Sony SVS1313C5E battery
Sony SVS1313S9E battery] and a concert in his honour in Hyde Park, London.[274] In a speech marking the event, Mandela called for the rich to help the poor across the world.[273] Throughout Mbeki's presidency, Mandela continued to support the ANC, although usually overshadowed Mbeki at any public events that the two attended. Sony vgp-bps24 battery

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 Mandela was more at ease with Mbeki's successor Jacob Zuma, although the Nelson Mandela Foundation were upset when his grandson, Chief Mandla Mandela, flew him out to the Eastern Cape to attend a pro-Zuma rally in the midst of a storm in 2009.[275] Sony vgp-bpsc24 battery
Sony VPCSD1S1C battery

Since 2004, Mandela had successfully campaigned for South Africa to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup, declaring that there would be "few better gifts for us in the year" marking a decade since the fall of apartheid. Sony SVS15 battery

Sony PCG-41214M battery Despite maintaining a low-profile during the event, Mandela made a rare public appearance during the closing ceremony, where he received a "rapturous reception".[276]


In February 2011, he was briefly hospitalised with a respiratory infection, attracting international attention,[277] before being re-hospitalised for a lung infection and gallstone removal in in December 2012.[27Sony VPCSA2Z9E battery

Sony PCG-41414M battery8] After a successful medical procedure in early March 2013,[279] his lung infection reoccurred, and he was briefly hospitalised in Pretoria.[280]

On 8 June 2013, his lung infection worsened, and he was rehospitalized in Pretoria in a serious condition.[281Sony SVS13AA11M battery
] After four days, it was reported that he had stabilized and remained in a "serious, but stable condition".[282] En route to the hospital, his ambulance broke down and was stranded on the roadside for 40 minutes; Sony SVS131B12M battery

Sony PCG-41213M battery
Sony PCG-41218M battery the South African government was criticized for the incident when it confirmed the report several weeks later, but President Jacob Zuma countered that "There were seven doctors in the convoy who were in full control of the situation throughout the period. He had expert medical care."[283] Sony SVS151A11M battery

Sony PCG-41211M battery

On 22 June 2013, CBS News stated that he had not opened his eyes in days and was unresponsive, and the family was discussing just how much medical intervention should be given.[284] (Former bodyguard Shaun van Heerden, described by CBS News as "Mandela's constant companion for the last 12 years", had publicly asked the family to "set him free" a week prior).[285] Sony SVS151A12M battery

Sony PCG-4121EM battery

On 23 June 2013, President Jacob Zuma issued a statement saying that Mandela's condition had become "critical".[286][287][288] Zuma, accompanied by the Deputy President of the ANC, Cyril Ramaphosa, met Mandela's wife Graça Machel at the hospital in Pretoria and discussed his condition.[289].
Sony PCG-4121DM battery

On 25 June 2013, Cape Town Archbishop Thabo Makgoba visited Mandela at the hospital and prayed with Graça Machel Mandela "at this hard time of watching and waiting".[290]

On 26 June 2013, Sony SVS1311E3EW battery
South Africa's President Jacob Zuma visited Mandela in the hospital and canceled a visit scheduled for the next day to Mozambique.[291] A relative of Mandela told The Daily Telegraph newspaper he is on life support.[292] Sony SVS1311P9EB battery

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Personal and public life



Across the world, Mandela came to be seen as "a moral authority" with a great "concern for truth".[293] Considered friendly and welcoming, Mandela exhibited a "relaxed charm" when talking to others, including his opponents.[294] Sony SVS1511L3ES battery
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Sony VPCSE2F1E batteryAlthough often befriending millionaires and dignitaries, he enjoyed talking with their staff when at official functions.[295] Sony SVS1511N3ES battery

Sony VPCSB4S9E battery In later life, he was known for looking for the best in everyone, even defending political opponents to his allies, though some thought him too trusting of others.[296] He was renowned for his stubbornness and loyalty,[297Sony SVS1511T9ES battery
Sony SVS1511V9EB battery

Sony VPCSA3Q9E battery] and exhibited a "hot temper" which could flare up in anger in certain situations, also being "moody and dejected" away from the public eye.[298] He also had a mischievous sense of humour.[299] The 14th Dalai Lama is a long-time friend of former president Nelson Mandela. Sony SVS1511V9ES battery
Sony SVS1511W9EB battery

Very conscious of his image, throughout his life he sought fine quality clothes, carrying himself in a "regal style" stemming from his childhood in the Thembu royal house, and during his presidency was often compared to a constitutional monarch.[ Dell XPS 14 battery

Dell Latitude E5520 battery


300] Considered a "master of imagery and performance", he excelled at presenting himself well in press photographs and producing soundbites.[301]

Political ideology



A "Free Mandela" protest in Berlin, 1986

Mandela was an African nationalist, an ideological position he held since joining the ANC,[302] also being "a democrat, and a socialist".[30Dell XPS 15 battery
Dell XPS 17 battery
eches, Mandela was a devout believer in democracy and would abide by majority decisions even when deeply disagreeing with them.[304] He held a conviction that "inclusivity, accountability and freedom of speech" were the fundamentals of democracy,[305] and was driven by a belief in natural and human rights.[306] Dell XPS L401X battery

Dell Latitude E5420 battery3] Although he presented himself in an autocratic manner in several spe

A democratic socialist, Mandela was "openly opposed to capitalism, private land-ownership and the power of big money".[3Dell XPS L501X battery

Dell Latitude E5220 battery07] Influenced by Marxism, during the revolution Mandela advocated scientific socialism,[308] although he denied being a communist during the Treason Trial.[309] Biographer David James Smith thought this untrue, stating that Mandela "embraced communism and communists" in the late 1950s and early 1960s, Dell XPS L502X battery
Dell XPS L701X battery
though was a "fellow traveller" rather than a party member.[310] In the 1955 Freedom Charter, which Mandela had helped create, it called for the nationalisation of banks, gold mines, and land, believing it necessary to ensure equal distribution of wealth.[31Dell XPS L702X battery
1] Despite these beliefs, Mandela nationalised nothing during his presidency, fearing that this would scare away foreign investors. This decision was in part influenced by the fall of the socialist states in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc during the early 1990s.[312] Dell XPS M1210 battery
Dell XPS M1330 battery


Mandela has been married three times, has fathered six children, As of April 2013 has 17 grandchildren,[313] and a growing number of great-grandchildren.[314] Considered physically undemonstrative with his children, he could be stern and demanding of them, although was more affectionate with his grandchildren.[315] Dell XPS M140 battery

Dell Latitude E6430s battery

Mandela's first marriage was to Evelyn Ntoko Mase, who was also from the Transkei, although they met in Johannesburg before being married in October 1944.[54] The couple broke up in 1957 after 13 years, divorcing under the multiple strains of his adultery and constant absences, devotion to revolutionary agitation, Dell XPS M1530 battery
Dell XPS M1730 battery

Dell Latitude E6430 battery and the fact that she was a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, a religion requiring political neutrality.[86] The couple had two sons, Madiba "Thembi" Thembekile (1946–1969) and Makgatho Mandela (1950–2005), Dell XPS M2010 battery

Dell Latitude E6330 battery and two daughters, both named Makaziwe Mandela (known as Maki; born 1947 and 1953). Their first daughter died aged nine months, and they named their second daughter in her honour.[316Dell Latitude E4200 battery

Dell Latitude E6320 battery] Mase died in 2004, and Mandela attended her funeral.[317] Makgatho's son, Mandla Mandela, became chief of the Mvezo tribal council in 2007.[318]

Mandela's second wife, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, also came from the Transkei area, although they, too, met in Johannesburg, where she was the city's first black social worker.[3Dell Latitude E5400 battery

Dell Latitude E6230 battery19] They had two daughters, Zenani (Zeni), born 4 February 1958, and Zindziswa (Zindzi) Mandela-Hlongwane, born 1960.[319] Zindzi was only 18 months old when her father was sent to Robben island. Later, Winnie would be deeply torn by family discord which mirrored the country's political strife; Dell Latitude E5410 battery
Dell Latitude E5510 battery

Dell Latitude E6220 batterywhile her husband was serving a life sentence in the Robben Island prison, her father became the agriculture minister in the Transkei.[319] The marriage ended in separation (April 1992) and divorce (March 1996), Dell Latitude E5500 battery

Dell Latitude E6210 batteryfueled by political estrangement.[320] Mandela was still in prison when his daughter Zenani was married in 1973 to Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini, a brother of both King Mswati III of Swaziland[321] Dell Latitude E6400 battery
Dell Latitude E6400 ATG battery

Dell Latitude E6120 batteryand of Queen Mantfombi of the Zulus.[322] Although she had vivid memories of her father, from the age of four up until sixteen, South African authorities did not permit her to visit him.[323] In July 2012, Zenani was appointed ambassador to Argentina, becoming the first of Mandela's three remaining children to enter public life.[324Dell Latitude E6500 battery

Dell Latitude E6510 battery]

Mandela remarried on his 80th birthday in 1998, to Graça Machel (née Simbine), widow of Samora Machel, the former Mozambican president and ANC ally who was killed in an air crash 12 years earlier.[325] Dell Latitude E4300 battery

Dell Latitude E6500 battery





Mandela Family Museum, Soweto

Within South Africa, Mandela was often referred to by his Xhosa clan name of Madiba.[326][327]

Orders, decorations and monuments

Main article: List of awards and honours bestowed upon Nelson Mandela

Within South Africa, Mandela is widely considered to be "the father of the nation",[328] and "the founding father of democracy",[329] Dell Latitude E4310 battery

Dell Latitude E6410 ATG batterybeing seen as "the national liberator, the saviour, its Washington and Lincoln rolled into one".[330] In 2004, Johannesburg granted Mandela the freedom of the city,[331] with Sandton Square being renamed Nelson Mandela Square, after a Mandela statue was installed there.[33Dell Latitude E4320 battery
Dell Latitude E6400 XFR battery
Dell Latitude E6410 battery2] In 2008, another Mandela statue was unveiled at Groot Drakenstein Correctional Centre, formerly Victor Verster Prison, near Cape Town, standing on the spot where Mandela was released from the prison.[333] Sony SVE17 battery
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He has also received international acclaim. In 1993, he received the joint Nobel Peace Prize with de Klerk.[334] In November 2009, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed Mandela's birthday, 18 July, as "Mandela Day", Sony VPCCA1S1E battery

Sony VPCCA3E1E battery

marking his contribution to the anti-apartheid struggle. It called on individuals to donate 67 minutes to doing something for others, commemorating the 67 years that Mandela had been a part of the movement.[335] Sony VPCCA2 battery

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Awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom,[336] and the Order of Canada,[337] he was the first living person to be made an honorary Canadian citizen.[338] The last reciprocent of the Soviet Union's Lenin Peace Prize from the Soviet Union,[339Sony VPCCA2S0E battery

VPCCB3P1E battery] in 1990 he received the Bharat Ratna Award from the government of India,[340] and in 1992 received Pakistan's Nishan-e-Pakistan.[341Sony VPCCA2Z0E battery

Sony VPCCB3 battery] In 1992 he was awarded the Atatürk Peace Award by Turkey. He refused the award, citing human rights violations committed by Turkey at the time,[342] but later accepted the award in 1999.[339] Elizabeth II awarded him the Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St. John and the Order of Merit.[343] Sony VPCCA3 battery

Artistic tributes



Nelson Mandela Bridge in Johannesburg

Many artists have dedicated songs to Mandela. One of the most popular was from The Special AKA who recorded the song "Free Nelson Mandela" in 1983, Sony VPCCB2 battery

Sony VPCCB2S1E batterywhich Elvis Costello also recorded and had a hit with. Stevie Wonder dedicated his 1985 Oscar for the song "I Just Called to Say I Love You" to Mandela, resulting in his music being banned by the South African Broadcasting Corporation.[34Sony VPCCB2M0E battery
Sony VPCCB2M1E battery4] In 1985, Youssou N'Dour's album Nelson Mandela was the Senegalese artist's first US release. Other artists who released songs or videos honouring Mandela include Johnny Clegg,[345] Hugh Masekela,[346] Brenda Fassie,[347] Beyond,[348] Nickelback,[349] Raffi,[350] and Ampie du Preez and AB de Villiers.[351] Sony SVS13 battery

Sony VPCSA3T9E battery

Cinema and television

Mandela has been depicted in cinema and television on multiple occasions. The 1997 film Mandela and de Klerk starred Sidney Poitier as Mandela,[352] while Dennis Haysbert played him in Goodbye Bafana (2007).[353] Sony SVS1511S3R battery
Sony VPCSA battery In the 2009 BBC television film Mrs Mandela, Nelson Mandela was portrayed by David Harewood,[354] and Morgan Freeman portrayed him in Invictus (2009).[355]

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